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SSJ5 Vegeta

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Everything posted by SSJ5 Vegeta

  1. With so many good metal bands, and new ones coming out it's impossible for me to pick a fav. I'm a diehard rock/metal fan. I like anything metal (classic metal, heavy metal, industrial metal etc.), and I like some punk.
  2. If you want a good computer. Buy all the parts and custom build one yourself. I suggest buying an ATX form case, as it's the most popular and easily upgradeable. Microtek is a good company to buy shells from. Buy a motherboard made in the ATX form factor, as I said, most easily upgradeable. Go with an AMD Athlon XP processor which goes all the way up to 1.9 gigahertz, and you can get a 1.5 gigahertz XP processor for $130 which is cheap compared to intels P4 processor which is over $200. They're the best and beat out Intel's Pentium 4. Pentium 4's suck. They only make 6 clock cycles per second where as the AMD does 9 for their 6. The AMD Athlon XP also has DDR SDRAM. DDR Static Ram. That means it does work on the leading and trailing edge of the clock cycle meaning it does more work than the Intel Pentium 4 in less time. But I repeat don't get a comp with a P4. In most cases a P3's better than a P4. Also more RAM's better than fast RAM so get plenty of RAM. For a Hard Drive I'd get a really good one. They have one's out now with up to 320 Gigs of storage space. Why you'd need that much, is beyond me. I think it's Microtek, makes one that's got 20 gigs of storage space, and has very good performance speed, the best in it's class. Does 100 megabyte per second transfers. Dun really know about the best video card. I know the Voodoo line of Videocards is pretty good. And my tech school teacher said something but I forgot he said it's the best. I wish I could remember the name, it starts with a G though. Darnit. As for CD and Floppy Drives I dun really think those matter that much as long as you get one that's dependable and will work like it's supposed to. However if you'd rather just buy one. One's you shouldn't buy are Compaq's and Gateways. They suck.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lotus [/i] [B]1. Do you believe in ghost? 2. Have you seen a ghost? 3. Was anyone die in the house you're live in? 4. If you believed in ghost, do they ever bother you? 5. Where do you think have a lot of ghost? 6. Why do ghost exist (if you believed in ghost)? 7. Do you afraid of ghost? 8. Share your ghost's story or experience. [/B][/QUOTE] 1. Yes 2. No 3. No 4. Not really 5. Nowhere 6. To settle unfinished business 7. No 8. Gather round ya'll for my ghost story... Ok this is a true story...... One time I was home alone when I was a younger kid. And I was going to bed and in my kitchen before I went to my room I noticed one of the cabinets had been left open. So I went and closed it. I went to my room but got this eery feeling like a chill on the back of my neck. I went back to the kitchen and the cabinet I had just closed. Was open again! And no one else was in the house. I closed it. Went back to my room. I got the same feeling again. Went back... Sure enough it was open! So this time I ducktaped the darn thing shut. I headed back towards my room. Suddenly the feeling got really strong. I had only turned my back for a second but when I turned around all the cabinets in the kitchen. Every single one of them were wide open! I went to my room locked my door and went to bed, slightly shaken, mostly in shock. Suddenly I heard a resounding thud as all the cabinets closed at the same time. All by themselves!
  4. I did Taekwondo for a while. I started when I was really young, by the time I was a black belt I think I was like in 4th or 5th grade. But I stopped, because I didn't really feel it was teaching me anything new. Over the years I've picked up a little bit of Kung Fu from my friend Gavin, and a little bit of Tai Chi from him as well. When I was in Taekwondo I took a little bit of weapons training as well. However now I just practice it by myself, and have kind of formed my own fighting style.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B]So, this is a question I've been arguing about....now come on, who REALLY thinks Harry Potter is witchcraft? I think some people are just so close-minded. All these parents banning their kids from seeing Harry Potter or reading the books because they think it is the work of the devil.. Well, they use magic in the final fantasy games, so it's ALL witchcraft...wouldn't that be saying the same thing??? Just curious... [/B][/QUOTE] I hate close minded religous people. Them going to church is an act of hypocriticism in itself. In the bible it says that no one should judge another man, that only god has that right. And all they do in church is judge other people, which is contradicting themselves. Also when Adam and Eve were made they were naked, and God made them that way. Ask any preacher if they think it's appropriate to go around naked today, I bet they will say "No it's not," even though in the bible it practically states humans were made to go around naked. They contradict themselves in so many ways.
  6. I'm happy to say I've found my soul mate. I mean it's just so wonderful. Everything clicks, you guys probably don't understand but that's kool. SSJ5 Vegeta has found true love.
