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SSJ5 Vegeta

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Everything posted by SSJ5 Vegeta

  1. Yeah we will start pretty soon in the meantime I'll post a few more bios, also Tanks son Goku his full name is Goku-San I changed it to that to avoid any confusion in the story: [SIZE=5] [FONT=arial][COLOR=darkblue]GOTANK[/COLOR] [/FONT][/SIZE] [B]Height:[/B] 6'6" [B]Weight:[/B] ??? [B]Race:[/B] Pureblood Saiyan [B]Weapons:[/B] None [B]Attacks/Abilities:[/b] Instant Transmission, Kamehameha, Kaio-Ken, Multi-Form, Oozaru, Scatter Shot, Homing Scatter Shot, Destructo Disk, Death Star, Solar Flare, Tri Beam Cannon, Barrier(forcefield), Genkidama, Dragon Fist, Chaou-Kamehameha, Chaou-Genkidama, Homing Ki Blast, Rapid Fire [B]Neutron Star:[/B]An attack where you fire a huge ball of energy that homes in on a target and causes a catastrophic explosion. [B]Kamehameha Shower:[/B] Another awesome special attack of Tank?s. He fires it then the Kamehameha splits into other kamehameha waves, each can go after the same target or different targets. [B]Return Volley:[/B] A technique in which you "catch" an opponents blast then multiply the power of the blast 3 fold and fire it back at the opponent. [B]Spiral Beam:[/B] A bluish beam surrounded by a reddish purple spiral of energy. It first pierces the opponent it is fired at then circles back around and explodes on the opponent. 2 attacks in one. [B]Penetrating Blast:[/B] A high velocity blast that corkscrews like a drill and can actually drill right through an opponent then explodes when it hits a hard target. It's pretty small compared to most blasts but since it is made of densely packed energy it is highly powerful. Since it is small and is very fast it is very difficult to avoid. [B]Dragon Blast:[/B] Fired like a Kamehameha. It is a huge bluish blast that forms a giant dragon that homes in on a target and explodes with devastating force. [B]Kaio-Kaioshin:[/B] Allows the user to raise their power-level to match their opponents then triple that level, no matter how strong their opponent is. A gift from the god?s first learned by Vegeta in WAR. [B]Contained Power-up:[/B] The contained power-up allows you to power-up without exerting any energy outside of you in the form of an Aura, or winds, or make the earth quake like you normally do. This helps you to not damage your surroundings by powering up and since you keep all the energy in you your power-up is even stronger than normal because you don?t lose any energy exerting it. [B]Power Level:[/B] 889,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Saiyan Levels:[/B] Super Saiyan Level 1 Ultra Super Saiyan Super Saiyan Level 2 Super Saiyan Level 3 Super Saiyan Level 4 Super Saiyan Level 5 Super Saiyan Level 6 Super Saiyan Level 7 Super Saiyan Level 8 Super Saiyan Level 9 Super Saiyan Level 10 Ultra Saiyan Level 1 Ultra Saiyan Level 2 Ultra Saiyan Level 3 Ultra Saiyan Level 4 Ultra Saiyan Level 5 Ultra Saiyan Level 6 Ultra Saiyan Level 7 Ultra Saiyan Level 8 Ultra Saiyan Level 9 Ultra Saiyan Level 10 Ancient Saiyan Level 1 Ancient Saiyan Level 2 Ancient Saiyan Level 3 Ancient Saiyan Level 4 Ancient Saiyan Level 5 Ancient Saiyan Level 6 Ancient Saiyan Level 7 Ancient Saiyan Level 8 Ancient Saiyan Level 9 Ancient Saiyan Level 10 Chaou-Saiyan Level 1 Chaou-Saiyan Level 2 Choau-Saiyan Level 3 Chaou-Saiyan Level 4 Chaou-Saiyan Level 5 [B]Bio:[/B] Father of Tank, Gotank the great Saiyan is the great great grandson of Goku. Before he lived on earth, he his wife Jade and Tank lived on a planet far away where the gravity was a million times that of earth's. Due to a severe injury Tank suffered when he was 4 1/2 he had to get medical attention and the planet they were on was pretty desolate so they went to the closest planet earth. After staying on it a while they decided to become permanent residents. Gotank has all of Tank's attacks because he taught most of them to his son, plus a few more up his sleeve that he hasn't taught anyone. [B]Extra Attacks:[/B] [B]Vampire Beam:[/B] An eerie greenish beam fired at an opponent. It is a homing beam that when it strikes the opponent takes their life force and gives it to the attacker thus healing the attacker from previous injury or making them stronger. It also allows you to instantly learn any attacks plus the fighting style of that opponent because it transfers part of their memory to you [B]Vertigo Blast:[/B] This blast is like a shockwave that travels through the air. When it strikes an opponent it gives them a feeling of false vertigo and makes them get dizzy and stumble about thus rendering them unable to fight, and causes hallucinations until it wears off. [B]Dark Eden:[/B] Allows the user to make a synthetic blackhole for a short period of time that has a powerful current and will suck any opponents in that are near it, and make them dissapear into the darkness never to be seen again. After that it closes back up, or it closes back up whenever the user cannot put out enough energy to sustain it since it is powered by the users energy. Since this is a very dangerous attack Gotank only uses it in extreme cases where nothing else will work. [B]Nebula Wave:[/B] This is a gigantic beam that is colored like a rainbow and can travel for literally zillions of miles. This is Vegeta's most powerful attack and Gotank learned how to do it by watching him.
  2. [SIZE=5][FONT=arial] [COLOR=red][B]GOKU[/B][/COLOR] [/FONT] [/SIZE] [B]Height:[/B] 4'5" [B]Weight:[/B] ??? [B]Age:[/B] 5 1/2 [B]Race:[/B] 1/2 Saiyan 1/2 Human Hybrid [B]Weapons:[/B] None [B]Attacks/Abilities:[/b] Kamehameha, Kaio-Ken, Multi-Form, Oozaru, Scatter Shot, Homing Scatter Shot, Solar Flare, Barrier(forcefield), Genkidama, Homing Ki Blast, Rapid Fire [B]Kamehameha Shower:[/B] Another awesome special attack of Tank?s. He fires it then the Kamehameha splits into other kamehameha waves, each can go after the same target or different targets. [B]Return Volley:[/B] A technique in which you "catch" an opponents blast then multiply the power of the blast 3 fold and fire it back at the opponent. [B]Spiral Beam:[/B] A bluish beam surrounded by a reddish purple spiral of energy. It first pierces the opponent it is fired at then circles back around and explodes on the opponent. 2 attacks in one. [B]Power Level:[/B] 275,000,000 [B]Saiyan Levels:[/B] Super Saiyan Level 1 Ultra Super Saiyan Super Saiyan Level 2 [B]Bio[/B] Tanks son, Goku was approriately named after his great, great, great, great grandfather Goku. When he was first born he was taken off and put in the nursery of the hospital. Having an overpowering need to be with his parents he got angry and went Super Saiyan in a blind rage, and busted right out of the hospital crib he was in. To Tank's and the nurses amazement who came running into the nursery to see what the explosion was when they walked in he was sitting in the floor his hair in golden spikes with the shattered remnants of his crib laying about with a charred crater in the ground where it used to be. As soon as he saw his father his hair went back to black. Right then and there Tank new his son was something special. At age 4 he went Super Saiyan and now at age 5 and a half he has learned how to go Super Saiyan Level 2 as well. And just like his great ancestor for which he is named Goku is gentle yet powerful, and always full of energy, and he always enjoys a good sparring match with his father or anyone that will spar with him.
