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Everything posted by SS3Vahn

  1. Hiro stood there with a blank look on his face. 'Damn...he's got me cornered. There's nothing I can do....I've lo- Wait! I just need one more card and...' He drew his card and looked at it. A small grin came across his face. "This game is over. It's been good, Seth, that I will admit. I hope to face you again someday. But as for now, I must make my leave. First, I'll summon the Amazon Archer in attack mode!" A rather normal looking woman appeared on the field wielding a bow. "Now, I'll play the card I just drew, The A. Forces. For every Warrior and Spellcaster-Type monster on the field, increase all of my Warrior-Type monsters attack by 200." Hiro said placing the card on the duel disk.(Dai Greph:2700/1600 Amazon Archer:1800/1000) "And now, Seth, my Dai Grepher will attack your Soul of Purity and Light." The creature slashed straight through the Soul of Purity and Light, and the Soul vanished. Seth's LP: 2150 Hiro's: 600 "Now my Archer will attack your life points directly!" The Archer aimed her bow at Seth and fired. The hologram image of the arrow hit Seth and dropped his LP down to 350. "And to finish this duel, I'll use my Archer's effect. I hate to offer my monsters like this, but I have to. There is no other option. I tribute my two monsters to do 1000 points of damage to your life points. And that means.." Hiro said closing his eyes, "...that this duel is over." The two monsters formed together into one ball. The ball then transformed itself into an arrow and flew at Seth. It struck Seth, taking his life points down to 0. Hiro turned his duel disk off and put his deck back in his deck box. He then turned and started to walk away.
  2. "I've never gave up on aything in my life. That's what my father taught me and that's what I swore to him before his death, so what makes you think I'm ever gonna surrender to you?" Hiro said with a ferocious look in his eye. He drew his card, glanced at it, and put it in his hand. "Now, it's time for you to witness the newest addition to my deck, the Marauding Captain!" Hiro said putting the card onto the duel disk. A soldier appeared on the field, wearing silver armor and holding a sword in each hand(1200/400). "And due to his effect, I get to summon a level 4 or lower monster from my hand onto the field. And that monster is...Warrior Dai Grepher!" Hiro placed the card on the duel disk and a rather buff man carrying a light blue sword in both hands appeared beside the captain.(1700/1600) "Now, Seth, prepare yourself, because you're about to go down! I activate one of my facedown cards, the Fusion Sword Murasame Blade. It increases my Dai Grepher's attack points by 800!" The sword in the Warrior Dai Grepher's hands disappeared and a new sword appeared in his hands, brightly emitting blue and red electricity.(2500/1600) "And now my Dai Grepher will attack your Shining Abyss." Hiro said crossing his arms. Dai Grepher's new sword slashed through the Shining Abyss like butter. It vanished from the field, and Seth's life points dropped from 2850 to 2350. "I'll also have my Marauding Captain attack your Neo. putting him in defense position was a mistake." The captain slashed down at the swordsman with both swords and cut Neo into 3 pieces. The swordsman vaporized, leaving no monsters left on Seth's side of the field. "Let's see you come back from that one, Seth." Hiro said, letting Seth know it was his turn.
  3. "You're just as egotistic as ever! I remember when we were little...you'd always try to beat me at everything so you would say you were the best. Well that's not gonna happen now, because you've failed to notice that I'VE also gotten better since we last dueled, and I'm about to bring you down!" Hiro said confidently. "Now, back to the duel. You destroyed my Witch, right? Well now I get to search my deck for a monster with a defense of 1500 or less. And I know just the monster to bring you down..." Hiro searched his deck and pulled out a card and slipped it into his hand. He then reshuffled. "OK, now I'll play the card I got with my Witch, Maha Vailo!" A hologram of a Maha Vailo appeared on the field(1550/1400) "And..." Hiro said sliding a card from his hand and placing it on his duel disk. "..I play a Black Pendant on my Vailo, raising her attack to 2550 because of her effect. A pendant appeared around the Maha Vailo. It glowed and the Vailo looked up at Seth with a pair of glowing blue eyes. "Also, because my Maha Vailo is a light monster, she gets the +500/-400 power bonus from your field magic card!" Hiro said smirking at Seth.(MV:3050/1000)"Now, my Vailo will attack your Thunder Nyan Nyan!" Maha Vailo charged at the cat-like girl and slashed her across the chest. The TNN disappeared from the field andso did the card underneath it. LP= Hiro:4000 Seth: 3350 "Your turn." Hiro said crossing his arms.
