SSJ5 Vegeta
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Everything posted by SSJ5 Vegeta
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillin6913 [/i] [B]Ok im 14.. i can handle situations like this but I want your view on it. some people look at me during class drawing Dragonball z guys...... they make fun of me all day about it. Theres not much i can do except tell them to mind there own buisness. Anyone got some good combacks cause I hate being Cornered by anime haters. Its the worst feeling because you feel like your powerless, anyone got some tips? And ChikaChikaGhan I dont need your support cause i Know what youll say. [/B][/QUOTE] [B]1[/B] Pretend they're invisible. [B]2[/B] Tell them to mind their own business. [B]3[/B] Tell them that cartoons are no different than live action films and are actually more creative in some cases because they are not bound by physical limits and can be just as emotional as live action films. [B]4[/B] Use your rage to go Super Saiyan and blast them with a Kamehameha wave faster than they can say "DBZ". :devil: Ok scratch #4 :D. That might wipe out your whole school. The others might work though. Luckily I don't have to worry about that in my school. Because alot of my friends watch it and no one really cares, and even some of the hardcore gothic people watch it, this one goth chick even has a Goku, a Vegeta, and Tien keychain figures on her backpack.
RPG War Legends (War Rpg- If you signed up come here)
SSJ5 Vegeta replied to SSJ5 Vegeta's topic in Theater
[B]Goku-san hovered in the air ready to fight the caped figure.[/B] [B]Caped-Figure:[/B] His powerlevel just sky-rocketed :eek:. Oh well you still will not be able to defeat me little man. [B]SSJ10 Goku-San:[/B] Why don't you bring it you Grim reaper wanna' be. Let's say you hit me everything you got. :mad: [B]Caped-Figure:[/B] Fine I will you little punk! You're gonna' regret this. :smirk: [B]SSJ10:[/B] I doubt it. The only regret I will have is seeing how weak you are and seeing that you won't even make a match for me. [B]Caped-Figure:[/B] SHUTUP! :flaming: [B]The caped figure launched a dark blackish one handed beam at Goku-San. Goku-san just stood there and clenched his fists. The bast hit him head on. There was a gigantic explosion and Jen, Fallon and Lazarus quickly got out of the way. They disappeared and instantly appeared way up in the sky watching the huge fireball from the blast spread out underneath them, then a secondary explosion sent out an even bigger dust cloud.[/B] [B]Jen:[/B] You think he made it? [B]Lazarus:[/B] Have a little faith in Goku-San. He would have gotten out of the way of that blast if he would have thought it would have hurt him. [B]Fallon:[/B] He'll takem' out. I know it. [B]Caped-Figure:[/B] :laugh: Hahahahaha! Fool! So easily destroyed. Nothing but a little Saiyan... Wha! :eek: The dust had cleared and Goku-san stood there without so much as a scratch on him. [B]Caped-Figure:[/B] There's no way you could have survived that blast! :flaming: [B]Goku-San:[/B] That's strike one. Two more and you're out. [B]Caped-Figure:[/B] No! You're out! [B]The caped figure began to power up. Instead of having a blue, or red aura like normal it had a darkish black, sort of dark purple colored transparent aura made of pure dark energy. It put it's hands together at the wrists and began forming a ball of pure dark energy. The ball kept getting bigger and bigger little by little.[/B] [B]Caped-Figure:[/B] Yes, Goku-san. You just stand right there and you'll be history. [B]The caped figure launched a huge two handed beam and this time Goku-San seemed to deflect it easier than the last. With one hand he smacked it away and it flew way off into the distance behind him and exploded lighting up the sky for a brief instance. Goku-san stood there for a second then smirked at the Caped-Figure and flew way up into the air hovering over it.[/B] [B]Goku-San:[/B] That's strike two. [B]Caped-Figure:[/B] Enough of these energy blasts! We'll fight hand to hand! [B]The caped figure disappeared. And almost the instant it disappeared it slammed into the ground making a huge explosion. Goku-San appeared with his fist stuck out.[/B] [B]Lazarus:[/B] Whoah! [B]Fallon:[/B] He moved so fast! [B]Jen:[/B] I couldn't even see him till he re-appeared! [B]The huge pile of rubble that lay on the caped figure began to quake then suddenly all of it flew up into the air and exploded into little pebbles.[/B] [B]Caped Figure:[/B] AHHHHHHHHHHH! :mad: [B]Goku-San:[/B] That was one of my weak punches, and I wasn't even moving that fast! You really are a weak creature! [B]Caped-Figure:[/B] Damn you, you little Saiyajin brat! You made me bleed! [B]The caped figure stood there holding it's chest where it got punched. A blackish thick substance that looked like oil leaked out of it's chest. Also a blackish mist came out of the hole.[/B] [B]Goku-san answered the caped figure with another smirk silently laughing at it through his eyes.[/B] [B]Caped-Figure:[/B] GRRRRR! You won't be smirking for very long! I was hoping I wasn't going to have to go to full power but it looks like I'll have to. [B]The Caped-Figure began powering up a huge dark aura surrounded it.[/B] [B]Fallon:[/B] You think at full power it will be a match for Goku-san? [B]Jen:[/B] No. [B]Lazarus:[/B] I do not think so. But still Goku-san should not be so arrogant, who knows it might catch him off guard. [B]Then Goku-San revealed some shocking evidence.[/B] [B]Goku-San:[/B] Guess what? I'm not at full power either you stupid Caped freak. What you are feeling now is a fraction of it. [B]Caped-Figure:[/B] What! No! [B]Fallon:[/B] Say Whaaaaaaaa! [B]Lazarus:[/B] He's been toying with that Caped-Figure all along! [B]Jen:[/B] It's over for that thing. IS IT OVER FOR THE CAPED FIGURE? FIND OUT ON THE NEXT EPISODE OF WAR! -
RPG My DBZ Story (please read and tell me what you think)
SSJ5 Vegeta replied to SSJ5 Vegeta's topic in Theater
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillin6913 [/i] [B]hey i read your story and i wanna publish it as a comic, can you keep writing it and send it in please? tell me what the characters look like too. i have to go to school, c ya. [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry but I'm not giving you permission to use my material in your comics. I'm sure you are perfectly capable of coming up with it on your own. Besides it's my material and I take it as a personal piece of me that get's put down on paper. It is there for the public to view, not for public property. Thank you. However PM me about it and I'll talk about it. -
RPG My DBZ Story (please read and tell me what you think)
SSJ5 Vegeta replied to SSJ5 Vegeta's topic in Theater
(this is the first post continued cuz' it was too long in it's entirety) Today was Goshen's day to go over to the Greens house and barter something for food. He sat down at his table, putting sensu beans in a bag, which he grew himself which he would barter for various food items his mother needed. ?You be careful,? his mother said, ?and if anything happens don?t try to be a hero just make sure you and little Gochan get back in one piece.? With that he walked over and pressed a button on the wall, and a door opened up on the ceiling. With that he climbed some stairs and stepped out of his underground home into the world. Five year old Gochan followed quickly behind. ?Hop on,? Goshen said and Gochan quickly obeyed him hopping onto his back, with that Goshen took off, and his mother closed the door up behind him, and once closed, the door just looked like part of the forest floor. ?Goshen why don?t you ever teach me to fly? And how to go Super Saiyan?? said Gochan holding onto Goshen. ?Look little guy, I have enough trouble looking out for myself, if I taught you how to fly you?d probably go try to fight some android and get yourself killed and I just can?t have that, I?ll teach you when you get older ok?? Then he added, ?and whoever told you I could go Super Saiyan was lying because I can?t.? ?All right,? said little Gochan in a disappointed voice. ?Well let?s be off,? he said and with that he powered up a little, a whitish aura