SSJ5 Vegeta
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Everything posted by SSJ5 Vegeta
It was a song that I turned into a poem.
I lie here In the dark So cold So cold I live my life With one eye open And both hands on the wheel Can't explain what I feel But It?s my life It?s my knife Take it and stab it deep into my soul You?d never understand Even if I tried It?s my life Take it and stab it deep into my soul What you said to me Kind of cut in deep Went right to my heart So I lay on the floor And visions of you pass As my eyes roll back I could never understand Even if I tried It?s a puzzle I can?t put together You?re gone, so why do I still cry I live my life It?s my knife Take it and stab it deep into my soul It?s my knife It?s my life My world Stab it deep into my soul
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lalaith Ril [/i] [B]I know its not legal in a lot of places but you can still skate on the street ya know? Or in parking lots. Just a suggestion.... Btw: Welcome to Otaku Boards! [/B][/QUOTE] I live about 10 miles out of columbia where the skatepark is so that's what I do. Skateboard out in the street or on my sidewalk and porch. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][SIZE=1]I--*stops* Hm. I'd like to learn Latin. Haven't the faintest as to how to go about that at the moment, however...[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] They have computer programs that will teach you Spanish, and French and probably even latin. Currently I'm brushing up on Alg. 1, Geometry, and teaching myself Alg. II even though I'm in Algebra II and hopefully I can get to Trig before I take my ACT's. All I can say is it is sad when I can teach myself Algebra from a computer program better than the public school system can.
Do any of you have dreams that you just can't forfill because of where you live? I snowboard, and would like to go like pro am or something but it only snows like a week out of every year here. Me and my friends do crazy stuff like go down 18 stairs. The craziest thing I ever did was a 540 indy off of a 20 foot porch up in the air... Next year we're gonna' make a tape of really crazy stuff like tricking off of ramps while being pulled by a four wheeler, my g/f said if I break a bone she'll whoop my ***... But yeah... Any of you out there have dreams that you can't do because of your current situation? Sucks don't it?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I agree with Mitth'raw'nuruodo... Especially considering he said March 25th and it's not even March yet. Eh, **** happens. I hardly think this is something you should get this worked up over. [/B][/QUOTE] I was talking about last March 25th, no I don't lie... So f*** anyone who insinuated I did. We've been together ever since last November. We've been together 1 year and 3 months. If you don't know what you're talking about then please don't f***ing make matters worse...
My g/f and I always had this pact... 5 months into our relationship March 25th (we were both virgins and more in love than i think two people ever could be and commited ourselves to each other FOR LIFE). Then today I'm talking on the phone with my friend Pat, and he's friends with her friend (for confidentially she will be called Mary) anyway "Mary" told me that she already knew we quote on quote "f****" because that's what my g/f said. So I said: "You're lying" She said: "No she told me it happened about 5 months into the relationship." And I knew she was truthful because I kept my pact all this time. Then she goes: "So Josh HOW big is it?" And I go :"What the hell are you talking about?" She goes: "Well I've heard you're... you're... yea... I've heard it's pretty GOOOOD..." End of story... End of relationship... Goodbye all... Thinking of getting drunk now...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cyko [/i] [B]It sounds fun. So I give it my thumbs up. But I also think that going 0-100 mph in 5 seconds on a lawn mower would throw you off easily. ^_^ I always wanted to be theperson whocan stay up the longest time. I have tried [i]way[/i] too many times. But I don't even know if I beat it or not. I have never had a World Book of World Records or whatever. If I ever found out what it was. I [b]would[/b] beat it. [/B][/QUOTE] It's going to be more of a Funny car then a lawn mower. I'm going to try to send in letters and get sponsored by companies. I want to use a cub cadet because my families had the same one for about 11 years and it still runs. Also I want to try to be sponsored by ford because if I was... I would build an ultimate tractor. 0-120 in .8 seconds. Running a 1/4 mile in 4-6 seconds and 299-300 + horses. I could stretch out the front end add drag tires. Hold the fastest speed record, and 1/4 mile. I'm going to add like a funny car body to it, and add a rollcage, along with a seat with harnesses. Like a drag car. Only I'll have Cub Cadet decals, and Ford Decals, and performance parts decals on it if they sponsor me. If not I'll just dig up a superbike engine at Lee's. I have already good help... My mom knows about everything about cars, she used to help my grandfather build an engine from pretty much scrap and put it in the car. My friend Doug is helping with aerodynamics design, and blueprinting because he has an A in science and is good with Physics.