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Everything posted by Rokuki

  1. Name: Makoto Sasuke Age: 13 height: 4' 9" Appearance: he's seems a bit short, but his enemies under estimate him for his size, but he is very skilled in both martial arts and sword fighting. Has spiky dark blue hair, he wears jade green baggy pants (like the kenshin himura wears), and a black silk jacket without sleeves. His attitude is a bit harsh towards others, but he is a nice person though he doesn't want to admit it. He was raised by a chinese swordsman after his parents were killed. weapon: Kwan-Dao (a chinese style sword) [url]http://www.quandoman.com/picturepg5.htm[/url]
  2. Sasuke felt a bit sorry about what happened to Misao's brother. He watched her walk out the door and go down the street. Higsby: Oh! Sasuke, I have your new shipment of chips. Sasuke: Wow, thanx Mr. Higsby. Sasuke recieved a new Hi-Cannon R, Numberman v2, and a Zeus-Cannon. Sasuke left the shop to catch up with Misao. Sasuke: She sure does walk fast.... Gateman: Well maybe you're just too slow. Sasuke: No time for jokes now Gateman, I gotta find Misao. I hope she's alright... Sasuke runs around the corner and finally sees Misao walking up the sidewalk. Sasuke: Hey Misao! Wait up!!
  3. Sasuke's computer hasn't been working for a week now, and he was getting upset. He was walking down the street to Higby's store to get some chips for his collection. Sasuke: Man, I hope my computer can be fixed soon. Then he remembered the last time he was online...... Sasuke: GATEMAN!! Gateman's face appeared on Sasuke's PET. Gateman: Huh? Sasuke, you seem a bit upset... Sasuke: Of course i'm upset, you didn't happen to get a virus while downloading that battle emulator to my com puter did you? Gateman: No way! You know i always check every file for viruses before I start downloading.. Sasuke: Well I hope I figure it out soon, cause we haven't Netbattled in a while and i'm gonna get real upset if my computer stops working. Gatemon: How about I re-check it the next time you try to log on again? Sasuke: Thanks gateman, you're a real pal. Sasuke finally makes it to "Higsby's" and sees some other kids his age talking about their chips and previous battles. sasuke goes over to see what they're talking about.
  4. Name: Sasuke Yukimura age: 12 Navi: Gateman Description: Jade green hair, kinda tall for his age, Blue Jnco shirt, and Black jeans. Info: He alone with his father, since his mother died during when gospel was around. He wanted to be an Elite Netbattler ever since he was little.
  5. Name: Lei Wu Long Age: 12 Colony name: Neo Hong Kong Gundam name: Gundam Fury Team member: Bit Bry Crest: Joker
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