SSJ5 Vegeta
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Everything posted by SSJ5 Vegeta
What makes you all truly happy in life? It can be anything, anything at all. Things make me happy in life are: [b]*[/b] Warm summer rains... You know where you go outside and it feels like you're in a shower and it's warm? I remember playing in it as a child. But now all it does is rain cold rain. [b]*[/b] My friend Kenny who is a permanent Tom Green and always manages to make me laugh and make the best of a dreary moment. [b]*[/b] Whenever I get a bag of skittles that have more of the purple ones in it than any other skittle. (They're my fav) [b]*[/b] Accidentally setting the alarm clock an hour ahead then waking up and finding out I still have an hour to sleep. [b]*[/b] Listening to the rumble of a big block engine, specifically 426 Hemi in a Dodge Charger music to my ears. [b]*[/b] Seeing a sweet car that I haven't seen in town before go cruising by. [b]*[/b] In the morning when I go to take a shower finding warm towels in the dyer. [b]*[/b] Coming in the house after school and finding the smell of something nice cooking. [b]*[/b] Curling up next to the fireplace on a cold winter night and listening to music. The little things in life are what make me happy. But the number one thing that makes me happier than anything else ever could is my g/f Jessica. Her kisses on my cheek are warmer than any summer rain I've ever played in, her voice sounds better than any 426 big block I've ever heard, she makes me laugh more than Kenny ever could, she is more beautiful than anything, definetly more beautiful than a glossy black 1970 Chevelle, more beautiful than anything in this world, and I love the little things we share that no one else would ever understand. If I could wake up with her every day I'd set my alarm clock ahead so I could wake up and find I still had an hour to spend with the most wonderful person I've ever known. Her kisses taste sweeter than any skittle, even the purple ones. I'd rather curl up next to a fireplace and listen to her beautiful voice than music, and I'd rather have her arms wrapped around me than any fresh warmed towel out of the drier.
Jon sat there standing and watching all the cars come in. He noticed a 2000 Dodge Hennesey Viper 800TT pull in. It was blue with white racing stripes. "D***!" said Jon, "those run 800 horsepower stock! There's no telling how much he's got if it's souped up!" Then he remembered that Dave had mentioned a dude was racing him for pink slips in a DODGE VIPER! "That must be him!" said Jon. Jon also remembered that this guy was supposed to be one of the fastest ever to cruise through their city, and he was from a different city. Then he saw Daves car. The beast of a car the glossy black Dodge Charger pulled up and parked on the side of the street the huge big block engine rumbling like thunder. He heard a hispanic guy talking, and overhead him say. "Who's the fool driving the Charger, doesn't he know that old horse won't put up with new age sh**!?" Then he heard another dude quickly say, "Shutup you idiot! Don't you know who that is? That's Dave Corrado! That Charger will beat anything here!" Then he heard the other guy say, "How you figure man?" Then he heard the other dude say, "I've seen him beat Ferraris, Porche's, Lambhorgini's and even a McLaren F1 in that thing!" The other dude who was short and stocky wearing a white wife-beater and khaki pants with a bald head had nothing to reply but "D***!" Then after a few seconds the guy said, "What does he run 0-60 in?" The other guy a tall hispanic also bald wearing the same apparel except for he had on dark blue denim jeans said, "No one knows because he doesn't let you know what he runs in it, but there's a rumor that it ran 0-60 in 2.9 seconds once!" "There's no way that dude can go that fast!" said the short one. The tall one replied, "Man a fool would have to be loco to want to race Dave, he's definetly the fastest guy here easy!"
AM I REAL? I?ve been beat around till I don?t know what?s real And what?s fake in this messed up deal My heart is what you've killed Pierced by your eyes And been fed nothing but lies That I can't choke down my throat, but I?ll try I've never been the one to break down and cry I've just been the one to stuff it all inside I think I?ll go take a little pink pill If I don?t wake up in the morning, oh well He keeps them in the medicine cabinet In the prescription big bottle made of plastic The pain on the inside, numbs everything On the outside, and deafens the shame Of living this life, like I do I feel used, abused, don?t know what to do I wish it all wasn?t true Like it was some kind of dream I?d wake up, and scream And everything would be ok But it wouldn?t be real It wouldn?t be what I really feel I?m like a scared child Trapped in a dark corner scorned My dreams were once free and wild Now they lay tattered and torn It?s unreal isn?t it? Unreal I feel like this? Unreal I feel like ****? Unreal I can?t take this? Unreal I slit the vein? Unreal I bleed like this? Is it real yet? Am I real yet? I bleed, I must be real...