surrounding him and took off with Gochan keeping a tight grip on his back. They flew for a little while then suddenly Goshen stopped in midair. ?Here?s our stop,? he said and flew down into the forest and landed gently on the ground. He called, ?It?s OK, I?m a good guy!? A few seconds passed, and Goshen began to worry he?d come to the wrong spot in the forest but then the ground raised up to reveal an automatic door opening. An old lady and her husband climbed up the stairs. ?Back again eh Goshen?? she said in an exuberant voice, ?trading me some sensu beans I see, well me and Todd really needed those, thank you.? ?Your welcome, here I have a list of things I need,? he said handing her a piece of paper. ?And who?s the little one?? she said. ?Oh this is my five year old little bro,? he said, you haven?t met him yet, ?Gochan say hi,? Goshen said looking down at little Gochan. ?Hi,? he said obeying his older brother, somewhat hiding behind Goshen. ?Cute little fella? ain?t he,? said Mrs. Green smiling, ?I knew your father Gochan, he was a great and powerful man, he was a Super Saiyan.? ?Wow!? said Gochan, then he shot Goshen a mean, pouting glance, and said, ?you never told me that Goshen!? This is how humans had been reduced to live, trading as in the old days. With that Mrs. Green took the paper Goshen had handed her and started climbing back down the stairs calling, ?I?ll be right back!? Her husband Todd said, ?So what have you been up to? My wife?s big on news and she tells me you?ve been taking on those androids single handedly, my wife said something about you being able to Super Saiyan or something like that,? he said. ?I knew it! I knew you could go Super Saiyan you liar!? said Gochan grinning. ?I?m sorry little bro, I wish I could, I swear I couldn?t even if I wanted to, mom even told you that I couldn?t,? Goshen said. Then he walked over to Mrs. Green?s husband and whispered in his ear, ?Please don?t mention Super Saiyan?s again, he?s my only brother, and I love him a lot, and if he knows I can go Super Saiyan he?ll want to too, and I don?t want him thinking he?s a Super Saiyan and going out and trying to fight the androids and getting himself killed.? ?Oh, I see,? said Todd, ?well the Mistress must have been mistaken.? ?Yeah plus the androids that I?ve been taking on are weak, I mean they can?t even fly, so it?s easy to defeat them, it?s a good thing I haven?t run into any as powerful as a Super Saiyan,? said Goshen looking over at Todd Green and winking. Mr. Green winked back, ?You?d be in trouble then son,? he said grinning. ?Mistaken about what,? said Mrs. Green coming back up the stairs with a burlap bag full of the things Goshen had asked for, having heard her husband say that she must have been mistaken. Todd leaned over and told her what Goshen had, ?Oh, I see,? she said. She handed the bag to Goshen, ?Thank you very much!? said Goshen, ?mom will be happy about this won?t she?? he said rubbing little Gochan?s hair, Gochan giggled. ?Well let?s be off,? with that Gochan quickly hopped on Goshen?s back. ?Goodbye,? said Mrs. Green. ?Bye Mrs. Green!? said Goshen then with that he took off and flew off across the sky. ?What a nice young man, if this world has any hope, it?s in him,? she said. ?I think you?re right Louise,? said Todd. The old couple turned around and walked back down the stairs, ?I swear I?m gonna? have to get an escalator in here,? Mrs. Green said, ?I?m too old for this.? Soon after the two climbed down the stairs the automatic door closed up completely camouflaging the bomb shelter, which they lived in. As Goshen flew over the forest he noticed a familiar thing which he had seen before. ?Crap!? he said and quickly he flew down and landed on a huge tree branch that looked more like a gigantic floating log it was so big. It was on a tall tree, which had probably been there for 200 years or more. He peaked around the tree, directly behind and about 50 feet below him standing on the ground was an android, dressed in a black trench coat, and pants and tactical boots and sunglasses. ?I hope he didn?t sense my energy level,? said Goshen. The android had it?s back turned to him, and Goshen decided he would attack it, but he didn?t want to go Super Saiyan because his brother was there. Also he didn?t want to put his brother in danger, and they didn?t have any sensu beans. ?You stay here,? he said whispering to Gochan and sitting him on the branch. ?But why?? said Gochan complaining. ?Because you have to hold the groceries he said handing the bag to little Gochan. Gochan hung the bag around a tree a smaller tree branch that jutted out from the big one they were standing on. ?Look the tree can hold it, let me come with you please,? said Gochan begging. ?Oh all right, hop on,? said Goshen. ?Yay!? Gochan exclaimed, and quickly hopped on Goshen?s back. Now don?t hold onto my arms or anything I need them to fight. Little Gochan wrapped his arms around Goshen?s neck and his leg?s around his waist making sure not to compromise his legs or arms. With that Goshen took off so fast he disappeared and appeared down by the android in a split second. It was all a blur and in the next second he had decapitated the android with a single powerful kick to the neck. With that he flew backwards and did a midair back flip over the tree behind him and landed on the same branch they were on earlier. But suddenly he noticed a girl, a teenager about his age go running through the woods. ?Help me!? she shouted. Quickly he flew down and scooped her up and brought her back with him and sat him on the branch. ?Shhh,? Goshen said and the girl sat there in silence. She was a beautiful girl, so beautiful she took Goshen?s breath away. She had beautiful brown hair and was a very all girl with beautiful long legs. About that time three other androids ran and stood in the clearing. One of them spotted the decapitated android. ?It?s him be on your guard!? one of them said. ?You think it could be the one they call Goshen?? said the other. ?Yes #21, who else would be powerful enough to severe #22?s head like that?? ?Grab the groceries,? Goshen whispered to Gochan. Gochan hopped off his back grabbed them then came back and hopped back up on Goshen?s back. Goshen looked at the girl, ?It?s okay, I won?t hurt you,? he said in his most non-threatening voice, then he reached out his hand. She took it and he pulled her over. ?Gochan off,? Goshen said. Gochan hopped off his back and he let the girl get on, then he tucked little Gochan under one arm. ?Now hold onto those groceries he said. With that he leapt off the branch and flew straight up towards the sky. The other three androids saw him but it was too late, he pointed a single hand down at the forest and effortlessly launched a beam down. However, he made sure the beam was just powerful enough to kill the androids and not blow a huge crater in the ground because that might kill humans hidden in the forest floor. He waited for the smoke to clear then smiled after he saw that his blast had not so much as knocked a crater in the ground yet had reduced the three androids to scattered shards of metal littering the ground. With that he took off towards his house. ?Wow, Goshen you sure are strong,? said Gochan. ?No,? Goshen answered in a serious tone, ?they were just weak androids. ?You must understand little Gochan, there are some out there more powerful than a Super Saiyajin.? ?Wow,? Gochan answered, amazed at that fact, ?I didn?t know they were that strong.? The unknown girl remained mute, obviously too scared or bewildered to talk. And so Goshen flew on towards his house, unsure of what would happen, just as every other human was that still lived on this desolate planet, once called earth, now known as a nightmare for those who had survived the great war between man and machines. -
