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Everything posted by Rokuki
[color=royalblue]Ruko looked around for more new Pokemon, but then he remembered that he didn't get any info on the Pokemon he just caught. He sent out the Pokemon and grabbed his Pokedex. The Pokemon let out a roar and stretched out its wings. Ruko and the others covered their ears. "Yeah, nice to meet you too....ok, now to get the scoop on you."[/color] [color=royalblue]Pokedex: Spearadactyl, its huge metal wings allow it to soar through the toughest winds without any trouble. Be cautious, the beak is very sharp.[/color] [color=royalblue]"Spearadactyl huh? Welcome to the group, I'm your new trainer Ruko." Ruko held out his hand to Spearadactyl to pet it, but Spearadactyl only roared back. Espeon got in front of Ruko to protect him. "Its alright Espeon, I guess it was only saying "Hi"." Ruko and Spearadactyl glanced at each other. "Oh yeah, this is gonna be quite the challenge..." he said, smiling.[/color]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Ruko: Aggron!! Fire Blast!![/COLOR] [color=royalblue]The Pokemon still charging a Drill peck attack at Aggron began to speed up to keep Aggron from succeeding the Fire Blast, however it was too late as Aggron unleashed a mass of flames from its mouth at the Pokemon causing great damage, but the pokemon still refused to give up. The Pokemon dove at Aggron again and this time grabbed Aggron lifting it into the air (their both the same size). As they got higher the pokemon dropped Aggron from a high distance causing Aggron to hit the ground hard.[/color] [color=royalblue]Ruko: Aggron, you gotta get up its coming back!![/color] [color=royalblue]Aggron slowly got to its feet, but as soon as it got up the pokemon swooped down and grabbed it taking it up into the air again.[/color] [color=royalblue]Ruko: Now Aggron, grab onto it![/color] [color=royalblue]Aggron's claws clamped onto the pokemon's legs causing them both to fall. Aggron used it's stregnth to turn the pokemon under it so it'll hit the ground first. The wild Pokemon roared in agony as Aggron clamped harder.[/color] [color=royalblue]Ruko: Alright Aggron! Now, give it all the power you got. Use Fire Blast again.[/color] [color=royalblue]Aggron unleashed Fire Blast again giving it all it had. The wild pokemon shrieked out in pain as the flames hit its body. It began to use Swift attack on Aggron, but Aggron just ignored the pain still using Fire Blast to knock the wild pokemon out. Soon enough they both hit the side of the mountain hard. The wild Pokemon was injured, but tried to get up. It flapped its huge metallic wings letting out a roar. Ruko reached for his pants leg grabbing a black pokeball.[/color] [color=royalblue]Ruko: Hope this works...Go! Heavy Ball!![/color] [color=royalblue]The Heavy Ball hit the pokemon trapping it inside. Ruko and Espeon watched as the Heavy Ball struggled wildly. Aggron breathed heavily hoping that it made a successful attempt to deafeat the pokemon. Soon enough the ball stopped squirming and made a pinging sound declaring that the pokemon had been caught. Ruko fell to his knees smiling "We...we did it....." he said smiling at his Aggron.[/color]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Ruko looked at the new Pokemon and took a few snapshots of it in his digital camera. "I hope there are more of these out here, and I hope they're steel type." he said taking another picture of Digadon. Ruko looked around seeing if Crobat was still around the area. "I wonder if he found anything."[/COLOR] [color=royalblue]Taking out a photobook, Ruko put in some small summaries to the photos he took. Espeon sat next to him batting at his shirt playfuly. "Espe Es..." Ruko smiled at his Espeon and took out a empty pokeball for it to play around with till the group started to move again. "Don't go out too far ok?" he said as he gently petted the pokemon. "Hey Ruko, take a picture of this!" Aurora shouted out to him as she wrapped an arm around Digadon and smiled.[/color] *klik* [color=royalblue]"Ruko...." Mina said as she walked up to him."Oh hey Mina, what's up? "Um..did your Crobat come back yet?" "No he hasn't, and I'm beginning to worry. Usually he reports back within a minute or less, but what's taking him so long?" Suddenly there was an exsplosion in the air and Ruko's Crobat was darting down towards the volcano. A flying pokemon the size of a Skarmory,but it looked like a Pteradactyol (I can't spell it). Crobat flew faster dodging the Pokemon's Razor Wind attacks. "Espeon, I'm gonna need your help." Ruko said, then Espeon used its psychic power to lift them towards the battle. "Ruko be careful up there that thing looks real dangerous." shouted David.[/color] [color=royalblue]"Ready Crobat?" "Cro Cro Bat!" The pokemon roared as it started to dart towards Crobat.