night fell on the town, Jon sat inside his room on his bed reading one of his favorite Magazines, ?Import Racer?. He looked up at his clock and it read 11:20 pm. ?S***,? he said, ?if I wanna? get to industrial street in time I better go.? Industrial street was at least a good 45 minute walk from where Jon lived. He put on his hoodie, grabbed his cellphone and stuffed it in his pocket, opened his window and snuck out. He climbed on top of the two-story roof then jumped down and hung off the gutter then dropped to the ground. As soon as his feet hit the ground he was off running as fast as he could to get to Industrial Street. After about 30 minutes Jon had already reached Industrial Street. He could already see that some people were already there. He could already see that cars were already showing up and lining the streets. Industrial street was a long flat piece of street that ran for about 4 miles, and at exactly a quarter of a mile from the stoplights at the beginning of it were two pedestrian signs on either side of the road. Jon already knew this and suspected those were the boundaries they?d be racing in between. All the other streets behind and in front of industrial street to either side had been blocked off by other street racers parked in front of them. He saw some people painting a red line in front of the stoplights from sidewalk to sidewalk and suspected that was the startline and he also saw people spray painting a white finish line in between the signs. He stood on the in between the two boundaries and sat down and waited. Waited for the big race.
School was now dismissed and Jon quickly got his things out of his locker. His first day of school, happened to be a Friday, which didn?t bother him that much, because it meant a weekend for him to help get adjusted to his new surroundings. As he began to walk away from his locker he heard a familiar voice. ?Yo Jon,? he turned around to see Dave walking up to him. ?How about you come ride with me,? said Dave. ?In that black Dodge Charger?? asked Jon. ?Hell yea,? said Dave. ?Awesome!? said Jon. ?Yea well hurry up I wanna? try to beat traffic.? With that him and Dave walked down the hallway. After a little while Drac joined up with them, then James, then the guy Jon saw earlier driving the Ford Mustang in the slipknot shirt and really baggy jeans, then another guy that wore a black button up shirt and black baggy jeans with a wallet chain hanging halfway down his leg and blue spiked hair, then a hispanic looking guy wearing a white wife beater with a plaid shirt and slightly baggy jeans and white shoes, then a guy with the dyed red hair that wore a black baggy Mudvayne t-shirt with Urban-Camo pants and black shoes. Jon wore a Navy Blue Independent hoodie and baggy blue jeans and black shoes, so he fit in with the group perfectly. He had brown hair with frosted blonde bangs, his hair matched his dark brown eyes. The group walked all together in almost a uniform line down the hallways and as they came down the hallway Jon noticed that everyone in the halls moved to the side as if they were kings or something. Jon heard a girl behind his back go, ?There he is, there?s the cutie I like.? He then heard another girl reply, ?My god he?s hot, I?d be trying to get his number if I were you,? then he heard the first girl reply, ?I know, he sure is cute.? Jon grinned and thought to himself, ?Maybe the city life?s not so bad after all.? They all walked out uniformly to the parking lot and began getting into their cars, Jon watched to see how the cars belonged to. And Dave named them off. ?See the guy climbing into the Red 87? Mustang wearing the Slipknot T-shirt, that?s Matt,? he said then he pointed, ?see the guy with the big wallet chain and the blue hair, that?s Chris and that?s his Red 95? Toyota Supra Twin Turbo.? ?Cool,? said Jon trying to memorize everyone. ?That guy in the plaid shirt and wife beater with crew-cut, see the white 2002 Honda Protege with the twin silver dragons painted on the sides and the silver spoiler,? said Dave looking at Jon. ?Yea,? Jon said, ?that?s Daniel, but we just call him Dan,? said Dave. ?And you know James the skater guy?? said Dave, ?yea,? said Jon, ?that pretty blue Mitsibushi Eclipse is his, but he also owns a Silver Mazda RX-7.? ?Awesome,? said Jon. ?Well he comes from a rich family and his momma? buys him crap, so he?s kinda? spoiled,? said Dave grinning. ?And of course you know Drac, the goth guy, well that?s his black Honda Civic parked next to Matt?s Mustang, and that guy in the Mudvayne shirt and Camo pants, drives that blue Subaru WRX with the big Super-Charger air scoop on the hood.? ?Cool,? replied Jon taking it all in. ?So now you know everyone in my crew,? said Dave. ?I?ll try to remember them,? said Jon. Suddenly a voice broke in, ?C?mon let?s go Jon.? It was his cousin Joe. ?That?s alright Joe I?m getting a ride from Dave,? said Jon. ?Ok that?s cool, it?s his gas money not mine,? he said and then got in his white neon and drove off. Jon noticed that everyone was just sitting in their cars, but not one of them had moved yet. ?Why haven?t all the guys left yet?? said Jon. ?Cuz? they?re waiting on us, get in,? said Dave. And with that they climbed in. Jon let himself sink into the comfortable leather passenger seat, and listened to the Dave start up the 426 hemi engine. It was music to his ears, the steady, ?Karum ? Karum ? Karum? of the engine singing to him. And then the roar of it as Dave revved it up. He then