  3. Here's a bio for Tank: [SIZE=5] [COLOR=blue]TANK[/COLOR] [/SIZE] [B]Height:[/B] 6'4" [B]Weight:[/B] ??? [B]Race:[/B] Pureblood Saiyan [B]Weapons:[/B] None [B]Attacks/Abilities:[/b] Instant Transmission, Kamehameha, Kaio-Ken, Multi-Form, Oozaru, Scatter Shot, Homing Scatter Shot, Destructo Disk, Death Star, Solar Flare, Tri Beam Cannon, Barrier(forcefield), Genkidama, Dragon Fist, Chaou-Kamehameha, Chaou-Genkidama, Homing Ki Blast, Rapid Fire [B]Neutron Star:[/B]An attack where you fire a huge ball of energy that homes in on a target and causes a catastrophic explosion. [B]Kamehameha Shower:[/B] Another awesome special attack of Tank?s. He fires it then the Kamehameha splits into other kamehameha waves, each can go after the same target or different targets. [B]Return Volley:[/B] A technique in which you "catch" an opponents blast then multiply the power of the blast 3 fold and fire it back at the opponent. [B]Spiral Beam:[/B] A bluish beam surrounded by a reddish purple spiral of energy. It first pierces the opponent it is fired at then circles back around and explodes on the opponent. 2 attacks in one. [B]Penetrating Blast:[/B] A high velocity blast that corkscrews like a drill and can actually drill right through an opponent then explodes when it hits a hard target. It's pretty small compared to most blasts but since it is made of densely packed energy it is highly powerful. Since it is small and is very fast it is very difficult to avoid. [B]Dragon Blast:[/B] Fired like a Kamehameha. It is a huge bluish blast that forms a giant dragon that homes in on a target and explodes with devastating force. [B]Kaio-Kaioshin:[/B] Allows the user to raise their power-level to match their opponents then triple that level, no matter how strong their opponent is. A gift from the god?s first learned by Vegeta in WAR. [B]Contained Power-up:[/B] The contained power-up allows you to power-up without exerting any energy outside of you in the form of an Aura, or winds, or make the earth quake like you normally do. This helps you to not damage your surroundings by powering up and since you keep all the energy in you your power-up is even stronger than normal because you don?t lose any energy exerting it. [B]Power Level:[/B] 880,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Saiyan Levels:[/B] Super Saiyan Level 1 Ultra Super Saiyan Super Saiyan Level 2 Super Saiyan Level 3 Super Saiyan Level 4 Super Saiyan Level 5 Super Saiyan Level 6 Super Saiyan Level 7 Super Saiyan Level 8 Super Saiyan Level 9 Super Saiyan Level 10 Ultra Saiyan Level 1 Ultra Saiyan Level 2 Ultra Saiyan Level 3 Ultra Saiyan Level 4 Ultra Saiyan Level 5 Ultra Saiyan Level 6 Ultra Saiyan Level 7 Ultra Saiyan Level 8 Ultra Saiyan Level 9 Ultra Saiyan Level 10 Ancient Saiyan Level 1 Ancient Saiyan Level 2 Ancient Saiyan Level 3 Ancient Saiyan Level 4 Ancient Saiyan Level 5 Ancient Saiyan Level 6 Ancient Saiyan Level 7 Ancient Saiyan Level 8 Ancient Saiyan Level 9 Ancient Saiyan Level 10 Chaou-Saiyan Level 1 Chaou-Saiyan Level 2 Choau-Saiyan Level 3 Chaou-Saiyan Level 4 Chaou-Saiyan Level 5 [B]Bio:[/B] Tank is the son of Gotank the great legendary warrior Saiyan. Tank was born of a beautiful pure blood Saiyan mother Jade, and of Gotank, the great, great, grandson of the legendary warrior Goku. Even at an early age Tank showed power and intelligence beyond his years. At age 5 he went Super Saiyan for the first time. By the time he was almost 7 he hit Super Saiyan level 7. He was then forced to take off training for 2 years by his mother so he could study harder. He then became a Super Saiyan Level 3 at the age of 11 after a few years of intense training. By age 14 he had the power to transform into a Super Saiyan level 4. At age 15 he burst onto the WAR scene and went Super Saiyan level 5 after him and his father Gotank fused to form the ultimate saiyan fighter, Gotanks in order to fight Quake. Now 7 years in the future at age 22 he now has a 6 year old half Saiyan son of his who was so powerful when he was first born he went Super Saiyan for a short while after throwing a temper tantrum in the nursery. At age 4 he learned to master his transformation to Super Saiyan Level 1 and the now 5 year old tike has already learned how to go Super Saiyan Level 2.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B] Obviously you are very weird and are still in the mindset that girls have cooties...I've been dating my g/f for two years now, and this pisses me off, to see how immature you are. [/B][/QUOTE] Well you're maturity level's certainly not the highest either. You actually took that to be a serious statement!? :laugh: You're about as weird as he is.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]I could swear i already posted this but this is great. Its time to bring WAR backa nd show all these guys what a RPG really is. Consider the infinite Kamakazi back. I wish someone would give me a link to TOPAZ's site becuase I'd like to see the WAR pics again. I tried to get Mary to do a Kamacon2x fusion pic a while back but she never got around to it... -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] Her site is: [URL]http://www.geocities.com/topaz191us/openlegends.html[/URL]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]SSJ5 Vegeta, I respect you as I do everyone..but those who are punk do not call themselves punks. Sure they know they are..but they don't say they are. I respect everyone..but i have a particular respect for punks. I don't know what it is, but I just find something special to respect about them. I'm not one, of that I'm sure. But i am good friends with the oddest person you will ever meet. He is a combination of every kind of person there is. He walks alone, he sits alone, he is quiet most of the time, and really doesn't give a **** what you think about him. He has ear piercings and he comes to school everyday wearing dress clothes. Clothes I wear on the rare occasion that i go to church. He has a big silver Rolex watch and leather Timberlands. He is probably considered to be the biggest "prep" in school other than myself and most of his friends are just that. But he is different. He only really talks to about 4 people at all, myself included. He is a punk by my definition and if you knew him I'm sure you would agree... -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] I do agree with you dude. Like I said it's not your clothing style, or your skin color or hair color or how many piercings you have that makes you a punk. It's the way you live your life.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji v2.0 [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I was going to say something, but that whole post made me so angered that I was scared that I would say something that would emotionally scar you for life, Vegeta. I skate. I listen to punk (btw, all those Slipknot quotes? You're a punker that listens to Slipknot? hahaha). I am, however, NOT an elitest. I'll be the first to admit I often dress like a prep. Oh well. I also find it HILARIOUS that you're whole point is how you don't care what people think of you, cause you're a punk. "Therefore anyone who calls me or my friends a poser may go **** themselves in the ***..." Sounds like you really care what people think about you and your friends to me, you contradicting bastard. Stop giving us a bad name, go become a goth or something. Shinji[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] You're one of those overly critical facist bastards I'd tell to go **** themselves. You're such a dumbass. And stop giving yourself a bad name you overly critical facist bastard. It's people like you that give "punks" a bad name.
