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Everything posted by Xra

  1. Will opened his eyes. he was on a bed with his brother looking at him worried. E4 Will: I shoulda known you'd do that. How ya feeling? Will: Ok. Ooh my head. E4 Will: That guy hit you against the wall pretty badly. Will: Oh the pokemon, bro did you tell everyone about your discovery? E4 Will: No, but I will. Now rest and don't worry...
  2. Hmm sounds good...[spoiler]Man, there goes the tiny gift[/spoiler]
  3. Hello, I was wondering if you could add more vb tags to your current list like highlights or shadow. Or maybe update your older ones, like add new fonts 'n stuff. Is it possible, or do you not wish to for some reason? That's all for now.
  4. Sounds good, but I have a question: Are both of your characters anywhere muscular? If not, tey seem like they would be in contest 2: Survival of the Coolest. Maybe if you want to or you disagree, you can edit your posts. That's all. O yeah, people this will take place on earth, but idon't know what reigon yet.
  5. Hmmm, not exactly a survivor thing, but may include some qualities like one. "Hiya folks! Its me, Xra, and I'm lookin for some new recruits to my team!" *Crowd Applauds*(corny, but it fits) "Ok, ok. This will be our first recruit for the team(say if wanna know what the team is and what are my plans AIM me) and we hope to have more. Our first contest will be Survival of the Toughest and as the name suggests, we are lookin for a tough person to join our team. Not just any person, but the [U][B]Strongest,[/u][/b] most [b][U]Persistant,[/U][/b] and [b][U]Diligent[/U][/b] person to help us on our adventures. We will put you all through many a test and if you get knocked off da list, well pack your bags, you're goin' home." "Haha! Bro, don't let 'em down like that. Name's Xion and there are some things good you may like. The one who wins will be featured in a plan for a future webcomic with the sideshow gang...wait a minute, they will be a part of the sideshow gang and help judge the next recruit. There will also be a small gift you may like. You try hard, you may get the prize." *Crowd Applauds* "Both of you forgot something important. I'm Kray, and here comes the technical things. Up to 10 of the toughest will be allowed to participate and its first come, first serve to be in. Try to put effort into your registration form so we have lively competiton. I bet you wish to see the registration form, so here it is: Name: Age: Detailed Descritpion: Sex: Detailed Bio: Race: *alien, creature, just has to be believable and humaniod* Weapon*optional*: And that's it, keep it real, keep it lively, and keep tryin'." Xra-"That's it folks. Best of luck to ya all in [b][u][color=crimson]Xra's Cast Contest 1: Survival of the Toughest!!!![/b][/u][/color]
  6. "This gets dull," Hiiryu remarked. "CAN SOMEONE HELP!!?!?! I CAN'T REACH MY SWORD AND I'M STUCK IN THIS MOUNTAIN GLITCH!!![SIZE=4]HELLLLP!!!!!!![/SIZE] He continued to stuggle and it didn't seem like the mounian was gonna go transparent again...
  7. Well...heh I found a link,,and uh heh..nothing I expected. Yeah as mentioned before, this is a great song... EDIT: Whoops, not allowed. I'll just hyperlink the zip. Is that better? [URL=http://www.otakuproductions.org/AMVs/Beer.zip]HERE[/URL]
  8. Hiiryu continued through the mountians. He found no sign of anything and was pretty much going in circles. All of a sudden, the mountain flickers out and he starts falling, but then it came back and he was stuck in a glitch, wit no way out. "HEEEEEEEELLLP!!!" He roared desprately. His sword was stuck and the mountain seemed pretty solid right now. "This is certainly not for what I hoped for when I tried this game."...
  9. Xra


    Jeeze...now I'll tell you about my easter day. So I drive around with pa for a half an hour, looking for something to do. hen we go to this crowded restaurant with a whole lot of family, half of them i didn't know. Then my grandma gives me raisins and a 10 dolla check. Boy, this was some day.
  10. Will: Damn he's too strong. Gotta try harder. E4 Will: Wait Will he's too strong!! Will ignored his brother and tried again. He ended up back on the wall, knocked out....
  11. First I would like to say, HAPPY EASTER PEOPLES!!! Now I would like to ask about your holidays and why and how do you celebrate them. Like for instance: I celebrate Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Easter, Mother and Father's day, Presidents day, 4 of July, New Years, mainly because many english christians celebrate Thanksgiving, Easter, and Christmas, and I'm one to celebrate those other holidays cause i love a good day off. I'm pretty sure everyone knows how to celebrate all those holidays. So, what about you and your traditional holidays?
  12. Hiiryu continued to walk around obliviously. There was barely anyone around and half the monsters he'd encounter would vanish within seconds. "This game's too wierd to be an online game," the warrior remarked. "I can't even log out and it seems as if everyone ditched this game. Why didn't I log out before and how come my levels are almost maxed. Hmmm..." Hiiryu continued to wander around. As he continued, the scenery seemed to change into a mountain region. Although, the mountains didn't look to stable...
  13. Xra


    you got it spike. one of us will start it.
  14. Xra


    This seems like enough people, but i cant say anything untill spike comes on... ...Oh yeah...WHY JAMES [SIZE=4]WHY!!![/SIZE] MUST YOU ALWAYS CONTEST MY PLANS!!! [SIZE=1]..even though it's the first time, but it's the principle of the thing....[/size] So yeah, this will start soon. And hopefully it wont fail before James' RP.
  15. Xra


    go to gameFAQ's website and search for the games, you'll eventually find them.
  16. Xra


