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G.D. Ryoko

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Everything posted by G.D. Ryoko

  1. [FONT=times new roman]Naomi looked away from the window for a moment, to see that the other gundam pilots had walked in the cafeteria. "Hmmm...I guess everyone else was hungry too." she said to herslef. She looked back out the window and stared outside. Naomi never been to Earth before, except for earlier that day. She was really excitied to be on Earth, even if it was to destroy a base in Germany. As she stared out the window, Earth seem to get prettier and prettier. "Hey, what are you staring at?" some one asked. Naomi turned and saw Tanya sitting across from her. "Oh, I was just staring outside. It`s going to be my first time on Earth, besides that incident earlier." answered Naomi. "It`s a beautiful planet, isn`t it?" "Yeah, it is." Answred Tanya. Naomi slowly ate her food, while staring out the window to look outside. She felt sad about all the chaos that was going to befall the beautiful, serene planet. "Damn, I hate Une. Why does he have to cause this big war? What will happen to the people of Earth?" she thought to herself. [/FONT]
  2. After all the excitement and all, Naomi went to the shower room to take a shower. As she bathe, she began talking to herself. "I didn`t do much help out there today. I feel like I`m slowing everyone down. Perhaps if I wasn`t such a pacifist...Never mind." She finished her shower and got dressed. She headed for the cafeteria to get some food. When she got there, it was pretty empty. The only people there were some technitions and herself. She got a tray of food and sat at a seat by a window. She stared out the window and looked at Earth. "Only a half hour now. I really can`t believe I`m going to Earth, it`s such a beautiful planet."She wispered. After eating, she wandered through the corridors.
  3. Naomi ran to where Raul was on the ship. "Raul, what`s going on? " She asked "We were being attacked by Une" He answered. "Where are the others? Are they okay? " She asked panicly. "Well Alex went after Une and landed on Earth. I tried contacting him but I wasn`t able to reach him. Tanya and Anya went after Alex and Gen is no where to be found." Answered Raul. "Okay, I`m going to go after the others." She said. Naomi ran out of the room and through the Corriodor to the Gundam hatch. She changed into her suit and ran to Sandrock. She jumped into the cockpit and left the hatch.She flew to the direction of Earth, getting caught in the Earth`s atmosphere. Her Gundam began heating up, beads of sweat fell down her face. "Okay...Calm down...Your going to make it through all this. Don`t be scared." She wispered to herself. After a short while, the Gundams temparture began to cool down. She looked at the screen and saw a clear blue sky with white, fluffy clouds.She also saw a beautiful blue ocean. "This is Earth huh? It`s beautiful." She wispered. "Naomi, are you okay?" Raul`s face appeared on the screen. "Yeah, I`m fine. I just have to find the others." She answered. ------------------------------------ OCC:If this post sounds bad, I was in a rush.I`ll edit it later.
  4. Naomi sat in her seat and kept quite. She looked at everyone else and then at the blank black screen. "We`re going to Earth huh?" she said thining aloud. "Yeah, that`s what Raul said." answered Alex. Naomi giggled a bit and looked at Alex. "That was a retorical question." She said. "Oh, sorry."Alex said. Naomi got up out of her seat and walked toward the door. She was going to the area where the Gundams were being held. She wanted to get acustomed to piloting Sandrock. "This is wonderful, I have my own Gundam, I can`t believe it. I never would of dreamed of having my own Gundam." She walked into the room and got into the cocpit of Sandrock. She looked at all the controls around her. "Let`s see now. These levers controll the legs and these the arms but, where are the missle controls...Oh I found them. Having a gundam is fun but also dangerous. I can`t believe I`m entering into battle. This is so not like me." she said to herself. "I wonder what the others are doing?"
