SSJ5 Vegeta
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what are your most prized possessions?
SSJ5 Vegeta replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
My most prized possessions are: [SIZE=4][B]*[/B][/SIZE] The love of my life and fiance' Jessica. [SIZE=4][B]*[/B][/SIZE] My cross necklace given to me by my baby girl and my ring given to me by her. [SIZE=4][B]*[/B][/SIZE] My family. [SIZE=4][B]*[/B][/SIZE] My soul. [SIZE=4][B]*[/B][/SIZE] My willpower. [SIZE=4][B]*[/B][/SIZE] My good health. As for things I'd grab if my house were on fire... I'd already be wearing my ring and cross I do all the time, so I'd probably grab photo albums. Of course I'd run far away from my house. My dad has a lot of guns and alot of ammo. It'd be like a warzone if you were anywhere near when the fire got to the gun closet. The guns are locked in a safe. But the ammunition.... :nervous: -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonfire1477 [/i] [B]I hate school. My parents make me go to this private prep school where everything is so hard, and they wonder why I make bad grades. The thing is, I'm trying my hardest at this, but to no avail, so I get yelled at too. A lot. [/B][/QUOTE] The lead singer of Disturbed David Draiman was sent to a prep school by his parents. He got expelled for blowing up the principals car... :devil: Just a fact I thought I'd blurt out. Anyways on with the subject. I go to public schools. And I'm 50/50. I get fairly good grades and stuff, I don't really like it, some of the teachers are pretty cool, like Mr. Martin who listens to Slipknot... He's actually cool. I can see my friends out of school, but schools pretty much the only place I get to see my baby girl Jessica, besides the weekends when I stay the night at her house, she's the only thing that makes me actually want to go to school. The only spot of sunshine in my day, my quiet place in this crazy world...
Halloween and Christmas. Although I like Halloween better, because Halloween is sort of my Christmas, I've always like dark things and Halloween is just my night. And also Christmas has become to highly commercialized and people have forgotten the true meaning of it.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Elite DBZ [/i] [B][B]Man... The old boards, brings back memories, anyone remember the hump war?[/B] [/B][/QUOTE] I remember... lol Big Poppa' Hump... I made a few stories about him as a verbal attack which some people thought were funny and supported me throughout it.
Anger... Depression... I don't know anymore...
SSJ5 Vegeta replied to Flash's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]If someone would have done that to my mum id have knocked them out there and then the moment I found out. :flaming: in your case id have picked up a really large object and hit him with it. as cloud said comfort your mom, shell b feeling pretty low bout now. [/B][/QUOTE] Well said. I probably would've knocked the s*** out of him the moment I found out. Try and comfort your mom, she probably needs it, and you're probably gonna' be the big man in the house now. -
I've been here a year too. A whole year. Seems like just yesterday I was on the old boards...
If I woke up and that was happening. I'd take out the dude with the knife, then throw the knife and kill the dude with the gun. Then I'd get the gun from the guy I killed with the knife and fend off anymore would be attackers.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=orangered][size=1]I see what you mean, but it's kind of an irrelevant point that you're making. I mean, it's all very well to say "a bad man hit the big building" etc etc. That's fine for a four year old to understand. However, it's a very complex issue. People always try to make it more black & white...but it's something that people discuss because it relates to their own way of life...and it relates to the way that countries deal with each other. So I think there is room for debate and discussion. If adults looked at life in such a simplistic way, things would be much more difficult for everyone... I wouldn't say that your cousin is smarter than 90% of people just because of the basic fact that he understands. I think it's great that he doesn't discriminate against anyone (we need a lot more people like that in the world, definitely), but it is just a little ridiculous to compare a child's understanding of the situation to a multi-faceted discussion whereby adults may have lots of different opinions.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] My point is he doesn't form useless opinions. Maybe if adults thought more like him the world would be a better place.