[/color] [color=royalblue]Ruko: Crobat, Confuse Ray!![/color] [color=royalblue]Crobat's eyes began to glow as it sent a Confuse Ray attack towards the unknown Pokemon, but it was able to snap out of confusion quick. It's wings opened up wide emitting a silver color.[/color] [color=royalblue]Ruko: (A steel Pokemon...hmm.) Crobat It's using Steel Wing, get outta there![/color] [color=royalblue]Crobat flew up trying to get over the giant pokemon, but the Pokemon's Steel Wing attack made a direct hit almost knocking Crobat out. As it roared out loud it sent another Razor Wind at Crobat.[/color] [color=royalblue]Ruko: Crobat, Air Cutter!![/color] [color=royalblue]Crobat shot an Air Cutter strait through the Razor Wind and the attack hit the steel Pokemon criticully.[/color] [color=royalblue]Ruko: Still not enough...Espeon lower us to the outside of mountain, I have a plan.[/color] [color=royalblue]As Espeon and Ruko landed, Ruko grabbed a pokeball. The steel Pokemon began charging at Crobat with a Drill Peck attack, but before it could hit, Ruko called Crobat back to its Pokeball.[/color] [color=royalblue]Ruko: Go, Aggron!! Hurry and use Fire Blast!![/color]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Ruko sweatdropped. "What interesting people, this may not be half as bad." he thought to himself. Espeon uses its powers to help Ruko and itself down the mouth of the volcano. Ruko looked around and saw a few Slugma crawling on the volcano walls, so he decided to take a few snapshots.[/COLOR] *clik* [color=royalblue]"Not much down here...but..." Ruko said as he grabbed one of his pokeballs. "Crobat!!" he shouted, as he released his pokemon. "Crobat...cro.." "Hey Crobat, I want you to search around in here a bit and report back if ya find anything." Crobat flew off searching for whatever. Mina and her Kadabra flew up behind Ruko and Espeon. "So, what are you trying to find anyway?" she asked. "Nothing in particular, just thought Crobat might help us out a bit." he replied as he took a few more snapshots of the volcano.[/color] ------------------ OOC: Yeah, should've mentioned that i had a Crobat for flying, but Espeon helps out too.
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]OOC: Hey, sorry i'm late to start, I didn't get a chance to get online during the past few days.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Before everyone could begin the hike, another helicopter landed on the island. A young male jumped out of the helicopter and waved to the pilot giving thamks for the departure and then walked towards the others. "Forgive me for being late everyone, there was a little trouble back at home." the young man said. "That's fine, but if you were gonna be late you could've contacted us." Aurora, said. "Yes, truly sorry. By the way my name is Ruko, it is a pleasure to meet you all." "You too Ruko. We're about to head off towards the mountain so if you have a flying Pokemon you'll need it right about now." Aurora told him.[/COLOR] [color=royalblue]Ruko looked at his surroundings then looked up the mountain. "If its alright with you, I'd like to have a look around the island for anything while you can go on and I'll catch up." Ruko insisted. "But if you want the group to stay together then I truly understand."[/color]
How did you learn about sex?(Parental Advisory)
Rokuki replied to Pagan's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo]Oh my God, you have no idea how much I would love to forget how I learned about sex. Ok, it all started when an old friend of mine when I was about say 9 or 10 years old invited me over to his house with his and his cousin (another friend of mine) to watch a 'special' video. And when you're a kid you're always happy to go to your friend's house. So I go over there and only me and my two friends are in the house alone. So he pops in the tape and and start laughing their butts off, so i'm thinking this movie's gonna be good if they're laughing as hard as they were. As the movie starts it gives off that boring scenery where they talk for about 15 minutes and then we all know what happens then, hardcore nudity!! My eyes widened and they stayed like that for the rest of the movie. After that we ended up watching 3 other tapes like that. (seems fun huh?)[/color] [color=indigo]Ok so I get home and i'm still in shock and I wouldn't talk for a week (not even to my parents). Sooner or later one night I got the courage to ask my parents about what I saw and if they ever did the same thing. I walk to their room and open the door...(i don't even want to say what I saw next). The next morning I still didn't talk even when my parents asked me if I was feeling ok about last night. About a week later I found out that my mom requested that my teacher teach us about sex education, what's more embarassing is that my teacher said that we should thank me and my mom for this and my classmates just hated me after watching two movies about male and female sex organs. So yea that's what happened and I still hate the fact that i learned sex that way and ended up being hated by my friends for the rest of the school year.[/color] -