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Enishi [/i] [B]There is no twin turbo Honda Civic engine... and even if there was one, it would be well over 300 horsepower... [/B][/QUOTE] Actually my friend you take a Honda Civic Dual Overhead Cam V-Tech engine, add a Greddy or Garrett twin turbo system, on a factory engine running 9 p.s.i and you have an engine you don't have to spend 20,000 switching out pistons, rods, gasket heads, headers, cams, or boring and stroking it. And it would probably run 300+ horsepower. That's just my estimate. Now if you wanted to go all out I'd say 700-800+ hp. I know my stuff...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by treton_noir [/i] [B]do you know anything about making a rocket (not to mention operating one)? if you dont know a hell-of-a-lot about rocketry..., my vote goes for the stupid side. if you do, or are planning to learn, then have at it, killer. that's awesome! [/B][/QUOTE] Actually by rocket I meant it will be fast. I'm going to drop a superbike engine in it. The most expensive part about it since I can get a motorcycle engine pretty cheap at Lee's Autobody, (he sells Porsche's for like 5-10,000 dollars that he fixes up). The most expensive part will probably be the carbon fiber funny car dragster type unibody I'm adding, and the rollcage since along with a wheelie bar. I'll probably need the help of an engineer and it will have to be totally custom made. I'm also making suspension modifications, and switching some fat axles on there so they won't snap under a souped up 120 plus horsepower engine (might add NOS but doubtful, I'm not sure how well motorcycles handle Nitrous Oxide and I don't feel like going through so much work to blow my engine up.) I was also thinking of maybe making one with a twin turbocharged plus nitrous Inline 4 from a Honda Civic running 300+ horsepower but that would be crazy expensive, and take hella' body, and drivetrain modification.
One of my goals in life is to break a guiness record or set one. I'm going to attempt to break the world land speed record on a.... riding lawn mower. The current record I believe is like 80 mph. I'm going to try to create a 120 hp rocket that will go from 0-100 mph in 5 seconds. A bunch of my friends have already volunteered to help me. Do you guys think it's dumb or cool that I'm trying to do this?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#507AAC]Take him outside onto the grass. My cousin's dog ate rat poison once...and he was okay. You have to put him on grass for two reasons. First, he will vomit a lot. Dogs and cats automatically vomit to clean that stuff out. And second, he'll probably eat some of the grass. I don't know exactly why...but dogs and cats seem to eat grass a bit when they are ill. It must have some quality that helps *shrug* So yeah, just be gentle...carry him onto your lawn or something and see what he does. Also, check to see if any rat poison has actually been eaten. And...finally, you might want to ring a vet for advice anyway. Just incase.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] The reason dogs and cats eat grass is because it makes them natious and helps them vomit. It's like syrup of ipecac for pets. Plus don't worry. I've seen dogs live through rat poisoning. Rat poisoning has an agent in it which decreases the vitamin k in your body. Vitamin k is what makes your blod clot, so pretty much it makes your cat or a rat's blood run think like water. Make sure he doesn't get injured or he will bleed out like a m*****f***er. Don't worry I've seen it on Animal Hospital or something of the sort on animal planet where a dog was poisoned by rat poison. I would definetly suggest if you think it is to take it to someone who will know how to take care of it. A vet, or animal hospital if you have one in the area.
I honestly don't think it takes a genius, or the paranormal to predict something. Like he said about Indigo Jones. It doesn't take a no brainer to predict that there probably will be catastrophic weather events sometime in the future, however I would be amazed if he predicted the exact month or date, or something like that, but just making a prediction over a large span of time isn't really a prophecy, it's just an educated guess. It's like guessing cards, I mean you're eventually going to get it right although it might take a while.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]I never used to think of it as a sixth sense, but now I'm starting to believe it is. Though sensing pens falling off desks, that would just scare the hell out of me. That hasn't happened to me yet, just with other people. ....and what exactly is "dejavu"? (sp) [/B][/QUOTE] It's when something happens that you swear has already happened before. Some scientists think that one part of your brain is processing something before another does so that it gives you that feeling of time lapse, and reoccurance.
I have somewhat of a 6th sense. I have dreams sometimes that come true, I've been able to predict ahead of time what a teacher in class was going to say once and kind of freaked her out. I knew the day my grandpa was going to die along time ago. Sometimes I can sense when someone is coming to my house before they get there.
