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Everything posted by Asylum

  1. Well i saw an ad in the newspaper, it was for auditions in a nearby town. So my dad, sister and I went and auditioned. They had to measure our shoe size, height, all that stuff for costumes, then we got our photos taken. I was the only one to get in tho, maybe because of my orange hair (although most people wore wigs, except for me) and my Mum got to come with me. Too bad we couldnt take pictures.
  2. [I]The front door opened, Ben came in and sat down against a wall. Tonberry turned round puzzeled, wondering where he had been and why he hadnt seen him while he was outside.[/I] [B]Tonberry:[/B] Good morning Ben, where have you been? [B]Ben:[/B] Oh.. Just for my morning run. It's what i usally do. [I]He notices that some other fighters have woken up while he was out.[/I] [B]Ben:[/B] So when do we start?
  3. It is not illegal to have a back up of your gameboy/gameboy advance games incase your games stuff up and you cant get them replaced. Also you are allowed to have roms on your computer of games you do not own for 24 hours, then you have to delete them. I was never asking anyone to do anything illegal, as they may have needed to do the same as I have. I have now found a pokemon crystal rom, so don't worry.
  4. Hi. I really want the pokemon crystal 100% english rom does anyone have it or knos where i could get it? also, what is pokemon ruby, saphire?
  5. [quote]You can say that you were actually filmed (maybe?) in one of the biggest movies of the year.[/quote] I know that i was filmed, it's just that it goes quite fast on the movie. Once it comes out on DVD/Video i'll be able to see it frame by frame and i'm pretty sure i'll be able to see me in the background somewhere :P
  6. not all of it is about satan. i think i read somewhere that a song related to going to church and jesus.
  7. Well unless the parents had a severe fear of water then why didnt they attempt to save her? i mean you see your kid in the water running out of breathe and you grab some popcorn and watch? parent are getting stupider by the minute!
  8. Hi. I was an extra in part of Lord Of The Rings - The Two Towers. Remeber the part when the rohan lady puts her two kids onto the horse to ride to edoras - Thanks Juu ^_^ There was about 30 or so seconds of scenes that i was in or was there when filmed. Have you ever thought about riding on a urik hai? that was fun... one not good thing was on this hilly bit, there was lots of "spear grass" (very sharp grass thingys) although i didnt get very hurt from it, some people did :( the best part of it all was the end for me, two houses they built were set alight and we all ran away from the village (through the spear grass :() but to turn around when we got past the camera to see all the urik hai and these hairy dudes dancing around the houses like lunitics :P i dont want to think about how hot they would have gotton in those suits tho. i was there for 2 days, i think about 14-16 hours a day, (including overtime) we got paid from when we got on the bus to the set to when we got off :D and on the last day they gave me this big scar thingy down my face with felt really wierd but looked awesome :) also the food was reeeeaaaalllyy good. also the unlimited suplly of lollies. well thats all i have to say about it right now :) it was a really great experenice and if you have the chance to do something similar, i suggest you go for it!
  9. [I]Ben, walking at a quick pace, headed down the left wing. He then noticed that Siren hadn't seen him leave.[/I] [B]Ben:[/B] Siren... You coming? [B]Siren:[/b] Uhh I guess so. [I]The two then headed down the left wing, just seeing Tonberry's small door close. Ben walking slightly faster than Siren, eager to get some rest.[/I] [B]Siren:[/B] Here it is, Dorm D. [I]Ben pushed past Siren, took no notice at the wonderful dorm and entered a room. Placing his brown suitcase and backpack beside the bed he flopped down on the bed and quickly fell asleep. Not noticing Siren was still standing by the door.[/I]
  10. Name: Harold Age: 10 Where you come from: 37 Neplusultra Street Luxury item: A king sized bed Brief Description: small child with big hair Any info you deam neccescarry: likes pizza :D
  11. [B]Name:[/B] Ben Yejori [B]Age:[/B] 37 [B]Race:[/B] Half-Sayajin, Half-human. [B]Height:[/B] 6'2" [B]Description:[/B] He has long, wavy hair with dark-grey eyes. He is quite strong and very fast. He wears white pants with one black stripe down the outside of each leg with a black shirt. [B]Personality:[/B] He is an agresive person (due to a hard life on the streets), hard to make friends with. Don't get in his way on a bad day and you'll be fine. [B]History:[/B] He grew up on the streets with his brother, stealing to survive. As he got older he learnt to fight and trained by an experienced fighter (name unknown). [B]Stats:[/B] [I]Strength:[/I] 15 [I]Speed:[/I] 60 [I]Defence:[/I] 5 [I]Ki:[/I] 20 [B]Dorm:[/B] D
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