G.D. Ryoko
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Everything posted by G.D. Ryoko
About 3 months ago I quit taking jujitsu. It wasn`t because I did not like it but I had lots of exams I had to get ready and study for. I am such a geek.
I heard about the show one day while watching Card captors and I just had to see it. Anyway I`ve been watching it since the first episode. After that this boy in my class showed me how to play the game and I`ve been hooked.
I don`t think that Yugioh is evil. However the cards kind of scare my parents. They don`t take it for evil but they say the cards look demonic. I asked my mom why people think yugioh and pokemon are evil and she said`` probably because they are extreme christians like her friend is.`` My mother`s friend doesn`t let her poor daughter watch anime or cartoons that are 7 and older and the poor girl is going to be 9 in June.
Sounds a bit complicated for me but I`ll give it a try. Name:Masao Takeshi Hieght:5`5 Weight:114 Age:15 Gundam:Shadow-Death gundam(It`s a cross between Shadow gundam and deathsycthe h custom) Pilot suit desc:It is black and red with no sleeves. It has the south korean flag on the back. Shuffle symbol:the queen of spades Special moves:Shadow death buster blade, death arrow,shadow sword, Shadow-death buster kick. Hypermode=shadow blades of death (Same moves in hyper mode but they are enhanced) Desciption:Masao has long black hair with red highlighting. She wears a short black jean jacket, a red tanktop,black jeans, and white sneakers. She has blue eyes. Gundam: The shadow-Death gundam is red, black, and white. It looks like a girl with black metal hair. it has red shoes, black legs,a red, black, and white looking skirt armor and black arms but its mosly covered by a big metal black cape.(In hypermode it looses the cape and black and red bat wings unfold from its back) Bio:Masao was born on the south korean colony to a korean mother and a japanese father. Her parents were killed when she was little so she was taken to a military base where she was trained to be the ultimate gundam fighter. When she went to earth, she decided to look around. She is usually very quiet but enjoys the company of others. I hope thats okay.
I`ll sign up. I am not really good at this sort of thing.(No powers) Name:Sango Nickname:Sango the demon extermanator Weapond:A Hiratsu Bio: Sango travels with Inuyasha and the gang to seek reveange on Naraku for what he did to her village and her younger brother. I will put more info later. [url=http://www.theotaku.com/Inuyasha/Pictures/art/34.jpg][img]http://www.theotaku.com/Inuyasha/Pictures/art/34.jpg[/img][/url]
The current life point status with Weevil and Kiyone was 2600 to 8000. Kiyone knew she was going to win the duel. Kiyone:Okay now since I activated robbin`gobblin, I will send three cards from your hand to the graveyard. Your move. Sweat poured down Weevil`s face. Finally he made his move. Weevil:Okay, I`ll play Legul in attack mode. I activate its effect and attack your life points directly. I end my turn. Kiyone: That was the one of the worst moves I ever saw. I`ll offer away baby dragon and summon the summond skull. I`ll use lord of d to attack legul and the blue eyes to attack your life points ending the duel. Now give up your badges and your two rarest cards. Weevil gave Kiyone two badges and his two rarest cards. Kiyone went back to her room to prepare for another duel.
Anime Yaoi/shonen-ai: what's the attraction?
G.D. Ryoko replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in Otaku Central
I never saw those kind of anime but I heard some were kind of sick. However I don`t mean to be rude or anything but is it true what they say about Quatre and Trowa? -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai [/i] [B]Pooh. I get out June 16th.. It's a MONDAY and it's a HALF DAY.. like anyone but e is gonna go.. I'm not allowed to miss any more school or my parents will be arrested.. Yup, that's it.. [/B][/QUOTE] Wow something like that happened to me last year. Boy do I miss 7th grade. I don`t feel like going to my graduation though. It`s going to be in a bad neiborhood that I never heard about and its going to be at night. Brooklyn is soo much fun.(Yeah right, can`t wait till I move)
June 19, I am going to my second prom. My first one was horrible and I was so shy. To top it all off , it was on a boat. I really hate boats. I didn`t dance or anything. I just sat in my grey dress and watched my friends make fools of themselves. I am going to this one since tickets are $1 and I want to see my friends make fools of themselves again. Oh man I have to wear a pretty dress again. I think I`ll wear black this time. I look good in black.
Kiyone and Weevil started the duel. Kiyone:Okay Weevil, I`ll go first.I`ll play this card face down in defense mode and put four cards face down. I`ll activate grave keepers servant. Now when you attack, you will have to put the card at the top of your deck to the grave yard. Weevil:Fine, I`ll play larve moth, then put him in the coccone of evolution. Now in five turns, I will have my ultimate monster. Kiyone:Oh man. This is getting pretty old. First I`ll activate Lord of D and flute of summoning dragon. I summon my baby dragon and of course my blue-eyes. Next I will activate stop defense and robbin`goblin and I will attack with my three monsters and you loose 5400 life points. Weevil:Don`t worry, this isn`t over yet. I will defeat you little girl. Kiyone:Yeah I`ll like to see you try.