  4. OOC: 4000 Hiro drew his card and looked at it. He smiled and slapped it on his duel disk. "I'll summon Witch of the Black Forest in defense mode!" A hologram of a Witch of the Black Forest appeared on the field. " And now I'll place a card facedown." Hiro said taking a card from his hand and placing it on his duel disk. Another hologram card appeared behind the WotBF. "Your turn." 'I wonder what he's got in store for me...' Hiro thought to himself. 'Well, whatever he's got, I'm ready for!'
  5. Hiro, still chuckling about the comment Serena made a few moments ago, suddenly got a serious look on his face. He flipped his backpack off of his shoulder and unzipped it. "OK, since we've never actually finished a real duel." He said pulling his brand new duel disk out and putting it on. He pulled his deck out of his duel box and slipped it in the deck slot. "Good. Let's go." Seth said. He took a few steps back and turned his duel disk back on. "I'll go first." Hiro said, turning his duel disk on and drawing 5 cards. He drew a card for the beginning of his turn and looked at his hand. "OK, I'll place Mystical Elf in defense mode. Then I'll place another card facedown." 2 hologram cards appeared on the field, one face up and horizontal, and the other facedown, vertical, and behind the face up one. A Mystical Elf emerged from the face up card. "Your turn" Hiro said, letting his arms fall to his side.
  6. yea ive been waiting for zach to post....i wonder why he wont
  7. whew! well lets see: original japanese dbz intro (i think it was cha la head cha la) cyborg 009 outro big o intro trigun outro lupin the 3rd intro/outro (same thing) yu yu hakusho intro and outro ruroni kenshin outro and the whole FLCL soundtrack. these arent in order, i like them all about equal
  8. something is real when you can feel or touch it. so yes we're real.
  9. yea i just got a major headache from that. so, if what OtakuSennen is saying is true, then what controls the omnipotent force? is this a neverending chain of these forces are controling the lower ones over and over again? man, i need some asprin......
  10. man, dude, that is just sad. a similar thing happened to me. only these little kids accused me of stealing their cards, when they honestly didnt have anything to steal! i was jus trying to make them feel good about not having any good cards. but anyway man i feel sorry for you and give you all of my sympathy. best of luck next time.
  11. the funniest movie ive ever seen is south park: bigger, longer, and uncut. i loved the part when cartman's v-chip started messing up and he used it to shock saddam. oh man, i laughed so hard i about pissed myself.
  12. My first one was DBZ back in 2000. The first episode I saw was when Vegeta was and oozoru and Yajirobe cut it off. I thought to myself, what the heck is going on!? Then after I wasched more episodes, I started to enjoy it. The rest is history.
  13. OK we've got 5 people counting myself so I guess I'll start tomorrow. If anyone else wants to hop in just sign up here or pm me.
  14. lets start it when when we get one more person. and kesaki u need to make ur characer stats but leave out the deck part if you dont wanna have one
  15. Sure! You don't have to duel to join, just as long as you participate. And to deathbug, I don't care what kind of rivalry we have, you can decide that.
  16. alright everyone i wanna know everyones favorite yugioh card.my personal favorite is summoned skull. its easy to summon, you can get it out with witch of the black forest,and it has a very good attack for a 6 star monster. and its gettin even better with every new set that comes out. well tell me all of yours.
  17. hey anyone wanna be my rival or friend?
  18. yea i did get a bit carried away saying that......so whos your fav./least fav.
  19. once my little brother jumped out of a tree and landed on a rusty nail. It went right in the bottom of his foot. He was only about 3 years old. He didn't say one word,he just sat there and looked at it.
  20. Well, I'm goin with a classic here. my favorite ps/ps2 game character of alllllll time would have to be sephiroth from FF7. I mean, let's face it, Sephie was and still is bad ***. I really hated killing him in the end. My least favorite character of all time is definetley that one girl frome Legend of Legaia. I cant remember her name, but she was soooooo stupid. No, really, she didn't know anything. She was just like pure emotion. She had no knowledge at all. And every time she got happy she would jump and spin around in the air. Awww man! It was the stupidest and gayest thing. What am I sayin you guys prolly have no idea who I'm talkin about.
