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Kumori Urufu

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Everything posted by Kumori Urufu

  1. i'm not sure... It probably is, but... who knows? :huh:
  2. I think that EMPEROR_DRAGON means "Call of the Haunted" (the thing that brought clown zombie, armored zombie and dragon zombie out)
  3. :haha: Yay! Kudos to Shaun for one great story! :haha:
  4. Is that the end? is there an aftermath chpter or something?
  5. What about Gatomon's tail ring? tell me! i want to know!
  6. O_o BlackRosemon? Now there's somethin you don't see every day!
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinryuu(GP) [/i] [B]Lumis and Umbra summoned Masked Beast w/ Mask of Restrict in play. This should be impossible since the Mask prevents anyone from Tributing (no matter what the situation) a monster. [/B][/QUOTE] i can explain that... earlier, umbra had played some continuous magic card that negated the negative effects of a magic/trap card that he or lumis would play, so the effect just didn't count for them. (remember, he started this with mask of brutality and said that with it, he wouldn't have to pay the 1000 life points every turn) Also, i am confused at how the summoned skull is able to power up Alpha the Magnet Warrior (Ep. 2 of Yugi's duel with Seeker). it doesn't say he can do that on either of the cards. And, ever notice that when yugi uses the trap card "Shift" it's a magic card called "Monster Replace"? Time Wizard also never fuses with Baby Dragon (like he should), but doesn't it seem like he's always gone after Thousand Dragon pops up? Lastly, in the duelist kingdom arc, summoned skull's defense would constantly change between 1200 and 2100 Weird :)
  8. :wow: great story... can't wait to find out what happens next...
  9. yay! :beer: Valkyrimon! :love2: make her kill Ladydevimon!
  10. i likes the story butcept 4 the fact that TK an Kari aren't 2gether, but your explanation an "Macayla" make evrything all better :toothy:, but what if Kari liked him 2????? :2women:
  11. Cera, this story is really really great. Keep posting! If you guys are gonna make a new Digistory, I wanna be part of it too. Name: Zak Digimon: Labramon Crest: Honesty Info: Zak is only 13 and uneasy about going to the digi-world because he's scared of the digis. His crest of honesty forces him to be 100% truthful :grumble:, but it also lets him know when someone else is lying to him and thus, he can easily find out the truth :naughty: BTW, Zak wants to have a bow/arrow (like Zero's sword and Obtok's axe)
  12. Digital Chronicles Chapter 1: Digitally Discovered ?Ahhhhhhhhhh? Josi sighed contentedly as she awoke that morning. Kindergarten was finally over, and she couldn?t be happier. The best part was, her older sisters still had two more weeks of school before their summer vacation started. Josi had two older sisters. They were twins and had nothing in common except for the fact that they both loved to torture Josi. ?See you later, squirt!? said Kristi, one of her sisters. She was in her usual get-up. All black. Her nails, her eyes, everything. Her twin Kathy was right out the door behind her. She was dressed all in white and pastel colors. ?Josi!? their mom called ?You better get down here if you want any breakfast. We?re having pancakes!? Yes! Josi thought pancakes, my favorite! she got out of bed and began to run downstairs. ?OW!? she screamed, as she tripped over her own hair. It was blond and came down to her ankles. As she slid down the stairs, Josi couldn?t help but think of how much fun she?d have. Two whole weeks without the torment of her sisters. It would be perfect. Bliss. Right after Josi got dressed, a feat that she was proud to finally be able to do on her own, she went outside to get the mail. There was something there for her. It was a CD. Oh great, some more of those free AOL hours. Five of those just fell out of the t.v. guide yesterday. She popped it into her computer?s CD ROM drive and checked it out. There was an e-mail attached. Inside the e-mail, there was only a link to a website. She clicked on the link, and was taken to a stark white screen with nothing except three eggs on it. Each egg was a different color. One was black, one exactly opposite of it was white. ?Those two look as if they were designed for Kathy and Kristi? Josi thought aloud. She double-clicked on the one in the middle. It was a pale orange color. When she clicked on it, it cracked and a small red creature popped out. It was a ball with eyes and little lumps on its head. It began moving across the screen, chanting Puni, Puni, Puni. She dragged the cursor over it and a small text box opened up which read ?Punimon?. ?Poo-nee-mahn? Josi read the box. ?Weird? she muttered. Little did she know that halfway across town, the same exact thing was happening to someone else. As Zack was going through his mail, he found a CD just like Josi?s. He put it in and clicked the link, but there were only two eggs on his screen. One was blue and the other was gold. ?Hmmmmm? he said as he was about to double-click the blue egg when? ?Hey! What?s this?? his annoying younger cousin Gary said, as he came over to the desk and snatched away the mouse. He then double-clicked on the egg himself. It cracked open, revealing a small, bluish-white creature. Pichi, Pichi, Pichi it chanted as it bounced across the screen. Neither of them noticed this however. Zack was too busy trying to beat the snot out of his stupid cousin. When Zack sat back down at the computer, the creature, now known as Pichimon stopped bouncing. It stared at Zack for a while, then began to cry. Zack couldn?t figure it out, but when Gary came back, it stopped crying and actually started celebrating, clapping his little fins together. ?That?s right? Gary began ?Bless him, he knows his daddy? ?You mean mommy, you little fruit? corrected Zack. He looked at the other egg for a minute, then decided to try out the gold one. It cracked open revealing a small brown creature, which bounced around the screen chanting Pao, Pao, Pao. It saw Zack and began to do the same kind of dance as Pichimon. ?I wonder if they do anything else? said Gary. ?Yeah. They are getting kinda boring. Let?s check on them tomorrow? said Zack as he removed the disk from its drive. ?Mom!? Kristi yelled ?We?re home? Kathy continued. They saw Josi at the computer, then rushed over to find out what was going on. ?All right!? Kristi said ?Black, my favorite color? she continued, clicking on the black egg. It cracked, and out came a small black ball with ears and yellow eyes. Bo Bo Bo! It sang. ?Gimme that!? Kathy said, grabbing the mouse. She opened the last digi-egg. ?Hey! I was gonna hatch those two tomorrow!? complained Josi ?It?s too late for that now? said Kathy as a Snowbotamon, a white version of Botamon hopped from the egg. The three sisters stared at the screen, wondering if anything would ever happen to the three small creatures. Eventually, they all fell asleep. ?Well that was a gigantic waste of time.? Said Kristi. ?This thing is worthless.? She said, taking it out of the drive. Josi decided to keep it safe under her pillow. ?Until tomorrow? she whispered to the CD as she went to sleep.
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