With all this talk about the war in Afghanistan, people opposing it and stuff, forming opinions about it, wether we should or shouldn't bomb them, wether we should put Bin Laden on trial or kill him on site. I find it amusing that my 4 year old cousin is smarter than 90% of you people out there. He doesn't care about debating the fact wether we should fight over there or not, he doesn't care what kind of weapons we're using on them. All he knows is that, a plane hit a building and killed a lot of people and that is bad, he knows that killing is bad. He doesn't care about debating, he knows that killing other people is wrong. He doesn't discriminate against other races now because of it, he doesn't go around protesting the war because of it or arguing with his fellow americans, he doesn't argue over where united way funds should go to help families, or hog cash sent in by people to help other people, he just knows "That a bad man made a plane hit a building and killed alot of people, and people that are hurt need help." Just something I thought I'd share. He seems more intelligent than 90% of the population right now that are bickering like a bunch of... well... children.
Me and my friend Kennah have started a "Book of Knowledge" throughout our stay at our highschool me and Kennah will add things, and we're passing it around for other people to add their own stuff. Then before we graduate we're gonna' hide the book somewhere in the school for some future freshmen to find, then they can keep it throughout their stay at high school then hide it before they leave, and add their own things to it. Kinda' like off of American Pie. The things we have so far are: [b]The Then and Not Now Theory[/b] [b]By:[/b] Kennah & Ronnie (This is just a summary the actual version is like a 2 page thesis) When you say now, you cannot technically say that you say now because when you say now you are actually saying now about a second in the past which means it is not now, "now" has thus become "then", thus this defeats the purpose of using the word "now". :D So when a teacher tells you to do your work "now" simply say: "I cannot do my homework now because simply stated you are saying now in the past which means since you just gave me my class-work there's no way I could have recieved it in the past, this defeats your idea of me doing classwork. Next theorum... [b]No More Homework[/b] [b]By:[/b] Me Teachers, and students. It is in my greatest interest that I wish to inform you on the basic facts surrounding homework and why it should no longer be mandatory in any school processes. Homework, at times can be very difficult, sometimes forcing students to do things, that haven?t even been discussed in class, and without the aid of teachers, self-reliance usually fails. Homework causes students to become very stressed out, and frustrated especially in cases involving especially difficult homework. Stress has been proven to be very bad for the mental health and self-esteem of an individual as well as raising physical health concerns. Stress raises blood pressure, which is linked to hypertension and other heart ailments, and can possibly lead to life threatening heart disease, which is a major cause of death in Americans, later in an individual?s life. Homework has therefore been proven to be a health threat to individuals thereby involved and should not be mandatory in any school, for any reason, as lack of homework would produce a healthier population, and reduce risks of heart disease, and hypertension to the population as a whole. In conclusion I say "no more homework" for homework has been proven to be a nation-wide health threat.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B] Well, I hate rap of today. All it's about is sex. Can't they come up with something better than that to sing about? Oh wait, they DON'T sing, oh well. Well rock can be so mainstream, too....I just hate RAP. No offense to you, though. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm a diehard fan of rock and I agree with you completely. Rap sucks. I mean all it is, is gay electronic beats that most of them don't even make up themselves and talking about sex, and slapping that ho or shooting that b***. I see no talent there. And when I have kids, I'm not forcing opinions on them or anything. I'm going to do what all parents should do. Let my children form their own opinions on things, instead of forcing things on them. And also another thing I'm gonna' do that alot of parents usually don't is always tell my kids the truth even though it may not be what they want to hear, because alot of parents sugar coat stuff, and lie to their kids about things.
I finally got a picture of our guitarist Kennah! And what's really cool my friend Ben is gonna' be another guitarist, and he has a friend that's gonna' help us write and produce our own music.
