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G.D. Ryoko

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Everything posted by G.D. Ryoko

  1. I don't think the death penalty is alright. I mean it's like the criminal is getting off easily. That they are not being punished enough. I know, I sound like a sadist but that's just how I feel. I think that criminals should just rot in jail for life for what they done. Plus, I think that its inhumane and it isn't justified. I mean you exicute a guy because he committed capital murder but why isn't the person that put the guy to death not being killed? Are they not committing murder? The death penalty is just a silly. Sorry for sounding immature but I'm only 16.
  2. Wow, I really like the first one. I love the way you faded the text into the background like that. I give that one a 10 out of 10. The second one is also great! Once again I kove how you aranged the images. This also gets a 10 out of 10. However, I'm going to have to give the banner a 9 out of 10 because It's kinda dark(Nothing wrong with that) but I can't see the font that's all. Overall, great job! You don't have to listen to my opinions though because I'm not a pro.
  3. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1]Wow, I think that your banner and avatar look really good. The image in your banner is sort of blurry though. Did you blur it on purpose or is it just my browser. [COLOR=Blue][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  4. [QUOTE=`hEvN][COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Aaaahhh... big ones are way too weird. I wonder how those girls who have 'em are able to carry it everyday. Wonder if it will ever fall out... :laugh: [/B] [/SIZE] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Big ones aren't all that weird, I should know, I'm a 36C going on D. No actually I'm a D. And mine don't fall out. Anyway breast size shouldn't matter when guys are loking for girlfriends. They should accept a girl for who she is. If I listened to all the things shallow guys said to me then I probably would of died of suiside or annerixia. Just ignore what people say. Size doesn't really matter. Besides guys think differently. Not everyone thinks the same way. It's really annoying though that popular girls have no sort of bodyshpae or anything and they can get any guy they want.
  5. I hope I'm not too late to join the good wolves Wolf/human Name:Makoto Age:Looks 16 Gender:Female Human Apperance:[URL=http://img54.photobucket.com/albums/v166/gdryoko/Image12.gif]like this minus uniform[/URL] Wolf Apperance:[URL=http://img54.photobucket.com/albums/v166/gdryoko/Image6000.jpg]Like that plus black spots[/URL] Side:Good Bio:Makoto was born out in the wild but her pack had no way of surviving in the wilderness due to lack of food. Therefore Makoto migrated to the city and tried to pass as being a human beign. However she heard rumors about Paradise and some evil wolves after the Flower Maden and so she has decided to aid those who want to go to paradise if she could find them.
  6. The best Gameboy is the SP. I know because I own all the gameboy series and I really like the sp the best. Mainly because it has it's own built in light and the rechargeable batteries. It really makes things convient when traveling. None of the other gameboys compare. Also I heard that on the sp they are creating this wireless thing for the new pokemon games and that they are putting movies on the game cartrigies.
  7. [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I saw both Boogiepop and Lain. They comapre pretty well. They are both very good anime but I had a hard time understanding both oif them. I guess it was because I was watching both series late at night and probably missed out on something. Anyway if you seen Boogiepop then you better see Lain.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. Okay, I gave it my best shot, I hope that you like it. [url]http://img54.photobucket.com/albums/v166/gdryoko/ffxban.gif[/url] [IMG]http://img54.photobucket.com/albums/v166/gdryoko/ffxban.gif[/IMG]
  9. I saw the movie and I loved it! The effects in the movie was amazing and it was really funny. Sure, they didn't stay true to the book in some areas but who cares right? I wish that they added more to the movie. It seemed shorter than the other two. Gary Oldman did a great job playing Sirius Black. Oh and I wonder why they changed some of the places around a bit? Well it makes it look better but still I wonder about that. I can't wait to see the next movies.
  10. I'll be happy to try but do you think you can give me a site where I can find the kind of pictures you want? I'm having a pretty hard time. Heh.
  11. Okay, I gave it my best shot. I hope you like it. [url]http://img54.photobucket.com/albums/v166/gdryoko/dogavi.gif[/url] [IMG]http://img54.photobucket.com/albums/v166/gdryoko/dogavi.gif[/IMG] [url]http://img54.photobucket.com/albums/v166/gdryoko/dogban.gif[/url] [IMG]http://img54.photobucket.com/albums/v166/gdryoko/dogban.gif[/IMG]
  12. I hope I wasn't included in that brainless fangirl comment...^^ From clips I seen fom the third movie, it looks like this one maybe the best so far hoewever I heard it was a bit shorter than the first two. I also hope that the next movies are longer. If they can't do four or five they could at least do three and a half hours. I think that this movie my be better due to the change of directors. With a new director it means a new style. I think that a change of style sometimes keeps a story/movie interesting. People said that they do want the new director to screw up but it looks like he is doing a good job. I think that by having the actors putting a bit of themselves in the charcters, the story will become a bit believable. P.S. The guy that plays Harry is Daniel Radcliffe.
