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Everything posted by backspace

  1. my name is Ashlea spelt withan A!!! not a Y an A and i wouldn't want to change mt name because its who iam!:D
  2. u r not 21!!!!!!!!!! there is no way!!!!!!! i saw ur pic u look 16 the pic is on the boards for show and tell ginny! it is on ppls pics and all that jizz it is the blak box with a bunch o ppls names and pics in it
  3. i have seen a few ghosts one is really not all that scary but the rest are just freaky!!!!!! yes matt d the ghost by window is still there well at least i'm not crazy!!:p
  4. has anyone here seen a ghost like a real one not in a pic or any thing but u were in an area and u saw one ??? i have seen a few ghosts but they are not freaky besides the fact that they r transparent! but some r just scary:eek:
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