  8. Cool but we need some more people to sign up to start this.
  9. Now for the humans. Human levels are superior to Super Saiyan Levels in the sense that once you gain a new level you are automatically at that levels max powerlevel training helps you to push on to the next level. Also once a human reaches the max power of a new level, they can stay like that all the time and power up to the next level after that after some training, because their bodies get used to the energy and 1 Ultra human level is equal to 4 Super Saiyan levels. But it takes far more intense training than a normal Saiyan and training in environments with at least 1,000,000x earth's gravity to even reach the first level. [B]Ultra Human:[/B] 800,000,000 Characterized by lime green hair in spikes the same length as regular hair sort of resembling a Super Saiyan with a green aura around them. [B]Ultra Human 2:[/B] 600,000,000,000 Characterized by green hair in tall thin spikes. Eyes turn all white. [B]Ultra Human 3:[/B] 400,000,000,000,000 Characterized by a major height increase as well as hair that grows down to midback. Hair is still a glowing green color. Eyes also glow green. [B]Ultra Human 4:[/B] 200,000,000,000,000,000 Characterized by dark colored hair that returns to normal size and that appears to be jet black in the dark but has streaks of cobalt blue in it and shines a cobalt blue in the light. Aura turns a dark bluish color. Hair reverts back to normal color and eyes turn an eery yellow color with black pupils. [B]Ultra Human 5:[/B] 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 Same color hair only hair goes into large fanlike spikes that look like Brolli's hair. Two triangular shapes appear above and below one eye colored a bluish color with a black border. Two large bangs hang down, which are half black and half blue. [B]Ultra Human 6:[/B] 800,000,000,000,000,000,000 Hair turns into long spikes that look like a Super Saiyan level 3 and remains jet black/cobalt blue. One half blue half black bang hangs down. [B]Ultra Human 7:[/B] 600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Hair turns into small dark blue spikes that sort of look like grown up gohans hair. Single bang dissapears. [B]Ultra Human 8:[/B] 400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Hair stands in darkish blue spikes that are a little taller than the last ones. To small bangs hang off of forehead. [B]Ultra Human 9:[/B] 600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Some spikes turn black and some spikes turn blue leaving head with a bunch of blue and black spikes that stand up like a Super Saiyan level 2. One bluish bang hangs off of forehead. [B]Ultra Human 10:[/B] 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Bang turns green and the spikes that were black turn green again leaving hair with jet black/cobalt blue and lime green spikes.
  10. WAR To all those who remember WAR I'm starting WAR Legends. I would like all those who participated in the original WAR series to participate in this as well as newcomers. This RPG is based in a Dragon Ball Z environment. I will become taking signups here as well as I will give bios of past WAR characters that will be included in the story. The story will begin in T minus 48 hrs. Here's some need to know info: The saiyan levels as created in the original WAR go like this: (I have also included approximate powerlevels) [B]Super Saiyan[/B] 1,000,000 - 200,000,000 [B]Super Saiyan 2[/B] 250,000,000 - 400,000,000 [B]Super Saiyan 3[/B] 450,000,000 - 600,000,000 [B]Super Saiyan 4[/B] 650,000,000 - 800,000,000 [B]Super Saiyan 5[/B] 850,000,000 - 1,000,000,000 [B]Super Saiyan 6[/B] 1,500,000,000 - 200,000,000,000 [B]Super Saiyan 7[/B] 250,000,000,000 - 400,000,000,000 [B]Super Saiyan 8[/B] 450,000,000,000 - 600,000,000,000 [B]Super Saiyan 9[/B] 650,000,000,000 - 800,000,000,000 [B]Super Saiyan 10[/B] 850,000,000,000 - 1,000,000,000,000 [B]Ultra Saiyan[/B] 1,500,000,000,000 - 200,000,000,000,000 [B]Ultra Saiyan 2[/B] 250,000,000,000,000 - 400,000,000,000,000 [B]Ultra Saiyan 3[/B] 450,000,000,000,000 - 600,000,000,000,000 [B]Ultra Saiyan 4[/B] 650,000,000,000,000 - 800,000,000,000,000 [B]Ultra Saiyan 5[/B] 850,000,000,000,000 - 1,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ultra Saiyan 6[/B] 1,500,000,000,000,000 - 200,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ultra Saiyan 7[/B] 250,000,000,000,000,000 - 400,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ultra Saiyan 8[/B] 450,000,000,000,000,000 - 600,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ultra Saiyan 9[/B] 650,000,000,000,000,000 - 800,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ultra Saiyan 10[/B] 850,000,000,000,000,000 - 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ancient Saiyan:[/B] 1,500,000,000,000,000,000 - 200,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ancient Saiyan 2:[/B] 250,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 400,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ancient Saiyan 3:[/B] 450,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 600,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ancient Saiyan 4:[/B] 650,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 800,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ancient Saiyan 5:[/B] 850,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ancient Saiyan 6:[/B] 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ancient Saiyan 7:[/B] 250,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ancient Saiyan 8:[/B] 450,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ancient Saiyan 9:[/B] 650,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ancient Saiyan 10:[/B] 850,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Chaou Saiyan:[/B] 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Chaou Saiyan 2:[/B] 250,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Chaou Saiyan 3:[/B] 450,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Chaou Saiyan 4:[/B] 650,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Chaou Saiyan 5:[/B] 850,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Chaou Saiyan 6:[/B] 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Chaou Saiyan 7:[/B] 250,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Chaou Saiyan 8:[/B] 450,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Chaou Saiyan 9:[/B] 650,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Chaou Saiyan 10:[/B] 850,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Chaou Saiyan level 10 was the highest level reached by the original WAR characters. Most of their power they gained from training in the vertigo chamber which allows one to fit 1,000 years of training into a single day, but also reverses time so that you only age 1 day instead of a thousand years. However most can't last the full 1,000 years. Most can't even last 100.
