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SSJ5 Vegeta

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Everything posted by SSJ5 Vegeta

  1. I'd like to touch on something that's been eating at me. It seems nowadays, alot of parents are getting sh**ier, there's so much pain people have resorted to taking drugs to ease their pain, because their sick of their lives. I see all this **** happening and don't see anything being done about. The government worries about children overseas. What about it's children. They're crying out in vain. But no one hears them. And nowadays parents just ignore their kids. They don't listen to what their thoughts are, which forces them to just stuff it inside and bottle it up there. All these people say that the youth is the future. Well they need to give us a f***ing future!
  2. I just have 2 dogs. A white one named Christy that's a lab mix and a terrier named Benji.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KUNIVA [/i] [B][font=Lucida Handwriting][color=Darkblue]I Know how old you are. You are....(What did you say strange voice in my Head dont tell them? But why not? O.K. strange voice talk to you later). Any way I know your younger that 18 for a fact and your atl east 15. I say this because you draw you write storys your a mod andyou work thats alot of stuff to do. So i have narrowed it down to 1...(What you still dont want me to tell them strange voice? I dont care if you try to kill me Im going to tell them.) I think you turned 17.[/color][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] Ok that's some some disturbing sh**. You know your inner voice doesn't sound like a very cheerful person. Anywayz Ginny Lyn I think you're 19ish that's just my guess. I know you posted your real age once, I'm just to stupid to remember. (Don't tell me not to insult myself Simon! No you shutup! Don't tell me to decapitate a monkey! Monkeys are cool you stupid voice! Don't call me a dip-sh**! If you don't shutup I'll Aaaaaahhhhhh!)
  4. Pulling a wizard of oz lion out the window thing eh KUNIVA? Anyway it's gonna' suck going back to school. The only good thing I'll get to see my friends. Wow, like I don't do that in the summertime anwayz. Oh well, I guess if ya' think positive it'll fly by just like the past school years. Last year I ran through the school in my boxers and a gorilla mask. What crazy sh** do I have planned for this year? :D Hehehe.... Well you'll just have to find out... Muahahaha...
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zero-Sama [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue][FONT=courier new]The effects of coffie are very scary.[/FONT][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I think the lesson to be learned here is... Parents... Don't feed your babies coffee.
  6. Just curious when does everybody else's school begin. Mine begins on this Wednesday, unfortunately :(. What ever happened to that saying "No more homework, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks,"? That saying is highly over-rated. Anyway hope the rest of you have a nice school year.
  7. Somehow in that picture reminds me of Gizmo off of Gremlins. Anybody else agree?
  8. I believe I was in the 1200 range. Something like 1250 I think.
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