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Everything posted by SS3Vahn

  1. riiinnnggg........riiinnnggggg...... Joey: Hello??? Yugi: Joey? Hey this is Yugi. Are you watching TV? Joey: Uuuuhh...nope. Yugi: Well turn it on there is something you should see. Joey: O..k. Hold on.......Heeyyy!! Whats that creep Kaiba doing on TV? Whats he showing off about now?? Yugi: He's announcing his new tournament. Just watch. Kaiba: My new tournament is set for next week. All duelists invited will recieve an invitation in the mail. I've also modified the rules a little. The winner will recieve 3 million dollars and the title of the ultimate duelist in the world! I'm specially inviting Yugi Motuo for a rematch of our last meeting. I'll see you there Yugi.....>click< Yugi: I've already recieved my invitation,you? Joey: Wait let me check the mail.....HEY!!! I got one!!! Yugi: Well, I've gotta go meet me at my grandpa's shop in 15 minutes we're gonna head down to Kaibaland for a minute.....
  2. The story starts with Goku and Vegeta sparring at Dende's new lookout. Goku had the upper hand until Vegeta kicked goku in the side and clubbed him in the side of the face. Vegeta: Hhmph. You've gotten weaker,Kakarot! Goku wipes the blood off of his chin. Goku: I think you should know me by now, Vegeta. You of all people know that I never go all out until the end of a fight! More fighting. Both fighters were either dodging or blocking each others attacks. Goku finally got a hit on Vegeta. Vegeta flew back and almost hit Dende, but luckily he stopped himself. Goku put his wrists together, then pulled them back to his side. Goku: Kaaaa.....meeeeee..... Vegeta: Not this move again! Goku: haaaaaa.....meeeee..... Vegeta charged at Goku. Goku: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! The blue beam flew at Vegeta. Vegeta just smacked it away like it was nothing. Goku: ! Vegeta: Heh. Vegeta punched Goku in the face and threw a ki beam at him. It hit him in the chest. Goku gets up. Goku: Geez Vegeta I'll have to get more serious now. I didnt know you got that much stronger! Vegeta: How dare you insult me! Of course I got stronger! Goku: Well now its time for round 2 and now I'm prepared!
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