  11. WAR To all those who remember WAR I'm starting WAR Legends. I would like all those who participated in the original WAR series to participate in this as well as newcomers. This RPG is based in a Dragon Ball Z environment. I will become taking signups here as well as I will give bios of past WAR characters that will be included in the story. The story will begin in T minus 48 hrs. Here's some need to know info: The saiyan levels as created in the original WAR go like this: (I have also included approximate powerlevels) [B]Super Saiyan[/B] 1,000,000 - 200,000,000 [B]Super Saiyan 2[/B] 250,000,000 - 400,000,000 [B]Super Saiyan 3[/B] 450,000,000 - 600,000,000 [B]Super Saiyan 4[/B] 650,000,000 - 800,000,000 [B]Super Saiyan 5[/B] 850,000,000 - 1,000,000,000 [B]Super Saiyan 6[/B] 1,500,000,000 - 200,000,000,000 [B]Super Saiyan 7[/B] 250,000,000,000 - 400,000,000,000 [B]Super Saiyan 8[/B] 450,000,000,000 - 600,000,000,000 [B]Super Saiyan 9[/B] 650,000,000,000 - 800,000,000,000 [B]Super Saiyan 10[/B] 850,000,000,000 - 1,000,000,000,000 [B]Ultra Saiyan[/B] 1,500,000,000,000 - 200,000,000,000,000 [B]Ultra Saiyan 2[/B] 250,000,000,000,000 - 400,000,000,000,000 [B]Ultra Saiyan 3[/B] 450,000,000,000,000 - 600,000,000,000,000 [B]Ultra Saiyan 4[/B] 650,000,000,000,000 - 800,000,000,000,000 [B]Ultra Saiyan 5[/B] 850,000,000,000,000 - 1,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ultra Saiyan 6[/B] 1,500,000,000,000,000 - 200,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ultra Saiyan 7[/B] 250,000,000,000,000,000 - 400,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ultra Saiyan 8[/B] 450,000,000,000,000,000 - 600,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ultra Saiyan 9[/B] 650,000,000,000,000,000 - 800,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ultra Saiyan 10[/B] 850,000,000,000,000,000 - 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ancient Saiyan:[/B] 1,500,000,000,000,000,000 - 200,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ancient Saiyan 2:[/B] 250,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 400,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ancient Saiyan 3:[/B] 450,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 600,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ancient Saiyan 4:[/B] 650,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 800,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ancient Saiyan 5:[/B] 850,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ancient Saiyan 6:[/B] 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ancient Saiyan 7:[/B] 250,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ancient Saiyan 8:[/B] 450,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ancient Saiyan 9:[/B] 650,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Ancient Saiyan 10:[/B] 850,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Chaou Saiyan:[/B] 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Chaou Saiyan 2:[/B] 250,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Chaou Saiyan 3:[/B] 450,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Chaou Saiyan 4:[/B] 650,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Chaou Saiyan 5:[/B] 850,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Chaou Saiyan 6:[/B] 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Chaou Saiyan 7:[/B] 250,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Chaou Saiyan 8:[/B] 450,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Chaou Saiyan 9:[/B] 650,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [B]Chaou Saiyan 10:[/B] 850,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Chaou Saiyan level 10 was the highest level reached by the original WAR characters. Most of their power they gained from training in the vertigo chamber which allows one to fit 1,000 years of training into a single day, but also reverses time so that you only age 1 day instead of a thousand years. However most can't last the full 1,000 years. Most can even last 100.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B]D@mn right!!! Not to mention that we allready spend 6-7 hours in school 5 days a week!!! [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah. As if that's not already stressful enough!
  13. I have proven why no one needs to do homework: Pretty ingenious if I don't say so myself :D :devil: : Teachers, and students. It is in my greatest interest that I wish to inform you on the basic facts surrounding homework and why it should no longer be mandatory in any school processes. Homework, at times can be very difficult, sometimes forcing students to do things, that haven?t even been discussed in class, and without the aid of teachers, self-reliance usually fails. Homework causes students to become very stressed out, and frustrated especially in cases involving especially difficult homework. Stress has been proven to be very bad for the mental health and self-esteem of an individual as well as raising physical health concerns. Stress raises blood pressure, which is linked to hypertension and other heart ailments, and can possibly lead to life threatening heart disease, which is a major cause of death in Americans, later in an individual?s life. Homework has therefore been proven to be a health threat to individuals thereby involved and should not be mandatory in any school, for any reason, as lack of homework would produce a healthier population, and reduce risks of heart disease, and hypertension to the population as a whole.
  14. Here is my great speech on punkism: Punk is not only a method of thought it's a way of life. Seea punk doesn't give a **** what anybody things. If you were to accuse a true punk of being a prep they would not go into a long drawn out conversation denying they were a prep they would simply say: "**** you" Or something to that effect cuz' we don't give a ****. See we don't give a **** if you call us punk. Whatever floats your boat. We don't have to be categorized by a name to be ?cool?. Punk is not the color of your hair, the color of your skin. Our friends know who they are and they know who we are that's all that really matters, not facist words such as punk, prep, jock, geek. That's what true punk is jus' don't give a ****. Most people nowadays are hypocritical posers. Dressing in skateboard apparel even though they don?t skateboard and get piercings all because they think it makes them look more of a punk so that they may be accepted along with the rest of their ?punk? friends. See a true punk does not give a **** what other people think and does not do things to please their friends or anyone else for that matter because they could really care less. But most people in modern times are so obsessed with maintaining their ?punk? image they?ve forgotten what it is to be a punk, thus classifying them as posers. Therefore anyone who calls me or my friends a poser may go **** themselves in the *** with a sharp metallic object because at least we have not forgotten what it is to be a punk and really we could give a **** less what you think. - JD
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B][COLOR=purple]Most of my friends are disposable like baby wipes......I can always pull another out of the box.:rolleyes:[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] You don't sound like a very good friend to have. People are not just products, they have feelings and are real. One day you'll figure that out, if not you're life will be hell.
  16. First off I'd wish for an infinite amount of more wishes. Then I'd wish for 1) Infinite Power 2) Infinite Speed 3) Infinite Strength 4) Eternal Life 5) Ability to fly and use ki Then I'd be the best fighter in the universe and the best fighter forever. 6) My own Room of Spirit and Time. Why I dunno. 7) An exact clone I could fight with in my ROST and not kill innocent civilians. 8) World peace. 9) That the terrorist nations involved in the plane crash would give themselves up. 10) Money money money! 11) I'd save the rest for a rainy day...
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mstyrios WX [/i] [B]I'm still here,remember?King kai?(Not sure if I was him of Mstyrios Warrior when I joined)Sup my friend?How long has it been since WAR?Oh yeah,I'm making a fighting game about WAR,but don't expect it any time soon,I've only gotten up Zack(Older),I serching the internet for files I can use though. [/B][/QUOTE] What's up man! It's been awhile. This is awesome. Another Otaku Vet!
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B]I like Sum 41 "fat lip" at this moment... I couldn't really pick a favorite though. [/B][/QUOTE] That songs tight. It is really hard to pick a favorite song, cuz' there's so many out there. I couldn't real pick a favorite either.
