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G.D. Ryoko

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Everything posted by G.D. Ryoko

  1. When I played with Gundam Maxter, it took me 3 tries to beat the big zam. Man I cannot stand that thing. As for Argo, he was easy thanks to "machine gun punch". How ever I like wingzeor better. Easier to beat everyone. Same with burning gundam.
  2. I am not sure about the release date but I hear it is still playing in Japan. My information could be wrong. Anyway it has a website but it`s been so long since I`ve been there that I forgot the website. I`ll go look it up later.
  3. My first name is Shoshona. That`s supposed to be hebrew(Think I misspelled that.)for Lilly. My middle name is Jolisa. I have no idea what that means. Most of my friends though call me Jojo or Shosho. It`s annoying. My last name is too wierd to say. I was named after my dead jewish godmother and my dad.(middle name is supposed to be the girl version of his.)
  4. Yin warrior Name: Kyoko Age:16 Appearance: She is 6ft 5 and has long black hair. She wears a blue and black kimono and has blue eyes. Weponds:sword,dagger,bow&arrows,spiked wip,soul blade (takes away souls of evil beings ) Bio:She was born to a human mother and a demon father. She was tought how to fight by her father. She has demon powers. She fights for good because evil has killed both of her parents. She may appear weak and defenseless but she is a very powerful warrior. Speacial powers:Telepathy , psychokinesis,clairvoyance, transform into a demon,shape shifting. Other: She is very mysterious and likes to be alone.
  5. You are not supposed to double post. This might cause you to have your thread closed. It`s aganist the rules to double post. However, if a moderator lets you keep this thread then I will join.
  6. I think mabye a millenium bracelet or millenium sneaker. Mabye some one put those but I did not have time to check. Sorry if I copied someone. I don`t like being a copy cat.
  7. I`ll take a guess. I think the letter is either X or Z. I am not sure. I hope I am close. By the way I brought primium pack 4 here in N.Y. but it`s in japanese.
  8. I like dungeon dice monsters but it seems to complicated to play. I am thinking about learning how to play but for now I`ll just stick to plain old dueling.
  9. I haven`t seen American Idol in a while. I been to busy falling to sleep on my homework. I would like to know whats happening now. I think the show gets a bit dull after the adutions. I liked that guy who was singing `` Like a Virgin``. That was funny.
  10. A real life Peter Pan ? Oh no this is a nightmare come true. Peter Pan gives me nightmares and now Micheal Jackson is a real life Peter Pan. This is strange. By the way I was told that Neverland Ranch was private and that no one was allowed to visit it. Well I guess it is not true.
  11. I played this game before and I loved it. I love Wing Zero,Death Sycthe ,and Burning Gundam. By the way are we supposed to put this thread here or on Otaku Gamer? I want to play Gundam Battle Assult 2 again.
  12. I heard about that one a long time ago. It doesn`t seem to be as interesting as the other Tenchi series. Speaking of which , my favorite series was Tenchi Universe. I am so mad it doesn`t come on Cartoon Network anymore. When it came on Adult Swim, they only showed Tenchi Muyo. I was really upset. I gotta go buy some Tenchi video`s and I know the perfect site.
  13. I really don`t like Micheal Jackson but does the media has to make him look so bad? I missed the documentry on Tbursday but kids in my class were talking about it. From what I heard, it really had some wierd things about him on it. I am not suprised though because I think he is a wierdo. Tne only thing I like about him is his dancing. I can`t believe he says he doesn`t have opperations.He looks so different from the 80`s .
  14. Who has the best character design? I would have to say Ashitaka. I like they way his hair changed when something troubled him.I also liked Moro the wolf god.I loved the way they drew her.(Wolves are so cute!). What I thought was good about the plot was how Ashitaka traveled around and met the most strangest characters like Toki. The thing I found most unique about the weponds was that they had guns in that time era. I loved the way they changed the guns but I was more interested in the bow and arrows.Especially when Ashitaka used them.
  15. I think that if you really like her than ask her out.You are young so it won`t be the end of the world if she says no. My male friends say that when they like a girl, they go and ask them out. They also say that girls are weird when it comes to relationships.I disagree with them being that I am 14 yr old girl. Anyway just see what happens if you ask her out.If her friends are right then she might say yes.
  16. I think this might be something they would never say(This might be boring though) Moblie dolls are attacking the cinq kingdom Relina:It`s mobliedollzilla! Quatre:Run JimBob run! Duo:Iam not JimBob! Quatre:I wasn`t talking to you I was talking to my dog. Relina:your dog is named JimBob? Quatre:Sure.What`s wrong with JimBob?
  17. Wow! I was told Gundam Zeta wasn`t comming on in America. If I like it then it might be on my list for favorite gundam series. I wonder what it is about? By the way wasn`t there a Gundam V?
  18. Outside,a young girl on a motorcycle saw the God Gundam take off. Girl:I wonder if I should go and see what`s going on? Mabye I should go follow in sniper gundam? I better go back and get my gundam.I have a feeling that something is not right.
  19. I am the middle child. I have a older brother(24),a older sister(20),and a younger brother(7). I get along with my brothers alright however Iam not close with my sister.Iam jealous of my friend S.S.Ryo-oki because she gets along with her sister.
  20. I really like Guru.theotaku.com. I took most of the quiz`s. It was really fun. For the anime steriotype test, I was tough boy,from Inuyasha villian I was Naraku. There were more however I cannot remember them right know.
  21. I haven`t watched SailorMoon in a long time. I haven`t read the manga or seen most of the episodes. I like SailorMoon though. I kinda grew out of it though. I had no idea Uranus and Neptune were lovers though I thought they were kinda close to be cousins. My favorite sailor scout is Mars. I wish I liked SailorMoon like I did when I was 6. I really changed in 8 years. Any back to the main topic I found Sailor Moon exciting of course not many people like it. I just hated the way Serina talked. I find her voice annoying.
  22. Did anyone see that girl who said she loved everyone and if they rejected her she wouldn`t care because she still loved them?I found that very funny.
  23. I never saw the T.V. series or read the manga but from the looks of things I guess the series and manga are better than the movie. I have to go and buy the manga or the series.
  24. I loved the first episode. Did you see that guy with the cut-up pants? At school we talked about American Idol all day.I am watching it right now. It is very funny.
  25. Do you know a site where I could probroly get some Shinzo pictures? I really wanted some Mushra and Sago pictures for my collection.
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