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Everything posted by backspace

  1. yes i liked the movie and yses i liked the books and when the first bit of merchandise came out i was kool with it but then.... my cousin got the ..... harrp potter underware *shudders* i'm gonna go and retch now.........:p
  2. well my mom always says = if you have friend then let them go if they come back they wre always your friend
  3. ya well it is so un fair because we got up to the episode where buu is released and then the next day i was waiting for it to come one and then they went back to the cell games!!! which was so mean!:flaming:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BulmaVegeta1 [/i] [B] Oh, my, god! I have to see this! I like so want to see the Vegeta video! Where do you get those? [/B][/QUOTE] if you go to morpheus and type under search *LINKLIN PARK IN THE END* but make sure you put it in all capitols or else it won't work u will (hopefully come up with a vegita music video.:D
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B]Um, this should really belong under General Dicusion, but... I typed in In the End, Crawling, and One Step Closer, and it always ends up with DBZ these are no differnt I believe.... [/B][/QUOTE] oh man! sorry i didn't really know and my friend told me to put it in here i'm really sorry:cross: i will try not to do it again
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blanko_el-miez [/i] [B]vet vet vet vet vet vet vet vet vet vet vet i am going to be a vet [/B][/QUOTE] *gasp* thats my proffesion but we can share i love animals and i love teaching people about there animals it is sooooo much fun i hope you have fun i'm going to the pei university to get my vet degree then i'm coming back to halifax to start up my own vet clinic with an emergancy clinic i think animals have every right to be treated like humans!!!!:D
  7. :bawl: :bawl: nooooooooooooooooooo this can't be happining i'm crying right now i love anime and it is the best but harry the pothead potter cannot take over anime he can rule the world and turn my house into a castle and all that other stuff but if he ruins anime i'm going right to j.k.rowling and i will tell her a piece of my mind!!!! i liked the books but when the merchandise came out ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh i got a pair of harry potter socks for christmas .......*shudders* (i gave them to my dog though) but yeah i will suicide myself if harry potter (god i hate that name) takes over the best thing in the world anime !!! that is the truth :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
  8. okay i'm really confused because i was downloading music videos and i wanted in the end by linklin park and it poped up with all of these videos of dbz. so my question is why does the song in the end always lead me to dbz ?? was the song in the end played alot in the t.v shows or is there a mechandise contract of some sort because i want to know if i can get more dragon ball z videos :blush: also if you can tell me where to get any videos i would be forever grateful!:D
  9. o poopy i would enter but my scanner is messed up but if i can get it to run i will enter :bawl: i wanna enter ...... but i mean if i do enter it will only pictures that r very beginner because i just started drawing anime this week and it's not very good
  10. i so agree with you jcbaggee with his jacket and pants and sword * drools* imagine him in real life.......... i'm gonna go dream about that now .......
  11. well about vegita doing the final flash on cell it blew off his arm but when vegita used the final flash it used up alot of his energy so when he tryed it on jr.cell the attack wasen't as strong as it should've been thus it didn't cause as much damage as it should have
  12. [COLOR=deeppink]hey that is such good news i'm not sure if anyone asked this question or not.... (as my computer is messed and some of the posts are messed up) but anyway how did u propose to her ??? you don't have to answer but yes i think it is wonderful news to hear and i wish you all the best in luck and love!!![/COLOR] :D *sniffle* i'm so happy for you!!!:bawl: *sniffle*
  13. your hott!!!!;) exceptionally better lookin that every boy at my school:D
  14. hahahahaha that was funny you see i heard the sounds before i saw the oicture and my mom was running around tryin to figure out what it was and i was on the floor luaghing my head off hahahahahahahahahahahaha:laugh: :excited: :laugh: :excited: :laugh: :excited: :laugh: :excited:
  15. OMG i love iceskating i was in the comptitions at one point but then i dropped out cause i popped my knee...*shudders* But yes i will tell you what to do!! just stand on the ice for a min or two till you get comfortable with being on skates then push off with your blade slowly but DO NOT USE THE TOE PICK i have had a lot of bad experiences with those !!!! :cross: then slowly skate with your left foot then the right foot alway keeping you knees slightly bent if you want to stop then just push your blades sideways at the same time trust me it is not as hard as it looks and if you feel really uncomfortable then i advise you to wear a helmet!! i hope you have lots of luck and like delian said don't skate near the boards to much because it is very bumpy but i think if you don't use your toe pick you will be perfect!!!!!:) ;) good luck and i hope this helped
  16. :wow: ---- self explanitory! *sighs* wish i could draw that... i can only draw dragons.....
  17. that is an awsome piccy!!! i wish i could post my pic but the scanner hates me and won't work!!!!!:( :bawl: must kill scanner!:demon: :devil:
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B]Oh, geez.... I've got so many wishes... I can't decide between these ones.. A never-ending supply of good books! :D To be able to go into fantasy tales, books, tv, etc. And become a character. :) That Legolas would be mine... *sweat drop* Umm... Forget I said that. -_- For someone who truly cares for me and loves me. *sigh* [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple] ummmmm it was supposed to be a non-selfish wish but those are still really cool and i totally agree with you on the first one!!!!!!!:D[/color]
  19. i'm sorry i cunfuddled u s snail!!:confused: but thank for trying any way and thanks alot gohan!!:D ;)
  20. [color=deeppink] you guy have some good ideas!!! lol but my wish would be to let my parents have 30 million dollars each that way they could spoil me rotten heehee no i'm kiddin but i still want world peace even if it is possiable to other people *cough*coolkam007*cough* but any way yes it just a matter of opinons and i think alot of you are very unselfish unlike me................:naughty: :toothy:[/color]
  21. hey cris i feel your pain man i took like a month to plan out a killer surprise party 4 my friend and i invited like 60 ppl and no one showed up!!!!!!!:flaming: :flaming: u can't begin to imagine how mad and sad i was:( :bawl: :flaming:
  22. [COLOR=deeppink]Okay lets say you only had one wish in the intire world and you couldn't use it to : [/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo] 1. to ask for more wishes[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple] 2.it could not be a selfish wish such as i wish for a millon dollars[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue] 3. the wish can not be used for yourself it must be for other people like your mom or dad[/COLOR] what would you wish for??? i would wish for world peace where everybody was an equal:D
  23. kool now i actually understand i mean time travel is really hard to keep up with and thanks for explaining it all out for me must have takin you a while to type it all out!:cross: but thanks alot now the rest of the series makes sense now!!! :D thanks for all your trouble!!:D
  24. no i didn't which totally sucked and i got really mad at them and we had a huge fight and they grounded me!!!!:demon:
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