The Microwave Men have struck again! Shoutouts to Q106.1 for being a f***ing awesome radio station and putting us on the air. We called them up last night and here's how it went: [b]Announcer:[/b] Q106.1 [b]Me:[/b]This has been another public service announcement from... [b]Kenny, Matt, and Me:[/b] The Microwave Men! [b]Announcer:[/b] *chuckles* [b]Kenny:[/b] We just wanted to let everyone know what the microwave men think of Bin Laden... We say [b]Kenny, Matt and Me:[/b] Screw Bin Laden! [b]Kenny:[/b] Now I want everyone in the q106.1 listening area, and the DJ to say it with us, on 3, and put a little heart into it! 1... 2... 3... [b]DJ, Kenny, Matt, and Me:[/b] SCREW BIN LADEN! [b]Me:[/b] Thank you and goodbye. *hangs up* They played that on the air too! And the coolest thing is... The DJ yelled it with us! Ahahahahaha!
RPG December Birthday Bash Bwahahahahahahahaha!!!!!:D
SSJ5 Vegeta replied to Ryan's topic in Theater
I turn 17 on December 16. But ya' know what? My birthday is the date of the Boston Tea Party. Maybe it's a sign... Maybe it's the reason why I'm so rebellious against authority...... :D I was also born on the same day as Beethoven. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nothing674 [/i] [B] The drummer for Sum-41 doesn't do lead vocals though. It's pretty common for drummers to do background vocals, but lead vocals is almost unheard of. I hope you're very good at the whole rub your belly while patting your head concept..... [/B][/QUOTE] I think I will just stick with doing background vocals. Matt can handle the lead vocals. I'm also progressing on the drums. Today I learned the entire drum set to Drowning Pool - bodies, and Puddle of Mud - Control.
No I don't fear death. When it's my time it's my time. What can I say? Although I don't plan on dying anytime soon, I don't fear death. I'm one of those people that even if you were a total stranger, and someone pulled a gun on you I'd jump in front of you, and take the bullet for you, even if I didn't know you, and especially for any of my friends, and the love of my life Jessica. Just because I love life that much.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mstyrios WX [/i] [B]Getting Projects done the night before their due!^^' -MWX [/B][/QUOTE] That's me also. As of right now I'm working on a 2500 word report on pesticides. So far I've gotten 800 written pretty easily. But I still have a ways to go.
I guess I workout too hard. Usually I lift weights until: A: My arms are paralyzed. B: So weak I can no longer stand. But doesn't pass out, but near the brink of it. C: Pass out. (Only done this once though. Blacked out for like 10 seconds.) And sometimes it's A, followed by B and C. It's just that once I get going, I wanna' keep going and going and going. I'm one of those people that hates giving up. I'll keep pushing till I can't anymore.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B]Hah, that's funny as hell SSJ5. One problem, the pics you attached don't show up. Hmmm, Microwave men... i'll have to remember that... [/B][/QUOTE] Hmmm... The links in my first post that Transtic edited worked for me. What's cool is today we got our bassist. I was just asking around, and my friend Chris S. came up and said, "You need a bassist? Hell I can play bass." And I was like, "You wanna' be in The Microwave Men?". His reply was, "Hell yeah." So that's tight. The pics work for me, so I guess I'll just post the links again and tell you who's who: (Oh yeah, I don't have a pic of Kennah) Matt [b]Vocals[/b] : [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=112457[/url] Kennah [b]Guitar[/b]: No pics for Kennah as of yet. Chris [b]Bassist[/b]: (This is a funny pic of matt making out with a tree, chris is the dude looking over his shoulder) [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=112459[/url] Me [b]Drums/Vocals[/b]: (This is a pic of me and Chris. I'm the one with blonde hair. To see it view the attachment at the bottom of the post.)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nothing674 [/i] [B]LoL:laugh: Good times, good times. One question though: won't it be kinda hard playing the drums and doing lead vocals at the same time? I mean I know guys play the guitar and do lead vocals at the same time, but I've never seen someone do it while playing drums.... [/B][/QUOTE] An example of a band that has a vocalist as a drummer is SUM 41. And really, it helps me out if I actually have the song in my head, or sing it out cuz' it helps me remember the drum beats better.
