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Everything posted by Celia

  1. [color=0099FF][size=1]I have both my ears pierced when I was what.... ten??? But unfortunately, one of them was infected so I have to pierce it again. I am thinking about getting my tongue and my belly pierced for my birthday. But I don't think my parentes would ever let me get my belly pierced. [/color][/size]
  2. [color=0099FF][size=1]This summer has been terribly boring. But I never have the time to feel lonely. Well, it's because my little brother bothers me from the first thing in the morning until the last thing he does before we go to bed. So, I believe there is no time for me to feel lonely. But when I feel lonely and I want to be with my friends, I just talk to them on the phone because when I talk to them, it feels like I am with them... But don't feel lonely, life is really short.[/color][/size]
  3. [color=0099FF][size=1]They all think differently... It's hard to say how they think, but I think you would have to ask each individual female to get the answer.[/color][/size]
  4. Celia


    [color=0099FF][size=1]I don't have a job right now since I am too young to work. I was the person who picked up phones at a hotel and I got paid fifty dollars. I felt really good because I earned my own money!!^_^ I also get five dollars a week for chores which I never spent because my mom said if I do, then I am spending their money... soooo, I never spend a dollar of it.[/color][/size]
  5. [color=0099FF][size=1]When I was little... *thinks back* I did tons of unbelievable things. I cried when I saw the moon. ^_^; And I go 'moon, moon.' x.x; And, I put tin foil in the microwave for five seconds. With a hotdog, Almost set a fire.[/color][/size]
  6. [color=0099FF][size=1] From now, I still have about twenty days until school starts again and I rather be in school! When we still had school, I was hoping it to end early. But now, I found out that it's boring staying at home.[/color][/size]
  7. [color=0099FF][size=1] I got one at Panda Express; it's an Asian food restarant. It said "You day will brighten up with a cup of Hot Fudge Sundae." Trust me, they never work. And they are stupid funny sometimes.[/color][/size]
  8. [color=0099FF][size=1] *thinks* My brother sat on my face while I was lying down on my bed, and he farted on me.[/color][/size]
  9. [color=0099FF][size=1] They should know what's in a burger. If they don't, they are stupid. If it's fatty food, don't eat it. Simple as that.[/color][/size]
  10. [color=0099FF][size=1] I started using the internet about 3 years ago when I got my new computer. In the beginning, I didn't know anything about the internet, so I start browsing other websites. And later, Juu introduced me to OB.[/color][/size]
  11. [color=0099FF][size=1] I am so sorry about what happened to you. But I think you should at least tell someone that you trust to help you. Raping is a very serious thing, and you shouldn't bring it on to the internet. That's my opinion.[/color][/size]
  12. [color=0099FF][size=1] What make me really mad.... almost everything makes me mad though. Lol, really can't choose. Probably when my favorite TV show ends. And children's continuous cries gets me really annoyed![/color][/size]
  13. [color=0099FF][size=1] umm...... I was a Christian until my mom met a friend that's Buddhist and she started believing in Buddha too! And now that I live with my mom, I am influenced by her. According to my mom, a sinned body could not be reborn. So I guess you stay in that step where you are waiting to be reborn again. [/color][/size]
  14. [color=0099FF][size=1] Hmm.... that one's new! Yeah, it's true that threads are always changing. But what's your all time favorite? It'll be interesting to know OBer's dislike thread too! But you see, there might be some misunderstanding.[/color][/size]
  15. [color=0099FF][size=1] Well, I have never experience such thing before, but I know how it feels. Once, I was trying to start a conversation with my dad, and he just makes up all these excuses why he can't talk to me right now. And later, I asked my mom what did I do to dad that made him so mad... She said I said something really really rude to him, and he's mad. In that moment, I felt as if no one in the world cared about me anymore and I was sooooo left out. When I see him talking to my brother, my heart is ripped...[/color][/size]
  16. [color=0099FF][size=1] There are tons and tons of threads in Otaku Louge.... what's your favorite one? I personally like Logan's 'Your OB Crush'. It just seems really interesting to me because it's a general thing and it's about everybody. Which one is your favorite in Otaku Louge?[/color][/size]
  17. [color=0099FF][size=1] Ah! On the first day of school in fourth grade, the orchestra teacher put me in a violin lesson. I had no idea what a violin was!!! And I've never handled an instrucment. I was so afraid when he picked on me...[/color][/size]
  18. [color=0099FF][size=1] Guitar... that's how my parents met each other, guitar lessons. My parents forced me to learn guitar when I was a little younger, but when I got older, I started to dislike guitar and I quit.[/color][/size]
  19. [color=0099FF][size=1] I don't think other people would think it's strange, but I had this dream ever since when I am 7. Here's one of them: I am driving a VAN on a busy street at night. And when I look over to the passenger's seat to my right, I see a green character from Monsters. Inc... and when I ask him who he is, he leans over me and I recoiled from him. And this dream just ends right there. For 6 years. I wonder what all these dream means...[/color][/size]
  20. [color=0099FF][size=1] Oh gosh! I always have headaches like that as long as I can remember. The doctor said that a blood vessel in my head is reducing its size. So I recommend you to see a doctor because if it's becoming severe, then uh oh... Or rub the place on your head that hurts. I usually take a hot bath and then go to bed..... for a loong time. [/color][/size]
  21. [color=0099FF][size=1] I am reading this at 9:37 at night and this is really freaking me out! -_-; But my mom always burns fake money and all that kind of stuff to my unborn sister. My mom said that if you don't burn things to her, she would bother us all... I think I am starting to believe in this type of things.[/color][/size]
  22. [color=0099FF][size=1] I rather my life right now would be a dream. All that mistakes I made in the past would clear out. And my life is not even happy when everyone around me is so nice. I really wish that life can be rewinded like a tape... [/color][/size]
  23. [color=0099FF][size=1] First of ALL! Spiders!!!! They are nightmares. Look at those furry legs! And, any kind of insect. When I was little, a twenty/ fifty worm crawl up on my neck. I still remember that feeling from four years ago. Itchy![/color][/size]
  24. [color=0099FF][size=1] I don't want to tell the tooooo... nasty ones; but I think this is still 'appropriate'. This is only about my mom. Recently, my mom's been burping! Burp..burp, yes...burp! Burps everywhere! [/color][/size]
  25. [color=0099FF][size=1] Do you fear that when you wake up one morning, everything that once was would be unreal? It just seems really important to me because right now, I am living in a happy family... and I am afraid that things would be a dream. I just want to hear your opinions about it.[/color][/size]
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