  7. Today I went bezerk. I was sitting in class you know, doing my work when all of a sudden I moved my wrist to grab my pen to start taking notes and the edge of the table poked my wrist. I totally freaked, got up my right had was shaking like crazy grabbed my pen threw it, punched the table several times then sat there tremoring. It was bad. The teacher was like: "What are you doing?" I was like: "Nothing! I'm just excited over taking notes is all! :D"... Ugh :(. Then I felt like I was gonna' puke which didn't help, my lack of appetite made me miss lunch so right now I'm starving.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]Ugh, I also have the wrist thing. My worst fear is a drip or something like that...being put in my wrist...uggghhh...the very thought of it makes me sick. I hate anything to do with something penetrating my wrist. lol Other than that, I have "countrymusicophobia", "badtasteophobia" and "ignoramiaphobia". I think I have a slight fear of heights too...but that's probably because I nearly fell out of a carnival ride once when it was about 10 stories high in the air...lol. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Awesome! I'm not alone! Someone else has the wrist thing too!
  9. Alright I'll admit to having one of the weirdest phobias you'd probably ever imagine. Maybe it stems from watching too many movies where people cut their wrists, but I have a very bad fear of any object may it be a persons hand, finger, edge of a book, paper, desk whatever touching my wrist up to about 2 inches below my elbow. That area is super sensitive. If anything touches it I freak out and my stomach get's queasy and sometimes I get a mental picture that that object is slitting my wrists and then I really get queasy. Even if I touch my wrists with my own hands I freak out. I have like an inborn reaction to things touching my wrists, an inborn phobia. The other night I was eating dinner and the d*** fork brushed my wrist. I shot up out of the chair and threw the fork across the room without thinking then stood there tremoring in fear and got all queasy. It's so bad I knocked the wind out of my friend John today. I didn't do it on purpose but my friend Pat that already knew about it, dared my friend John too sneak up on me and touch my wrists cuz' he knew what would happen. John did and before you could blink an eye I instincitvely punched and caught him right in the gut. I felt bad afterwards though. I can wear long sleeved shirts, and coats, they still kinda' bother me a little, but not enough to freak me out or anything. And the way you can tell if I trust you is if I let you touch my wrists and don't freak out. The only two people I've let do that is my girl where I remained perfectly calm, which meant alot to her and me, and my ex g/f. But even when she did it I still shivered in fear. I'm not afraid of Spiders (I love spiders they're my favorite little creature), or heights, or inclosed spaces, or water, or fire (I love fire too), or anything else. Just that. I dunno you guys probably think I'm weird. But that's just a little something you didn't know about me that now you do.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B]I think that there are certain 'abilities' that some ppl can do up to an extent. like Transtic said, we only use about 10% of our brain, what could the 90% used for? maybe some ppl can use 12 or 13% of their brain or something? *shrug* [/B][/QUOTE] The average human uses 10% of their brain, the smartest geniuses use only about 12-15% of their brain. I mean just to think what would happen if you awakened the other 90%. However you might be too smart for your own good.
  11. I do the outline of the head first, and add the ears then add the hair then draw the facial features. I start out with the eyebrows first cuz' they kinda' help keep everything else in perspective then I draw the eyes and the nose respectively in position to the eyebrows then the mouth then I add tiny facial features like wrinkles, to make their expressions appear realistic. Drawing the head first helps you keep the body in relative size with everything else.
  12. The other day my mom told me: "I'm glad your grandfather is dead, so he couldn't see what a disgrace you are to the family."
  13. I'll try to get a pic of him, either from someone's year book or something, as soon as I get it I'll post it.
  14. Yamesh reported back to Seed as he said he would. [B]Yamesh:[/B] Lord Seed, this new child, his level is far beyond that of any of our normal warriors, he could be made to serve our purposes. [B]Seed:[/B] Are you a fool? He's too powerful, and too pure of heart to waste time trying to possess him. I'll take him out myself if I have too. [B]Yamesh:[/B] No. I noticed a tiny bit of malice lies deep in his heart, with the right tactics, we could have his power at our fingertips. [B]Seed:[/B] What would you need? [B]Yamesh:[/B] Me and about 10 of your best men. If I can catch him by himself, we can beat him into submission. [B]Seed:[/B] You have your pick of my ten best soldiers. Hop to it Yamesh. [B]Yamesh:[/B] Yes sir! [B]Mean While....[/B] [B]Tank:[/B] That large powerlevel I was sensing faded out of existence, and Goku's is still the same. I guess he beat it. Good job Goku. [B]Tai:[/B] To think. It's hard to believe that my 5 and a half year old son could be one of the most powerful beings in the universe. [B]Tank:[/B] Yeah it's kinda' unbelievable. Hey whaddya' say we head back home. I mean we haven't had very much luck finding any of the great warriors, except for Ricco. [B]Ricco:[/B] Yeah. You found me, but I wonder where everyone else is. [B]Tank:[/B] Oh well. It looks like it'll be the Gotank, and Tank family, you, Attila, and Will2x's gang. [B]Ricco:[/B] You think we have a chance of beating Seed. [B]Tank:[/B] Hahaha... No we don't stand a chance in hell right now. :D [B]Ricco:[/B] :eek: That wasn't exactly the answer I was shooting for! [B]Tank:[/B] Well I'm just giving you the cold hard truth. I say we all go to my house where everyone's meeting up, and then we go train in the Vertigo Chamber. [B]Ricco:[/B] Sounds like a plan to me. [B]Tai:[/B] Alright you guys let's go. [B]Attila:[/B] Let's go. Tai went Super Saiyan with ease, then Ricco and Tank did the same after her then with that Attila, Ricco, Tai, and Tank burst off through the sky.