  5. Naomi looked around her. She watched as the pilot of Heavy Arms flew toward Une. "Well, this has been an exciting day." she said to herself. She watched as Wing Gundam flew toward the area where the rest of them were and she looked at Une`s MS. "Une is the guy that`s causing all this trouble huh? He`s one heck of a pilot He`s really fast and powerful, we don`t stand a chance against him." Naomi said as she watched Une. She turned on her com link to talk to the pilot of deathscythe. "Excuse me, what should we do next? Should we fight or retreat?" asked Naomi.
  6. I know what you mean. Things like that are sickening. However, as much as we don`t like it, the first Amendment does give people the right of freedom of speech and press and they are expressing the way they feel so it`s perfectly legal. This is just one of those things in life that we just have to learn to deal with. Mabye someone would shut it down if it gets really bad but I doubt it.
  7. Naomi had been lost with the confusion and chaos through out the colony. People who were running for their lives pushed and shoved her in all sorts of directions. Explosions also came in many directions. One sent her into a door. She wasn`t badly hurt but she did have a small wound on her head. She mangaed to escape from the crowed of people and hid in an abandoned store. She looked out the store window and saw 3 gundams and two moble suits. "Wow, moble suits. What are they doing here? I always wanted to see one up close." she said. She ran outside in the direction that the gundams and moble suits were. When she finally arrived, She watched the gundams and moble suits battle. There was another explosion and Naomi was sent flying into an old warehouse. When she recovered from the fall, she looked around and noticed that the place was pitch black, except for the windows that lumanated the flashes from the blast outside. She looked around the warehouse until she bumped into something. She looked and saw that it was a sheet and she felt something matalic and cold under the sheet. She pulled the sheet off and saw the gundam. "Wow, this gundam looks like the one my grand-uncle,Quatre, use to pilot. This is the gundam, Sandrock. This is so cool, I actually get so see a gundam up close." she said. She climbed into the cockpit of the gundam and started it up. "I hope no one minds if I borrow it for a little while." she said. She left the warehouse and joined the battle outside.
  8. Name:Naomi Miyazawa Age: 16 Description:see attachment Description of Personality:Naomi is very mysterious. She enjoys keeping to herself. She is facinated by computers and technology and can be found messing with computers. She enjoys good conversations when she does open up to others. Short Biography:Naomi was born on the L2 colony she was born to a daughter of one of Quatre`s sisters and a scientist father. She was accepted into a technology boarding school. She learned about weaponds and computers and other technology that interested her. At the age of 13, she became interested in designing and studing moble suits. She always wanted one. She began to study about moble suits and got a part time job at a junk yard to look for moble suit parts. Gundam [img]http://shadowmizuumi.250free.com/sandrock.gif[/img]
  9. [color=deeppink]The two got some food and sat at a table to eat. While eating, they talked. "How are the repairs on your zoid going?" asked Naomi "Pretty well. I got a new upgrade for my blade liger." answered Kazumi. "That`s great! I added Dual laser repeaters on top of my lightning saix`s head." said Naomi. As the two of them talked, Cay and Phelan walked in. They grabbed some food and sat at the table with Naomi and Kazumi. "You guys don`t mind if we join you, do you?" asked Cay "No we don`t mind." answered Naomi. "What do you guys think about our next mission?" asked Phelan "I think it`s kind of strange. What exactly is "Zoid Eve?" asked Naomi. "That`s what we must find out." said Cay. The group continued to discuss the "Zoid Eve" and eat their lunch.[/color]
  10. [color=deeppink]"We better head back to the base now." said Naomi. "Are you comming with us Jake?" "I guess so." He said. The gang left the area and headed for the base. They were upset that they lost the battle. They traveled in silence for awhile. Naomi opened her comlink and talked with Kazumi. "Hey, Kazumi...you okay?" she asked. "No. It`s all my fault that we lost the battle." He answered. "Don`t beat yourself up about that battle. It wasn`t your fault. She said. "Hey Cay, how much longer till we reach the base?" "Not much longer, we`re almost there." answered Cay. "Okay."said Naomi. She closed her comlink and looked outside. She saw the base up ahead. She then decided to go to sleep until they arrived there.[/color]