  19. Hehehe... I find it kind of amusing that watching you all bicker over a topic. :D That was a horrible analogy too Transtic :p. Well anywayz my fave song right now is probably Slipknot - Heretic Anthem, either that or Slipknot - People = Sh**.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B]---------------------------------------------------------------- Trunks Moderator Posts: 500 From: Registered: Aug 2000 posted 12-10-2000 09:51 AM goku jumps up uses the solar flare piccolo: mt eyes!!!!!!! Goku takes his time to charge up a kamahamaha then blasts it at piccolo. ------------------ The One with the Sword IP: Logged ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thats me!!! I remember that! i remember that name to (SNJ99 PICCOLO) when he first joined. Are you reall the same SSJ5 Vegeta that perticapted in WAR??? heheh i remember you and Will2x were friends too... I can ever remember the way i mis spelled "my" i remember spelling it "mt" heheh. thats awedome! did you save it on your computer??? [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah I saved it on my comp. And yeah I'm the same SSJ5 Vegeta from way back when! It's awesome that you're still around dude! Finally I've found one of the Veterans of The Otaku that can relate with me. Awesome!
  21. Now for the finale: Gohan: I couldn't be more ready, to deal you the most crushing defeat you'll ever experience. I'll take that little thing you call Saiyajin pride, which is actually your oversized ego and snap it in half. Not to mention I'll pound you till you snap in half! Trunks: Wow Gohans powerlevel is millions of times bigger than Vegeta's. I just hope he doesn't kill my dad! Goten: Don't worry, he'll just teach Vegeta a lesson. Trunks you know how when Vegeta and Goku were SSJ7 they moved so fast we couldn't see them, and we could hardly keep up with their energy and how strong they were? Trunks: Yeah, so. Goten: Imagine how fast, and how strong Gohan's going to be. Trunks: That's mind boggling. I think that's beyond our comprehension, and I don't even want to think about it! As the two face off one question remains on the minds of the other warriors. They already know Gohan is way stronger than Vegeta, but will he actually go through with is threat and kill Vegeta, or is his heart to soft. Find out on the next action packed episode of DBZ! TO BE CONTINUED..... [This message has been edited by SSJ5 Vegeta (edited 12-11-2000).] IP: Logged -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Will2x Insane Poster Posts: 460 From:AGB Registered: Oct 2000 posted 12-11-2000 11:29 PM Gohan starts the beating on vegeta with blast and kicks. Vegeta just as i thought i have no chance of winning. what are thoose fools looking at. and my own son the worst of all is just going to watch me die! or maby i can get throw to him.) Trunks help me im hurt! goten: is he talking to you trunks? vegeta lease trunks(with a bright saiyan tear in his) please. Trunks: hes crying he never crys! nooooo. faaaaaaaaaathhhhhhheerrrrrrrrrrrr!!! i wont let this happen. trunks goes to super saiyan 9 in a blink. goten: what the hell is this. Gohan: no trunks stay back i must do this. trunks:no you cant do this. i wont let you. trunks calls for a new attack* majin sun. everyone is blinded and feels sick. Kami:whats this that attack is too strong even for goku gohan and vegeta together. the boys a fool just like his father. kami then teleports to the planet they are on. kami:you must call it off you can destroy existance itself. oh sure it may look like an ordinary attack now but once youve used it i will develop its own mind. vegeta:hes right trust me it will go into your mind first and then the minds of the world. everyone will see holucigens of everything they fear. gohan: trunks you cant do this! trunks: just watch me! all: noooooooooooooooo! as a horible deaise move is being used you have to wonder what they are thinking now. ------------------ Willie -- TheOtaku.com
  22. Goku: Huh? Gohan: (His excitement turns to dread he turns and faces Trunks.) Trunks you were right! I should have known it,this is just like on Namek with Frieza! Vegeta was only toying with Goku, using a fraction of his power. Vegeta: (Powers up.) Ready to taste true power. Goku: Yup. Vegeta: (Dissapears from sight. Goku can't see him. Goku suddenly flies up into the air, then sails towards the earth then flies back up into the air.) Gohan: He's batting my dad around like a tennis ball and there's nothing I can do about it! (Grits teeth, begins powering up. An golden aura bursts around him and his SSJ4 fur turns a bright gold and begins flashing, his turns gold and stands up like a Super Saiyan as he goes Super Saiyan Level 5.) Trunks: Amazing. Goten: Cool! Goku: (Thinks to himself. Amazing, just like that. Come on Vegeta just keep pushing Gohan, just like Cell.) Goku: (Starts fighting Vegeta although he once again is knocked into the dirt, but once again gets up, and comes at Vegeta again. Vegeta is just too fast and with one swift roundhouse to the chin Goku is sent to his hands and knees.) Vegeta: Haven't you noticed the futility of your effort. Give up now and I promise I'll give you a proper death, I'll vaporize you! Goku: (Beginning to get weak from staying at Kaio-ken times 100. Suddenly out of no-where a new wave of strength surges through Goku. He rushes at Vegeta and starts fighting him with such ferocity Vegeta is shocked. The fight is actually even now, Vegeta and Goku are fighting at an intensity beyond comprehension. They're dead even. Vegeta punches at Goku, Goku blocks then kicks at Vegeta. Vegeta ducks as Goku's kick misses him by about a centimeter.) Vegeta: (Thinks to himself: Whoa, I'll have to keep my wits about me. That one was close. Goku punches at Vegeta but Vegeta counters and delivers a well aimed punch on Goku's face, Goku is sent sailing backwards but as he's flying backwards he lands a beautifully placed kick right between the I eyes of Vegeta. Trunks, Gotenks and Gohan cannot see the fight, but they know that the fight must be even because both Vegeta and Goku look tattered and torn.) Goten: Whoah look! (Points at Vegeta. Vegeta has blood running out of his nose.) Trunks: Goku got in a good shot there no doubt. Gohan: Yeah but did you see our dad Goten. Goten: Aww man. Goku: (Has a cut on his right cheek, and his lip is bleeding.) Vegeta: I think you broke my nose Kakarot! Now I'll break your face. Goku: (Knows Vegeta's weakness is his anger because when he's angry he loses control and becomes a sloppy fighter. Goku thinks to himself: Come on you stupid bastard! Just keep coming! The two start fighting again but the others suddenly notice somethings wrong about Goku.) Trunks: Can anyone feel that. Goku's losing power and fast. At this rate he'll probably only last about 5-10 minutes at the most fighting at this intensity. Gohan: That Kaio-ken attack is zapping his power, but using it's the only way he can win unless he goes Oozaru! Goten: Go Oozaru dad. Goku: No, I refuse to! Vegeta may think he can win by doing this but we don't have too! (Vegeta and Goku stand staring at each other and appear to be taking a quick breather.) Goten: (Being his normal childish over confident self.) Well we all know who'll take Vegeta down if dad goes down, me! Gohan: Shut up! Goten: No you shut up. (The fight begins again and the two forget about their insignificant arguments and try to watch the fight. Goku suddenly flies downward from the sky and smashes into the ground.) Vegeta: