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SSJ5 Vegeta

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Everything posted by SSJ5 Vegeta

  1. Well I had a g/f of 2 years break up with me and tell me she was going to go out with a guy who she had been seeing behind my back for 2 months during the summertime... It's been two months since then, and I gave up trying to figure your question out after a week...
  2. This sucks... Yesterday I had a trailer jack break and an 800 pound trailer fell right on top of my right foot. It broke my second metatarsal clean in half... Now I'm homebound and crutchbound for a week, and I can't even drive because that's my gas foot... :(
  3. Well this isn't really a superpower but i'm already really good with hand to hand and weapons combat. If I could have super powers I'd wish for the power to be able to move quick enough to bring everything to a standstill and run circles around someone that was shooting at me and hit them in the back of the head faster than the second bullet could leave the gun, and also supernatural strength :) Oh yeah and you always gotta have the flying power too...
  4. I never have had one but a guy that called my g/f at the time a wh*** got one.
  5. I don't think humans are monsters.... Just very ignorant to the rest of the universe that we don't know about... And another thing that just popped into my head. In einsteins theory flying backward through space was like going back in time. To get all the way out past pluto would take fifty years, so think about if on the other side of our sun farther than any of our telescopes can see is a planet that is a thousand, or million years ahead of us in evolution... And they're probably sitting there drinking highly advanced alcoholic beverages and laughing at us like they're watching a standup comedy show...
  6. For halloween I'm going to the Skatepark to watch and possibly participate in the best trick contest if I can get my frontside double-kickflip down that I used to do easy. Then after that I'm going to a big party at my friends house. The cool thing is me and him are making some of the music we're playing. We have a program that allows us to make our own music, we're laying down some heavy beats... but anyways I haven't decided on a costume yet, but I was thinking of being sid from Slipknot since I have a gas mask and a black jumpsuit with slipknot patches.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Taylor Hewitt [/i] [B]Have you ever really been heart broken? It hurts like hell I know. It feels like you are going to vomit and die at the same time. Maybe it's just the coffee I had (not joking it's sorta nasty), but when you are heartbroken it seems like the world is over and it's your fault. Maybe you want to die or maybe you want to get killed. Either way it get's the job done. [/B][/QUOTE] I know what you mean. It's been about a week and a half since my two year relationship just went down the drain... :nervous: :bawl: :(
  8. A bad day is when I have a wonderful night having my g/f over and then a friend of mine that she doesn't get along with drops by. And she thinks I invited him, but I've been with her all night. Then she kicks me in the ground hard enough to leave bruises, then slaps me and walks out and drives away. I go out to tell her goodbye but she rolls the window up in my face and speeds off...
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anatema [/i] [B]heh, i live in a horrible neighborhood. my sister was mugged by a guy with a gun in our drive way and the next week her car was stolen. and then once they stole the radio from my dad's car, and there was a drive by and they shot the guy that lives in front of us, and once this guys came to our house to try and beat up my brothers, but my mom scared them away with her broom. :laugh: there's more but i can't remember [/B][/QUOTE] You seem strangely calm about all these mishaps... I would not find it comical if people stole from me. The only time someone ever tried to break in was this black guy with a ski mask on. The idiot was intent on breaking in till I opened the door and had a 12 guage pointed at him. He was already to his car by the time I got my shoes on and got out on the porch. He took of like a scared b***... I told my dad and he said to call the cops if he came back... Needless to say he was a smart guy and didn't.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]And then the family of the guy you kill with sue you for all you're worth and you won't have anything left. It's happened before. Yay for the Justice system. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually if someone is armed and they break into your house nothing can be done about it, it's called "Self Defense" if you believe they are posing a threat to you or your family. Now personally if someone broke in I'd probably hold them at gunpoint and have my sister call the cops or something, but if they tried anything then I'd have to.... Also a person just up the road from me blew the head off of some guy that broke into his house... And guess what he got? Nothing... As you said... Praise the justice system.