  11. [COLOR=deeppink]Naomi and Kazumi sat down eating in silence. In deed, they have been riding for hours and Naomi was tired but she did want to make it back to the base before Cay and Phelan did. "Let`s hurry up and finish eating. I don`t want Cay and Phelan to beat us to the base." she yelled over to Kazumi. "All right. Let`s stay for 15 more minutes, my body is stiff from being crammed up in that zoid for all those hours." Kazumi said. "Okay." Naomi answered back. She looked up into the sky, staring at the sun. Looking at the Sun started to make her sleepy. She began to drift off into a deep sleep when someone splashed water on her face. She opened her eyes and saw Kage, her organoid standing over her with a bottle of water in it`s hand. "Hey, what`s the big idea?!"Yelled Naomi "You have been sleep for at least an hour. I sent Kage to wake you up."Laughed Kazumi "I see. We better get going, we have wasted enough time and we are going to be late." said Naomi. Kazumi and Naomi began packing up the supplies they were using for their rest stop. Afterward, they climbed into their zoids and began to leave the area.[/COLOR]
  12. [SIZE=1][Color=violet]Name: Naomi Takeshi Sex:Female Age:16 Role:Guardian Force Apperence:See Attachment Personality:Naomi is very quiet and mysterious. She usually keeps to herself and enjoys reading lots of books. Naomi is also very shy at times.In battle, she is a ruthless fighter and keeps quiet to concentrate on her battle. When battling, she hates to be disturbed. Bio:Naomi was born in a small village that belonged to the Empire. She always wanted to be a soilder and zoid pilot. At the young age of 12, she left home to join the Empire`s army. She worked hard to become a pilot and her skills were very good. Over the years, she became the best soilder in her group. In fact, she was so good that she was asked to join the Guardian Force. Since she specializes in highspeed ground combat, she was given a Lightning Saix. One day while on a mission looking for bandits, she found an organoid that looked similar to shadow. The organoid started following her so she decided to keep it. ---------------------------------------- Zoid:Lightning Saix Type:Cheetah Nickname:Liightning Appereance: [IMG]http://shadowmizuumi.250free.com/z1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://shadowmizuumi.250free.com/z2.jpg[/IMG] Weaponds:Twin lightning beam cannons Support systems:Ion booster, holographic technology Upgrades: None yet ----------------------------------- Organoid sign-up Name:Kage Color:Black and blue Short discription: Kage is a black and blue organoid that looks like shadow. It has black bat wings, it`s outer color is black and the rest is blue. When Kage fuses with a zoid, it turns into a ball of light, then fuses. Anything else: Kage can fly.[/size][/color]
  13. My real name is Shoshona, my friends and family give me silly nicknames. Some of them I like. Shosho: This is short hand for my name. My family called me this all my life and it appears on all my standarized test. Shojo: My friends call me this because my middle name is Jolisa so if you take the first 3 letters from my first name and the first 2 letters from my middle name, you get Shojo, plus it also means girl. The Baby: Before my maternal grandmother passed, she use to call me The Baby because she wanted my name to be Shahannah(sp?) but my parents didn`t name me that. Pikachu: I got this from the kids in my class because I watch anime. Shaun: When I pretend to be a boy to make my friends laugh, I say that my name is Shaun. Grandma: In fifth grade, we had to wear uniform and I always wore a sweater and slouched(sp?) so everyone called me grandma.
  14. Forbidden Memories isw a hard game to play, I had it for two years and I still can`t beat it. Anyway, the best way to get strong cards is to keep fighting the high and low mages, seto#2, duel master K, heishin, and all of the other strong characters. After you beat them enough times, they start giving you cards like Dark Magician, Skull Knight, metor black dragon and etc. Hope that helps you a bit.