pulled out of the parking spot and away they went, after that all the other cars filed out single file behind them. ?This is so sweet,? said Jon, ?how much horsepower does this car put out?? ?Well when I first got it ran 1284 horsepower, almost 1300 horses but then I souped it up even more and added a bigger blower and did some fine tuning with the engine and turned this baby into 1500 horses of pure muscle,? said Dave he then calmly said ?where do you live at?? Jon however was slightly speechless at the horsepower rating. It was a lot of power, not just alot, an incredible amount of power. "Um, Vine Street, house number 402,? he said. ?I know where that is, I pass it on the way to work, you live in a white two-story house with green shutters and trim don?t you?? said Dave. ?Yep that?s my house,? said Jon. They stopped at a stop-light. ?You wanna? see what this baby can do?? said Dave grinning. Just as he said that Matt in his Red Mustang pulled up beside them. Matt looked over through his window and grinned at Dave and revved up his engine, and Dave looked over at Matt and grinned then looked at Jon and said, ?Better put on a seat belt.? Jon quickly put on his seatbelt, he could feel the butterflies in his stomach as the adrenaline pumped through him. Dave revved his engine up answering Matt?s challenge, and so they stared out the windshield past the gigantic chrome blower on the hood and waited for the light to turn green. ?Where does Matt live?? said Jon. ?He lives on the next street down from you about 2 blocks away,? said Dave. ?So we?re racing to my house,? said Jon. ?Yep,? said Dave calmly revving up the engine. ?Hell yea!? said Jon. This was just too awesome to believe. Suddenly the light flashed green and with that Dave punched the gas to the floor. Jon was immediately smashed to the back of the seat. The huge slicks for back tires the Charger had spun in place throwing up smoke for about a second then the whole front of the car raised up and the Charger flipped back on it?s hind tires as it popped a wheely! ?Whoooo!? yelled Jon, ?smokem?!? he yelled. The engine roaring sounding so awesome, then Dave switched into second gear, and the car was still riding on only it?s hind tires, and they were accelerating so fast that Matt?s car was getting left behind like it was nothing. Jon looked out the back window and he could see the smoke rising up behind them and the black marks that Dave?s tires were leaving on the road. Dave power shifted it into third gear and the car stayed on it's hind tires then finally went down then he let out on the clutch and hit the gas and the nose quickly jerked back up and the car bucked up on it?s back tires then slowly after a while the car slowly sat back down on it?s front tires again. Jon had now judged that they had gone about half a mile. Every now and then Dave swerved avoiding other cars on the road and Jon was thrown around like a grain of salt in a shaker, the only thing keeping him from moving around too much was his seat belt. He looked back and saw Matt?s car, the nose of Matt?s car was about 3 car lengths behind the back of Dave?s Charger. Suddenly Matt?s car began pulling up really fast to Dave?s car and now the nose of his car was only about a car length behind Dave?s car and slowly gaining inches as the two raced in separate lanes. ?Why is he catching up so fast!?? yelled Jon over the roar of the engine. ?He?s using Nitrous!? yelled Dave back. But then Dave slammed the old Charger into 4th gear and he was gone. The car length gain that Matt had made faded and soon they were about an 1/8 of a mile ahead of Matt then a 1/4 of a mile, then a half mile, and finally Matt gave up. Then they began slowing down as Dave turned onto Jon?s street. ?Whoohoo!? yelled Jon, ?that kicked a**!? as they turned onto his street the adrenaline still pumping through him, his heart beating so hard it felt as if it would pop through his chest. ?I like to let him think he can win, but really he never stood a chance,? said Dave grinning, ?you just can?t beat Detroit muscle.? ?What does your car run in the quarter mile?? said Jon. ?I?ve never really timed her but I?d say 7 seconds probably.? ?D***!? said Dave, ?most cars now a days don?t even do 10!? ?This car had so much power once, that when my Dad drag raced someone in it the wheely bar that comes down from underneath it and keeps it from bucking all the way back snapped and the car did a backflip and landed upside down.? ?D***,? said Jon. ?My dad wasn?t wearing a seatbelt and his head got slammed into the roof. It snapped his neck like a toothpick, and he was paralyzed for life, so then I got the car and I fixed it back up.? ?I?m sorry about your dad,? said Jon. ?I?m not, I hate the bastard,? said Dave as they pulled up in his driveway. Jon opened the door and climbed ?I?ll see ya?,? said Jon. ?Peace,? said Dave, then Jon closed the door and Dave backed out of the driveway and sped up the road as he went to go to work. Jon walked into his cousins house and the first thing out of his mouth was, ?Dude you?re never gonna? believe what just happened!? ?What?? said his cousin. ?Well Dave raced Matt back here, and his car had so much acceleration I was smashed to the seat the whole time, and my heart was in my throat!? he said estatic, ?it was sooo awesome!? ?That?s good,? replied Joe. ?And I have all these chicks trying to get ahold of me,? he said. Even Joe had to agree with him on this one. His first day at school had been awesome.
