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Everything posted by backspace

  1. ..........?????????? i think i get it ............... i'm not sure though????????? but i guess i'll laugh:laugh:
  2. i think that geometry is easy cause our teacher was a really long boring drawling sort of person
  3. um i would probaly take matt.d cause i know him and he lives nearby if i could not take him then i would take the darkness bu cause we get along really well then if i couln't take one of dem den i would take chris.c cause i know him and i don't really know anyone else on here..............yet.
  4. i hate the ones that say there is a little boy in africa that is dying and every person u send this 2 a doller will b donated it is soooooooooooo stupid they can't keep a track of who sends them also IT MAKES PPL FEEL GUILTY`
  5. two wrongs don't make a right !:angel:
  6. if i have a chocolate 4 breakfast then i'm like..............well lts jus say u don want to knowheheheheheheheheheh SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: :wigout:
  7. i don't know who to respect ............ probably shinji
  8. the catch is none they r fithy stinkin rich rolling in money god there kids aged 6 9 and 11 are like brats and they get 10 dollers a week as a treat!!!!!!:flaming:
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deranged Gerbil [/i] [B] huh, is this addressed at me? [/B][/QUOTE] yup!
  10. i don't care if u were talkin 2 someone else but i'd like 4 u to but out befor u start spaming everywhere!!
  11. i am disabled u @$$ hole so go spam somewhere else u have no idea what its like so go and shut the hole in ur head!!!
  12. i like the roller coaster one da best:angel:
  13. because alot of ppl look at them and all they see is the part thats wrong with them
  14. how do u feel about disabled ppl? i feel fine cause i know a person lets jus say she is a very very very good friend and i know her really well.
  15. i start on september 5th whoope i can hardly wait we get to do homework again so much fun yea!! who am i tryin to kid i hate school for some very good reasons:(
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Little Gohan [/i] [B]geez from a balcony? that's even worse since your just watching it fall and at the same time your watching your life end :D [/B][/QUOTE] lol u sure described how i felt when it happened :laugh: but it was so horriable:confused:
  17. if u think u guys grew up with a lot of kids in the house try this i grew up wit 6 girls and 7 boys and we are legally one family not blood related but legally one fammily and trust me thats scares me to thinkabout it!!! but i love them all and i couldn't live without them. oh yeah the rest of the space in the house was taken up by 9 cats and dogs!! but i only lived there during the day and somtimes at night because i also live down the street with my birth family. wow thats confusing :cross:
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [Bplus, if you believe in christianity, it's a mortal sin to commit suicide and thus you would go straight to hell..... [/B][/QUOTE] excuse me here for a minute but god loves us all and he would never send us to hell because there is no hell god love us to much to throw us away even if we did kill ourselves he would forgive us but if we would not let him forgive us then u would be put away to an evil place because god loves us and it is a waste of time loving someone that does not love u back. but if he can sense u do love him then he will give u enternal life in his worl of love.
  19. i love msn it rules !!!!! i also have icq and it rules 2!!!!! i will b anyones friend:babble: :) ;) :wigout: :tasty:
  20. excuse me but i happen to play lacrosse and i'm a girl our team kicks but every year agains the boys! so u can keep that opinion to urself:flaming: :flaming: :devil: :mad: :angel:
  21. not true BTW limp bizkit STINKS but he is not as bad as a lot of other groups
  22. no i don't have any mean siblings jus a really nice bro but i know whatcha talkin bout i hope she frys in hell for what shes done to me!!! :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :devil: :devil: :devil:
  23. i kinda droped it from a balcony:blush:
  24. nice picsu have alot of talent!:)
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