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Everything posted by backspace

  1. i have msn and i will b ur friend! my nmae ditto on it and my e-mailis [email]lollipopgirl4eva@hotmail.com[/email]:) :wigout:
  2. backspace


  3. oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i babysat these little freaks for a whole 6 hours and the ppl gave me 70 bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh yeah thank u guys for all the help !:) :angel:
  4. sorry for the basket ball and hockey i forgot about them *bangs head against wall*:cross:
  5. so what shes dead be happy for her cause she not gonna go and get suicidal or somthin cause she can't get any privacy!:angel:
  6. i need some friends i 'm lonley would someone b my friend :(
  7. happt b-day to me happy b-day to u happy b day to every one even if it is not in august:angel:
  8. i'm not weird i'm unique!:wigout: NOT I"M A FREAKOZOID yeahahahahahahahaha must kill hahahahaha:devil: j/k
  9. more like 1 hour is hard 4 me:D and that is not sad:wigout: :flaming: :devil:
  10. life is but the next great adventure and she is going on it so be happy 4 her she would not want u guys to feel bad for her
  11. read it i read every thing must find book............:cross:
  12. strange weird and one messed up guy thats allit takes to die froma computer game!:o
  13. wuhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahbahahahahahahahahahaha enough said!:laugh: :wigout:
  14. i hope so! um um um mowing grass okay good idea *takes a deep breath*:(
  15. i got a chain letter that said it had been going since 1867 by a bunch of 8 year olds how is that possable when there was no computers and there was probably less b**chy little 8 year olds! so just do what i and the rest of the ppl do say **** chain letters!!! besides they can't keep track of computer chain letters!
  16. oh no i broke my grandpas camera it costs like 60 bucks i have 2 pay him back and i need money!!!!!!!! any ideas on how to get money i only have a week cause he is goin to burmuda next tuesday!:( :cross: :confused:
  17. hi pretty sammy! i'm not on ur friend list and i think i know what u mean. If ya do add me i would like to be backspace-0% Angel oh sammy can i add u to my friend list plz??thanx!
  18. i don't think anyone has my name cause i was stumped on picking one so i looked at the keyboard and there it was! if ya don't belive me ask matt.d:p :wigout:
  19. okay soccer is winning ..................YAY!:wigout: well football is very close behind!!!!! this is gonna b interestin.:cool:
  20. what sport do u think is better? personally i like soccer but what do u guys think?
  21. CHRIS Y AM I NOT ON UR FRIENDS LIST:flaming: I'M UR FRIEND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flaming:
  22. i love gory movies becuz my bro used to babysit me and he would rent them and i would have to watch them! so i guess i kinda got used 2 them.:tasty:
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Girls are the most confusing thing to man..... [/B][/QUOTE] guys r the most confusing thing to girls!
  24. i forgot about making it poll grrr i could i b so stupid*bangs head aganst wall*:(
  25. on the old otaku imade a whats worse post and yesterday someone contacted me and told me to do the post again so i will! what is worse:: A) walking in on your grandad while he is useing the potty B) waling in on ur mom while she is useing the potty C) walking in on a total stranger while they r useing the potty D) waling in on ur boyfriend/girlfriend while they r useing the bathroom it is ur choice at the end of 3 days we will see which one is the worst P.S i got this topic out of a magazine.:rolleyes:
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