  21. Oh man once i got my leg ran over by my moms car.
  22. OK I'm just starting this now to get it over with, but I'm not starting it until I get at least 3 to 4 people to join. So go to the recruitment area, click on the thread that says YGO:rising to the top and read. Go on,do it. You know you wanna. Me Taki Ebina Deathbug GotenksSSJ343 Kesaki_Inedia Exodus OK now let's get this thing started: It was a sunny day outside. The fresh air felt so good to Hiro, blowing his hair back as he closed his eyes, but he knew it wouldn't last long. He opened his eyes and saw dark clouds coming from the east on the horizon. He wondered to himself, 'I hope it doesn't rain until I get to Zach's house. I don't feel like getting wet right now.' He turned a corner and walked a couple blocks north until he came to a large blue house with white shutters and a small amount of windows. "This is where Zach lives, huh?" said a voice from behind him. He turned around and saw a girl about his age standing there, smiling brightly at him. It was the girl from his math class at school, Serena. "Oh, hi Serena. What're you doing here?" Hiro asked her, scratching his head and wondering if she followed him there or not. "Oh, nothing really, just came to ask you a favor," she said looking down at the ground kicking some rocks. "OK, what is it?" he replied. She looked up and said,"Ummm...well...can I kinda..well, hang out with you guys for a while? These guys were hounding me like a bunch of dogs downtown earlier and I-" "Yea, yea we know. Sure. Come on." Together they walked up to Zach's door and knocked a couple of times. No one answered. They tried a couple more times, but still no one was there. "Hey, what's this?" Serena said as she picked up a green post-it note on the ground. It said: Meet me down at the docks. I got challenged to a duel and had to leave. -Zach "Man, can't he learn to turn down more duels? I really wanted to play on his computer, too." Hiro said looking disappointed. Serena looked happy about it, "Hey Hiro, can we go watch it? I've never seen Zach duel before." Hiro took in a deep breath and said,"OK, but we'd better hurry" They took off running for the docks. About 5 minutes later, they arrived at the docks. Standing on the farthest right one was Zach, standing there with his duel disk on his left arm. He stood there with his arms crossed, looking unpatient. "Can we start this duel now, Seth?" He said getting quite annoyed. "Good, they're just starting," Crystal said. "Alright, let's duel!" Seth said and drew 5 cards. [font=gothic][color=indigo]Please don't double post. - The Harlequin.[/font][/color]
  23. OK I'm recruiting people for my new YGO story. It takes place about 6 months after Battle City and Yugi and the gang have all settled down back to normal life.But a new foe is arising. Oh screw it you'll find out as time goes on. But anyway, you need to create a character. Just some stuff about ur character.Like the following: Character Info- Name: Age: Height/Weight: Bio: Deck Info- Deck size: Deck type: Favorite card: OK now here are some rules. 1: No, you're not invincible so don't even try. 2: You can't have a Blue-Eyes in your deck. Why, you ask? Because Seto Kaiba has all three in existance so quit crying!:bawl: 3:You must play by official rules. 4:NO GOD CARDS!!I can't make it more clear. thanks to Domon for reminding me. Alright now heres my character: Character Info- Name: Hiro Takahara Age: 15 Height/Weight: 5' 6"/110 Bio: n/a Deck Info- Deck size: 40 Deck type: Spellcaster/Warrior Deck Fav. card: Black Paladin
  24. yes, true. but where would the money come from? i know its a hit and all, but there would be noooooo money to do such a thing. but i do think itd be cool.
  25. In all of the commotion of there being a DBZ and Lupin the 3rd live action movie, some say there will be a Yu-Gi-Oh one. While I personally like Yu-Gi-Oh, the thought of there being a live action movie is just quite stupid. DBZ and Lupin have been around for a while and have had the time to get popular in both US and Japan, where as YGO has only been around for about a year and a half. And lets face it...even if there was a live action YGO movie, what're the chances it'll be any good?
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