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Everything posted by Rokuki
[color=indigo]Ryoma was getting worried about Nisha and his new friend Chaos. "Grr, that Damian....he's always trying to find a way to hurt someone." he said to himself. Ryuudamon looked at Ryoma with Terriermon on his back. "What can we do?" asked, Ryuudamon. "I'll tell you what we aren't gonna do, stand here while our friends are in danger." Ryoma said grabbing his cards and digivice. "Damian wants Angel right? So we're going after Angel and tell her what's up." "But she's the enemy!" said, Ryuudamon. "She maybe our enemy, but she's still human and humans don't deserve to die!"[/color] [color=indigo]Ryoma looked at Terriermon. "Terriermon, I want you to go after Chaos and Nisha, but hide off somewhere close to see what's going on." "But what about you guys?" he asked. "It might get ugly...and you need to be with your tamer." replied, Ryoma. They all got outside and Terriermon ran off to find Nisha and Chaos. "Ryuudamon get ready!!" Ryoma shouted. "I'm set!!" Ryuudamon replied. "DIGI-MODIFY! DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE!"[/color] [color=indigo][i]Ryuudamon Digivolve to......Ginryuumon!!![/i][/color] [color=indigo]Ryoma got on Ginryuumon's back and they bolted down the road. He took out his digivice and called out to Nisha and Chaos. "Chaos! Nisha! Are you there? Are you ok? Answer me!" he didn't get a response. "Alright...Ginryuumon let's hurry up and find Angel!" he said taking out a card. "Right!" "DIGI-MODIFY! SPEED ACTIVATE!"[/color]
[color=indigo]Ryoma walked with Chaos who was holding Terriermon along with Ryuudamon following behind them. they both met up with the others and they all needed a place to rest for the night. "So where can we go?" asked, Keith. "We could go to my house, but i'm not sure my parents would like to see monsters in the house." Nisha replied. "Well we can't stay out here and freeze to death." Keith said. Ryoma looked at the others, they were cold, hungry and they needed rest, especially the Digimon.[/color] [color=indigo]Even though he was living at his friend and his family and his mom was in the hospital. Then he remembered that he still had his house keys and no one was home at the time. "We can all go to my house." Ryoma said. "We'll all have food and shelter and we can all come up with a plan there." Everyone followed Ryoma to Shinjuku, they had to walk since it'll be tough if they took the subway. When they got there, Ryoma and Nisha cooked everyone a nice curry dinner with some shrimp that they found in the freezer. "Before we make a plan I think that we should talk about ourselves since we don't know much about each other." said Nisha.[/color]
[color=indigo]OOC: (What did I tell you about those Lenny jokes DigiFan!!!!!)[/color] [color=indigo]Ryoma was happy to see that Chaos had made it. "Let's attack her together we might get a hit." Ryoma said to Chaos. Ginryuumon and Gargomon got ready to attack. Lady Devimon laughed as she charged at them both. "Battle Rod Break!!!" Ginryuumon shoted as he swung his huge armored tail at Lady Devimon, but missed by an inch. "Gargo Laser!!!" shouted, Gargomon blasting Lady Devimon with all he has, but it didn't do much damage as planned. Lady Devimon stopped and began cackling as she spun making a tonado of darkness. "Darkness Wave!!!" she shouted releasing a wave of red bats at Gargomon and Ginryuumon.[/color]