[FONT=arial][COLOR=blue] [SIZE=4][B]CHAPTER 1[/B] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/FONT] [FONT=arial][COLOR=seagreen] [SIZE=4][B]Prelude To Terror[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [/FONT] The dark sky rumbled like a growling monster and lightning flashed across the sky, splitting with many bolts lightning up the charcoal clouds. A light rain fell from the sky, blanketing the earth. An abandoned city stood a ghost town, once tall skyscrapers were reduced to chunks of rubble littering the ground. Some broken in half stood as ghostly reminders of the post apocalyptic war with the androids. In the rain stood a lone warrior, an un-mistakable warrior. His black hair stood tall, he wore a blue t-shirt underneath a sleeveless orange t-shirt, and wore orange baggy pants, and dark blue boots. His stone cold expressionless face was lightly misted with raindrops. He suddenly lowered his eyebrows as three figures stepped out of the ruins of a building. ?You are Zade I presume,? said a figure hidden in the darkness of an overturned slab of concrete. ?Yes,? the Saiyan replied. ?Good, we finally found you, you are the last Super Saiyan on our things to do list so to speak,? the figure said beginning to step out of the darkness, revealing that two others followed behind him. ?You mean things to kill list you son of a *****,? Zade said back. ?Take it however you want it, you will be our final victim, I want you to know that I expect a good fight,? the figure said back. ?What you?re gonna? fight me three on one?? Zade said yelling back, ?Grrr! Have it your way,? with that Zade easily went Super Saiyan in a flash. The golden aura around him swelled and glowed with power. It easily lit up the area around him like a giant light bulb revealing the enemy. Three men, totally identical, in dress and appearance, wearing black trenchcoats, black slightly baggy pants, tactical boots, and black sunglasses, which were actually scouters. The one in front doing all the talking, the presumed leader pressed a button on the side of his sunglasses. Then with a grin replied, ?Powerlevel 125 million,? the other two standing behind him grinned. ?You?re one of the most powerful I?ve seen yet,? said the leader, ?this should prove to be quite fun for me,? he replied with a grin. ?Destroy him #17,? said one of the other androids. ?Don?t worry I will,? he said taking off his trench-coat he handed it back to the other android, ?hold this #19,? he said, then he took off his glasses revealing ice blue eyes that could send a chill through your spine, and handed them to the other android, ?and would you please hold these #20.? The other two kindly obliged holding his clothing for him. ?Oh and you don?t have to worry, I will fight you one on one, those two are just here to watch me kill you,? said the android grinning ?are you ready my friend?? said the android grinning. ?Ready as I?ll ever be,? Zade said spreading his legs apart in a fighting stance. With that the fight got off to a blistering pace. The two moved so quickly that they disappeared from sight. It was an awesome battle. After a volley of ferocious combinations, attacks and counter-attacks the two re-appeared hovering in midair facing each other. Obviously they were evenly matched since neither had hit the ground yet. ?You may prove to be more fun than I once imagined, you?re actually testing part of my power,? said android #17. ?Shutup and fight!? Zade yelled at him and disappeared, a split-second after him android #17 disappeared and the second round in the ferocious battle began. They appeared for a few seconds and Zade thrust his hands in at the android and a cluster of seven huge beams flew out and homed in on android #17. Android #17 stopped in midair and the blasts closed in and blew up around him. Suddenly a fist came from behind Zade but Zade had expected it and disappeared dodging it. Android #17 appeared with his fist stuck out, suddenly a foot came flying from behind #17, but 17 avoided that dodging Zade?s attack. The two fought invisibly however their power was so immense small explosions happened whenever their fists hit each other and the ground shook. The other two androids 19 and 20 looked up in the air watching the whole battle. Zade suddenly appeared ?Kamehameha!? He yelled and with that he launched a Kamehameha beam which flew down at 17, 17 avoided it and it flew down towards the other two androids. ?19, 20! Watchout!? But it was too late and they didn?t expect a Kamehameha to come from behind and smash into them and there was a powerful explosion that rocked the ground. ?No!? yelled android #17. ?You didn?t aim that at me, you aimed it at them all along!? 17 yelled at Zade in an angry voice. ?Well you androids aren?t as dumb as you look after all,? Zade said cracking a slight grin. ?You?ll pay for that!? android 17 yelled. ?Kao-Ken times 10!? yelled Zade and already with his Super Saiyan his up-grade to Kao-Ken boosted his power and speed immensely. He disappeared and suddenly 17 went flying through the air from a powerful shot to the face, he appeared behind 17 and unloaded a powerful kick into his back sending him flying and crashing into the ground. Then he prepared to finish 17 with a Kamehameha wave. ?Kame-hame,? he said but suddenly he was hit in the back with tremendous force, blind-sided and sent flying into the ground. He struggled to get back up but a blast came down upon him and exploded sending him flying through the air then he slid across the ground for about 100 meters. He lay there moaning in pain. 17 stood up and looked into the air to see another fellow android. ?Thank you #28,? he said. With that he disappeared and appeared up in the sky with the android called #28. 17 pointed his hand at the helpless Zade who had been unfairly double-teamed and fired a huge beam out of his palm. The beam was powerful that the whole city became nothing but a big fireball and after it was done, nothing was there but a gigantic crater where the city once stood. ?Not even a Super Saiyan would have survived that, especially at ground Zero,? said 17 as he smirked. ?I agree,? said #28 and with that they flew off. The body of Zade lay on the ground, his hair back to black; he lay facedown in a pool of muddy water. The last of the great Super Saiyans, reduced to a lifeless crumpled mass buried in the mud. Suddenly however, Zade rolled over on his back and grinned, ?You may have killed me, but my son, my son, will destroy you, mark my word androids you will fall before him? I love you Goshen,? with that the great Saiyan passed. A New World had now been created. A world of darkness emerged where people lived in fear, totally helpless of the mighty slayers of mankind. New and horrible creatures emerged to take their place as the dominant race on earth. At some undetermined point in time, artificial intelligence had merged into a singular being, a singular mind that began to think for itself. It decided that it no longer needed humans to survive and began building vast armies of robotic warriors to carry out its dark desires. Human counterparts called Androids would take their place as the dominant race on earth. They began wiping out the human race almost immediately nothing could stop their immense power, except for a small group of fighters. Fighters who held powers beyond that of a normal human. Some fighters of which could transform into the legendary Super Saiyan. However the singular entity, which called itself the darkness, designed a new model of android superior to the Super Saiyan. And after a while the great warriors of earth began to fall one by one. They tried their best, but one by one they were defeated. And 99% of the earth?s population was gone. Humans were reduced to hiding in underground bunkers, trading each other goods for food as in the ancient days. It was now seven years later and nothing had changed, humans had learned to cope living in hidden underground houses, however the constant threat from androids was sometimes enough to drive a person insane. They were everywhere hunting humans down, just coming out of your house to go get food or water was a risk in itself, a risk that could mean death at any given moment. The Darkness designed all kinds of androids, some very powerful, more powerful than a Super Saiyan; some weak compared to a Saiyan warrior but a lot more powerful than humans. These were more expendable and these could not fly but combed the forests searching and hunting down humans.
