SSJ5 Vegeta
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Everything posted by SSJ5 Vegeta
Besides having a f***ing virus that's just now letting up today my g/f decided so should our relationship of 4 months. 4 months exactly today. Funny thing. As much as I loved her. It was like nothing when I broke up with her. And even though she was crying and saying **** like "It's better this way," I was strangely calm and detached. All I gotta' say is this has been one hell of a f***ing day. :( I guess I'll be on tomorrow after school. Goodbye everyone... :(
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B]man, I'm the worst at tryin' ta keep a straight face! you should see me at school sometime:laugh: (well, maybe not)....:cross::blush: sticky notes should be 'unstickied' after a certain amount of time [/B][/QUOTE] You wouldn't stand a chance against me and my friend. Me and him should start a stand up comedy show. We'd probably become rich.
I dunno where the logic is. I think if someone did they'd be rich. I think instead of asking questions, and criticizing american society on what everyone else is doing wrong people need to take responsibility for their own actions and stop b***ing about everyone else's problems and fix theirs.
What happened this idiot news reporter went with Vassili. And as they were hiding he popped up pointing and said "I think I see someth..." within about a second he was dead shot right through the head. (See even in the old days the media was still dumb as hell.) Anyways Vassili put his helmet on a stick and held it up and it got shot he then saw where the shot came from. A dark area in between to pieces of tin which were propped up kinda' like a tent. He shot right for the middle of the dark area and pierced major Konigs face and the bullet exited through his neck piercing his spine.
Yes. Using words such as gay or *** to describe an individual is stupid no matter what. Sometimes however anger get's the best of us...
I've got a quote: "The man who forgets his quote should not tell anyone till he has remembered it..." j/k Hey anyone seen that movie Enemy at the Gates? It's about the sniper battle between Vassili the russian and Major Konig the German sniper. The end wasn't exactlly true to history, but it was a pretty cool movie.
Drink lot's of fluids and keep your skin moisturized. Also take cool showers. All that stuff helps.
I still haven't thought of a custom avatar yet. Oh well I have quite a ways to go.
Is excessive drinking of alcohol considered a sport??? j/k :D
Yes and our good little yellow friend Peniccilin- Chu can go with us!
Jus' be like : "Bleh! Suck a d*** beeeeooootch!" Then go get stoned off your a** then run about the streets naked throwing open tuna cans at people you don't like. j/k Don't heed my advice. If you do then you are dump... I mean dumb... Yeah... Well anyways don't look at it as the end. The end of this is only the beginning of something else. There will be somebody better come along I promise ya.
Welcome back to the boards. Hmmm... I just noticed something... You stole my signature! Da** trendies! j/k Welcome back man...
English people crack me up. See if you imagine saying : "Like the proverbial red rag being cracked against the bull's buttocks" in an English voice... It sounds funny!
Little Gohan: Ok! (Dumps pail of water on him.) Matt: I got the door! (Locks freezer door.) Little Gohan: Good luck catching those 250 viruses! SSJ5 Vegeta: *shivering* Ok... Brrrrr.... Now where are those little bast@rd$? They have to be around here somewhere... After all they shouldn't be that hard to catch with my nice :ball: virus ball! *Sneeze* I think I just caught one! :D
I prefer skateboarding myself. I think it's the most fun to do and to watch. But one thing not even a skateboard can beat is a swimming pool on a hot day.
I know but sometimes cheesiness is funnier than any joke someone could tell. It's like if someone tells you a joke you might laugh, but if someone just gets up and runs into a wall, that'll make you laugh more than any joke. But the funniest sh** is improv comedy. Me and my friend improv sh** all the time. We usually have everyone laughing so hard they can't hardly breathe. It's kinda' hard to improv on a message board though seeing as how alot of it is in facial expressions and the way you say stuff.
Hey somebody! Dump a pail of freezing water on me and lock me in a freezer! I gotta' catchem' all!
Eh... I know... It was stupid... But I'm bored.
I guess some posts are just meant to *stick* around... hehehe... No pun intended :D
We all gotta' die sometime...
As alot of you already know I have been battling a new kind of virus for the past 5 or 6 days. So new the doctors don't even know what it is thus they have no cure for it. Luckily my friend who caught it like a few days before me didn't die so that means it's not fatal. And I'm feeling a whole lot better now which means for once I'm winning the battle. The cool thing is I caught a new virus... And I kicked it's a$$! I don't think many people can say that. Well anyway that means I'll be immune to it from now on. But the rest of my friends, including you guys... Won't.... :(
I dunno all I know is this will be my last post for quite some time. Just like Goku said. It'd be dumb to die because of a stupid virus. I'd be mad if I did.
Yours truly SSJ5 Vegeta is currently battling a very very nasty virus. And guess what? I'm one of the first people to get it! The doctors said they have no cure for and all I can do is wait it out. From firsthand experience it's a nasty little son of a bi**. Your tonsils and lymph nodes swell up. All your joints hurt. Your head hurts, your face, your nose, your lips, you neck, your throat, your chest, your stomach, your hip joints, your knee joints, your calves and shins, your ankles, your toe joints, your elbow joints, your finger joints, your shoulders. Even my like my tailbone and a** hurt! It sux. And like you run a fever of over 100 degrees and you're so weak you just wanna' lay around and sometimes you feel like you could just fall over and die. The only thing I can do is take Tylenol to keep the fever down and wait it out. I've had it four, four days and just when I think it's gonna' let up it hits me even harder. And sometimes my chest hurts so bad I swear I'm having a heart attack and it becomes like super difficult to breathe and the point of it hurting whenever I swallow has made me hate to eat anything, and I can only eat tiny amounts of food or else I barf. This virus is definetly taking it's toll on me. It's kinda' cool cuz' I'm one of the first people to get it. On the other hand, I hope it isn't fatal. God da** my finger joints really hurt after typing this much, can hardly move my hands. So anyway you probably won't see me for a while.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Yes, I agree suicide is cowardly... I just want to live as long as I can in this world, no matter what. This place is meant to suck to see how long people can stand this place. It's just one big long game.. and as Gene Starwind put it so clearly,"just remember there is no 'reset' button in this game.." those who commit suicide and duck out of the game early didnt deserve to be in it in the first place.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Eh, couldn't have said it better myself! I don't really care when or how I die, because when your numbers up your numbers up and there ain't no stopping death when it comes for you. I think it would be cool to die in a long drawn out Jet Li type martial arts fight where we both beat the sh** out of each other for a while and do some fancy karate moves then finally bring out the Samurai Swords and have a long drawn out sword fight where he slashes me, I fight I slash him, then at the conclusion we both stab and kill each other at the same time. That would be the ultimate and coolest death in my book.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zaku II [/i] [B]hmm....im not taking sides but your both over reacting and blowing a small thing out of porportion. [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry but I don't take sh** off of no one even if they are a mod. And he was just being a total dumba$$ going off on me when he had no reason too. I think he needs to take some midol or something instead of taking his PMS aggression out on me.