[color=indigo]Ginryuumon fell to the ground breathing hard. Ryoma looked at his partner then turned his focus to Mikhail and Ruby as they continued to open the gates. "Why are you doing this!? What purpose do you have in destroying this world?" Ryoma shouted. "That is for us to know and for you to find out!" Mikhail replied as he chuckled. Ryoma clenched his fists the he looked back at his digimon who had now become his rookie form Ryuudamon. Ryoma ran over to Ryuudamon clinging to him with tears in his eyes.[/color] [color=indigo]"Ryoma....don't give up...." Ryuudamon said as he struggled. "You have to stop them...you and the others...." Ryoma looked at Ryuudamon the an evil laughter filed the area. "Aww, this is a glorious sight...a worthless human crying for mercy with his pathetic digimon." LadyDevimon said as she floated down from the sky. A tear rolled down Ryoma's face and hit his digivice. "You guys....please help me....i need you..." he said as his digivice began to glow recording his voice to his allies' digivices. "Help me you guys....please!"[/color]
[color=indigo]Ginryuumon ran after the negative tamers along with his tamer Ryoma on his back. "I see them, they're just up ahead Ginryuumon." Ryoma said to his Digimon. "I can see them too." Ginryuumon replied. Ginryuumon continued to run after them, but then Ryoma just thought of something. "Hey wait!" he shouted. Ginryuumon came to a halt and looked back at his tamer. "What's the matter?" he asked. Ryoma reached into his back pocket and took out his card pack. "We're about to face some of the toughest Digimon and I can already tell that this won't be just an easy fight. Ryoma said as he looked throught his cards.[/color] [color=indigo]"That guy with the Devidramon and that girl with the Kuwagamon....they look really tough and it makes me wonder about something." "Like what?" asked, Ginryuumon. "Like, why are they doing this...and what do they have against anything?" Ryoma replied. Ginryuumon looked at his partner with a worried stare, then he started chuckling. Ryoma looked at Ginryuumon with a confused look. "What's so funny?" he asked. "That's what I like about you Ryoma." he said. "Even in the worst situations you always try to stay positive, you don't let things try to get you down, and you're a good tamer to me...not just a tamer, a friend."[/color] [color=indigo]Ryoma looked at Ginryuumon as if he were about to cry, but before he could say anything there was a bright golden glow behind them and then an explosion. "What was that!?" Ryoma said. "Looks like something is happening." Ginryuumon said. "I hope the others are fine." Ryoma took out the card he was looking for and wiped his eyes. "C'mon Ginryuumon, i'm sure the others can take care of it, but right now we have to stop those other tamers and that gate." Ryoma said, getting serious. "Let's Go!!"[/color]
The worst dub i have ever seen has to be Shaman King! Why God Why!!? The voice actors are terrible, especially Tao Ren's english actor, they named him Lenny out of all the names, and they made him sound british! He's from China for God's sake!!!
Ryoma looked at Damian and began to chuckle. "Do cowards like you always try to take the easy way out?" he laughed. Ryoma looked at RedGreymon being cornered by Ginryuumon, Growlmon X and Greymon. "If I were you, I'd be more concered about my Digimon than trying to take a swing." "RedGreymon is strong and can take care of himself!!" shouted, Damian as he ran towards Ryoma with the metal poles in his hands. Ryoma jumped to the side as he dropped down and legsweeped Damian making fall to the ground. He looked down at Damian. "I don't have time to embarass more, so i'll leave you kissing the ground." Ryoma said as he turned his back. "And another thing, don't fight people unless you're sure you can actualy beat them..." Ryoma ran towards Ginryuumon and jumped on his back. "Hey Keith, Asla and new guy! I'm gonna follow them, keep this guy occupied!" He shouted to his allies as he and Ginryuumon ran after the negative tamers.
"Man, you guys are losing your touch..." said a japanese boy walking towards his team mates. Asla: Ryoma!! ......You're late! Ryoma: Let's just say I had to do something.... Ryoma looked up at the Devidramon grinning. Ryoma: Heh, bombs away... Suddenly Devidramon is hit hard from behind... Digimon: Armor Piercing Blade!!!! Ryoma: Ginryuumon..on time as usual.. Ginryuumon: Its no big deal, i'm just here to fight. Ryoma: *laughs* Alright! let's finish em off!!!