You wouldn't belive what happened today...
SSJ5 Vegeta replied to Cecil's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B]Well then you dont have a sense of humor...... [/B][/QUOTE] Not true at all. I just think the stories plain as hell. I didn't even crack a smile when I read it. -
You wouldn't belive what happened today...
SSJ5 Vegeta replied to Cecil's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]When Adam posts this kinda of story everyone laughs, when James posts this kinda story everyone laughs... when Cecil posts it, everyone thinks it's sick..... Weird bunch you are.... And lol.... Masterfork can't escape the dreafulness! :p [/B][/QUOTE] Actually I think the stories just stupid. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] a) Who said they were friends of his to begin with.... I know for a fact Baby Girl didn't like him all that much... some of the other may not have either.... If I ever had something to say to him, he'd hear it straight from me... I was one of the few to stand up to him.... and just recently he was starting to be nicer to me. It was a shame he was banned but he did something that is unacceptable... b) Watch you little immature mouth... c) He doesn't have the say in the matter cause there is no matter... i saw what he did.... he can't deny it... Seph saw it too.... what is he gonna do? Say he didn't write it... will too bad he did, he can't change that..... and his defence was it was a joke... which is fine... but with kids here, jokes can only go so far... he stepped over the lines.... there's nothing he can do to say his side.... d) Just like you don't care about what we say about you, I don't care what you have to say.... so you can shut up ok? If you can't talk intelligently and with the word "sh**" in every other sentence I don't want to hear it.... people talk about people behind their back all the time... Will did it to me ALL THE TIME.... what respect does he deserve for that?.... He's just as bad.... But whats done is done... it's called life, and it's called getting on with your life... so do it.. and shut up in the process.... [/B][/QUOTE] Point proven... Didn't take long for you to start runnin' your mouth, and trying to show off your over sized ego.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]I believe that he has had this coming...while Will2x has always been nice to me, I know he hasn't been to others. It's not your fault...many people have been looking to have him banned...and some are quite glad to see him go.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I just love seeing how fast people start saying sh** once someone's back is turned, like Justin, and Cloud. You've shown your true colors BabyGirl, and Justin and Cloud and everyone else that was talkin' sh** behind his back. The sad thing is since Will2x was banned he really has no way to have a say in the matter, or tell his side of the story. I'm gonna' go listen to Slipknot now, and all you poser, backstabba's out there, you can talk sh** behind my back just cuz' I go against the grain, because really I could give a f*** less about it.
I'm 16, male. Height 5'8.
RPG War Legends (War Rpg- If you signed up come here)
SSJ5 Vegeta replied to SSJ5 Vegeta's topic in Theater
[B]Goku-San stood facing the caped figure with Fallon, Lazarus and Jen confidently watching from the sidelines[/B] [B]Caped-Figure:[/B] Hahaha... Look how small you are.. And you think you can beat me!? :laugh: [B]Goku-San:[/B] I'm alot more powerful than you think. It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog. With that Goku-San instantly went Super Saiyan Level 10. [B]Caped-Figure:[/B] HUH? His powerlevel sky-rocketed! :eek: [B]Jen:[/B] He doesn't stand a chance. [B]Lazarus:[/B] That caped figures in for it. [B]Fallon:[/B] Go get him Goku! AMAZING! GOKU-SAN INSTANTLY GOES SUPER SAIYAN LEVEL 10!!! DOES THIS LITTLE SAIYAN ACTUALLY POSSESS THE POWER TO DROP THE OVERCONFIDENT CAPED FIGURE!? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON WAR! -
I have some things to do at WAL-MART: [B]1[/B] Run full speed at the automatic slide open doors. If you smash into them go complain to the manager that his sensors aren't calibrated correctly and he needs to up the speed on the opening of the doors. Tell him that someone could get seriously injured. [B]2[/B] Bring checkered flags, green flags, and yellow flags, and some friends. Get some shopping carts then act like you're having a NASCAR race around the parking lot. [B]3[/B] Go post a home-made sign in the womens department that says: "USED CONDOMS 50% OFF!" [B]4[/B] Walk around the store then randomly stop in front of people and yell: "STOP TALKING TO ME! SHUTUP!" smack your head several times, or fall on the ground and start kicking and screaming. [B]5[/B] Go to the hunting section and put some of their camo on then go hide in a clothes rack. When store security asks what the hell you're doing say: "ONE BY ONE THE PENGUINS STEAL MY SANITY" then look about suspiciously. :smirk: [B]6[/B] Go into the snacks department then open up a box of twinkies and dump them on the floor and stomp on them. (It's funny cuz' cream filling shoots everywhere.) All the while get in a hick voice and go "TWINKIES ARE THE DEVIL!" :devil: Or for good measure add on: "TWINKIES MADE MAMA' FAT!" [B]7[/B] Act like a DBZ character and go to the frozen foods section grab a frozen pizza and yell Destructo Disk-Ha then chuck it at your friend. [B]8[/B] Get a water gun then go set up a barrier made of cereal boxes in the cereal aisle and hide behind it and pop up and shoot, and when people ask you what you're doing say: "I'M GUARDING YOU FROM THE ALIENS... ALIENS!" [B]9[/B] Act like a doctor and throw your friend in a shopping cart. Rush them to the car department and try to restart their heart with battery cables. [B]10[/B] (This is for guys) Go the womens department put on underwear and a Bra and run around the store. (This one really get's the looks.) [B]11[/B] Stand right in the middle of your aisle head ducked down as if you're asleep then when somebody walks up to you pop up suddenly and scream at them then run off screaming. [B]12[/B] Go to the McDonalds and hump the Ronald statue. [B]13[/B] Go to the tree nursery then go behind one of the trees and take a leak. [B]14[/B] Get a large fish net and net random people. [B]15[/B] Stand by a gumball machine and like it has just eaten your quarter. Scream and shout random curses at it, punch or kick it. [B]16[/B] Drive a shopping cart around and wreck it into things and scream random cursewords like : "****!" [B]17[/B] Stand where a bunch of people are talking and yell: "EVERYBODY SHUTUP!" [B]18[/B] Go to the music department stand by the stereo systems they have with some friends then suddenly begin a mosh pit. [B]19[/B] Go sit in front of the T.V.s that play movies with some popcorn or other food item. Boo and toss food at the T.V. screen whenever the villain appears. Act like you're really getting into it.