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name: Ruko[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Age: 18[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Gender: Male[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Personality: Ruko is the type of person who doesn't talk much just keeps to himself. He's very loyal to people as well Pokemon. he may not smile much, but he is willing to help anyone in need.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Description: (see attachment) Just picture him without the swords and the pokeballs clipped to his pants. And his hair to be blue.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Ruko has been training since he turned 10 years old. He doesn't really give his past to most people, but he's come from Eruteak City in the Johto Region. He's journeyed so far to searched for rare sights and rare pokemon.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Pokemon: Espeon, Aggron, Crobat, Slowking, Dragonair, and Snorlax[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Reason for going: Might be rare pokemon.[/COLOR]
Man, I'm glad to get many replies on this thread. Most of you guys I can relate to when it comes to most things in school and life itself. A few of my friends who are already in college tell me to don't get too excited about going to college because even though you're not around the people you hated so much and other things, college will bring you down even more, but you'll at least get to enjoy some of the things you're best at and get to meet some new faces (that's their opinions). The part about paying for somethings during senior year like class rings, yearbooks, etc. I think the only things we should pay for is just the ring and maybe a laptop if you buy one from the school (if your school sells them). My senior year is going by a bit fast for me, maybe its because I hardly get any homework from my classes, just projects, but I'm also a bit disappointed by the lack of the challenging work I've been hearing about since I began high school. Another question I wanna ask to people who are already in college: Does college really make you poor? What I'm asking is that some of my college friends say that if you don't have a job during college you'd lack alot of money. Don't worry people, I still want your opinions about senior year.
Senior Year to most people can be the longest not to mention most frustrating school year in your entire life. You have to study harder than you've ever done, most of the time you'll become depressed and overwhelmed with so much going on, seeing what colleges will accept you (gawd it hurts when they don't), spending so much money for scholarships and graduation packs, class rings. (if I'm missing anything someone tell me). At some points being a senior isn't all that bad cause this is your last year of high school and at some point you're just gonna have to enjoy it.When you think about it, graduation is gonna be sweet, but it's also gonna be sad, cause you're finally out of there, but there might be some people you'll never see in the longest (yes including some of your favorite teachers). This is my final year and I'm glad to be leaving my high school for good, but i'm really upset that some of my friends from school will be going out of state for college and some won't be graduates for another couple years. On the other hand, i'm glad that I'll be going to Art Institute starting in October. So what's senior like for you so far. Trouble? Doing good?
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]It's kinda scary yet funny when some movies take control of our minds in picturing how the world will end. Just look at the Terminator movies. A single machinery project gone wrong and then all of a sudden the whole world is ingulfed in a war where man versus machines, and how it seems that machines will rule. Most of my friends think that the world will end that way, but with some of the technology going on like the robot that was shown in the Honda commercial, one of my friends freaks out and shouts "That's the one!! That's what's gonna kill us all!!". It just kinda goes away sooner or later, but I don't think science will be our end. No one actually knows for sure, but well when the time comes that's when we'll know then. [/COLOR]
It took my a while to come back, but thanx alot man, i like em alot, but the avatar doen't work very well
Is it alright if someone meakes a banner of Hiei that has my name on it? The banner can be a full body pic of Hiei or a Chibi pic of him. Thanx alot.