Give it up Kakarot, you've lost two much energy already, you can't win. Gohan: Dad! (Yells, not caring if Vegeta hears him or not) VEGETA YOU'LL PAY!!!!!! (He?s surrounded by a brilliant gold light that blinds Goten and Trunks. Goten: (Goten and Trunks hastily shield their eyes.) Not again, I don't how much more abuse my eyes can take. Trunks: I hear what you're saying. Vegeta: Whoa, your kid looks mad, Goku, I'm scared. Gohan: (After the light clears Gohan is in the familiar form of the SSJ Level 6. His fur is still gold and his hair is in long golden spikes like a Super Saiyan 3?s. It is a bright whitish gold that pulsates out light from the energy he is putting out.) Goku: (Thinks to himself: Just keep pushing him.) Vegeta: Rushes at Goku and unloads a barrage of kicks and punches which sends Goku into a mountain which collapses on him. Goku: (Raises his energy and the rocks on top of him shatter. He stands up with a calm look and walks towards Vegeta.) Nice, Vegeta, nice, but my grandma hits harder than you. (Goku is now really trying to piss Vegeta off so he'll really beat on Goku and cause Gohan to snap.) Vegeta: What, why you insolent, (Before he can finish his sentence Gokus fist is in his mouth. Vegeta flies back and grabs his jaw. He pops his jaw back into place then notices his lip is bleeding again. Goku: (Appears above Vegeta then begins flying away in the air from Vegeta.) Catch me if you can dumbass! Vegeta: (To say Vegeta is furious now is an understatement, in fact he's beyond furious. He dissapears and appears right in front of Goku. He begins pounding on Goku with no mercy. Goku is smashed into the ground. Vegeta shouts out) Big bang!!! (up until now Vegeta and Goku had not used any energy attacks for fear it might destroy the planet and leave them to suffocate in space, but Vegeta's anger overrides his common sense, and he knows only one thing, he must make Kakarot suffer! The blast from the big bang attack is huge. Goku tries to get the hell out of dodge and barely catches a bit of the blast. Trunks, Goten, and Gohan are sent sailing about a mile through the air and land in a large body of water with a splash. They lazily float on their backs on the water staring up at the sky.) Goten: Whoah that was big. Trunks: Amazing. Gohan: How can you say that Trunks, amazing that my dad probably just got incenirated! Trunks: No I meant the power of that blast. Vegeta: (Looks down upon the seen and doesn't see Goku. The crater is huge, about 2 miles deep and 10 miles in diameter! Vegeta doesn't see Goku and suspects him to be dead.) Ha, I knew the weakling wouldn't last much longer! (Floating high in the sky suddenly spots a small figure with his hawk-like vision. He flies down for a closer look.) Kakarot actually survived but is unconsious. Well I'll finish him now! (He points his hand palm open at Goku and an energy ball appears in it.) Goodbye Kakarot! (Gohan appears in front of Vegeta in his SSJ6 form.) Vegeta: What do you think you're doing. Gohan: Killing you! Vegeta: Don't you understand, you're a weak blooded saiyajin just like your stupid father! You actually have the guts to take me! You're nothing but a little weakling why don't you go cry to your mommy. Gohan: SHUT UP! (Snaps. He goes SSJ7 and grows 8 foot tall. His muscles on his arms and legs grow to ridculous sizes, his hair on his head and body turns a bright blue, which pulsates and glows, and his eyes turn all white. Then to everyone's amazement, and much to Vegeta's horror he begins to ascend to the next level. He actually shrinks back to his normal size, although everyone knows size doesn't matter. His muscles however stay the same size and then start growing at a rapid rate. His hair turns Royal Blue, which glows and pulsates and grows into long whispy spikes. His eyes turn a bright blue color. Electricity and energy ripples around him. He's surrounded by a dome of pure energy miles in diameter. The sky grows dark as clouds appear in the sky above. Lightning begins lighting up the sky around the energy dome, flashing like crazy.) Goten: Way to go bro. Trunks: Yes, Gohan you can do it! Vegeta: (Vegeta is going apeshit at the power he's sensing. He's determined to stop Gohan. He charges up to full power and then attempts to hit Gohan with his most powerful attack!) Final Flash! (He yells. But the blast is just deflected harmlessly off the energy dome surrounding Gohan. The dome grows into a huge mass of bright white light which is so bright if you were in another galaxy it would still blind you. After it slowly subsides it has Vegeta, Goten, and Trunks seeing spots. Everyone else is freaking out, but Gohan stands there, a stone cold, expressionless look on his face with only one mission take revenge for his dad.) Vegeta: (Scared witless.) No it can't be, it's impossible. Gohan: You're right it is impossible, impossible for you to win! Vegeta: But how? Just a second a go you were a SSJ Level 3, then 4, then 5, then 6, then 7, now 8? Gohan: I'm just like a twig, it can only take so much before it snaps. Vegeta: (Begins to realize how futile fighting Gohan will be, but decides that if he goes down he'll go down fighting. He powers up to full power.) Ready.
  23. Goku: Gohan, Trunks, Goten I told you not to follow me. Oh if it's one thing I've learned mainly from Vegeta, it's the only unstoppable force is Saiyajin curiosity. Well have a seat on the sidelines and enjoy the show. Ready to go Vegeta. Vegeta:(Balls up fists and grits teeth.) Ready. They both rush at each other so fast Gohan has trouble sensing their power level much less seeing them. Trunks: Incredible! Gohan: But I can't tell if my dad's winning or losing. Uh oh Trunks move. ( The two get the hell out of dodge and about a hundreth of a second after they fly into the sky suddenly the ground quakes from an impact and part of the ground explodes sending rocks and dust everywhere. The crater is about the size of a small island. Goku comes walking out of it still glowing red.) Trunks: There's your answer as to who's losing. Vegeta: Told you Goku, you can't touch me. Goku: Oh, yeah. (Dissapears. Goku uses his full speed.) Vegeta: What's he doing I can keep up with him fine. (Goku invisible to all except Vegeta circles Vegeta.) Kakarot you can't out run me, give it up. (Goku suddenly rushes at Vegeta. Goku coming at Vegeta from the front stops in front of him. Vegeta punches but his fist goes right through Goku and Goku's image fades out of sight. Instantly Goku appears behind Vegeta and delivers a full-force kick to his ribs so hard it brings bile up in Vegetas throat and he feels as if he's going to puke.) Goku: As you were saying. Vegeta: (Stumbling, trying to regain his footing.) Good one Kakarot! Now I've got one for you. (Dissapears.) Goku: Where'd he go? Vegeta: (Appears above Goku.) Up here. (Goku turns and looks up but by the time he does Vegeta has dissapeared. He hears a voice over his shoulder.) Behind you Kakarot. (Goku looks behind him. Then suddenly with a very clever idea anticipating Vegeta immediately turns around and punches straight in front of him. Vegeta appears flying through the air away from Goku from a well delivered shot to the face.) Gohan: Go dad. Trunks: Somethings not right. It seems that it's all to easy for Goku. Vegeta: (Stops himself in midair. Vegeta has a familiary coppery taste in his mouth. He wipes his lip off with his gloved hand and finds blood on his glove.) Well enough playing around I guess I'll have to go to full power.