Jon quietly into the locker room holding his dufflebag. His second hour class had begun. He quickly dressed out in a white muscle shirt, and black shorts that were required for P.E. He was a little late and ran out into the gym where everyone else was already doing pushups. "Yo Davison, give me 40," said the coach. "Forty pushups?" questioned Jon. "Yea, you're late so I'm adding twenty to the norm, be on time next time." What would you know but Dave the big tough guy was in his P.E. class too! "What a coincidence," muttered Jon to himself. He overheard Dave say, "I bet he can't even do ten," then he heard another guy go, "He looks pretty weak to me." With that Jon got down and started doing his pushups, and just to prove himself he did a whole 100 pushups all in a row. "Wow, new guys stronger than I thought," said a guy. "That shutup em' up," thought Jon as he secretly grinned to himself. He heard the coach go, "I said forty not one hundred Davison, don't overdo it." With that Jon followed the procedure of everyone else and ran his 15 laps around the gym with ease. Jon was in excellent shape, at his old school he was in track, and was on the weightlifting team. After they got done jogging and did stretches, and situps the gym teacher, a fat balding man said, "Now you have two choices. Either play basketball or go up to the weightroom and lift for the whole hour and a half." Jon immediately went up to the weightroom. He went to one of the benches and began adding weights to one of the bars. He decided to put 200 pounds on the bar, because he didn't exactly know how much the bar weighed. He layed down and picked it up, and began benchpressing it. He did it about 8 times and on attempting his 9th rep he got stuck and couldn't push it up. "Oh crap," he said, "what a way to start my first day, get crushed by a weight," he said struggling to pull it back up. Suddenly he heard a voice say, "Hey let me help you with that," and there was Dave picking the weight up off of him and setting it back on the bars for him. "Thanks," said Jon. "How much is your max?" said Dave. "On a good day about 315 pounds, what's yours?" said Jon. "On a good day I can put 375 up," said Dave. "D*** that's a lot!" said Jon. "He is the strongest guy in the school ya' know," said the skater guy walking up. "Your James right?" said Jon. "Yea, sup, so you're the new kid huh?" said James looking at Jon. "Yea," said Jon. "How much do you benchpress?" said Jon. "200 even that's counting the bar and the weights," said James. "How much does the bar weigh?" said Jon. "45 pounds by itself," said Dave. "No wonder that felt like alot more than 200 pounds," said Jon. "You don't look all that strong," said Dave. "Looks are decieving," said Jon. "Can you box?" said Dave. "Do you mean fight, or actual boxing?" said Jon. "I mean fighting," said Dave. "I was regional boxing champion for 2 years in a row in my town, and I was undefeated. Then I quit," said Jon. "Why?" said Dave. "I got tired of tearing those poor guys faces up," said Jon. "Got bored of it huh?" said James smiling. "Why isn't your face messed up? You got a pretty boy face," said Dave, "I mean if you look at me you can tell I've been in fights, my nose is crooked cuz' I got a wooden chair busted over it once." "Did you get knocked out?" said Jon. "Nah," said Dave smiling, "I just got back up and beat the guy half to death that hit me with it, by the time I got done with him his face wasn't even recognizable." "Yea," said James, "old Dave here can take a hit," he said patting Dave on the shoulder. "I've never taken a hit to my face, I've always been to fast for anyone, I always just took body shots," said Jon. "D*** you must be pretty fast," said James, "yea I have excellent reflexes," replied Jon. "Anyways what did you get for beating that guy?" said Jon. "Well he got sent to the hospital for about a month, and I got 2 years in J.V., ths happened when I was 14," said Dave. "Who was the guy?" said Jon. "My dad," replied Dave, then after that Dave said, "c'mon James spot me," and began loading up one of the other 4 bars in the weightroom with weights." "What do you think? About 300 pounds?" said Dave loading the bar up. "Yea, that sounds good," said James "how about try 325" James added and with that Dave put 280 pounds on the bar, plus the 45 pound bar equaling 325 pounds. He layed down and picked up the bar and started benching. Jon went over and said, "Here let me help spot you," said Jon nudging James out of the way. "Don't take offence James, it's just I can lift more than you and I'd be better to help him." "Ok," said James moving out of the way, "I didn't really feel like lifting much today anyway." James went over and started curling two 40 pound dumbells. Meanwhile Dave counted off the reps, "Five! six! seven! eight!" he said as he lifted the bar up and down, his face was turning red, and his arms began to shake, "nine! grrrrrrr! 10!" he yelled struggling on the last rep. "Take it," said Dave and with that Jon put it back up on the bar. With that Jon and Dave began to reach an understanding, and Dave didn't call him the "New Guy" anymore.
