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G.D. Ryoko

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Everything posted by G.D. Ryoko

  1. I found the movie to be very good.At first I thought I was not going to like it but I was wrong. However I found the ending kinda sad.
  2. I would loose my cards on a friday because we duel in the school library from Monday to Thursday. On Friday the library is closed and if we duel in the lunch room,the dean and the assistant principal would take our cards.
  3. I really can`t say who my favorite character on CowboyBebop is.It will have to be between Faye and Vicious.I mlike Faye because she seems to be independent. I also like the way she acts. Also she seems to cause a lot of trouble. I like Vicious because I love to look at him fight. I was really upset when Vicious had died at the end of the show.
  4. The weridest move I ever made was playing jigan bakudan while I had all of my best monsters on the field. I was really mad when my oponent D.M.V attacked it. That cost me the whole duel.
  5. :babble: I read two manga graphic novels. Pne is called "Call Me Princess" and the other is "Mai The Phsyic Girl". Besides my friends I feel like I am the only person who reads graphic novels. Please tell me I am not alone. That there are others that also read graphic novels. If I am not alone however tell me about some of the novels that you have read.:wigout:
  6. I was dueling D.M.S today. I was winning. I had summoned Curse of dragon and I was going to activate Robbin Goblin (trapcard) and Grave keepers servent when a teacher walked in and said his mother was in the office to pick him up. I was really upset! mabye I will challenge him Monday(we will get our cards taken away dueling on friday`s).
  7. :) I was talking with my younger brother about the different gundam shows. He says that most people prefer Gundam wing and G Gundam over the other gundam shows like Mobile suit gundam, Gundam 0080 , Gundam 0083 and etc. My friend D.M.D says that it doesn`t matter about which gundam show is better but out who are the best pilots and which gundams are the best. I don`t want to take sides in this argument but I would like to know what you think.
  8. Genkai, You sound like you will be a good friend. Would you like to be my friend? PM me if you want to be friends.
  9. Hey thanks genkai, Tomorrow I will try and beat D.M.P. I hope we could be buddies.
  10. :wigout: At school I like to duel. I am the only girl duelist in the eighth grade. My friend D.M.(duel master) S said that we should play by Battle City rules. I tried playing Battle City rules and I lost. My other friend D.M.P is now saying I am a bad duelist. Does any one have any advice for me? I need some serious help.
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