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L.A. Rod.

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Everything posted by L.A. Rod.

  1. I think you should try to keep letting them know how much their stuff is annoying to you, just so they will keep this in mind. If you let it get too out of proportion, they are going to make you choose sides in something you wanted no part of in the first place. If you have no choice though, just leave it to them and let them butt heads.
  2. I'm a complete fight fan all the way. I like to watch boxing and do martial arts. There really is no endurance and rush quite like the one you get trading punches.
  3. If we can count television actors, I think that Ed O'Neal is very underrated. For movies, I think my fovorite actors are as follow: - Al Pacino: good in most dramatic roles, and althought the last couple have been s**t, he does good in most everthing he is in. _Edward Norton- one of my favorite actors of all time in any genre of film. -Salma Hayek: Norton's main squeez, was great in most films but Frida is going to blow everyone away. -Angelina Jolie- has a style unmatched by so many people, and a fine dramatic actress. I will probably edit to add more, but here are some of the bad eggs in the nest. -Vin Diesal: look that is mediocre at best, lines make me want to release feces, and he is not the biggest action star. The loser needs to stop trying to make memorable one-liners, because it isn't going to happen. -jLo:has the talent and the look to do great things, has done great things in the theatre, but has been really pointless to watch as of late. "The Wedding Planner" was alright, "Angel Eyes" is a complete disappointment, and "Enough" crappier still.
  4. I kind of like the addition of Satan, too. He shows up only for a little bit until the Buu saga, and how he always seems to get manhandled is damn funny.
  5. I am a really big fan of the first film the matrix, and I've been going around trying to find out as much about the story of the second one as I can... because I want to at least know what I missed when I DON'T SEE IT!! I can't blame the creators for making a couple of sequals, but quite frankly I don't see any way how they can outdo the first without somewhat disappointing(and this is from somebody who is a huge fan of car chases). The first one is my favorite movie of all time, and I would not dream of touching it with another one. I would much rather just leave it the way it was in my mind; what I got from the first Matrix was absolutely flawless. Also, the fighting in the original film was outstanding. It had the bullet time, and it had the high flying choreography, but it managed to do something that I don't see in a lot of the Martial arts films of today; it put in a good share of simple boxing techniques. For some reason, I don't feel the second is going to do this much(I may end up being wrong, but I still don't want to see it). I'll admit, it may be too hard to resist, but I'll try to sit back, watch the orinal Matrix, and forget all this stuff about sequals.
  6. I think fighting is nothing more than a double edged sword. In my case, I like to fight, but in competition. I feel the same way many others do about confrontation, because that's somebody who's seriously after you. If you are in the situation where you are verbally going at it with someone who is picking on you, then you are feeding the potential for a serious grudge. This is where it can get dangerous, because if you fight and win, they may come at you with a little more than there fists. On the other hand, if somebody begins to seriously bad-mouth you and your reflexes slap him across his face, he's going to react very quickly before there is a real grudge. If the fight is finished and goes your way, the person may learn not to mess with you anymore, but if it is broken up, both sides may be craving revenge. I think that the best way is to avoid it until you exploid and fight, so if there is somebody that is picking on you, they will learn that you are the wrong person. Then, this may start some heat too.
  7. I think that it has more to do with the genre you should belong too. It's suddenly my duty to be a part of the Hip-Hop crowd, and although most of my clothes are like this, it's only because I like the clothes. What I wear won't stop me from listening to Nirvana or Gorillas. Everything is so superficial that it's hard to truly be yourself. You have to walk, talk, and act the way you dress. I can't wait until I'm out of high school, where nobody gives a damn. And whats the deal with these pants costing $80, likt Sean John! It seems like anybody can write their name on a shirt and cell it for a high price. I would much rather have the rent paid and food in my fridge before I buy sneakers that will cost a few teeth out of my mouth.
  8. "If space has intelligent life, is there stupid life, too?" Some guy in my class, I started laughing later in the day.
  9. I agree to a point that the prisoners should suffer, but some of these people are afraid to die. However, I do think that the whole "lethal injection" thing is trying a bit too hard to be civilized to certain people who don't care about what they did. If you ask me, they should bring back stoning.