Jon reached his classroom and entered it just as the bell rung. He took the only seat left in the second row of chairs and sat down. Of course the very first thing the teacher did was introduce, and embarrass him in the process in front of the whole class. ?Everyone this is Jon Davison, say hi, and Jon this is your new Algebra class.? Jon just sat there motionless, then the teacher prompted him ?C?mon stand up so everyone can see your cute face Jon,? said his teacher a woman with graying hair, and large squared bi-focals. Jon sighed and stood up, and heard one guy mutter, ?Fresh meat,? then afterwards heard another guy quietly chuckle at the joke, then after that heard a girl in the distance say, ?Mmmmm, he?s cute alright,? this made Jon?s cheeks turn slightly red as he blushed. ?You may be seated now,? said his teacher and as soon as she said that Jon quickly sat down. The teacher turned around and began writing on the board and jabbering about algabraic equations, and after staring at the board Jon figured out he had already learned this at his old school before he came, so the information was practically useless to him. Amidst everything he heard a guy talking. ?If you tune your NOS timing down a few milliseconds you?ll run fine dude,? he turned around and saw the big tough looking guy that drove the Dodge Charger he saw earlier and sitting right next to him was the freaky goth guy that owned the black Honda Civic, and sitting behind the goth guy was a skater wearing a Zero shirt. The goth guy was discussing the odds and ends of NOS tuning with the skater guy. The big muscular guy, who looked part italian because of his tannish skin, said, ?What did I tell you James? I told you this guy was good with cars.? The teacher suddenly said, ?Dave!? and the big tough guy looked up from his little group, ?pay attention,? the teacher said. Dave said, ?Alright Mrs. Johnson,? in a mocking tone and went right back to talking after she turned around to continue her notes. Jon overheard them talking about a race. ?Yea there?s gonna? big a big race tonight on Industrial Street you in? ?Hell yea,? replied the skater named James, ?I?m bringing my new and improved Mazda RX-7,? he said grinning, ?I?m in too,? said the Goth dude. ?Awesome,? said Dave, ?I?m bringing my Charger, with some new additions,? he said. ?Word out on the streets that this one guy wants to race you Dave,? said the goth guy appropriately nicknamed Drac. ?Who?s this guy?? said Dave. ?I dunno but he?s gonna? be running an awesome car,? said Drac. ?What would that be?? said Dave. ?It?s a Dodge Viper GTS, it?s got at least 700+ horsepower I estimate, and he?s running 2 biga** NOS bottles in it.? ?D***,? said Dave, ?that?s a nice car.? ?Yep,? said Drac, ?V10 engine, Dual overhead cam, custom headers, souped up cooler intake. That suckers gonna? be hard to beat, especially with NOS? added Drac, "and with all the additions he's made to it, it's probably got a supercharger judging by the biga** scoop he's got on the hood." ?Yea I know,? said Dave looking slightly concerned. ?Can your Dodge with the 426, handle it?? said the skater guy named James. ?I dunno,? said Drac, ?hard to tell, but the Vipers gonna? be running a bigger engine.? ?How big?? said Dave. ?Well yours is 426 cubic inches right?? said Drac. ?Right,? replied Dave. ?Well a V-10 is 500 cubic inches,? said Drac. ?D*** that?s a huge engine,? said Dave. ?The bigger they are the harder they fall,? said James. ?I only wish that was true with cars,? said Dave, ?I have an idea,? said Dave. ?What?s that?? said Drac. ?I?ll race him for pinkslips,? said Dave. ?Oh no you cannot bet your car dude,? said James. ?That?s not the best idea in the world,? said Drac. ?Well I don?t really care,? said Dave, ?I?ve always been the one to dive into stuff head-first.? ?And who?s always dug you out?? said Drac. ?Well you?ve been pretty helpful Drac,? said Dave. ?Exactly,? said Drac. ?Well is it settled?? said Dave. ?Definetly, I?m in,? said Drac. ?Well I?m part of the team too, you know I?m behind the team a hundred percent,? said James. ?To team Havoc,? said Dave. ?To team havoc,? Drac, and James both replied at the same time. Before the bell rung to dismiss everyone to second period Dave said, ?Remember Industrial Street, 12:30 tonight.? ?Agreed,? said Drac, ?agreed,? said James. ?Whoah, real street racers!? Jon thought estatically, and Jon made up his mind, he was gonna? sneak out at about 12 that night and go find Industrial street.
This is an RPG about street racing feel free to join in with your own unique character and car.