  15. This one black guy named Thomas that my friend Kenny knows has the coolest hairstyle. His hair was kinda' long and naturally went into spikes, he had the whole Goku thing going on, he's also a DBZ fan although his hair is natural he didn't interfere with it to make it look like a DBZ characters. And his nickname is Sugie so at school my friend Kenny went around outside after school had just gotten out randomly shouting Suppa' Saiyajin Sugie will prevail! :D It was hilarious. The people that didn't know what he was talking about didn't really know what to make of it. My friend Jon who watches DBZ and got it was like, "Oh yeah, can he beat Cell?" and Kenny was like, "Man Sugie could whip Cell's a**! Suppa' Saiyajin Sugie can whip anybody." lol
  16. I like that one metal song they play whenever trunks powers up to fight Frieza when he first comes to earth. That's a tight song.
  17. There's a place in the forest about a mile or two away where this huge tree has fallen across a creek. It's huge, and it makes a bridge. I just like sitting on it and meditating. I like training and I do it every day, but it's especially enjoyable when I'm angry or stressed out. Another thing I do is listen to music, or do weightlifting, or listen to music and weightlift.
  18. Smoking is nasty as hell, why anyone would want to do it is beyond me. If you think about it, smokers are all commiting suicide, it may not kill you now, but odds are it will later, and since you already know the risks and do it anyway you're technically commiting suicide in a really slow way. It's almost like slitting your wrists, or shooting yourself, you know the risks and know you most likely will die, but you do it anyway, that's what smoking is only alot slower, which actually makes it worse in my opinion. And plus smoking worse than inhaling any poison, because it has not only one poison.... But 101 of them, including the very chemical that's in toilet bowl cleaners, do you really want that crap in your lungs? Only a human would poison themselves, things like that make me wonder why humans are the dominant species on earth, I mean sometimes animals seem smarter than us. Animals don't pollute themselves, their environment, or destroy their own environment, or kill for the hell of it, only humans are that stupid. On the basis of stupid things a kid in my school brought guns to school. And it wasn't to go on an irate shooting rampage, the guns were unloaded and he had no ammo with him. It was to sell them to someone else. Now why in hell would you bring guns to school to sell them!? When you could do it after school and not even get in trouble!? The level of intelligence in some people never ceases to amaze me.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1][b] I know right from wrong because i was raised that way.... I dont make many mistakes..[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes but you have to think. Is there really a right way to raise a child. The way you were brought up may be wrong in others eyes.
  20. I have a question. Is killing one person right if it will save the lives of many more. Say a terrorist plants a deadly virus in an unsuspecting innocent person who is going to enter a building with a lot of people in it and possibly infect and kill everyone in it. Would it be wrong for a police sniper to kill that person? This is a bad example but it's the only one I can think of, I'm sure you can all form theoratic situations in your mind where you might be pressed to have to kill one man to save the lieves of many. Is that right? What about risking your life to save another? Is that right? I think it is because risking your life to save another is the most noble, courageous and un-selfish thing a man can do, putting his life at risk to preserve anothers, and I know I would take a bullet for someone if I had to. However some people may see that as wrong.
  21. I've really been in a deadly situation because I have never put myself in one. I am cautious and think logically and sensibly. My friend Gavin however was in a deadly situation once. Before he moved down to where I live he lived in a really bad part of town in his city and one time a dude pulled a gun on him. My friend Gavin literally dodged a bullet. The dude began to pull the trigger, and having excellent reflexes Gavin dodged and instant before the gun went off, he then beat the holy hell out of the guy with the gun, then took out 10 of the guys punk friends all by himself. Lesson in this matter, when in deadly situations it helps to have an expert knowledge of martial arts such as Gavin does.
  22. Goku-San, Jen, Fallon and Lazarus took off to go find their parents, meanwhile somebody had secretly been watching the fight between Goku-San and the caped-figure. [B]Yamesh:[/B] Quite a strong one, lord Seed will pleased when he see's how strong this kid is. I sensed he has a tiny bit of malice in his heart. He could be made to serve our purposes. Yes! So innocent looking, yet so powerful! He'd be the ultimate warrior for our army! I will return to lord Seed and tell him at once! With that the strange being Yamesh took off towards the horizon.
  23. I skateboard. My average ollies are usually about 3 foot high. I can kickflip, b/s kickflip, b/s pop shuv-it, heel-flip, double kickflip, b/s double kickflip, and all grinds except a darkslide, and nosebluntslide, I can do a regular bluntslide, and also my tail and noseslides are kinda' a bit on the sketchy side.
  24. I was Gurgg from Mudvayne. In case you don't know who that is he's the lead guitarist. I died my hair red and spiked it and painted my face and neck black and painted red stripes on it. It looked so tight, I wore it to school and all my friends thought it was awesome. I got a pic too. Me with my sister. My sister was what kittie was. A living dead girl. And I'll post the pic whenever it get's developed.
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