  13. I really can't wait to see the new movie. I'm super excitied but I hope they didn't cut too much out from the book. I was really disappointed when they cut out the two fight scenes from the second movie but I did like it. Someone said that they didn't like the kids who played the characters because they were 16 playing 13yr olds, or something like that. That's not true, the actors(except for Tom Felton who is 18) were 13 at the time of filming and are 14 now so basically they can relate to what the characters are going through in the movie. Now about Sirius Black. I was hoping they did have a better looking guy. When I imagined Sirius, I imaginbed an simi handsome guy with long black hair. I guess beggers can't be choosers. However Gary Oldman is a good actor so it should be okay.
  14. [QUOTE=BlueGender][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Well here in Maryland our summer doesnt start until June 17th this year although Sr's last day was today. I am attempting to get a job this summer working in the kitchen of a retirement villiage if I cant work there i'll try being a bagger at the asian market. My mom wants me to take college courses this summer so I can get some credits now but im like I really need a break, this has been by far the most depressing school year so far. This summer I am also going to Florida on vacation first time i've left the state on vacation in almost 7 years im pretty excited. This summer im also getting my learners permit and taking driver's ed. I want to stark looking for a girlfriend as well, doubt i'll find one but hey its worth a try.Oh yeah its going to be my first year at Otakon this year, I can barely wait. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Wow you live in MD too? I was forced to move here 3 months ago and now I don't get out till the 16th. Meanwhile back in my home city of New York, my friends get out on the 15th. Well this summer I'm going to New York to visit my friends and then lay around and sleep all day. I may try drivers ed and try and find a job.
  15. I love Wolf`s Rain. I really enjoyed the first couple of episodes. The animation looks really good. When I heard it was made by the creators of Cowboy Bebop, I got really excitied. The voice acting is wonderful, I enjoy listening to Crispen Freemen`s voice. I can`t wait to see tonight`s episode. Part of the reason why I started watching Wolf`s Rain was because it was about wolves and wolves are my favorite animals. All in all, I think that it`s a great anime from what I have seen and I hope the ending is pretty good. I`m not a fan of bad endings.
  16. When I want to play sick, all I have to do is sit around some dust or smoke and then have an asthma attack. I have pretty bad ones so I can get out of school for a couple of days. But basicly, my parents let me stay home when I want to. It never sucks when I feign sick or when I stay home because I get extra work done and such though since I left N.Y.C. to this small nowhere town, I`ve been staying out of school alot because everything is making my asthma start up. All this grass and such.
  17. Hikari rode down the streets of Kyoto on her motorcycle. She looked at the abandoned buildings and wondered what sort of things happened in them when they were in use. She checked the time on her watch as she approched a traffic light. "Ah darn it! I`m late! I missed the meeting." She whispered. "I should just go ahead and get to the Z-technologies building." She turned the corner and drove toward the Z-Technologies building. It was a short ride from her current position. She parked her motorcycle in an ally and snuck inside the building. She saw a couple of unconsious Z-tech troops knocked out on the floor. "Hmm..Looks like someone beat me here."She said as she observed her surroundings. Kari continued around the building until she was approched by three z-tech soilders. "Looks like we have an intruder." one of the soilders said. Kari got into a fighting stance and prepared to fight the soilders. The charged at her and she blocked all of their assults. She transformed into her beast form and slashed at the soilders. She didn`t do enough damage to kill them but they were badly injured. "Well, I guess I can continue on my way."
  18. Okay, I am starting a web design site and I`m making banners. I tried something new and started using brushes. Anyway, I don`t feel that my banners are good enough to use as freeware. I want you guys to comment on my banners. I don`t have time to upload most of them so I`m going to upload one now and then add the rest later.