  10. L.A. Rod.

    The Shield

    Without watching it, I couln't stand the show or the lead character. I though he was just a bald, frustrated, out of shape cop trying to run the show. This was just the ignorant opinion of a wanna be critic. I saw only one episode of the second season and understood why Chiklis won the emmy. He's the best actor on the show. It's a sad thing, though, that I will probably continue to not watch the show as it has become a habit to miss it. I will try my best to make a new habit in watching it.
  11. I don't see anything wrong with the death penalty. Then again, there are different kinds of criminals, and the point of jail time is to rehabilitate. Then their are those who cannot be taught the truth of their cirmes. Take, for example, a cab driver killer. This may be a type of person who can torture and kill dozens of taxi cab drivers and not know what they are doing wrong, but if they hit a little girl behind the wheel, the guilt eats away at them. These are the type of people you put behind bars for the rest of their life, sending specialists to try and help him realize their wrong doings. If they never learn, they can stay in prison for their remaining time, where they are unable to hurt the innocent. Then there are the type of people who kill because they have a similar problem, but they know what they are doing wrong the morning after. If these type of people do not seek help fast, they will most likely kill themselves. If they are caught, they are probably itching for someone to pass the ultimate judgement on them. There are too many kinds of murderers who kill for too many different reasons, so I'll cut the criminal profile short. But, to make a long story short, I think that the death sentence is good punishment for generally any type of murderer, but to use an iron fist too much of the time is another story.
  12. I stop watching the shows after the auditions(I rarely watch that, I just leave the T.v. on while I'm in the other room and come back trash hits my ears). That Kelly Girl got annoying before she won, and now she's making a movie. It makes no difference. She'll be on "Celebrity Boxing" in a couple years.
  13. I'm not the type of person who would get addicted to tattooing my body. This may be due to the fact that I only think you should get something that you will eventually see as a part of your body. People who get addicted to tattoos on their body start to get things put on them simply for the sake of drawing on themselves. I plan to someday get a tattoo, something that will represent a part of me that I will never reform(although I may forget and not get one). I think the reason why the Eastern art is so irritating now is because it's been done to death, nobody cares what they mean anymore. One thing I can't stand is when people get tattoos of prison references when the only thing they have on their record is j-walking. The tattoos that immates get usually mean something important and serve as a reminder for what they have seen if they were ever to get out. People on the outside who get them only to look hard are defeating the whole point.
  14. "No longer am I Kami, nor Piccolo. I am the Namek who has long since forgotten his name." The new Piccolo after the merge with Kami atop the lookout.
  15. To begin this post off topic for a moment, I am a newbie, and I am relying on people like you to do as you did and guide me around. Thanks for helping me out, I'll try to organize a bit(I had a hard time reading it myself, as it was my longest post). Anyways, back to this whole future business, I am aware that I did nothing but weave a nice little trap and confused myself, which is why I contradicted myself. Still, as I mentioned earlier, Cell stated himself that the cells from Frieza were collected when he came to Earth in mostly Android form. This is of course when he met his end at the hands of Trunks(as Cell stated). That fact brings to mind new options on the death of Goku and the deadly virus in relation to Cell's time.
  16. This is all really confusing. I'm reading all of these posts and I'm having a hard time reading wihtout keeping my ulser from bleeding, although this is a really good question to ask. Let me catch my breath(huff, puff, huff, puff). Now I'm probably restating what some people have already said, but here goes a little simpler version. Lets say that there are only two alternate time demensions(since the main one is where Gohan whoops Cell to the point of tears, and all of us know about that). First, we have Trunks that came back to warn Goku about the Androids three years in advance. It would in fact be three years later that this very same Trunks would come back to see the outcome of this battle. Then, a few days later, they found this other time machine which was identicle to the one that our Friend Trunks came back in, which was later discovered that it was used by Cell. This Cell is from a completely different time demension than our neighborhood friendly Trunks that ever so graciously returned to see how things were turning out. Keep in mind that Trunks did explain the details of time travel to the rest of the Z warriors. He can come back and cure cancer in little Gohan's time and when he goes back to his original time, the disease is still going strong. So, this is to say that the Trunks which Cell stole the time machine from is from a complete different time demension than the one's that we are friends with. Also, it is a good assumption to make that this Trunks which Cell stole the time machine from had never gone back in time before, and this was his first trip in order to tell the people of the past how to dismantle the Androids, as we are all aware that they were dead in this time demension which Cell claims to be from. To make this assumption, we have to keep in mind that when the Trunks that we came to know and love warned the fighters of the threat to come, the time machine that was stolen by Cell had already been there for a year. Now that I have saved us all from this topic with the most efficient of efforts, here's a new question that will send it all down the toilet: How did the future Cell recieve genetic material from Frieza when he came back to Earth and was destroyed by Trunks? Forget it, I'm gonna go solve the Middle East Crisis.