    Ok, I kinda found out number 2 a little before you posted so don't bother. And thanks for the list. [SIZE=1]Now where's that gameshark....[/SIZE]
  17. Xra


    Ok, In need of assistance. 1. Ok, Im tryin to breed my Sceptile so my friend can have a Treecko. Which pokemon can I breed it with? In fact, could someone give me a list of what pokemon can be bred? 2. *mods, if this is not allowed, delete this next question*Ok, now I'm a little ticked off at the fact that many pokemon are missing from the game, but I know there's a gameshark code around, but its not on the GS.com website. What is the code? just some questions from a ruby player...
  18. [color=red]I wonder[/color] Hey seems to be working for me. It's probably just a forgetful thing as mentioned above...unless its different with Enhanced Mode ad you accidently hit it...I wonder..... Wow, what a way to become a member...:o
  19. Ok, this thread is to help people who are stuck in Dynasty Warriors 4. Why did I open this, 'cause I'm stuck too and I wanted to give this thread some meaning. So without ado, here's my question: How do you unlock Meng Huo and Zhu Rong? I tried defeating Meng Huo 7 times in the Naman Campaign, and that didn't work....help?
  20. Reicalg walked around the summit of Mt. Oscar. [COLOR=skyblue]"I still don't understand why I was told to come here. This place is abandoned."[/COLOR] he told himself. He continured on his path untill he took a look down the mountainside. [COLOR=skyblue]"Hmm, other people are here. Could they also be told to come here, or are they just tresspassing onto my turf? ...Only one way to find out!"[/COLOR] He took his daggers out of his Dagger Shield, got on top, and snowboarded down the side of the mountain...
  21. Arctic Sphere-the Power of Ice....THANK YOU!!! Name: Reicalg Age: 20 Sphere: Artic Weapon: Dagger Shield-Picture a clear as ice, hard as steel shield, with a detatchable rock hard icsicle dagger on the top and bottom of it and a spear tip straight in the center. The spear tip, on contact can freeze a foe...or friend. Description: White short frizzy hair, glacier eyes, blue headband, unknown clothes, because his white cape covers his body, blue shoes, 6'11. Bio: Nothing is truly known about him, except for his kills, soolemness, and his strange mystical power..
  22. Xra


    So will I and we're all accepting people untill it seems we may have to eliminate people. If there isin't enough then we'll start when we start to get impatient. Name: Hiiryu(pronounced HE-ru) Presumed age: 17 Wavemaster or Warrior: Warrior Weapon: Widened Bastard Sword(pic below) [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=382479[/IMG] Description: 6"7, about 120 pounds(presumed)Green Frizzy hair, red eyes, very lanky, blue pants, black boots, sightly muscular, blue metal bands, a long sashed headband. Bio: A 17 year old so-called nerd in the real world. Unknown to everyone, he trains much at school. He has brains and brawn to et him out of any situation. One day, he overheard some kids talking about this game. Wen he got home he signed up for it and logged in. After a little while of playing, he tried to log out, but was unable. Now he wanders around in "The World" not knowing what's going on. Let's get this ting movin'!
  23. spike speigal and I, are working on this together. ~~~ "The World" is depleting...noone knows the cause....or even how to stop it. Even the CC Corporation can't find the sorce of the problem. Everything...will be...destroyed..in "The World".... ...as the world is deleting, somewhat right to left, even some of the players are falling into eternal oblivion. This must be stopped at all costs, but how can we fight the unknown. We must find this cause, or else everything in "The World", the items, the enemies, even the players....erased...... .....so, how will we try to face this evil? Well, the next few people who sign-up and login to "The World", will have a mark across their neck. Those few will be granted high levels from the start. For they logged in...and will never log out...and they must stop this cause...or else..."The World"..........faces........oblivion..... ~~~ Now you must include: Name: Presumed Age: Wavecaster(spellcaster) or Warrior: Weapon: (Wavecasters can only have a staff) Description: Bio: (the real person's bio, reacts to the player's bio) And that's it. spike and I will post our stats later. spike, anything to add?
  24. E4 Will: Will? Will: Yes? E4 Will: Your Arko, it evolved to the traces of lightstone in Dergon' scales yes? Will: Yeah? E4 Will: And its a 2nd form of starting pokemon...hmmm. Oh Nurse Olivia? Nurse Olivia: Yes? E4 Will: Could you take my brother and I to the adoption center? Nurse Olivia: Oh, only government workers know about that. Sure I'll let you in. E4 Will: C'mon, bro I'm about to see an experiment. Nurse Olivia took them into a secluded door to find a whole mess of pokemon. E4 Will: Olivia, find me a Wartortle. Will: A Wartortle? E4 Will: Grovyle was jus like a Wartortle, a first evolved form of a starting pokemon. Will: Oh I see. Nurse Olivia: Here you go. The nurse gives E4 Will the Wartortle. E4 Will: Call out your Dergon. Will let his Dergon out. E4 Will placed the Wartortle on his back. It stared to glow.... OOC: Remember, we don't know about this place. Only the government. People who know: E4 Will, Will, Shinobi
  25. Kray: Hey you, red head. She turned me down, but how about you. Kenshin: I dunno it depends.... Then, Kenshin speeds towards him and jumps, ready for a downward slash. Kray dissappears an reappears behind him, sword at his neck. Kray: Well, does that answer your question?...
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