RPG War Legends (War Rpg- If you signed up come here)
SSJ5 Vegeta replied to SSJ5 Vegeta's topic in Theater
[B]Finally the doors to the Vertigo chamber opened[/B] Attila waited outside. Goku-San was the first to step out, his Gi uniform was tattered and torn, worn ragged. He had a stone cold look on his face like that of a serial killer. The next to come out was Fallon, his eyes also stone cold, his face expressionless. Jen and Lazarus came out, both had stone cold looks. [B]Attila:[/B] What's with you guys? What went on in there!? You guys look like you've gone insane! In a collective tone Goku-San spoke. [B]Goku-San:[/B] Our training is never to be discussed. [B]Attila:[/B] Well did your training go well? [B]Goku-San:[/B] You'll just have to see now won't you? Goku-San said in a somewhat mocking tone. Then with that him, Jen, Lazarus and Fallon took off on an unknown mission. [B]Attila:[/B] What's with kids these days!? Anyways time to start my training. Attila stepped inside the Vertigo Chamber to begin his training. [B]Meanwhile...[/B] Tank stood talking to the two warriors from outer space. [B]Chan:[/B] We are humans from humania. See along time ago, humans originally lived on a lush planet called humania. The gravity is a million times that of earths. Then somwhere around 1000 years ago, a race came known as the Saiyans. They wanted to experiment on us. They took some of us to what you call planet earth. Over time they got weak because of the minute gravity, and forgot about their heritage. However I am a native of humania, and so is my son. I am rated #1 fighter in this universe by my superiors, and my son is second only to me. I heard that there was a powerful evil disturbance on this planet. One so powerful it could destroy the whole universe a million times over. Me and my son Sage are here to offer any help we can. [B]Tank:[/B] Awesome! [B]Correlon:[/B] So that's where you guys are from. I knew you had to be from somewhere in outer space. Suddenly 3 caped figures that appeared to be grim reaper clones appeared out of nowhere. [B]Chan:[/B] Who are these guys? Tank got in a fighting stance. [B]Tank:[/B] They aren't friendly I'll tell ya' that. [B]Correlon:[/B] I sense that their powerlevels are huge, don't underestimate them. The 3 caped figures spread out and then attacked. Tank took on one and did a pretty good job of fighting it. [B]Tank:[/B] Is that all you got I haven't even powered up yet! The figure dissapeared then suddenly Tank was hit about 10 times in a row in rapid fire succesion. The blows were so hard that they made miniature explosions in the air. Tank went flying into the ground. The figure appeared standing over him. [B]Correlon:[/B] ****! Their power is as big as I imagined! Tank stood back up and powered up. This fiendish apparition had pissed him off. [B]Tank:[/B] Alright you little bastard! Tank dissapeared and so did the figure. The fight was moving so fast that only Chan and Sage could see it because they were more powerful than tank or correlon. The figure beat him again. He powered up a more and more until he finally beat it. [B]Tank:[/B] And I didn't even have to go to full power. If I would have I would've beat it a million times over. [B]Sage:[/B] Check this out. Sage dissapeared and appeared behind the caped figures holding his sword out in a cutting motion. [B]Tank:[/B] I think you missed. Sage turned around in midair and grinned at Tank and the two figures fell in half and exploded. [B]Correlon:[/B] ****! He's super fast! [B]Sage:[/B] And to think. That was a small percentage of my power. Tank and Correlon gasped. [B]Chan:[/B] I will teach you guys to get as strong as us. But first we must meet up with the other fighers. [B]Tank:[/B] Alright that sounds like a plan to me. [B]Correlon:[/B] Let's be off! With that they took off. [B]Meanwhile...[/B] [B]Goku-San:[/B] I'll take you myself! [B]Caped Figure:[/B] *demonic voice* Hahaha... I doubt it... [B]Goku-San:[/B] Wanna' bet, cuz' I'd say the odds are in my favor! [B]Caped Figure:[/B] My data shows at most you should be a Super Saiyan Level 3 right now. [B]Goku-San:[/B] Well you see. Your data's screwed, because me and my friends here have been training, capish. [B]Caped Figure:[/B] You still do not have a chance. [B]Goku-San:[/B] (Crouching in fighting position) Look are you gonna' fight or talk? DOES GOKU-SAN HAVE CHANCE? FIND OUT ON THE NEXT TIME OF WAR! -
Adam's the coolest! Besides, I don't think anyone on this message board with the exception of some people like Transtic are even old enough to buy lotto tickets.
I found out today that some mother****er stole my CD Wallet. In it were over 30 of my fav CD's ranging from SLipknot to staind and a video game. I'm so ****ing pissed. But I have a pretty good idea of when and who took them, but I just now found out when I got home from school. But come Monday morning. There'll be hell to pay!