Wow, I thought I was the only one who thought Inuyasha was a girl. I also thought Sesshomaru was a girl too. Boy did I smack myself for being so stupid not to have been able to tell they were boys. By the way did anyone notice that Inuyasha kind of looks like Ryoko from Tenchi and Kagome looks kind of like Raye from sailor moon? It could just be me though.
I got into anime a long time ago when I was in I think 1st grade. Sailor Moon came on 6:30am (my time)and my cat and I use to watch it before I went to school. Next I got interested in DBZ then pokemon. I knew these cartoons were different so I looked them up and learned they were called anime. Ever since then, I`ve been hooked on anime and my friends think I am weird.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] [B]Well hey, we get out on May 30th which isn't that far away from June....we're not too happy about it.... [/B][/QUOTE] I would be extremly happy if I was getting out on May 30. Mabye I would not have to worry about going crazy. June 23 is too far away.:flaming:
Kiyone walked into her room and sat on her bed. She stared into space for a bit then she began to look through her deck. Kiyone:I better be careful. I don`t want to get my butt kicked so early in the torument. I better play smart. Some of these guys look like push overs though. I know I should challenge that kid with the bug deck. Kiyone got up and left her room to find Weevil. She bumped into him almost instently. Kiyone:Weevil Underwood, I challenge you to a duel! Weevil: Alright I accept your challenge. Kiyone and Weevil began to duel.
I am so upset. I started school on September 5 and I am in my senior year of junior high (8th grade). I don`t graduate untill June 23 and school where I live doesn`t end until June 26. I also have lots of test comming up and if I don`t pass, I can`t go to that high school I got acepted to. We took the english one already but its the science and math I am worried about. In science and math I always get 80/100 and 90/100. What if I don`t pass. >_< I hate New York.
Well like what most other people said, I would like a guy to be smart and good looking. He doesn`t have to be sexy but nice looking. I also like a guy`s smartness. I really can`t stand a dumb guy. I don`t mean to sound rude though. I would also like a guy to be shorter than me because all my male friends are taller thatn me and I hate having to look up to them. That would be about it for me.
I hardly remember Voltron. It was my older brother`s favorite show but now he`s 25. I saw it on cartoon network a bit. It was one of the first anime I ever saw. I guess I was too young to enjoy it because I remember I did not like it much.
Well that`s cool. I understand about the whole thing with CN and how they are not allowed to show different things. I just thought that I was going crazy. I am glad that is all cleared up for me.
RPG Pokemon: The conflicts between Team magma and Aqua
G.D. Ryoko replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Theater
Krystal pulled out a pokeball. Krystal: Go Typhlosion! Krystal`s Typhlosion came out and gave a loud roar. She got ready to use one of her attacks. Krystal: Typhlosion, use your Flame wheel on that Armaldo. That should take it down. -
Well the other day I was on theotaku and was looking at the picture gallery. Anyway I saw pictures for a episode that they did not show on toonami or adult swim. It was the episode when they were on that place with the hot springs. Anyway I wonder why toonami or adult swim did not play that episode?
RPG Pokemon: The conflicts between Team magma and Aqua
G.D. Ryoko replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Theater
Krystal and Zan had lost the trail of the team. They looked around to see if they could find the team. The team was nowhere in site. Krystal: Mabye we should go catch up with the others. -
I am suprised they did not close this thred. I had a a thred like this a while ago but it was deleted. Anyway my favorite gundam saga is Mobile Suit Gundam wing.
I have so many that I want to give this title to. I have three favorites though. I hope that`s okay. 1- Vicious Anime- Cowboy Bebop Info- He was once Spike`s friend but now is one of his greatest enemies. (I don`t want to say anymore.) Reason: I like they way he just is. I also love how he kills. It makes me wish there were more episodes with him. 2- Naraku anime- Inuyasha Info- He was once a thief named Onigumo but was consumed by demons. He had a lust for Kikyo and the Shikon jewel. Reason: Well Naraku is so smart and cunning. I also find him to be sexy. Anyway I also like how he plans everything and makes everyone hate each other. 3-Sesshomaru (Fluffy, Lord Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru-sama and other names) Anime- Inuyasha Info- He is Inuyasha`s evil full demon brother. He hates Inuyasha and wants Inuyasha`s tetsuiga(probably spelled wrong). Sesshomaru usually travels around with Jaken and Rin. Reason: Well I really should not have to explian but because I love everything about him. He is so cool. He makes me want to faint every time I see him. I did not put the villians in any order. Mabye later I will put more.
That`s pretty bad about the ending of Wrath of The Ninja. I can`t believe it was really that bad. My best friend loves the movie. I can`t tell her that.
I want to get the rest of the series but I keep spending my money. I heard that the last episodes are pretty good. I wonder what`s going to happen? I must save my money.