Sasuke's computer hasn't been working for a week now, and he was getting upset. He was walking down the street to Higby's store to get some chips for his collection.
Sasuke: Man, I hope my computer can be fixed soon.
Then he remembered the last time he was online......
Sasuke: GATEMAN!!
Gateman's face appeared on Sasuke's PET.
Gateman: Huh? Sasuke, you seem a bit upset...
Sasuke: Of course i'm upset, you didn't happen to get a virus while downloading that battle emulator to my com puter did you?
Gateman: No way! You know i always check every file for viruses before I start downloading..
Sasuke: Well I hope I figure it out soon, cause we haven't Netbattled in a while and i'm gonna get real upset if my computer stops working.
Gatemon: How about I re-check it the next time you try to log on again?
Sasuke: Thanks gateman, you're a real pal.
Sasuke finally makes it to "Higsby's" and sees some other kids his age talking about their chips and previous battles. sasuke goes over to see what they're talking about.