RPG War Legends (War Rpg- If you signed up come here)
SSJ5 Vegeta replied to SSJ5 Vegeta's topic in Theater
[B]Tank is the first to arrive on the scene[/B] [B]Tank:[/B] What is that!? There is a large metal sphere sticking halfway out of the ground. It radiates a bright green light. It appears to be some kind of space craft. [B]Tank:[/B] This is strange.... Suddenly a door on the sphere begins to open. As the door opens it let's out a blinding lime green light. Tank can make out the silouhettes of two figures standing in the light. Then they begin to walk towards Tank. Tank dodges backwards aways away from the ship and sets himself in a fighting stance. [B]Tank:[/B] I don't wanna' power up just yet, because if they are friendly they might think I'm attacking them and fight back. I'll wait and see what they do. The figures step out where Tank can see them. One is a Teenage boy, and the other is a guy that looks to be in his mid twenties. They are both wearing a strange kind of armor, that Tank knows can't be from planet earth, and they both have large swords in holsters on their backs, and they both have lime green hair stood up in spikes. [B]Man:[/B] This planets gravity is much less than ours. [B]Boy:[/B] Yeah. About a million times less. [B]Man:[/B] Hello. My name is Chan Moyatama, and this is my son Sage he's 14. [B]Sage:[/B] I suppose the inhabitants of this planet are as weak as the gravity. This guy would be so easy to beat I wouldn't even waist a good punch on him, maybe a flick or a poke though. [B]Chan:[/B] Sage you are all too arrogant. This man may seem weak to you but that's because he has his true power masked. I can sense his true power and it's enormous. But still about 5x less than yours. [B]Sage:[/B] Then he might prove to be a good warmup. Sage popped his neck and his shoulders, then stretched his arms and stood in a fighting stance. [B]Sage:[/B] Ready.... Little man? [B]Chan:[/B] Sage! :flaming: [B]Sage:[/B] Sorry... [B]Chan:[/B] We're here to help these people out, not fight them. I understand a great evil is plaguing your planet. Well we're here to help. [B]Tank:[/B] The names Tank. Nice to..... meet you. [B]Chan:[/B] Just the man we were looking for! Can you take us to the rest of the fighters that are assembling for this great battle? [B]Tank:[/B] Yeah but first explain to me who and what you guys are. [B]Meanwhile in the Vertigo Chamber[/B] [B]SSJ3 Lazarus:[/B] Oh yeah Jen! Take this! Lazarus fired a large ki blast at Jen. [B]SSJ3 Jen:[/B] You missed me! [B]SSJ3 Lazarus:[/B] Darn the bad luck! Jen and Lazarus kept fighting. Moving at an incredible speed. They matched each other move for move. Goku-San just watched. Fallon feeling left out, had gone off to train by himself, and had gone far back into the Vertigo Chamber, leaving the others to wonder if they'd ever see him again. [B]SSJ4 Goku-San:[/B] (thinks) I wonder when Fallon will come back. Maybe if I would have trained him he wouldn't have run away. This sucks. Those 2 don't even seem to care. Well I've had enough of this crap! SSJ4 Goku-San went Super Saiyan Level 5. Jen and Lazarus stopped. All his fur from Super Saiyan Level 4 turned gold and his hair stood into golden spikes and his eyebrows turned gold like a Super Saiyan. His eyes however stayed the same color, a dark green rimmed with red. This was Super Saiyan Level 5. [B]SSJ3 Jen:[/B] When in the hell did he go Super Saiyan 5? [B]SSJ3 Lazarus:[/B] Yeah that's what I wanna' know. [B]SSJ5 Goku-San:[/B] That's none of your business. I'm leaving now. [B]SSJ3 Jen:[/B] Where are you going? [B]SSJ5 Goku-San:[/B] Not that it's any of your business but I'm gonna' go find Fallon. With that he blasted off so fast they couldn't even tell where he went. [B]SSJ3 Jen:[/B] This sucks. First Fallon, now him. [B]SSJ3 Lazarus:[/B] I hope they don't get lost. WILL GOKU-SAN FIND FALLON? AND WHO ARE THE 2 MYSTERIOUS STRANGERS. THEY'RE CERTAINLY NOT FROM THIS PLANET! FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON WAR! -
With so many songs that I like, it's nearly impossible to say that one of them is my favorite. I don't really have one.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B]ive had a long day yo, pocket full of cacos, its on tonite.... the djs popin, the chickens are hopin, its on tonite.... woohoo, *throws cake at random person(s)* [/B][/QUOTE] *Ducks as cake flies overhead* Happy anniversary! I'm another Vet and proud of it! We just havin' a big vet reunion here! Also to spice this anniversary party up, I brought a killer sound system, lots of alcohol, and topless dancers! WOOOOHOOO! :D
RPG War Legends (War Rpg- If you signed up come here)
SSJ5 Vegeta replied to SSJ5 Vegeta's topic in Theater
[B]In the Vertigo Chamber[/B] [B]SSJ4 Goku-San:[/B] That's amazing! She went up 2 levels! [B]Electronic Voice:[/B] Jen.... Powerlevel.... 480 million..... [B]SSJ Fallon:[/B] Amazing! [B]SSJ2 Lazarus:[/B] That's nuts! [B]SSJ3 Jen:[/B] Impressed? [B]SSJ4 Goku-San:[/B] Hell yeah! [B]SSJ3 Jen:[/B] C'mon Lazarus! I'll put your skills to the test! Jen dissapeared. [B]SSJ Fallon:[/B] Incoming! Jen almost instantly appeared by SSJ2 Lazarus. And they started fighting. Fallon did pretty good, but not good enough. Steadily Jen gained the upper hand and pretty soon she was batting him around like a fly. When it got to that point she stopped. And Lazarus floated in the air winded breathing heavily. [B]SSJ3 Jen:[/B] I suppose that was a good enough warmup! C'mon Goku-San let's go! With that she began powering up. [B]SSJ3 Jen:[/B] AHHHHHHHH! Suddenly Jen stopped powering up, and suddenly her head drooped. Letting out a slight moan she slowly floated back to the ground and fainted. She reverted back to a normal Saiyan, her shoulder length black hair flopped back down over her shoulders and she collapsed. [B]SSJ Fallon:[/B] What happened!?!?!?! [B]SSJ2 Lazarus:[/B] What in the ****!? [B]SSJ4 Goku-San:[/B] Jen are you alright!? SSJ4 Goku-San took her back to the living quarters and layed her down in her bed where she slept peacefully. Goku-San powered back down to a Super Saiyan Level 2. [B]SSJ2 Fallon:[/B] Why'd you do that? [B]SSJ2 Goku-San:[/B] No point in wasting energy trying to stay a Super Saiyan level 4 if I'm not gonna' do anything. [B]SSJ Fallon:[/B] You're not gonna' train Goku? [B]SSJ2 Goku-San:[/B] Nah. I'm gonna' stay my cousin till she wakes up. Goku-San reached over and fed Jen a sensu bean. [B]SSJ2 Lazarus:[/B] Alright then. Me and Fallon are just gonna' go train. With that Fallon and Lazarus set off to go train. It would be an hour before Jen awoke. [B]Jen:[/B] Uhhhh... [B]SSJ2 Goku-San:[/B] Hey Jen? Can you hear