[color=indigo]Ok, what do i want?[/color] [color=indigo]I want:[/color] 1. Game Boy Advance SP
[color=royalblue]As Rokuki and the gang fly towards Angel's Pond, Rokuki looks back at the others and wished that he could become stronger like the others. [i]"I hope Karanlik is ok, but I hope this next crystal won't do much damage to us.."[/i] he said to himself. He closed his eyes and sighed, [i]"What's wrong with me..? I should be more cheerful..."[/i][/color] [color=royalblue][i]"Giving up already..!?"[/i][/color] [color=royalblue][i]"Huh...?"[/i][/color] [color=royalblue][i]C'mon! Hit me like you mean it!! You'll never get stronger than me if you just quit![/i][/color] [color=royalblue]Rokuki opened his eyes and saw his dad and his younger self sparring. [i]Hey...I remember this...Dad was teaching me new techniques and I challenged him to show that I was able to beat him at least once...[/i][/color] [color=royalblue]Young Rokuki charged at his dad and punched at him, his dad dodged, he jumped and did a roundhouse, but his dad dodged again and punched his son back when he landed and was off balance. Young Rokuki falls back, but gets back up and attacks again. His dad just laughed as his son tried his hardest to hit him, [i]"You're not gonna get anywhere using the same techninques everyti--"[i] he said, but was interrupted as his son ducked down and sweep kicked him to the ground. [i]"Hah! Looks like you're getting slow old man!"[/i] Young Rokuki laughed. [i]"I'll show you old!"[/i] his dad said as he grabbed his son and began tickling him.[/color] [color=royalblue]Rokuki watched as his younger self and his dad laughed together having a good time. [i]"....I sure do miss ya dad..."[/i] he said as he closed his eyes. [i]"ROKUKI SNAP OUT OF IT!!![/i] shouted Karanlik's voice. [i]"What the--"[/i] Rokuki opened his eyes and he and the others fell to the ground. He got up rubbing his head and dusting himself off. [i]"Ugh...what happened..?"[/i] [i]"You fell asleep..."[/i] Asa said. [i]"What? I don't remember falling asleep..but why did i...?"[/i] [i]"What?"[/i] asked, Matt. [i]"Nothin' just something from the past..."[/i][/color] [color=royalblue]Rokuki and the others flew back up and started to head towards Angel Pond. Rokuki didn't understand why he had that dream, but it must have been for some reason. He started to fly faster just to save time.[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Aww man, he almost saw me...I guess people do live here.[/i][/color] [color=indigo]Rokuki looked around as he wrapped his large tails around himself to keep warm in the cold night. He was getting a bit impatient and upset, he really needed a place to stay, but what if those people thought he was some sort of monster.[/color] [color=indigo][i]"Dammit, how can I get in without them seeing me?"[/i] he said to himself[/color] [color=indigo]Rokuki then looked up and saw an attic window. He jumped up and started to climb up the vines outside of the mansion and kicked in the window and jumped in quietly. Luckily he could see well in the dark, but then he bumped into something and it kinda made a loud sound. Rokuki heard footsteps coming, he tried to run out the window, but hit his head on the window itself and fell to the floor.[/color]
[color=indigo]After the horrifying encounter with Nuada, Rokuki ran deeper into the forest hoping to find a safe place. The smile on Nuada's face made him shiver all over. Rokuki looked up at the moon as his silver eyes reflected in the moonlight...[i]"I wish there was a place for me...maybe I should go back with Nuada and stay with him...he was nice..but kinda creepy."[/i] he thought to himself as he stepped out of the forest. He soon spotted a mansion. [i]"I guess this place is cozy enough for tonight...no one ssems to be home.."[/i] Rokuki looked inside the windows only to see what seemed to be a wereworlf and a fox getting ready to battle someone else.[/color] OOC: Sorry its a short post, but its all i can do for now..