  19. Name: Hikari "Kari" Sakazaki Age: 18 Gender: Female Nationality: Japanese Beast Form: Siberian Husky Fighting Style: Street fighting(a bit of jijitsu) Appearance: Hikari is 5'6 and has long dark hiar. She is pretty attractive and is found waering a black tank top, black jacket, and black jeans with sneakers. Personality: Hikari is freindly but also shy and quiet. She usually keeps to herself but enjoys the company of others. Short Bio: Hikari was born in Japan and raised there until she was 10. Her family was being hunted down by z-technologies. They came to America and stayed in New York until her 18th birthday. Her parents had been captured and now she is on the run from Z-Technologies. She heard about a group that was rebelling against them so she joined up with them. Evil clone: Uriko the Chimera
  20. Maya sat at her desk and stared out the window. She was thinig about how her friends have gone missing. She knew that she should be trying to find her friends rather than sitting down on her behind. "What am I doing here? I should be out there looking for my friends and the other Taiyo students. How, how can I leave?" Maya thought to herself. Suddenly Maya raised her hand and the teacher turned and looked at her. "What is it Ms. Kurata?" The teacher asked. "I need to be excused for a moment." Maya replied. "Fine, you may go." The teacher said and returned back to the lesson. Maya cut school and wondered around the streets looking for anyone who might have answers for her. She didn`t find anyone so she went and sat in the park. Not many people were there so it was quiet. While she sat thinking about everything that happened so far, she was approched by a couple of students from Gorin.
  21. Name:Maya Kurata Age:16 School:Taiyo High Position:Student Hieght:5"6 Weight:130lbs Short Bio:Maya is the representative of her class. Though she comes from a wealthy family, she wanted to go to a pretty regular school. She keeps good grades in school and is also a really decent fighter. When she is in a bad mood, she`ll pick a fight with pretty much anyone. Besides that, she is quiet and keeps to herself. Description:See attachment
  22. Naomi looked over at Tanya and then Tanya finally opened her mouth. "When my gradfather and the other original Gundam pilots were fighting against Oz and such, a powerful Gundam was developed called Wing Zero. This Gundam had a powerful combat system known as the Wing zero system. If the pilot of this gundam wasn`t strong enough mentally then the system will take over the pilot`s mind causing the pilot to go crazy. Now the zero system has been combined with another one called the X system making things even more dangerous." "I see." Replied Anya. "Mabye you should rest now."Naomi said to Anya."Tanya and I are going to leave now." The two girls left the room and went to the mess hall of the ship. It was pretty much empty. Tanya and Naomi ate in silence not saying a word to each other.
  23. Naomi and Tanya walked into the room quietly, not to disturb Anya if she were asleep. As they approched Anya`s bed they saw that she was still awake. "What are you guys doing here?" Anya askd when she saw the two girls. "We`re here to check up on you."Naomi replied. "How are you feeling?" Tanya asked in a concerned voice. "I`m alright, just a little tired and in lots of pain." Anya replied. Naomi stared down at the floor for a moment and then looked up at Anya. "We saw Alex in the hallway. He seemed kind of sad. I hope you aren`t mad at him and if you are, I hope you weren`t too hard on him." Naomi finally said. Anya looked at Naomi like she was crazy and then she spoke. "Look at what he did to me. How do you expect me to react?" Anya yelled. "You should know Alex better than that. He wasn`t in controll of his actions. He was being controlled by the zerox system." Tanya said. "The zero x system?" Anya asked. "Yes." said Naomi. Then the two girls stood in silence to try and think of a way to explain this to Anya.
  24. Naomi and Tanya had saw everything that just happened from the bridge window. She knew that this might happen but still she had feelings of shock and disbelief. She looked at Raul, Quatre, and Heero. "I told you that this was going to be a bad idea. Unless Alex is able to learn how to control the zero system, then our lives are in great danger." Naomi said. Quatre turned and looked at her for a moment and then he finally spoke. "We had no other choice. How else are we suposed to defeat Une and Gen? I know it`s dangerous but I have faith in Alex and I know that he will get through this." "Whatever. I`m going to check on Anya and I `ll leave you guys to figure out what to do about Alex. Tanya, are you comming?" Naomi said in a tone of voice that she wanted to end this conversation. "Yeah, I`m comming." Tanya answered and the two girls left the room. While they went to the medical bay, Tanya and Naomi talked about what had happened. When they arrived at the medical bay, they saw Alex standing out of the room. "How is Anya doing?" Tanya asked Alex. "She seems to be doing well but she won`t talk to me."Alex answered, a few tears streaming from his eyes. "She`s probably just tired." Naomi said in a reasurring voice. "You guys believe that I didn`t do what I did on purpose right?" Alex asked. "We know you wasn`t in controll. We came to talk to Anya about that. You should get some rest." Tanya said. Alex walked down the corriodor to go to the lift, meanwhile Tanya and Naomi walked in the room to check up on Anya.
  25. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Magenta]I loved the first three episodes of Witch Hunter Robin. So far, I think that it`s a great series. I love the mood of the anime, it`s so dark and mysterious, the type of thing I like to see on television. I also love the fact that they are hunting witches because I love reading about the Salem witch huntings and such. The voice acting for the characters is pretty good. I think that the voices fit each character. The animation is also really good, the characters look great. I can`t wait to see what happens as the series progresses. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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