I'm really scared. I've been depressed for about 2 weeks straight, and if you knew me you'd know that ain't right. I'm one of those people that can feel bad for a little while and shake it off. I'm one of those people that don't give up, that hold other people up like their friends and family when they feel like giving up. For the past two weeks I've gotten no sleep, falling asleep at about 4-5am (my alarm clock is set at 5:45) when my eyes finally close, the tension blindsiding me from somewhere like two dull stones on each side of my stomach GrInDiNg. Things have been going good with me and my g/f. A few arguments here and there but nothing out of the ordinary. But I just feel all this s*** bringing me down and if it keeps going on like this I think I am finally going to for the first time in my life just totally give up and break down. I feel like each day just finds a way to tear more of me away. And even though everything is going good in my relationship, I still feel some unexplained tension. As my eyes grow numb from staring at this screen I bid you all goodnight, get some rest, for tonight I will get none. I feel like I am struggling to keep my head above the water, the ever closing tide of gloom closing in around me begging me to take my life.... And I ask am I drowning?
I'd like to bungee jump off the Golden Gate bridge, the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, and in between those two twin towers they built in Japan, and any other great landmarks I can think up. I want to marry the girl of my dreams, who I now have been with for more than a year, she's a wonderful girl and always helps me excel in my life. She supports me in my dreams and ambitions, and I want to have a two kids. A girl named Jade, and a boy that my g/f decided will be named Taylor. I want to become either an anhesteseologist (however you spell it) because they make 176-200 grand starting pay and I think it would be fun to make people feel really good all day long. :D Either that or do something else I accel in which is computer maintenance and troubleshooting or networking. I'd also like to start my own performance car parts/racing shop called [b]FA[color=red]U[/color]ST[/b] and set up offices in the U.S. and maybe in Europe if we ever got a widespread following where people could bring their cars in and be like: "I need a performance racing car, now build it for me" and me and my crew would hook them up, and also sell products, and maybe just maybe after selling other people's products and studying them start designing our own products like Faust turbochargers and Nitrous systems. I'd like to publish a book or some of my poems. I'd like to start my own band and come up with a unique style of heavy metal which I'm also in the processes of working on. Also I'd like to see a totally peaceful world in my lifetime, and I'd like to live to see my grandchildren grow up as well and grow old with my baby.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina [/i] [B]did I ever tell you about the time I had a fight with a bush?.. No kidding.. I actually fought a bush.. well.. I thought I was fighting it anyway.. yeah I was drunk. ;) [/B][/QUOTE] Haha... One time I got into a fight with a bathtub because it thought it beat up my friend the toilet. I was drunk as well. I stated the toilet was my friend because it took all my s*** and let me pee on it, and if I did that to any of my friends I'd get beat up...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]Heres the deal: Little freshmen at my high school are all getting face piercings and fighting each other saying that the other thought of it first. I really don't see the point since they have to be covered by a band aid every day and since they are doing the band aid thing everyday others like us are going to start getting busted for piercings that they never would have guessed. So here is my question; since they are all fighting over being individual and not followers, aren't they contradicting themselves by going in big groups to get pierced? [/B][/QUOTE] You'll get a kick out of this. I'm getting some wicked piercings when I can. I'm piercing my sides. Down below my ribcage on my side above my waist. I'm gonna' get three rings in each side, the horseshoe type with the balls that screw on one side so you can take them off. A curved barbel pretty much. Also I'd like to get threads surgically implanted in my chin so i could get metal spikes and screw them in and have a metal goatee made of 1 1/2 to 2 inch spikes running across my chin. But that'd cost too much.
My g/f had her friend Amanda over last night so I went out with my friends. Pat, Katie, and her older sister Megan rode with me in my Buick (yes since wrecking my Avenger I have got a new car and hopefully in January I can upgrade to an Acura Integra a friend is selling around that time for 2 or 3 grand). But anyway my friend Tyler went in his car a Ford Escort Sport, which he thinks he is so cool cuz' he can squeal tires with it, he's dumb lol... And Stacia went with her b/f in his car. So we all rolled out and went to Hollywood Theaters in Columbia. It was a cool movie, and there were street racers pulling in with their cars, one had a wicked Prelude with a body kit and spoiler and chromed out wheels. So then we saw the movie, and it was good, I'm not really an Eminem fan but it was a good movie. Then to pass time we decided to go to this shopping plaza. Well driving around in a parking lot can cause a lot of trouble I guess. This black dude thought I almost hit his car when I was turning, (major exaggeration I wasn't even close), anyway I think he just wanted to run his mouth. I parked and he got out, he came up acting like he was gonna' fight with me so I clenched my fists and waited for him to do something, he was my height so I wasn't that worried, then Tyler showed up. And somehow we managed to reason with this thick headed individual then he left. After a while cops showed up, apparently his g/f had called the cops. So we left while they were still patrolling the parking lot, and went back to where we live. It was a hell of a night.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lalaith Ril [/i] [B]Lol thats awesome, too bad I don't drink soda's. Just coffee. Anyways, but doesn't too much caffeine lead to heart problems and such. Another interstng fact did you know that carbination in Soda's actually soak up the calcium in your bones hallowing them, so the more you drink coke the more likely you are to break a bone. [/B][/QUOTE] Are you sure it's not the acid in it that hollows out your bones? Because if you soak a chicken bone in soda for about a month it will totally dissolve it due to the acid in it.