  24. And finally for the last part: SSJ5 Vegeta Cool Newbie Posts: 39 From: Registered: Dec 2000 posted 12-11-2000 08:40 AM S SSJ7 Goku: That's where you're wrong Vegeta! There's another great power that equals yours. Mine! Vegeta Oozaru (Giant Ape): (SSJ7 plus power his power has been multiplied x100. Vegeta looks surprised.) Kakarot how come you didn't go ape too! SSJ7 Goku: I've learned to control my transformation Vegeta, I did it during my spirit and time training after getting killed by Cell! Vegeta Oozaru: But why would you want to stay a normal Saiyajin? You're a fool, my power has increased to much for you to defeat me in my current form! Why? SSJ7 Goku: Because I'll show everyone I don't need to use some stupid power boost to get the job done! Gohan: (Flies down next to Goku in SSJ 4 form.) I also have learned to control my power Vegeta, my father taught me! And I'll show you why I don't need a stupid power boost to get the job done either. Vegeta Oozaru: I see you and your sons point, very brave Kakarot, but if it's one thing you should have learned about me is I don't always play fair. Fight in whatever form you like, I'm staying Oozaru! And Gohan you actually expect to have some kind of chance against me. Sorry kid, but you don't stand a chance in hell, but tell me when and how did you suddenly decide to go SSJ4? Gohan: Because you're beginning to make me mad, and you of all people after being on Namek, and seeing me fight Cell should know what happens when I get mad. Vegeta: As if I care. The most you've ever been able to go up is to acsend one level of SSJ. Oh, wow theoratically you'd go SSJ5. You'd still get slaughtered, (Suddenly sounds sympathetic:) Chi-Chi's about to lose a husband, don't make her lose a son too. SSJ7 Goku: I hate to say it, but he's right Gohan you stay out of this. Fine then Vegeta let's go, but before we do I'll tell you what I told Frieza on Namek. I'm the ally to good and a nightmare to you! You can't win Vegeta because good will always prevail! Goten Oozaru: (Powers up.) Come on I can take him. (Although he doesn't understand how foolish he is Vegeta and Goku do. Vegeta: Ha, ha, ha, ha. Aww, you're killing me! I?ve come to a conclusion. I will be fair to you Kakarot. Only because I know I?m still a lot stronger than your foolish mind can comprehend and because although 100 times stronger in this Oozaru form, I wouldn?t be able to keep up with you because I?d be bulked down. (Reverts from SSJ7 Oozaru back to Super Saiyan 7 normal form.) Goku: No, Goten, stay out of this. (Goten returns to his normal Saiyan form.) Goten: But daddy. Goku: No stay out of this or, or I'll knock you out! (Trunks, Gohan, Goten and even Vegeta are shocked by what Goku just said.) Now I'm going to destroy you Vegeta, you can't win! Vegeta: Whatever! (Punches Goku sends Goku sailing into mountain and Goku hits the mountain so hard he goes in one side and comes out the other! Goku stops in midair and floats down towards the ground then falls to his knees.) Told you that my power has increased to much for you Kakarot. Gohan: Daddy! (Looks at Vegeta angrily. Vegeta smirks at him.) Goten: This sucks! SSJ7 Goku: (Thinking to himself: It may kill me but it's a gamble I'm going to have to take. I should be able to overpower Vegeta! I'll only be able to keep my power up for a little while, but it'll still be worth it if I can make it work!) (Goku gets an intense look on his face he begins powering up and a red flame surrounds him and grows to huge porportions. Kaio-ken x100! I'm okay Gohan, just do as I say stay out of this! Vegeta, we'll destroy this planet fighting, so wadda ya say I teleport us to another planet without any life on it to fight. Vegeta: (Amazed) Uhhhh. What power. (Goes back to a calm look.) Although my senses still indicate I'm still about twice as strong as Kakarot is! Yes, I guess we can go to another planet to fight SSJ7 Goku: Ready to leave Vegeta! Vegeta: (Yawning) Ready as always. (Goku dissapears and appears in front of Vegeta. Then puts two fingers to his forehead and places his other hand on Vegeta.) Goku: You stay here Gohan, Goten and Trunks. I'm going. (He begins to flash.) Trunks: I'm not going to miss this! (flies over and grabs onto Goku.) Gohan: Me neither. (Joins up with group. They all dissapear.) Goten: Me too! (He grabs onto the group.) They all appear on a different earth-like planet, however there's no life on it.