Yeah, Goldramon seems perfect for my Bio-Merge, thanx :)
Is this good enough...? Name: Ryoma Tomeki Age: 14 Role: Positive Appearance: Spiky blue hair, wears a black and red headband, wears a black shirt with a dragon on it and black jeans. He kinda has a gothic look, but he's not. Country: Japan Bio: He's normally quiet and spends time in lonely looking places, his father died when he was 10 and his mother ended up with a terrible disease so she stays in the hospital. Even though his life isn't all that good, he tries his hardest to keep hope alive. He lives at a friend's house since no one's at home. He likes the fact that he's in the arms of people who love him he still feels lonely. One night, he snuck out of bed to do a nightly walk in the streets, he looked at the city square tv sets and the news was giving a report about strange things happening and then a portal opened and Ryome ended up being sucked into a new beginning. Digivice/Element: Dark Brown/Earth's Mightiest Mountain Digimon: Rookie: Ryuudamon Champion: Ginryuumon Ultimate: Hisharyuumon Mega: Ouryuumon Bio-Merge: (uh...little help plz)
[color=indigo]Hmm, I'd have to say i'm alot like Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece, cause i'm really energetic, i'm strong and I also have big dreams for the future. Luffy wants to travel the world and become the Pirate King and I want to travel the world to become a high ranking fighter. Only one problem about me and Luffy, I can't stretches my body parts like he does. Heh, if only Gum Gum fruits really existed. ^^;[/color]
[color=indigo]"Ehhh, I guess we can do Subway..." said Rocky as he jumped down from the building and landed on the ground feet first. Soon after Cassandra came down they both started walking down the street. Cassandra looked over at Rocky looking a bit puzzled. "Hey Rocky..." she began. "Yeah?" "...hmm, never mind its not important..." she turned back around as they continued walking. Rocky looked up at the moon glowing its silver brightness, but he didn't see the stop sign in front of him and hit his face on it. :blackeye: Cassandra laughed a bit. "That's what you get for not paying attention." she chuckled. Rocky gave Cassandra a weird look. They finally arrived at Subway. "Aww crap..." Rocky said. "What is it?" Cassandra asked. Rocky pointed to his pointy ears and light blue skin. "So?" she said. "So, there might be hunters in there and people will get freaked out at the slightesy sight of me." "You worry too much. Here.." Cassandra said giving Rocky a winter hat. "Now come on and stop being so childish." "Well..I am only twelve..." he said. "C'MON!!!" Cassandra grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him inside.[/color]
OOC: Sorry I wasn't around for a while, got side-tracked. [color=indigo]Rocky sighed as Cassandra began and looked at the moon. "Man.....everything is happening so fast....what's gonna happen to us..?!" he thought to himself. "Rocky, are you listening.....!!!?" Cassandra shouted. "Huh? oh sorry....you were saying?"[/color] OOC: Short post, got a bit lost in the story, but I'll add more to my next one once things clear up.
Whoa! This started fast!!! Sorry I haven't been online for a bit to write some things but i'm here now so here i go. [color=teal] Taiwonasu sat in a tree watching the clouds go by over the forest. He reached in to his little sack and took out a huge riceball bitting into it, then he heard voice from somewhere in the forest. "Hmm, sounds like humans again..." He stuffed the rest of the riceball into his mouth and jumped from tree to tree searching for the voices.[/color]
Name: Taiwonasu (meaning to take form of) Call him Tai-kun for short if you want to. Age: 13 Race: Demon (Kyuubi and kitsune) Appearance: He is a decendant of Shippo, about the same size, but has silvery hair and moonlight colored eyes and nine small tails. Unlike Shippo, Taiwonasu Can change to his full demon form which is a giant Kyuubi with nine fiery tails and large sabertooth-tiger like fangs and blood-shot red eyes with silver fur. Impressions: He is mostly a nice demon, but is sometimes a tricky little guy. He acts a bit childish and can be rash at times. Taiwonasu also has a craving for riceballs and is usually seen eating one. History: Like I said, he's a decendant of Shippo and most of his history is a blur cause most of the kitsune demons have passed away so there are very few left. Throught his life he has been stealing from and tricking whoever comes in his small territory in the forest. Weapons: Scrolls and Talismans Attacks: Kitsune Bi (Fox Fire), Gingitsune Bi (Silver Fox Fire), Youkai Gouka (Demon Hellfire) ~TRUE FORM~ Appearance: Giant Kyuubi with nine fiery tails and large sabertooth-tiger like fangs and blood-shot red eyes with silver fur. Attacks: Kitsune Bi (Fox Fire), Gingitsune Bi (Silver Fox Fire), Youkai Gouka (Demon Hellfire) Final Attack: Jigoku no TenmaRyuu (Demon Dragon of Hell)