Jon sat quietly looking out the windshield past red hood of his car at the ground that was racing towards him at over 130 miles per hour around a corner then accelerated back up to over 160 miles per hour on the straightway, nearing 180 zipping past pedestrians and cars zig-zagging in between them as his engine howled reaching Max RPM's. It was a machine to be admired that he drove, a machine to be feared, a machine that would destroy the competition. Suddenly a voice broke in. "Jon you can't take that corner that fast, yo Jon man, you can't take that corner that fast you're gonna'... AAAAH!" Jon was taking the corner so tight he could almost feel the tires scraping the very edge of the track as they squealed around a corner so tight it almost made him sick. Suddenly there was a sudden jolt and a crash. Jon's car was jolted sideways off the road and smashed into a big brick building opposite the street. It flipped as it hit the wall, and rolled about three times across the sidewalk and back into the street, the last Jon saw of his car was it toppling over and over, pieces of his once beautiful car flying through the air, before the television screen in front of him flashed "CAR TOTALED GAME OVER." He dropped the controller to the ground cursing at the fact that if he would have won the race he would have beaten the whole season, and won his division. His cousin Joe sat quietly in the reclining chair adjacent to the couch he was sitting on. "I told you man, I told you you can't take corners that fast I don't care how good your steering is!" "D***, that was the last corner too," said Jon. "Well your street racing dreams of coming in first in your division are over, at least until you start a new game," said Joe jokingly. "Yea," said Jon. "So you ready to start your new school tomorrow?" said Joe. "Not really," said Jon. "Well it's about 7:50 we better be moving if we're gonna' get there on time. With that they shut the t.v. off, and went outside and and climbed into Joe's car a white Dodge Neon, and with that took off towards school. Jon was not particularly happy about having to move in with his cousin Joe and uncle Paul, he liked them and all but his surroundings were somewhat surreal. Moving from his small midwestern town to the city with his cousin after his parents died in a car crash was quite a big leap for him. They arrived at school and parked they were just getting out when all of a sudden, Jon heard a low rumbling sound followed by a long squeal and a roar of an engine. Not just one, but many. Up into the school parking lot, pulled a 1967 glossy black dodge Charger perfect looking, the chrome on it shining in the light like a diamond. The engine roared, and the huge blower coming out of the hood was quite menacing. It roared into a parking spot. Soon after it a 1987 Candy Apple red Mustang pulled up with an air scoop in the middle of the hood and huge air scoops down below the grill. Jon thought this all to good to be true until right after it a black Honda Civic with a spoiler on the back and air scoops on the front pulled up it's engine which had definetly been souped up roaring, then after it a 1995 Red Toyota Supra, then a blue Mitsibushi Eclipse roared into view and parked right beside the Supra! After all the cars were lined up side by side people started getting out, all at the same time, like it was a planned operation. Out of the first car stepped a huge guy, about 6'4" tall, his arms gigantic rippling with muscles, and his shoulders squared out wearing a black muscle shirt and black cargo pants, with black boots. He definetly looked like a guy you didn't wanna' mess with. Out of the red Mustang stepped a tall blonde guy who also looked pretty muscular wearing a black Slipknot T, and huge baggy jeans with black D.C. shoes. Out of the black Honda Civic stepped a guy that kinda' scared Jon. He wore all black and wore a chain necklace. His hair was died red and black and was spiked, and he wore a huge black trench coat, and his face was pale as a sheet, and it looked as if he had put flour on it. Jon stood there staring until Joe tugged on his arm and said, "Yo let's go we're gonna' be late to class." As Jon walked alongside Joe he stared at the license plates, the Charger read: "SMOKEDU", the red Mustang read: "PRIMER", the black Honda Civic read: "DRAGULA", an appropriate name for the owner. And that was the last he was allowed to read as Joe tugged on his arm and drug him towards his new high school. "Oh yay," thought Jon as he walked slowly on purpose towards the doors of the huge building he was now gonna' be trapped in for 8 hours a day.
[b]General[/b] I say we start a fantasy racing league. The rules are whatever car you use to race with has to be a import such as, honda, toyota, mitsibushi etc. Each of you start out with $20,000 dollars each. You must research your car, buy your car, and add modifications to your car, within your spending limit. [b]Signing Up[/b] You must Private Message me with your car with all the modifications you've made to it, plus the prices for the mods. You must also submit your car in this post, but you may choose to leave out certain parts of information like say your running Nitrous Oxide, but you don't want anyone else to know what brand because you want to be a good competitor and don't want anyone copying your stuff. You must post that you are running Nitrous or NOS but you don't have to post what brand or the peripherals for it such as the type of NOS system. [b]Estimations[/b] Here's some estimations to help you out... NOS Systems usually run about 1000 dollars or up NOS canisters are usually about 1000-3000 dollars A car that'd need about 15,000 worth of work on it would cost you probably 500 dollars or less. It would be in bad shape but 15 grand would have it running goooood. [b]As for challenges:[/b] When a challenge is made, it must be a unanimous agreement between both people. [b]As for betting:[/b] You may bet anything you want. You can bet fantasy money that you have in your tab against someone else, or against a bunch of people at once. You can bet the fantasy pink slip to your fantasy car against someone else's. Whatever you want. In a little while I'll have a website up for this. Stay tuned for updates, and let the racing begin.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Elite DBZ [/i] [B] [B]You have to narrow that down, you're making sound as if all quiet people are killers. There is a saying that goes [I]"The Quiet Hurts More Than The Loud"[/I]. But not all people who sit in the corner of a room and stare into nothingness when you mention killing are about to burst up and kill someone[/B] [/B][/QUOTE] I know that I'm not saying all quiet people are violent some are just shy, but in alot of cases quiet people are more likely to kill someone then a loud mouth person. [QUOTE][i]Originally Posted by Cera[/i] [B]Well, gee. I guess being a murderer is right up my alley, then. Of course, I'm basing that entirely on your vast personal experince with killers and their character traits.[/B] [/B][/QUOTE] I live with a killer you jacka**.