  11. Sorry about that. If someone ever breaks into my house though it's gonna' be over. My dad's a crazy vietnam veteran, and we have a s***load of guns including an AK-47 w/ armor piercing rounds, AR-15, and an SKS, and a colt .45. My dad said once if anyone ever breaks into our house, they won't be leaving.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i] [B]Mc disses are battles and are a part of hip hop.It's too see who is a better mc!Some of you guys make it seem like a big problem.And always using big and pac as a example.But there death didn't have nothing to do with hip hop.Mc's use hip hop battles as a way of fighting would you rather have them shooting and fighting each other on the streets personally i like battles and disses we get to see how much skills a real mc has.And if you dont know everything about the hip hop culture and only know what u hear and see on tv.Then i think you shouldn't speak up on hip hop.:D [/B][/QUOTE] (dramatization) Actually it does get kind of old when all you hear is: "I got money out the a**, look at my Mercedez Benz"- Who cares? "I'm gonna' cap yo a**"- No you won't or you'd be arrested for murder and you're probably too much of a pu**y to do it anyway. "I like to get raunchy with some h*'s"- Like you're really complimenting yourself there... Most of them probably have more a**, groin, and mouth diseases than you can count.
  13. SSJ5 Vegeta


    I've known about Skrape for a long time. Their CD came out about 2 years ago I think it seems, when I was about 15 or 16.
  14. TWILIGHT Do you know what the best time of night is? Twilight As I step out on my porch I am surrounded by a pinkish, purplish, reddish Royal blue ocean As I sit down on my porch The cracks on it shadowed in darkness Like the roots of some never-ending shrub The dandelions greet me Like her Radiant My heart aches The exotic appearing Tangerine sun Burns the fields ablaze With gold And the leaves of my maple tree Light up on fire Red like strawberry soda That I drink in the summertime While I fish Being held up by thin branches Fragile in appearance Like an elderly woman?s fingers Yet strong like miniature beams On our nations bridges As the Bradford pear tree Is a collage of creamy satin petals Smiling at me And the tulips lay down to rest In their flowerbed I fall back and rest my head On the porch, a welcome relief Looking up at the first star to appear As the moon creeps up in the distance I make a wish I make a wish But I can?t tell you The rims on my dad?s truck Glow like a complex metal alloy On some government spacecraft The sidewalk, is alive with dandelions On one side Sending small torches To light the path Of the cracked Eighteen year old concrete Walkway The air is crisp And leaves rustle As they dance in my yard Having their own little party In a miniature tornado Spinning, and stirring Like the thoughts in my head As my stomach?s churning Wondering if the line?s busy I lay down on my leather couch Embracing me in comfort Massaging my bad thoughts away Like sun breaking through the dark clouds Chained to my heart As the twilight slowly fades And the night comes to a close I look out my windows at the starlit sky Burning like distant souls Trapped under a black blanket As I cover myself in my bed comforter I am surrounded like the darkness outside And I drift peacefully to sleep My eyes struggling to stay open Shuttering like camera lenses I drift off As the blackish blue tide Covers the world And I think in my head The best time of night Is at twilight
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]Yup, I also like cars that are obtainable... However, for the dreamer in me its the McLaren. My obtainable car is the fastest car made since the McLaren F1... I also want to mention that I love cars in general. The cobra 427 Ferrari F40 360 modena 53 vette Porche, any model, any year. (then again...) Lamborgini, ferrari, porche, McLaren and a few others... all of them, any model, any year. If I was gonna pick a car that I may be able to have one day... I would pick the corvette. Its amazingly awesome in terms of performance. It looks great and its all american. I also want to say that I love BMW in most respects. The M3 is an awesome car and the M5 is also an awesome car. Most of all, what I love about the 3 series is the 50/50 wieght distrubution front to rear. In a sport sedan availible for 30 thousand, that is a great attribute that is not something most people look at when they buy those cars for the name recognition or little plate on the front. Btw, does anyone know where that little bmw symbol comes from? I do... if you would like to know, just ask. I know james knows, so he cant answer, since I told him a few months ago. So... who knows? [/B][/QUOTE] The BMW symbol became because back in WWII BMW made airplane engines, and afterwards they got in the car business, and used the blue and white checkers to show white propeller blades on a blue sky. Also the Corvette, really sucks in terms of performance. The new 2003 Z06 has 500 horses, 100 more than the new 400Hp mustang, and the mustang still accelerates faster. 500HP Z06: 0-60 4.3 400 HP Mustang: 0-60 4.2 And the new Mitsu Lancer Evo VIII outruns a BMW M3 plus it's cheaper. And actually the fastest obtainable car, if you're willing to put in some wrench time, you could get for about 30,000 plus 10,000 or so dollars worth of goodies thus equaling the 'Vette price tag that would make a Corvette look like an idiot would be a Nissan Skyline which you can get from special dealers, and will run at least a 9 or 10 second quarter mile, with 3.0 0-60 time, if you have have Blitz customize it and add about 850-890 hp. Veilside also made a 1300 HP Skyline. Me I'd get an AWD version, no tire slip, you'd just be smoking fools all day long.