[color=indigo]Rocky grabbed the hunter shaking him. "Ok! Who do you work for?!" Rocky demanded. "I'll never tell, you'll have to kill me first" the hunter replied. "Believe me that can be arranged." Rocky extended his nails and dug them into his arm and began bleeding. "Or would you rather like to become one of us...?" "Rocky knock it off...." said, Cassandra. "Aww, I never get to have any fun." Rocky whinned. "Yea, like I want a hunter to become one of us. He'd betray us and tell his little human friends." "Crap...ya got a point there I guess..." Rocky quickly healed himself and licked the blood of his hand. "Well at least i finally got somethin' to eat.."[/color]
[color=indigo]Rocky quickly ran up to Davey and picked him up and ran back to Cassandra. "Here, take him and get outta here!!" Rocky ordered Cassandra. "But wait, what are you gonna do?" Cassandra asked while holding Davey. "Nevermind! Just get outta here and hurry!" Rocky ran back to help Sebastian fight the hunter. He jumped up and grabbed one of his Uzis from his coat and fired a couple blasts at the Hunter. The hunter elbowed Sebastian in the stomach and quickly shot a bolt at Rocky. "Little wretch!!!" the hunter shouted, firing another bolt. Rocky quickly dodged the first one, but the second one happened to skin him on his side. "GAAHH!!" he shouted falling to the ground.[/color]
[color=indigo]Rocky walked down the street holding his stomach in hungar then he looked up and saw and girl vampire following....Sebastian...? And who was with him? Rocky decided to keep close to the girl watching her just to see what was gonna happen....[/color]
[color=indigo]Is this a good enough deck?[/color] Level 1 monsters: Magician of Faith Level 2 monsters: Time Wizard Hane-Hane Level 3 monsters: Princess of Tsurugi Swordsman of Landstar White Magical Hat Giant Soldier of Stone (rare) Sangan Spirit of the Breeze (rare) Trap Master Dream Clown Karate Man Level 4 monsters: Big Eye Crimson Sentry (3) The Unfriendly Amazon Lord of Dragon (rare) Masaki the legendary Swordsman Protector of the Throne Gearfried the iron Knight Maha Vailo Harpie's Brother Level 5 monsters: (none) Level 6 monsters: Black Magician Girl (rare holo, its so cute ^_^) Swordstalker Fiend Megacyber (rare holo) Level 7 monsters: Sword Hunter (my fav. card) Red eyes B. dragon (rare) Dark Magician (rare) Level 8 monsters: Blue Eyes White Dragon (rare) Magic Cards: Soul Exchange (rare) Dian Keto the Cure Master Dark Hole Malevolent Nuzzler (2) Lightning Blade (2) Soul Release The Flute of summoning Dragon (rare) Giant trunade The Shallow Grave (rare) Shield and sword Change of Heart (2) Remove Trap Dragonic Attack Card Destruction (rare) Graceful Charity Monster Reborn Monster Recovery (rare) The dark Door Eternal Rest Trap Cards: Seven Tools of the Bandit Deal of Phantom Waboku Shift (rare) Forced Requisition (rare) Trap Hole Numinous Healer Gravity Bind (rare) Graverobber's Retribution Enchanted javelin Collected Power Attack and Recieve (2)
[color=indigo]Sorry I haven't posted in quite a while, but somethings came up in schoo.l[/color] [color=indigo]Rocky walked down the street wearing a small leather jacket so people wouldn't get freaked around him. "Hey, are we close to the club yet?" Rocky asked Tasrai. "I'm sure we're getting close stay patient." replied Tasrai. "Patient!?" How can I be patient when i'm blue and my ears are sticking out like an elf?" Rocky almost shouted. Just then they saw a female vampire walk by with 2 others.[/color]
[color=indigo]OMG!!! Have any of you seen this show on Tech TV? It friggin' owns!! If you haven't seen it, then I suggest that you get the DVD or find a site and download some episodes.[/color]
Well, i'm a christian myself andf i've seen this one anime that has alot of religion from different nations. Most of you may have heard of "Shaman King" , the show is really cool. Its about a boy named You Asakura and his ghost friend named Amidamaru. You is a shaman(someone with the abilities to see ghosts and use their skills) and he uses the 'Hyoi Gattai' (this is when he fuses with Amidamaru) and uses Amidamaru's samurai skills to help his friends and others. Well I won't tell you everything about it ,but you have to look it up yourself to find out more about it.