Linkin Park have been killed in a car crash. It's on CNN.com... :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: Here's the article if you guys wanna' read it.... :( [url]http://cnn.com&2002&showbiz&music&01&28&music.linkinpark.death%4064.177.48.129/[/url]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B] we'd have to work out payment (im not talking cash ;) )I seriously would love to do it as a job, its pretty straight forward with little thinking involved id love to kill ppl for a living....... i really mean it, im not being daft or immature. [/B][/QUOTE] I guarantee that you don't have the guts to kill someone, I can guarantee you that. Anyone who says they can kill someone can't, the real killers are the quiet stone cold people that don't say anything, just stare right through you when you mention killing. Quiet people are the one's you gotta' watch out for. As for me I'd probably like to be a world champion fighter, if there wasn't the risk of getting some kind of permament brain affliction like parkisans disease. I want to do something that will support my family the way I want to, and something that I will enjoy. I'll probably be a Network Administrator.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Silo [/i] [B]Who here likes to skate? If so, what's your favorite brand of board? I like LIB tech and element. [/B][/QUOTE] I skateboard. Baker skateboards are pretty good, Black label boards aren't bad either, they're pretty strong. Shorty's boards are ok, they've got pretty good pop. Indy trucks are good, and so are tensor. I hate lucky bearings, cuz' they break down too easily, I like Black Panther, and I hate Element boards because the pieces of crap break like toothpicks. My friend got a brand new one and did one rail grind and cracked his! So I don't really like element.
A very deep psychological question...
SSJ5 Vegeta replied to Alexander's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alexander [/i] [B]Here's a question that's been nagging at me for a long time. Okay, you don't have to answer to this topic if you don't want to. There is nothing saying you must, so feel free to hold your peace. Here goes... What would you do if, say, your best friend was gay/lesbian? How would you react? Would you reject him/her, or would you stay friends regardless? I honestly do not know the answer to mine. I will never know, unless it were to happen and the actuall situation were to befall me. I'd like to think that it wouldn't bother me...but I can't say that. It wouldn't be true. It always would bother me...but could I get past that? [/B][/QUOTE] It wouldn't bother me at all. I would still treat them the same no matter what, because a true friend should like you for who you are, no matter what sexuality, race, or gender. I actually know a bisexual and he's actually a pretty cool guy. He's as equal as anyone else and that's how I treat him. I myself am straight but it doesn't matter that he's not because we both kind of see some things on the same level even though he's not straight and I am. -
My favorite weapon to use is a sword, which I am skilled in fighting with, my favorite sword is a Katana. My fists are also deadly as I have knowledge in martial arts. I think using a gun represents a lack of skill and cowardess as other people have already said, and if you pulled a gun on me I could take you out before you could pull the trigger anyway.
I died my hair red last year, and part of this year. Like real red, last school year I put it into spikes, then shaved all of it off in a buzzcut except two red spikes on each side of my head so it looked like I had devil horns, then I got it all shaved off so I just had a buzzcut. Then I let it grow back. The beginning of this year I had it gold, and I it was in a bunch of tiny spikes like Chester Bennington of Linkin Park in the Crawling video. Then after it grew out I died it red and put it in a bunch of red spikes. Now that it's blonde again, I'm gonna' semi-permamently dye it again. I'm gonna' die it black, and my spikes are either gonna' be blue, or red, I haven't figured out which one I like better.
I went out to a local teen club I go to where they were throwing a big party, and it was a pretty big turnout. All my friends were there, and I spent the whole night with my babygirl Jessica. I love her to death... mmmmm.... *sigh*
I play the drums. Not in a school band or anything, just play, and me and my friend are starting a band.
