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This whole thread for me was kind of depressing but oh well, I should have learned better by now. I am proud to say that I swing both ways and considering most of the people I hang out with are some major freaks, fruits, flakes, and nuts(The population of California the Granola state!) running all over the spectrum. I am not fazed by much but just as no man or woman would want to be hit on by and ugly person no straight person would want to be hit on by someone of their same gender and vice versa becuase they just aren?t attracted to that person. It?s a matter of taste(Really wants to make a some taste is good and some is just Jolly Bee Cat burgers joke... will resist). Some women dig it because... Oh say for example. There?s a girl who likes reading VashxWolfwood fics because she?s attracted to both Vash and Wolfwood but she feels dirty thinking about Millie like *that* and thinks Meryl needs some midol... pronto. Then what exactly is she left with... orginal character? Self instert? Most self respecting people stay far away from those abominations. Or for a male example... A gay guy doesn?t want fics or art with women in them becuase he?s really turned off by women... Yaoi is the answer. If it?s a straight guy who is disturbed by the idea of a naked man but loves the ladies then Yuri is the answer and though the percentage is small there are lesbians who get over the sheer impossibility of Yuri and think it?s nifty keen(I?m not one of those people). But once you enter those areas you must realize that Shounen-ai is predominantly done by women who appear to have no understanding of the male mind or body because guys for the most part aren?t it. Likewise Yuri and shoujo-ai appear to be exploitative and disgustingly out of porportion for women because it?s made by guys and not just any guys teenage loser otaku guys! ::screams:: The thing is entirely subjective. You can?t say it?s all base horrible because some shounen-ai is really really sweet and sometimes even realistic and should be held up as and example of the kind of realtionship all people should strive to acheive gender aside. Then there are other things, abusive, unrealistic, messed up fiction and art. I?m a freaky person but even I have morals and certain things I won?t touch with a ten-foot pole. Twincest, statutory, noncon, but somethings I feel I can?t object to. Gundam Wing stuff, for example, over an argument of age I can?t scream and puke because I?m just their age and I desire romance and love... why can?t they? I?ve been fighting for some peace between my fandoms for a while and can make a good argument either way so I think I?ll come back. Love and Peace means all Love and all Peace, Sunde
Since the orginal topic was why doesn't Legato just kick the **** out of Knives and leave... I answer this! After returning from my sabatical. I shall also complete my evil triumvirate of MKS(Mini-Knives-Sama! You know who you are!), The Midvalley Imposter, and me who doubles as a window into the blue-haired beau's soul. I proclaim to be a sort of psychic siamese twin... but not really I'm more just obsessed and insane. Legato, is a cool guy but he's still human. Still held within the bounds of **** and blood and pain. Telekinetic, telepathic and god knows what else he might be aside he is flesh that can be tore and sewed, and blood which can seep into the dessert sands, and bone which can snap and break. Knives is not however held within the bounds of **** and blood and pain. Okay pain maybe("My Leg! This... Pain... in my leg!"), but he's a plant who takes a full, point blank shot of angel arm juice from his brother and SURVIVES! WHen he's floating in a tank he has no time to worry that half his body missing and things like eating, and writing, and going to the bathroom. He's growing back entire half of a body. That is not human! Did anyone of your bother to take biology 1 in highschool? And if you did you'd know that there are somethings like getting mental powers from say an... arm that are just phisable. But anyways, we were talking about the bluebeau's mind not his body. Bluesummers is showing some signs of certain things... codependence, battered-spousal syndrome(BWAHAHA!!!), victimization, victim mentality, sexual ambiguity, and all the signs of someone with absolutely no sense of self. He refers to Knives in ways that suggest Knives is either his God or his Husband and that ain't leagal anywhere but Europe. But here's the syncher, Knives is an asexual uneeding and unfeeling superspecies. Heck it's not even like there's some ego to feed or heck even an ego to destroy since when given privy to a world full of humanities thoughts you probably wouldn't have one. Think of the kind of family that would drive you into the