  16. I like a Toyota Supra with over 1000 hp that runs on pump 90 octane gas, and get's 20 miles to the gallon and has a 400 shot NOS fogger system. I've seen one like that on a website somewhere. But my dream car I think, or my idea which is unique I think. A hard top Caddilac hearse, fill up the back with Audibon's and a big amp to bump it, and a CD player up front, with chrome trim interior with all black leather seats. I'd throw a 455 cubic inch big block in it, have a chrome supercharger coming up through the hood, and two dual 3.5 inch chrome flowmasters coming out the back, and some fat slicks on the tires with some Chrome or gold rims, plus gold trim on the car mixed with chrome, and tinted out windows. And a good alarm system.
  17. It's actually two poems... [b]WARM FRIDAY NIGHTS[/b] I?m sure the tulips lay Lonely against the pages of your book Taken from their home As a gift to you The first to bloom this spring My heart lies somewhere between The folded pages of the story Of our lives But the tulips, the smell Remind me of the wonderful scent Of your covers you hide under Watching The Simpson?s while I breathe Gently behind you Your hair tickling my face In this town, Fulton The wind occasionally blows Stirring new winds The fetid smell of Anhydrous Ammonia Scent like melted plastic Slowly swims through the car vents As I sit at a lonely stop light Reluctant wheels turn As my faded denim blue Buick carries me home A broken face stained with tears Glances in the rearview mirror Eyes burned with guilt Don?t ever hurt anyone like that again The words shout inside my head The heart thumping in my chest Once black, till you turned it a lighter Shade of gray Ice cream on a cold rain littered Sad April night Chocolate milkshakes SpInNiNg in the blender Keeps me happy for now Your beautiful pictures on my wall Keep me happy for now But I still think about the tulips on your dresser Or pressed in a book Their fate uncertain While my heart lies uprooted Like the flowers Never to be returned to my flowerbed Of sweet smells, of warm covers Of Simpson?s on Friday nights I guess in a small town someone could Get bored after two years Twelve various pain relievers at once Excedrin, Advil, Tylenol, and one Xanax Just to kill the PaIn My lungs gasp for air Dysfunctional full of god knows what Active Ingredients Lying on the floor I am that flower WAITING to be pressed Pressed between my depression And your guilt [b]SNOW COVERED WINDSHIELD[/b] I?m staring out the windshield Being covered in crystal powder As the snow gently rains My vision is blurred From the bloodshot tear stains Still stuck to my eye Somewhere out there Is a dark headed woman The love was strong But now it is as cold As the winter wind If he dares step outside the door He doesn?t feel like crying anymore He gets his love out But she doesn?t hear it echo He?s in his car and she?s at home But he must go back in sometime He steps out into bleak sunshine The dark clouds devouring the gray blue sky He walks through the door Smells food cooking Good home ?fixing? From his father He takes off his shoes His soles worn bare But somewhere Out there Is a girl with dark hair He loves so much stronger Now seeing another As the snow gently rains