My second theory, is pretty much based on the rudaments of the first one: Equal & Opposites... It's my "Ironman" hypothesis. As we all know there exist genetic disorders which cause rapid degeneration of bones, tissues, and muscles. What if someone had the opposite of this disorder. Rapid regeneration of bones, tissues and muscles. For example, a person could lift a lot of weight one day, go back and lift twice as much the next day with about the same effort as last time. Their muscles would regenerate themselves at a rapid rate, how rapidly would depend on just how their genes were manipulated. Another example: A person could get a deep cut on their hand, and look at it in a day or two and it would be gone. It's also my belief that sometime along the line of human existence someone will be born with this ability as well. Who knows, if you're reading this, you may have this yourself, and not know it. Because you've probably never tested yourself to see if it was possible for you to bench 150 pounds one day, come back the next day and benched 160, 170, 180, 190, even 200 pounds with the same effort. And for the sake of this matter. I myself, am testing this theory out, on... well... myself. I will begin benchpressing every other night, stepping up my weight 10 pounds every time I lift, I know this is probably suicidal, but I've got to try it anyway.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonfire1477 [/i] [B]Your theory makes perfect sense. The movie "Jack" was based around that disorder, and while is was a movie, it was based on a true person with that very disorder. I believe, however, that in changing genetics to that extent would be playing God. Humans are not meant to live for such an extended amount of time. If you were to eat right and stay healthy throughout your life, then you would most likely live to be around 100 before you die. While developments will eventually be made to improve health naturally, changing one's genetics is wrong in the eyes of many people. One who has "tampered" genetics is no longer a human, but a genetically engineered statistic. Granted they may look and act like a normal person, but they will never be human. Inevitably(sp), this will lead to the possibility of immortality and even perfection through genetics. There will be people who use this data in persuing eternal life. Forgive me, but I simply think playing God is wrong. The human lifespan leaves plenty of time to live a happy life. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm not stating we should tamper with genes. My theory states that sometime, this will probably occur naturally to a very lucky/unlucky person depending on how you look at it.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]It makes sense. I suppose there is no disproving it. But, unless I'm mistaken, the disorder you spoke of isn't a disorder, but it is a disease. And for your theory to occur there would have to be another disease which made people age slowly, or a cure for the already known disease that works too well. I'm not dismissing it, nor am I saying that I'm a phanatical believer in it. I'm just saying, its doubtful. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] Actually I researched it. It is a genetic disorder, here is a quote by a scientist off of msnbc.com: ?What?s exciting about these findings is that they suggest that there is a genetic system common to all animals that regulates aging,? said David Gems of University College London. It is a genetic system that regulates aging, thus it is possible for my theory to be correct because since people have a defective aging system which makes them age faster, could it not be true that sometime someone could have a defective genetic system to make them age really slowly? Here is something else that proves my theory: Earlier research on roundworms found that defects in two genes, called daf-2 and age-1, doubled and even tripled worm life span. Defects in roundworm genes causes triples their lifespan. Since they have some of the same genetic structures as humans it could be possible for this to happen in humans. However most of the test subjects that lived longer, had dwarfism as a side effect.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]Vegeta, this topic is like two weeks old or more, why did you bring it back? -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] Actually it's 5 days old, which I agree is pretty old on the Otaku. Sorry, I saw it on the main page, thought it an intellectually stimulating post, but neglected to check the date before I posted. Sorry.
It is illegal to burn a CD then [U]sell[/U] it to a friend, however if you just burn it then give it to a friend for free, it is not considered illegal because you made no money off of it. I don't sell burned CD's, if a friend of mine wants a burned CD I ask that they just give me a blank CD of theirs and I burn it for them and get it back to them. That's not illegal. Now if I charged them for it, it would be. However I think the whole matter is harmless anyway. It may be illegal for kids to do that, but if you think of it this way, they could be selling alot worse than CD's. At least they're not out selling drugs or machineguns
Below I will submit a theorum of mine, rather a hypothesis, since a theorum is something that can be proven, rather mine can't at this time, but very possibly could sometime else. I ask only that you read with an open mind, and dispense of any opinions until after you have read the whole thing. This is called the: [b]Eternal Theory (Hypothesis)[/b] [b]By:[/b] JD I believe Ablert Einstein stated that "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." Well this is pretty much the backbone of my theory, and what makes it, possible that it could occur, as this theory applies to everything else in science. We all know that genetics has come a long way since it's birth, however even since then, scientists still have not mapped the entire DNA structure, and still do not know alot of things about genetics, chromosones, the things that determine, who we will be, what we will look like, what kind of inherited diseases we shall have. Most genetic disorders are caused by an error in the number of chromosones in a person, or caused by defective chromosones. This being said, it could be possible for the opposite of these defects to occur. There exists an incredibly rare genetic disorder, which causes the afflicted humans body to age at an increased rate. This is a real disorder, I didn't make it up. I once saw a child on T.V. that was 12 years old, but his body had aged so quickly he had the body of a 70 year old man. And I'm not just talking internally, he also had all the external features. His back sagged, he had gray hair balding in patches, and wrinkles covered his face. It would be arrogant, and ignorant to assume that an opposite, may not be possible for this disorder, because I believe it very well could. I think it is possible, however rare it may be, I believe that if a persons chromosones were arranged in such a fashion, or defected in a fashion, that instead of a person having their body aged at a rapid rate, their body would age at a very slow rate, and depending on how slow their body aged, someone could live possibly hundreds of years, more than a normal human ever could. I believe that due to Einsteins theory of equal and opposite, I believe that one day, maybe not for many years, maybe not even in this century, that someday, someone in the world will be born with the "Eternal" disorder and turn my hypothesis, into a theorum. It would be arrogant and ignorant to assume that my hypothesis could not be true, however I know my hypothesis cannot be proven, however on the same basis, it can't be disproven either. That concludes my theory/hypothesis, which I have formed. Please submit your opinions, and tell me what you think. I have another theory, however I won't submit it yet, until I find out what you guys think of this one.