  17. I cannot really say that any one of the characters is my favorite. If I had to choose, I could only narrow it down to the Bebop Crew(since most of the other main charaters are not in the program as much). I don't think there is one character that did not go through a developement in the course of there time on the ship, although it is obvious to see it in Spike and Faye, it is still fun to see how Jet, Ed, and even Ein were rounded out. I believe that they all developed fairly equally, so it would be hard to choose between them. I found myself favoring certain characters back and forth through the course of the series, and at the end I took to all of them. I would much rather leave it at that.
  18. Sorry about this, Hybrid, but I believe the episode in which Ed walks into the sunset is "Hard Luck Woman". Don't worry about it though. Even though I know which episode is which, I sometimes mix up the titles of these two sessions.
  19. I think it's a good possibility that Julia knew vaguely who Spike was before she met him, compliments of Vicious. Although this may come off as painfully obvious, there is more to my scenario. Perhaps Vicious was a lot more infatuated by this mysterious woman than the show may let us know. Of course, he made her feel that she belonged to him, but at the same time tells her things about how she feels that he doesn't tell anybody else. Among these discussions is a man named Spike who is his partner in crime. Julia actually falling for this man named Spike is his own doing, as he throughout the series has some strange affect on people. .
  20. I got pretty choked up myself(almost to the point of tears like animegurl) when I see this episode, no matter how many times I watch it. I also disagree with shyguy that this episode is only mediocre. Ballad is one of my favorite episodes as well, and I won't say anything to knock it, but but "Real Folk Blues" part two rang with the entire series in angelic manner. Like a good song it served with rising action, fantastic climax, and conclusion that was perfectly sculpted. Also, it came as a good climax for the entire series as one, it was everything you expected but did'nt see coming, all that you wanted but loathed, "Somenone, Cry For Me With Parched Eyes". Only with a final session such as "Real Folk Blues", whether it be part one and two as a whole(which is how I in a sense believe it should be viewed), or alone, can make us carry that weight.
  21. I must admit(in response to the previous reply) that when I first saw Ballad of Fallen Angels, I was drawn to it mainly for the action, but I disagree that it doesn't have deep meaning to it. Questions for you to debate about with yourself are given in session #1, and some of these questions are scraped away in session #5 but without truly being answered, which keeps the veiwer in tune to learn more. Thus, a viewer is drawn back to this episodes for much more than the action portion of it. In session #26, there are little questions left to be asked(with the exeption of material that was not answered to you in the flashbacks alone, which is why this series is so fantastic), and it is the theme, as {SITH} Change stated,and emotion that makes this episode a landmark in the series besides the fact that it is the final episode. To say that it is much more satisfying than session#5, however, is a different discussion.
  22. I really don't have a favorite episode, but I can say that the one that first had me in depth in this series was session #5(need I name the title?)Seeing how Spike and Vicious got each other at the same time, you realize that this is the only way for both of them. I almost wet myself, it was so good! I have to submit this, though, before session #26 catches me cheating.
  23. The ending was a relief for me at first. [spoiler]When he raised his finger at the rest of the syndicate boys, I hadn't noticed that he was fatally wounded and I thought they were gonna shoot the hell out of him.[/spoiler] That would have sucked! The ending was one of the most predictable yet still one of the best I've ever seen. I knew from the beginning of the church choire that I would carry that weight.
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