  18. I collect one alcoholic beverage container that is mine, from each party that I go to.
  19. I skateboarded for about 2 years then I just kind of quit. I got caught up in my g/f which I am still with going on a year and 5 months. I'm picking it back up but it's a little difficult especially when your griptapes worn off. I used to be able to do about every grind in the book, frontside flips, fakie ollies, fakie 180's, fakie shuvits, kickflips, kickflips to nose grinds, and I could boost about a 4 foot ollie, because one time a kid asked me to ollie for him and he stood beside me and i cleared the top of his head by a good inch. My old boards trashed though, I really need to invest in a new one.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]I think I've discussed this with you before, but if I haven't above all things you should be yourself. Wether it makes you look like a loser or not drugs are wrong. The parties, and cutting school activies must stop. Your heading down a path of destruction, and at your current age set the friends you choose to hang out with will mold your attitude. If you really don't want to end up a Loser in life you have to stop hanging out with these losers that are doing these activies. If you disagree with me on these views, please at least ask yourself this one question. If those people really are my friends, would they judge or trash me for not doing the same stuff they do? [/B][/QUOTE] I will agree with him. A party every now and then is ok, but partying all the time means you either must have too much time on your hands or that's the only way you think you can make yourself fit in. Sure I go to parties, and sure I smoke a little green but I'm 18 and by now I think I can make my own decisions. You yourself should wait before you jump into all these parties, because one thing will lead to another and pretty soon you're going to become so burnt out that you'll feel tired all the time, and you will become distant from friends because the only thing you'll be able to say is: "Wow man that's cool". Trust me I've seen people ate out on dope, it's not all that cool, because that's the only sentence they said the whole time I talked to them.
  21. He sits on his couch He needs to take his sister to his mother's She has a project she needs to do The one he loves Is the one he tinks about now He get's in the car And they go On the 8 minute drive there He laughs so hard with his sister He almost cries Sometimes they hate each other But other times They're like best friends They pull up and an unexplained dread Grips his heart He hesitates to go in She's always in the back of his mind He decides to stay As he walks in His mother hugs him His arms dangle limply She says I love you He stutters to say it back He feels uneasy He remebers the time He came into the living room And she was smoking crack And he said her cigarette smelled funny Eight years old, ignorant He remembers hearing her puke In the "Hospital" His parents lied It was a Diagnostics center Puking from withdrawal symptoms He remembers how she left him And his sister for 3 years Didn't call or write He can't forgive her He won't And he feels the hate The tears well up inside But he knows she loves him A small tear runs down her face He doesn't visit her that much His sister does her project His stepfather and mother laugh As he cracks jokes about Michael Jackson And other things As he get's ready to leave She asks if she can fix him dinner He can see it in her eyes Her love for him She's silently begging him To stay Stay just for a few more minutes He does, and eats her good food He goes home, she hugs him And he squeezes her tight As he heads out the door The cold wind strikes him And a windblown tear Splashes onto his eyelash He get's home Surely she will be home He finally get's ahold of her After 10, she can't talk that long The line has been busy forever She's been on the internet He's coming down with a cold The next day he calls her in the morning Tells her, the one he loves That he's sick He is, very sick Surely she will understand She tells him he's a p*ssy And breaks up with him Because he's sick and can't come to school She says she will get over him at school today Tells him he is useless to her She hangs up, leaving him hanging He remembers how she promised to marry him A year and 5 months gone He wishes for the courage Not to cry... The most frustrating thing
  22. Personally I'd build some sort of shelter from surrounding materials if there was any hunker down until nightfall, and then collect dew off the ground to drink with my socks, and eat the tiny desert creatures that come out at night.
  23. My goodbye kiss Fell on a deaf heart Ignoring Tore mine apart Find a way to heal my soul Like an ancient letter Pick it up and un-crumple it Remembering scattered memories In the future you look back Memories are all you have of me
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