me? [B]Jen:[/B] Yeah. [B]SSJ2 Goku-San:[/B] What happened. [B]Jen:[/B] You know how I went Super Saiyan Level 3? [B]SSJ2 Goku-San:[/B] How? [B]Jen:[/B] I used Kaio-Ken to boost my powerlevel up high enough to go level 3 while I was transforming to a level 2. Then I transformed from a Level 2 then on to a level 3. [B]SSJ2 Goku-San:[/B] You're pretty clever! But that is kinda' cheating boosting your powerlevel like that! You're supposed to raise your powerlevel by training like we do to raise it high enough to ascend. :rolleyes: [B]Jen:[/B] Yeah I know. I just wanted to impress you guys though. But using Super Kaio-Ken slowly drained my energy away, and since I was a Level 3 it drained me even faster. [B]SSJ2 Goku-San:[/B] Explaining why you passed out. I get it now. [B]Jen:[/B] Yeah. I guess I won't try that anymore. [B]SSJ2 Goku-San:[/B] Yeah. Wanna' get back to training? Jen hopped out of bed. [B]Jen:[/B] Yeah! [B]SSJ2 Goku-San:[/B] Ok let's get back to training then... You little cheater. [B]Jen:[/B] Oh bequiet! SSJ2 Goku-San took off and left the living quarters and headed towards the training part of the vertigo chamber. [B]SSJ2 Goku-San:[/B] You'll have to catch me first before you can make me bequiet! Jen powered up to Super Saiyan Level 2. [B]SSJ2 Jen:[/B] I'll gladly shut you up! She took off after him. [B]Meanwhile outside on earth...[/B] [B]Tank:[/B] That powerlevels getting closer. Way closer! Bright green lightning flashed through the sky. Suddenly a big greenish ball went streaking through the sky. [B]Tank:[/B] What was that!? It looked like some sort of space craft! I sensed those 2 huge powerlevels coming from it! The "ship" seemed to crash a little ways off because the greenish ball dipped below the horizon followed by a greenish explosion that left a lime green haze on the horizon. [B]Tank:[/B] I've got to go check this out! With that Tank took off headed towards, the UFO not sure what he would find when he got there. WHAT OR WHO IS THIS? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON WAR! -
RPG War Legends (War Rpg- If you signed up come here)
SSJ5 Vegeta replied to SSJ5 Vegeta's topic in Theater
[B]Meanwhile in the Vertigo Chamber[/B] [B]SSJ2 Lazarus:[/B] Her powerlevels growing, it's not stopping either! [B]Electronic Voice:[/B] Jen..... powerlevel: 150 million........ 170 million....... 200 million........ [B]SSJ4 Goku-San:[/B] She's doing it! [B]SSJ Fallon:[/B] This is insane! [B]SSJ Jen:[/B] AHHHHHHH! Electricity started shooting around Jen wildly and a huge golden aura surrounded her. Her hair began to stand up in straight spikes. [B]SSJ Jen:[/B] AHHHHHHHHH! [B]SSJ Fallon:[/B] She is doing it! [B]SSJ2 Lazarus:[/B] Why was it so easy for her to do it, but so hard for me? I mean she just looked at me go SSJ2 and did it! [B]SSJ4 Goku-San:[/B] It's all in finding the right motivation Lazarus. She had a desire to ascend with the rest of us so she did it. A huge ball of energy surrounds Jen, and flashes like a huge strobe light. When it clears she is..... [B]SSJ2 Lazarus:[/B] A Super Saiyan Level 3!?!?!?!?!?! [B]SSJ Fallon:[/B] How does she go from a Super Saiyan to a level 3!?!?! [B]How did Jen do it? Soon you will find out.... But meanwhile...[/B] [B]Tank:[/B] What in the hell!? A huge powerlevel is coming! It feels like.... Like.... 10 of me put together! And there's another one! It's weaker but the power from it's still 5x times stronger than me! That means both has more power than any WAR fighter on this planet! [B]Meanwhile at the Kame's place at the Vertigo Chamber[/B] [B]Atilla:[/B] What in the f*** is that!? Two people are coming! There power is unequaled by anyone! This can't be! WHO'S COMING!? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON WAR! -
Nice comic... Um... Yeah.
I have a new Master Card slogan... [B]Turbin:[/B] $20 [B]Desert Robe:[/B] $50 [B]1 Day Camel Rental:[/B] $80 [B]Nuking Bin Laden:[/B] Priceless There's some things money can't buy.... For everything else there's Master Card
Some people don?t understand we?re all created equally And this is like a megalomaniacal jam on my feelings Wanna? turn yourself into a bomb and blow people up What do I say? What do I do? What can I say? Maybe I?ll just close my eyes and it?ll all go away For many people they found their resting place Under many feet of concrete, all because Some motha****a? had something to prove Some motha****a? just had to make a move Because some people hold grudges Well I don?t mind being hardcore Made to feel insecure Cuz? it?ll come right back at ya? And gut you like a rusty blade The bill they checked will be paid And I watch innocent people cry And I watch innocent people die Die in this messed up place Where it?s cool to cause terror And panic, among masses Well I?m ready to destroy anyone who trespasses On my feelings and perception of this world It?s too bad they had to die For some self righteous cause with no point And that day, they will know their pain When their breath is taken from them in a long sigh That was the day death fell from the sky That was the day they all died That was the day Jesus cried
RPG War Legends (War Rpg- If you signed up come here)
SSJ5 Vegeta replied to SSJ5 Vegeta's topic in Theater
[B]Demonic Voice:[/B] WAR! [B]WAR:[/B] Yes master Seed? [B]Demonic Voice:[/B] I thank you for aiding me in my mission, but you are no longer needed. I thank you for helping me build my army of the dead, but you are no longer needed, for each one of the soldiers in my army are as powerful if not more powerful than you are. [B]WAR:[/B] What are you saying? [B]Seed:[/B] You are useless. You will pass out of existence now... [B]WAR:[/B]NOOOO! WAR instantly killed in some means that is probably too horrible to even describe. His screams of pain and terror echo across the land. Screams like a man being gutted alive. A ways off Def, Deg, and Evil hear it. [B]Def:[/B] What in the hell was that? [B]Deg:[/B] That's kinda' scary. [B]Evil:[/B] Yeah I wonder who it was. Back at the core of all evil, Seed the anti-christ made a shocking conclusion. [B]Seed:[/B] My army band! Suddenly black smoke rose up out and formed a whole army of caped figures. [B]Seed:[/B] Meet your new general. A caped figure stood alone in front of them. [B]Seed:[/B] Meet, general WAR! Seed then chuckled maniacally. [B]Seed:[/B]Alright, your mission is to hunt down all human life on this planet and annihalate them! Also General WAR. Take 20 of my soldiers and go destroy the WAR fighters. I want Tank's, Attila's, Ricco's, Gochan's, Will2x's, Neo's, Oblivion's, Kamakazi's, Gotank's, Tai's, Jade's, Ruby's, Cloud's, Vecon's, Kubadu, Zade, Trohan, Ultima, Gorja, Corellon, Zack, and Guardians head brought to me! The caped figures nodded to their almigthy master. [B]Seed:[/B] Oh yes and please go destroy Def, Deg, and Evil along with the WAR fighters. I've no use for them anymore, and while you're at it take care of those little Saiyan brats, Lazarus, Jen, and Goku-San. In 6 days earth and hell will merge to form 1 parallel universe! And we will reign supreme! With that the army of caped grim reaper figures turned back into a thick black smoke and flew off threw the air at an incredible speed setting out to destroy, every living being in sight. -