willing servitude of a man like Knives. Do you think Legato would know anything even remotely like joy or happiness? His world is pain and suffering; Gunsmoke is pain and suffering wrapped in a dusty package. He's just enlightening the masses and giving them a happy death final ticket into a world a whole lot better than drying up and selling out on a dust ball in the middle of space. Or at least that's how he sees it. Keep in mind that he's seeing it through the twisted perspective of telepathy. Think of that creepy guy who leers at you on street corners or the kind of women who have twenty abortions and don't even flinch. Think of the deepest sexual fantasies of Marylin Manson(or not... shudder) or heck even just your boyfriend. Would you want to know that stuff? Could you look your dad in the eye if you knew what he wanted to do to your mom down to the detail? Really? Well that's how he sees the world. Except for Knives who is more powerful so Knives is silent to him. Knives? sexual, violent, and tragic fantasies are unknown to him. And heck he grew up with it so to Legato sex and hate and all those thing you hid deep in your mind and figure it won't hurt anyone because it's just thoughts have been affecting him since a very young age. If I was Legato I would have killed my family and run straight into the arms of someone who wanted to destroy the human race because let's face it humanity had been washing it's dirty underwear in my head my whole life and I would want to kill them all. Heck I'd have been working on it already. Oh and Knives is a b*stard because at the end of the day Legato is just a human being, he's only a spider, and he's always a threat and threats should be destroyed, demoralized, or owned. Knives is just doing a very through job of all three. But don't worry I'm a total loser(Though I'm still getting some), I'm also very poor and boring and crazy so you can feel superior. I also deep down feel that Legato is not lucky enough to if he is attracted to Knives less in the God way more in the Husband way then Knives still doesn't really notice he exists unless the bluebeau has threatened that poofter of a brother biatch. Also I love you all and I hope i haven't emotionally scarred you or anything, Love peace pain suffering hotdogs cheescake. ~Sunde
I love Legato's coat. In fact I just love Legato's style all of it. He made black trutlenecks and black fingerless gloves cool and considering I love both articles I feel stylish. His unibang is nifty. Unibangs are nifty. All the coolest people have them; Trowa, Noin, Zelgadis, Sano's father figure, all those stylish types. I mean how many evil villans wear white. White is awesome. And how many have a skull on their shoulder? Chests, seen it. Carrying diembodied heads, seen it. But on their shoulder? He is the only one. Those spikes are cool. If I had those spikes I would put things on them, like roasting marshmellows using that or hanging my stuff on em. Legato should design clothes. Uh, yeah, guess who Sunde cosplays in her free time. love, peace, eternal pain, and suffering, Sunde
I started watching and I thought Vash was a total idiot, I still do though he's an idiot with a good heart. I just don't love main characters. I do however love Wolfwood and Legato. Supporting characters rock! Plus I think their funny. Wolfwood especially but I swear trigun is the only anime in which the uber-cool-super-freak-villian would turn the screen pink when he first enters. Plus I don't care what anyone says some of the really scary things are funny to me. Like the Gung-HO-Guns, did you know that Ho is gun in japanese? That means it's Gung-gun-guns. Nightow is strange like that. And does anyone else notice how even in the serious episodes the kuronekos show up and nyao. Kuroneko-sama rocks. So does pink. And cheesecake. I'm gonna stop now. Love, peace, eternal pain, and suffering, Sunde
Trigun, the anime, is the anime for Trigun MAX. Trigun started out as a comic appearing like monthly in Young King Ours a mag in Japan. It was good so it was compiled into Manga comics. Then it was made into a show that was a condensation of the manga. It could only be one seasn because of how Japan does TV and anime. It's weird but now the compilations of Trigun MAXIMUM are going to come out in the US all translated and such. Sunde needs to get a life. love, peace, eternal pain, and suffering, Sunde
Nightow-sama said that there would be the manga in the states sometime this year. I'm so happy. go to: [url]http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Ginza/7551/tri-index.html[/url] or Light a little lightbulb in your soul forthe best translation up to this time that I've found. I love Trigun Maximum. I blows the anime out of the water. Boy Howdy. love,peace, eternal pain, and suffering, Sunde