[color=indigo]A crowd of people look out in the streets to see a man (say in his late 30s) lying in the middle of the street coiled up and shaking. Soon an Ambulance came and started to help the man into the truck. They tried to ask him what was wrong, but all he could say was "Those eyes...those horrible eyes..." On top of an apartment a short figure stares down at the crowd of humans, his eyes shine in the moonlight and then he gets up and walks away.[/color] [color=indigo]His name is Rokuki, he's been alone ever since he could remember...but that's the problem he can't remember...not a thing. Rokuki walked down the streets looking for a place to fall asleep. "Today's been rough...I just wish I didn't have to go trough this crap everyday.." he says as he turns the corner into a dark alley. Before he could sit down two policemen who were checking out the incident a few blocks back had spotted him. "You there!" one of the policemen said. "Rokuki looked back, then he started to run. Rokuki ran faster trying to get out of the city, but as he was about to enter near a forest one of the policemen shot him in the back. The poilce came up to him and put their flashlights up so they could see his face. They gasped as they saw two cat-like ears and twin tails. "He's one of them!" the first policeman said in fright as he saw Rokuki try to get up. The other policeman took out his gun, but before he could shoot, Rokuki let out a loud roar that could be heard for miles.[/color]
[color=royalblue]OOC: Oh man, sorry for not posting sooner than expected.[/color] [color=royalblue]Rokuki sighed. "Glad that was over.." he said smiling. "Where to next?" "The Windy Plains should be the best place to go now." replied Asa. "Hey! I suggested that earlier, but you ignored me!" Matt shouted, but when he finished the rest of the group was already half down the road. "Wait for me!!"[/color] [color=royalblue]Everyone was getting a bit tired from the long walk and most of them began to complain. "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we--GACK!!" Matt asked, but then was interrupted by Asa who had grabbed him by the throat and began choking him. "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!!!!" she shouted. "Will you two stop playing around? We have to hurry up and get to the next crystal!" Austin said to both of them. Asa released her grip from Matt's throat who was gasping for air. "Sure is a long walk though..." Karanlik said as he wiped sweat from his forehead. Suddenly a breeze started to pick up. "We're here! We're finally here!" Matt said happily. "What? I don't see any plains around here." Austin said. Everyone looked at Rokuki who was using the power of the wind crystal. then wind started to wrap around everyone lifting them into the air.[/color] [color=royalblue]"Well since everyone's too tired to walk, we might as well fly to our destination." Rokuki said smiling again, then he flew off fast almost leaving everyone else behind. "Rokuki, slow down!" Karanlik shouted to him as he flew after Rokuki. The other began to follow as well.[/color]
Writing Heartbeats....(Advised 15+, Mature References)
Rokuki replied to Talon's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo]Wow legacy, that's really awsome. Please keep up the good work!! And the fallen angel pic rocks![/color] -
Name: Rokuki Age: 13 Race: Ani-man Side: Good Abilities: When he gets really mad he has the ability to create illusions to make a person go out of his/her mind, also can transform into a demon-looking white tiger and shoot blue flames from his mouth. Description: Spiky silver hair with light blue bangs, wears a black raggedy scarf, no shirt, gloves (finger-less), baggy pants and black hightops. Also has cat-like ears and twin tails (like an Espeon). Biography: A mischiveaous kid who grew up without the love of any parents or anyone. He was always judged by the humans thinking he was a monster, but all he wanted was their love and friendship. Mot of the time the humans would get him very furious and Rokuki accidently lets his powers go berserk and the victims end up in mental hospitals. Even though he was hated by humans he still wanted to protect them. He wanders the streets searching for traits of his past. Personality: He has a kind heart, however he's a bit sensitive so he can get angry and sad very quickly if you get him to that point. He's also brave and would help anyone in need. Weapons: A giant Shuriken
Name: Rokuki Age: 16 Sphere: Air Powers: Rokuki has the power to summon up the most greatest of winds, such as tornados, hurricanes, hails (that may relate to ice, but i dunno). Also has flying abilities and has the ablity to summon wings on his back. Weapon: He has a Kwan Dao, a chinese sword that looks like a bo, but has two blades on the ends, one for slashing and the other for stabbing. He uses it with summon wind power and strike hard. Description: Spiky blue hair that goes back (like Sonic the hedgehog), wears a traditional chinese fighting outfit along with a long crimson red scarf that stretches out like a cape. He also wears goggles. Bio: Rokuki is an orphan who was raised by a man who seemed to be a great father figure, he taught Rokuki Jujitsu and Kung fu and many special techniques with his new Kwan Dao he recieved as a gift. One day, Rokuki was coming home from a cram school he goes to at night only to find his father on the living room floor in a puddle of blood. Rokuki, who had no where to go, or no one to go to, ran away into the streets with nothing, but his weapon and his memories of the man who loved him as his own son. He soon sat in the middle of an alley breaking down into tears, but as he cried he opened his eyes and then there was a bright light and he ended up on top of a mountain. Then a blue sphere appeared in front of him. He took the sphere and held it close to his heart.