RPG War Legends (War Rpg- If you signed up come here)
SSJ5 Vegeta replied to SSJ5 Vegeta's topic in Theater
Meanwhile Fallon, Jen, and Goku-San trained intensely in the Vertigo Chamber. It had been only about a half an hour and already many days had passed in the Vertigo Chamber. The 4 children are paired up, Lazarus spars with Goku-San and Jen spars with Fallon. [B]SSJ2 Goku-San:[/B] (While sparring with Lazarus) Computer, update on powerlevels! [B]Electronic Voice:[/B] Goku-San...... Powerlevel...... 400 million million..... Lazarus..... Powerlevel....... 350 million....... Fallon....... Powerlevel...... 325 million ..... Jen...... Powerlevel......300 million [B]SSJ Jen:[/B] Shouldn't I have transformed into a Super Saiyan Level 2 by now? [B]SSJ2 Goku-San:[/B] Well Jen powerlevels really mean nothing. I should be a Super Saiyan Level 3 by now if transformations went by powerlevels but they don't. To transform into a Super Saiyan Level 2 it has to come by a need or desire just like to go Super Saiyan. Goku-San was talking the whole time and fighting Lazarus at the same time. [B]USSJ Lazarus:[/B] C'mon Goku-San, be serious **** you! But Lazarus was not to be taken lightly. With a slight powerup he nailed Goku-San right in the cheek. [B]Goku-San:[/B] Grrrrrr! Goku-San kicked Lazarus and he went flying through the air and hit the all white floor and bounced off of it once then came down on his back and layed there. Lazarus slowly got back up and stood standing there. [B]USSJ Lazarus:[/B] **** you! Why can't I beat you! He stood there yelling at Goku-San in frustration. Then something suddenly started to happen. His Ultra Super Saiyan spiked hair began to stand on end. Everyone in the room could feel his power begin to swell. Suddenly he began yelling and a huge golden aura surrounded him. There was a blinding flash and went it cleared he stood there, his hair standing in tall thin spikes, a single spiked bang hanging off his forehead. Another Super Saiyan Level 2 had joined the ranks! Jen and Fallon stopped their fighting and looked on in amazement. [B]SSJ Jen:[/B] He did it! [B]SSJ Fallon:[/B] Way to go Lazarus! [B]SSJ2 Lazarus:[/B] We're pretty much even now. [B]SSJ2 Goku-San:[/B] Actually, I think you're wrong there compadre. Goku-San retired to the floor and sat on the floor silently. He sat motionless for, 10, 20, 30 minutes. Everyone watched with silence. After about 45 minutes he stood up. His eyes still closed. He let out an earsplitting yell and his aura went back around him, and it was huge! Lightning bolts started flying around the Vertigo Chamber. Electricity came out of the ground around his feet and shot across the floor. The whole room seemed to be shaking. [B]SSJ Jen:[/B] What's he up to now? [B]SSJ Fallon:[/B] His powers getting huge! [B]SSJ2 Lazarus:[/B] Computer! Give me Goku-San's powerlevel reading! [B]Electronic Voice:[/B] 400 million..... 450 million.... 500 million.... 550 million..... 560 million..... 570 million..... [B]SSJ Fallon:[/B] It just keeps going! [B]SSJ Jen:[/B] *gasp* [B]Electronic Voice:[/B] 590 million....... 600 million......610 million...... 625 million...... 640 million...... 650 million..... 655 million...... 670 million.... 672 million.... 674 million.... 676 million.... 678 milllion.... 679 million..... 680 million..... Max powerlevel..... 680 million.... [B]SSJ Fallon:[/B] It steadied out at 680 million. The whole ground started shaking even more violently now and the usually all white room suddenly got dark now. Lightning shot wildly through the air. His hair began to grow out into huge golden spikes and grew out. The hair reached his shoulderblades. It stopped when it reached his lower back. There was a blinding flash and when it cleared he stood there, an aura around him. He looked like a whole different person. His eyebrows were gone. A single spike still hung from his bangs. His eyes glowed an eery green, and he had golden spiked hair that hung down this his lower back, but most of all his whole body shape had changed. Instead of being shorter and stockier, it was taller, more leaner, and truly menacing. [B]SSJ2 Lazarus:[/B] He's a Super Saiyan Level 3! [B]SSJ Fallon:[/B] Whoah his muscles got smaller! [B]SSJ2 Lazarus:[/B] No he just got taller and leaner. Don't be fooled. Super Saiyan level 3's have tremendous speed, and he's stronger than you or I could ever comprehend. Then all of a sudden something else happened. His powerlevel slowly swelled again. [B]Electronic Voice:[/B] 690 million.... 700 million.... 720 million.... 725 million.... 730 million... 735 million.... 737 million.... 739 million.... 740 million.... max 740 million [B]SSJ2 Lazarus:[/B] He's transforming again! [B]SSJ Fallon:[/B] It's just not possible! There's no way your powerlevel can grow that much in a matter of seconds! With a single bright burst of golden light Goku-San easily made the upgrade to Super Saiyan Level 4. After the bright light cleared he stood there, shirtless because his muscles got so big they tore it off. Reddish brown fur covered his torso, and stopped by his neck, and hands, and cut off at a little below his waist line, and a tail had popped out the back of his pants. His hair back in black spikes again, and his eyes were green rimmed with read, and he had eyebrows again which were black too. The single bang was gone. [B]SSJ2 Lazarus:[/B] My god! He's a level 4 now! He did it... With.... With.... Ease! [B]SSJ Jen:[/B] Grrrr! Why can't I do it! Everyone else does it but not me it's not fair! AHHH! Jen yelled in frustration and her aura surrounded her. [B]SSJ Jen:[/B] Yaaaah! [B]Electronic Voice:[/B] Jen... Powerlevel.... 300 million..... 320 million.... 340 million... 345 million.... 350 million.... Lazarus and Fallon looked at each other theirs eyes got wide. [B]SSJ Fallon:[/B] Not another one! [B]SSJ2 Lazarus:[/B] I think she's transforming too! [B]SSJ Fallon:[/B] This is insane! Goku-San has made the upgrade to level 4, Lazarus to level 2, and with Jens powerlevel steadily rising. Could she be upgrading to level 2? Find out next time on WAR!