[COLOR=indigo]Hi I just joined this RPG so this may be interesting. Here is my copy of my sign-up I already did this in the Recruitment so don't worry.[/COLOR] Name: Rocky Age: 12 Occupation: Vampire Weapon: Uzis Description: Dark Blue spiky hair, silver moonlight eyes, pointy ears (they became this way when he was bitten) light bue skin color (another effect), kinda scary looking, he wears black commando boots, black jeans and a black Jnco shirt with the sleeves ripped off. Bio: When his parents were killed by a vampire when he was 7 years old, the same vampire made Rocky drinks his blood. Throughout the years he became depressed and wandered around feeding on the blood and flesh of humans. He soon joined the ShadowWolf gang but hardly hangs around them cause he's a bit afraid of vampires even though he is one himself, but he sticks with the group to survive. He looks up to Sebastian and some of the others for guidance and training. [COLOR=indigo]The clock read 10 p.m. and the moonlight shined through a crack in the ceiling. Rocky awoke from his slumber and walked out of the shadows and to the roof of the building. "Hmm, the moon is beatiful tonight..." he said, staring out into the night sky. "Huh?" Rocky heard the sound of a motorcycle, he looked down from the building and saw Sebastian riding down the street with some kid. "Wonder who that could be..". Rocky went back inside and saw Tasrai taking a stake out of his side. "Ouch, looks mighty painful. What happened to you?" he asked. "It's a long story..owww.." Tasrai replied ripping the stake out. "Heh heh. By the way who was that other kid riding with Sebastian?" Rocky asked again. "Oh you mean Davey, yeah, he just joined the gang. He's a bit shaken, but he'll manage." Tasrai replied. "By the way, you feeling any better?" "Yeah, I was feeling a tad bit upset yesterday, ya know my depression and not know what'll become of me in the future." said, Rocky as his pointy ears twitched. "You're doing fine kid, ya just need more training and confidence in yourself." Tasrai said, putting his hand on Rocky's shoulder. "So, how 'bout a little bite to eat?" "Yeah! I'm straving.." [/COLOR]
Name: Rocky Age: 12 Occupation: Vampire Weapon: Uzis Description: Dark Blue spiky hair, silver moonlight eyes, pointy ears (they became this way when he was bitten) light bue skin color (another effect), kinda scary looking, he wears black commando boots, black jeans and a black Jnco shirt with the sleeves ripped off. Bio: When his parents were killed by a vampire when he was 7 years old, the same vampire made Rocky drink his blood. Throughout the years he became depressed and wandered around feeding on the blood and flesh of humans. He soon joined the Feral beast gang but hardly hangs around them cause he's a bit afraid of vampires even though he is one himself, but he sticks with the group to survive. He looks up to Sebastian and some of the others for guidance and training.
Hi everyone, since i'm well...kinda new here i decided to start my own series of my daily life. First of my real name is Brandon McCall (I hate my name so much), and I'm a 'mutt' that's what i call people who have many cultures in their blood, i'm Cacajun, African American, Hispanic and Native American. I'm also 17 years old. My hobbies are drawing and listening to music and just being with friends. Ok let's start off with today's write.... 5/8/03 Dear Journal, After suffering a night of my mom's bitchin' (can i say that? if i'm not allowed to say that on these then i'm really sorry) after the Parent/Teacher Confrences,I awoke this morning with the sun beaming in my face and my radio blasting 93X (a radio station in MN) my dad came upstairs to the attic telling me that if I don't get up soon i'll be late ( as if i cared :rolleyes: ). the clock read 8:49 A.M., but since school wasn't gonna start till 10:30 today i laid back down listening to the radio play "Stupid Girl" (i love that song), only to fall back asleep. (insert dream sequence here