[color=indigo]Before Ryoma could give Chaos and answer, they heard an explosion inside of the tower and all their digivices started going off. "Seems like a fight is going off!" said Ryoma as he looked up towards the tower. "I bet its Angel and Damian, or something worse...." Nisha had suggested. "That's why we should all get up their!!" Chaos said to them.[/color] [color=indigo]Taomon grabbed Nisha and they both flew up to the tower. Ryoma looked at Ginryuumon and smiled. "Well buddy, looks like we're gonna have to go Ultimate for this one!!" he said as he took out a blue card. "Ready when you are!!" Ginryuumon said. "When did you get a blue card?!" Chaos asked. 'Heh heh, i've had it for a while now.." "And you're just now using it !!?" Chaos shouted in a bit of anger. "Well, we haven't been in that much of a danger!" Ryoma said scratching the back of his head. "YO! Are you two just gonna talk or are you gonna come up here!?" Nisha shouted to them from the tower. "Alright little miss 'always in a rush'!!" Ryoma shouted back. "DIGI-MODIFY!!! MATRIX DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE!!"[/color] [color=indigo][i]Ginryuumon Matrix Digivolve to........Hisharyuumon!![/i][/color] [color=indigo]Ryoma climbed onto Hisharyuumon's head. Hisharyuumon's long snake-like body coiled up around the tower to the top where Ryoma jumped off to meet Nisha and Taomon. "Too bad Hisharyuumon can't come inside." Nisha said. "He'll be fine, i'm sure of it." Ryoma said. "Hurry on up Chaos!!"[/color]
[color=indigo]As they got inside, Ryoma and Nisha looked around before taking another step. The coast was clear and they started walking around while checking their digivices for Damian and Angel's signals to pop up. "You see anything?" Nisha asked. "Nope, nothing yet." Ryoma replied. "Man, this sucks! Why did Angel have to run off after Damian? She knew she'd probably get herself into more danger, especially after Chaos saved our butts." Nisha stopped and looked at Ryoma. "Speaking of Chaos, what was that weird glow coming from him?" she asked. "Dunno, but he foiled Damian's plans for sure. I hope Gargomon got him home safely." said, Ryoma.[/color] [color=indigo]They both started walking again and their digivices started beeping, but it wasn't Angel's signal nor was it Damian's. It was..."OH CRAP! GET DOWN!!" shouted, Ryoma as he pulled Nisha down with him. Taomon vanished, but Ginryuumon crouched down with Ryoma and Nisha. "What is your pro--" Nisha started, but Ryoma had slapped his hand over her mouth. "Shh, quiet!!" he said in a low voice as he pointed to the window. SkullGreymon was outside walking around as if he were guarding the tower. "If he would've saw us we'd be in serious trouble." Ryoma said quietly. "What are you talking about?" Nisha said. "With Taomon and Ginryuumon we'd take him down easily." "Yeah, but if SkullGreymon knew we were here then Damian would definately know, and we don't want that right now do we?" "Fine I guess we don't." Ryoma and Nisha began to crawl away. "Wait, where's Ginryuumon? Hey, Ginryuumon...huh?" Ryoma looked puzzled at his partner. Ginryuumon was looking a bit pale. "Ugh! What's that smell?" Nisha said holding her nose. Ginryuumon moved closer to them and they both saw one of those big pink swirly poop things from where he was crouching.[/color] [color=indigo]"OH GAWD!!!" Nisha shouted and she stood up still holding her nose. "Get down Nisha!!" Ryoma shouted too, but they both forgot that SkullGreymon was outside and he busted through the wall and attacked.[/color]
[color=indigo]Ryoma watched as Angel and her Digimon darted away and sighed thinking to himself. "You're not the only one who lost someone....." he thought to himself. Ryoma looked at his digivice and clenched it a bit. "Ginryuumon, let's get ready to go after them." he said. "I'm ready if you are." Ginryuumon replied. Ryoma checked his card pack and found another hyperspeed card. He looked back at the others with a serious glance. "You guys coming?"[/color]
[color=indigo]Ryoma started to explain. "Ok, Damian's kidnapped our partner Chaos and threatens to kill him if we don't bring you to him." he started. " "Nisha went to go find a fake you and bring it back to Damian. He's crazy. Angel I just need you to come with me and I promise that you won't be in any danger." "So if I come with you, Damian will let Chaos go?" Angel asked. "I'm not sure if he'll keep that promise, but that's how it is." Ryoma said. "I don't understand what his problem is....so can you help us?"[/color]