All you coffee drinkers, and caffeine drinkers. You may be surprised to find out that your so called dirty habit by religous bigots is actually doing you some good! Caffeine according to the Journal of Medicine, or something similar to that (saw this on a FOX news show) has been proven to make you smarter. Yes smarter. Older people who have drank coffee their whole lives are actually proven to have raised intelligences over people who haven't in their 40's and up, and increases memory, and may even repair memory loss. Also caffeine in lab tests has reduced skin cancer in lab mice and helps prevent tumors when applied directly to the skin. Cool huh?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ya)\/(I-YuGI [/i] [B]sometimes i think goku is really dumb by the things he does like... -GIVE MERCY to "PURE" evil beings who only enjoy destruction!! -Why did he give a senzu bean to CELL for!! -why Didnt HE kill BUU WEN HE COULD HAVE!! -WHY DOSN'T HE WISH ETERNAL LIFE!!! WHY! and many many more i wish goku was smarter sometimes ..... [/B][/QUOTE] Actually most of the choices Goku has made were pretty intelligent if you think about it. [b]GIVE MERCY to "PURE" evil beings who only enjoy destruction...[/b] He gave mercy to Vegeta, and Piccolo, and Buu and look where they ended up. All good guys. In GT they wish buu back and he come's back as a good guy, as a little kid because Goku has seen buu's powers and thinks they can be put to good use. [b]Why did he give a sensu bean to cell?[/b] The answer is simple as someone said. To give Gohan more of a challenge, and by purposefully turning the odds in Cell's favor Goku helped Gohan surpass a Super Saiyajin. If Goku hadn't Gohan probably wouldn't have been pushed as hard as he was to ascend to Super Saiyajin Level 2. [b]Why didn't he kill Buu when he could have?[/b] Like Goku said something along these lines: "It's up to earth to create it's own hero. They have to learn to rely on themselves. No old hero from the history books is going to save it this time. Oh wait! Come to think of it I kinda' fall in that category now." [b]Why doesn't he wish eternal life?[/b] Because he wants to die. I mean think about it, all his loved ones will one day die. Wouldn't he rather be with them than live forever? There is a rhyme and reason to everything Goku does if you think about it long enough.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ_WILLIE [/i] [B]Vegeta thought that if he did an attack so powerful that he couldn't even survive, then there would be no way that Buu could survive. Vegeta sacrificed himself because he thought that he was the strongest fighter in the world because he had just defeated Gokou. [/B][/QUOTE] Which Vegeta actually wasn't the strongest fighter in the world because when Goku went and fought Fat Majin Buu he had no prior training and went Super Saiyajin Level 3 proving he was indeed alot stronger than Vegeta. If he would have transformed he would have easily defeated Vegeta, my belief is he didn't because it would drain a massive amount of his energy, and plus it would diminish the time he had left on earth.
I was to be named either Brauderick by my mother. Thank god my father stepped in and named me Josh. My nickname started when I was really little I used to climb trees all the time, and I also used my feet to pick things up sometimes so my mom said I was like a little monkey. Then 2 years ago I ran around in my school in boxers and a monkey mask and the name stuck then for good. So that's how I got nicknamed MUNKY. Me and a few of my friends have nicknames, my friend Matt is named SKYY because me and him both like Skyy Blue vodka malt beverage, and Pat is LOKS because he wants to get dreadlocks.
I'd go back in time before man inhabited the earth and mine out all the gold, silver, bronze, gems, diamond resources, and other precious stones and metal resources and all oil resources, because they would be untouched and I'd know exactly where they were. Then I'd come back and be the richest man on earth. :D lol... I don't really think I'd change a thing. Everything happens for a reason, and sometimes what seems to be a tragedy can be a blessing in disguise.