  25. And now for the second part of this epic: (It was too long for just one post) SSJ5 Vegeta Cool Newbie Posts: 39 From: Registered: Dec 2000 posted 12-10-2000 04:10 PM Trunks leaps in front of the blast and attempts to block it but after the blast he is laying on the ground charred to weak to move. Gohan: Trunks!!! Noooo! Gohan: (Promises to go get some sensu beans for trunks and leaves.) (Gohan returns in a couple of hours and finds amazingly Trunks is still alive.) Trunks: (Laying on ground to weak to get up) Calls Gohan over to him. Gohan what's that immense power I'm feeling. Gohan: Oh, yeah while I was getting your sensu beans I decided to gather up the Dragon Balls and wish a certain somebody back. Trunks: This power it can't be vegeta he's dead. Gohan: (In a calm cool tone.)Well just take a look where vegeta was laying, hes gone. Piccolo: What the hell? Where could someone with this kind of power come from. (Piccolo gets an eery gut feeling. As if someone is standing right behind him and watching him. Vegeta: (Standing behind Piccolo) Do you think you could actually defeat me that easily you idiot! Gohan: (Shaking with fear and excitement because Vegeta?s intentions are still unknown.) His power just keeps growing it's incredible! Vegeta: Oh, yes your time has come Piccolo. You may not have known it but you know how I dissapeared without a trace for about five days a couple of weeks ago. Piccolo: Yeah, but what are you getting at. Vegeta: I gathered all the dragonballs and wished for the doors on the hyperbolic time chamber to stay open forever. Then I trained for 7 days straight. Yes, Piccolo you've noticed the change in me, but your feeble mind won't accept the fact I am now the most powerful force this planet has ever known! Then I just gathered them up and stuck the dragonball?s in the hyperbolic time chamber and waited a day and they were recharged again. Piccolo: Get to the point already. Vegeta: Well during my training a reached a new level, a level higher than Kakarot, but I couldn't sustain it. I could have powered up and kicked your *** today but I wasn't sure if I could because the last time I tried it almost killed me. (Vegeta has flash back of trying to power up to SSJ 7 in the hyperbolic time chamber. Starts growing really tall but then blood starts running out of his nose and he grabs his head and collapses.) Piccolo: You tricked me. Vegeta: Yes I let you kill me and thanks to you killing me then Gohan wishing me back, because of my near death experience my power was raised tremendously just like any Saiyan after a battle. No I?m back, better than ever and ready to open up a can of whoopass. So buckle up Piccolo because I'm going beat you to hell and back. Piccolo: Grrr. How could I have been so stupid. I knew killing Vegeta was too easy! Dammit! Future Trunks: Hey Gohan. I know we probably won't do much good but power up anyway. Vegeta may still not be powerful enough to take Piccolo. Gohan: Kay. (Gohan and Trunks power up to SSJ Level 3. Vegeta: Well then, is everybody ready to witness a power that not even Kakarot has reached. (Shoots a menacing glance over at Goku then a devilish grin spreads across his face.) Goku: Well lets see it Vegeta. Let's see if you're not just all talk. Vegeta: Fine then you will! ( Turns his back to everyone then begins powering up. The earth shakes so hard all the other fighters lose their footing and fall to the ground. A powerful wind seems to swirl around Vegeta. Trunks and Gohan get up and try to stay on their feet and are sent sliding backwards. Piccolo and Goku the one's closest to Vegeta are sent flying through the air.) Goku: (Stops himself in mid-air and hovers. Thinks to himself: My god he's actually doing it. He's actually reaching a new level. Go Vegeta you can do it.) The sound of him powering up is so loud Trunks and Gohan are yelling at the top of their lungs but can't even hear each other. Vegeta starts growing, he grows in size until he's about 8-10 foot tall. His arms and legs have so much muscle on them they resemble tree trunks. His hair begins blinking a bright whitish gold color. His hair grows into huge whitish gold spikes which stand four and a half feet in the air. Then long hair grows down the back of his neck. Until it reaches the middle part of his back. His hair then brilliantly changes hues from a blinking white to yellow then to gold, then to bright red, then to dark red, then to dark orange, then to bright orange, then to a yellowish green color, then to a greenish blue, then to a bright purple color, then to a blue color then finally to a bright blue color which flashes periodically. He turns around and everyone is shocked at what stands before them. Vegeta is incredibly muscular, but the scariest thing is he has no iris or pupil! His eyes are totally white. Piccolo: (Doesn't want to believe it. The power he feels is driving him insane.) No it can't be. Vegeta dissapears and the instant he dissapears Piccolo flies into the air then an invisible force from above hits him so hard the instant he's hit he hits the ground. The speed of the attack is incredible, Goku seems stunned and Trunks and Gohan's jaws hang to the ground. Goku would have tried to help Piccolo, but Vegeta moved too fast. Meanwhile Piccolo lays on the ground unconscious and near the brink of death. Vegeta appears standing next to Piccolo. SSJ7 Vegeta: What a couple of love taps and you're calling it quits, pathetic. Trunks: (Shocked.) Love taps? Gohan: (Stands there with his jaw wide open.) Goku: No! (Rushes over to Piccolo.) SSJ 7 Vegeta: (Begins floating into the air. Well all that's left for me is to finish this worthless Namek he thinks to himself.) Goku: (Knows what Vegeta is doing.) No, Vegeta don't do this! Vegeta: What's done is done Kakarot. Try to get in the way and I'll vaporize you too. Goku: Well if you're not going to stop for Piccolo, think of your family, think of the planet. Using as much power as you are just a small blast to you could wipe out the whole planet. You don't know your own strength. Vegeta: Know this Kakarot, after I destroy Piccolo you and me are going to have a little bought and we're going to settle the the score once and for all. (Vegeta dissapears and appears high in the sky. He powers up slightly.) Final Flash!!! A blast with a diameter of a small island flies at Goku and the unconcious Piccolo. Goku grits his teeth and jumps in front of Piccolo and attempts to block it. Trunks and Gohan are blinded by the light which is so bright people on the other side of the world are blinded too. Trunks and Gohan fly as far away from it as they can and look on at a safe distance of a couple of miles and shield their eyes. Suddenly the blast is deflected up into the air and sails into outer space it continues and flies off to the other side of the galaxy smashing into Saturn and the blast is so big it vaporizes Saturn and completely destroys 3/4 of Jupiter. The blast is so bright that there is artificial daylight on the dark side of the earth lasting for about 2 minutes. After the blast clears Vegeta looks down and sees a familiar sight, a mirror image of himself. Goku is a SSJ Level 7 and he has bright blue hair and is about 8 foot tall and has no color to his eyes like Vegeta. Standing there in a blocking position. Goku: (Lowering his arms.) Ready to settle this score. Vegeta: (Chuckling) Very good Kakarot you really had me fooled. Yes I'm ready. Goku: Let's go. Gohan and trunks return just in time to see the beginning of the fight. Goku and Vegeta dissapear from sight, and even though Trunks and Gohan can't see them they are rushing towards towards each other at almost the speed of light. SOME ONE ELSE FINISH THIS! ------------------ I am the ultimate SSJ. No others can surpass me for I have surpassed all others! [This message has been edited by SSJ5 Vegeta (edited 12-11-2000).] IP: Logged --------------------------------------------------------------------- Will2x Insane Poster Posts: 460 From:AGB Registered: Oct 2000 posted 12-10-2000 11:50 PM at the same time they blast which forces them to to hold it. while their holding blast. the soul of kami deep inside of evil piccolo comes out making kami super he looks incredibly young and stronger. goku:what this. vegeta:i cant belive this. kami:three weaks ago me and dende were working on a project to make me and piccolo stronger unfortunately it made piccolo since he was the body evil. he inhaled only a peice of the power possed inside of us. he was so evil that he hid me deep inside and the evil took over. now that hes dead my soul is whats left. i know posse the full power of every Namek ever born. I?ve split from piccolo and his soul lies in hell now. gohan: NO! its not true piccolo was my trainer he cant be dead. kami:im sorry gohan. gohan crys* vegeta:stop your whimpering saiyans dont cry! vegeta unleshes a ball vegeta:there, you cant cry with the blind ball. the ball grows and shines powerfully. gohan: ahhhhhh goku:ahhhhhhh trunks:ahhhhh goten:ahhh vegeta: wait thats the artificial moon!ahh each saiyans tail burst from their backs and they all turn into monkeys. kami h no fortuntly im still stronger. vegeta: hahaha i will destroy you all. kami:except vegeta. his power has pumped to much. gohan trys to walk and the earth quakes! goku: gohan try to control your power. be as weak as you can be, trunks:ahhhhhhhh this is too much. goten: it hurts. vegeta: you fools youve never experienced such great power. To be continued.............. ------------------ What's your fantasy. ---Ludicris IP: Logged -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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