Where to begin... I called my friend Kennah this thursday, then kennah three wayed my friend Matt. We had a plan, and a lot of guts. Then I three wayed 106.1 the hits radio station. When the dude picked up my friend Matt goes: "We would like to let all the listeners in the Q106.1 listening area thingy to know that the world is safe because of" then me, Kennah and Matt all go, "The microwave men!" The announcer was cracking up, then my friend Matt goes "Put us on the air... Pleeeze... Give you a dollar." Then the announcer was like: "Huh?" cuz' he couldn't hear us very well and Matt was like "Huh?" Then I go: "We are the microwave men," then Kennah goes: "Yes let the world know that it is safe because of the Microwave men." THen I go: "Goodbye." And he put us on the air at the next break! OMG it was hilarious. What's more I have it recorded! Just PM me and I'll email it to ya. Then I went to a concert by a local band tonight. It was kool. They played stuff like Stone Temple Pilots, and Blink, and Lit... Punk/Hard Rock. Plus they even had originals, which one of them kicked, it was like Stone Temple Pilots type heavy, but part of it was fast like punk. Then me and Matt come on stage and sing Green Day, "When I come around." And I just got lost and started freestyling and I was like: "And I like to masturbate on old men's faces.... But I'm just f***ed up like that". And the crowd for some strange reason, about 200-300 people went wild and started cheering and stuff, then at the end I was like: "You know where I'll be found, when I f*** your dog." And everyone was laughing and cheering. I also got to sing a few more songs like Blink 182 Dammit, and Lit: My Own Worst Enemy. And then when I got done everyone complemented me on my singing and said I was a kickass vocalist, cuz' I sounded like the band I was singing after. Then the drummer gave me two drumsticks and let me try out his drumset. I played Chop Suey, and 311 flowing on the drums, then just did some freestyle stuff and everyone said I kicked a** on drums too. I got to keep the sticks. Then after the band left the DJ started and I just played along to the songs on an invisible drumset and people were still complementing me. The thing is, I've never taken drum lessons, I just have natural rythm, it's like I can hear the song in my head and I just follow along. So then my friend Kennah who can play guitar really good, he's also got natural rythm. If he hears a song, within like 30 seconds he's already playing it. Then we got Matt, the other member of the infamous Microwave Men and we decided to form a punk/metal band! Me on Drums and Lead Vocals, Kennah on guitar and Matt on Backing vocals. Thing is we just need a Bassist. But we'll get one really soon. And we're already tabbing down songs, then we're gonna' make a demo and on 106.1 the radio station that played us, they have a make it or break it where you can send in demos and they play band demos and people vote on the band. Well we'll make a demo and send it in. So whenever you hear our songs on the radio waves you'll now that... We are.... THE MICROWAVE MEN! And now here's some pics of the Microwave Men. These were all taken at a local teen club I go to, to hang out with some of my friends. Here's Matt W. He's backing vocals in our band. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=112457[/url] Here's the man on percussion, and vocals. Yours truly... Couldn't get a pic of Kennah the guitarist though. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=112458[/url] Here's just a funny a** pic of matt making out with a fake tree. lol... The other guy is my homie Chris C. Matt's in middle school, and Chris is in High School wit me. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=112459[/url]
If I could change anything about my life... Well truthfully I don't think I'd change a thing.
It didn't really come as that big of a shock to me. Like Transtic said, nothing lasts forever. Once again another example of why I hate cancer.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by outlawstar_14 [/i] [B]im so happy, i woke up turned on the tv, mad cause the cabel was out, complained to my mom, she says look out side, thinking its mega windy i look out and theres SNOW. i ran out at 7 in the morning and played till 10 cause school was delayed! even everyone at school seemed nicer, kinda early for snow out here so it was awesome! ...but then at school, a teacher at school accused me and my friends of throwing snowballs at his new car ( which i didn't) and got in trouble... does anyone else like snow? [/B][/QUOTE] I love snow. Snow's friggin' awesome. That's messed up how the teacher got you in trouble. The teachers at my school are cool, if they catch you throwing snowballs, they'll just throw it right back at ya'. :D
I don't cry. I haven't cried since I was 6 years old. I just stopped crying. I don't cry for anything or anyone, just stuff down inside me.