  15. Name:Akiko Ninamori Age:16 Gender: Female Appearance:See attachment Clan: Akiyoji Bio:Akiko was born in a small farming village, where she helped her family on their small farm. Her family was very poor and her parents were thinking about making her work in brothels to make money, however she dreamed of becomming a warrior. On the day of her 6th birthday, there was a raid in her village made by the Akiyoji clan and during the raid, she was separeted from her family. Confused and with no where to go, she followed the Akiyoji clan. They raised Akiko to be an excellent fighter, she was able to fight in hand-to-hand combat and with weponds. Though she lived with the Akiyoji clan for 10 years, she grew up to be very shy. Akiko is very shy, but once she gets use to you, she is very friendly. She is also quiet and doesn`t talk much. Pet: A small white wolf named Hikari, that she found by a river.
  16. G.D. Ryoko

    Stones Of Neir

    Izumi paced around her palace, waiting for Kyo to return. She had wondered what had happened to him. She walked into her bedroom, where she was followed by her white wolf, Hikari. She then walked to her balcony and looked down at the world below her. "I wonder what happened to Kyo? I heard rumors from an oracle that warriors plan to stop me from destroying Neir. Can you believe that Hikari? As if there is anyone stronger than I. That oracle was just a hagged old woman looking for money. Well come Hikari, lets get some breakfast." said Izumi. Izumi then left her bedroom, with Hikari following behind her. As they walked through the hallway, they bumped into a guard. "Do you have any information about Kyo?" asked Izumi "Yes, My Lady, he was last seen in a forest." answered the guard. "Really, which one?" asked Izumi "I don`t know, sorry." replied the guard "Useless. If I want something done, I guess I`m going to have to do it myself. Why do I keep these idiots around." said Izumi, as she stormed off.
  17. Mori-Sora continued to walk through the cave and the deeper she went, the darker it grew. "I wonder how the others are doing? Mabye it wasn`t such a good idea to seperate." As she kept walking, she started to smell water. She followed the scent to an underground cavern. She looked around and found traces of clothes and tools, that people used. "Where am I?" she said to herself as she wondered around.
  18. "I can`t believe that we had to split up and I took the cave." said Mori-Sora as she walked through the cave. "I also can`t believe that Moriko was going to bit my head off with that element thing. My aunt use to tell me all of that stuff, so I can use my powers but I never listened so I don`t know how. Well, I wonder where this cave leads anyway?" Mori walked through the dark cave, trying to find the exit. "I`m never going to get out of here and I forgot food!!
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Mac Attack [/i] [B] My sister told me that in New York schools they've had to re-educate children on how to speak English because of the highly colloquial diction they have adopted. Now they learn "English" as they would "Spanish" or "Japanese". I was wondering if there was any truth to this comment. [/B][/QUOTE] :shifty: That is so not True, The Mac Attack, or at least not for me or any other school I know about. I know because I live in one of the worst area`s of Brooklyn in N.Y.C. and that doesn`t happen in my school, nor my friend`s school. I also don`t type like I need to learn English all over again, and I don`t talk like I need to relearn english, unless I`m impersonating the slang my friends talk. I think that my english is fine, don`t you?(considering the fact that I lived in the worst parts of N.Y.C. my whole life.) and if it`s not, please tell me.Basicly what you here isn`t true. Sorry for going off topic.
  20. I really like the picture alot, I think it looks great. I love the colors, even though it looks simple but I`m a big fan of simple things. Anyway keep up the good work. Wish I could draw.
  21. I was watching the news this morning and they were talking to some boy who is 17 that stayed over at Nicheal Jackson`s place with the accuser.(SP?) Anyway he said that it was like a big party and they all didn`t go to sleep till 4am. He also said that the "victom" was always with his brother and sister and never left them, they were all together so their was no way that Micheal Jackson could molest him. I guess that`s proof enough to see that the kid is lying. Also why should it Micheal`s weird behavor have anything to do with his skin condition and his new skin color? That`s just stupid.
  22. (OCC:Where is Rhys and Arika?) The queen`s ball was a big success. Everyone admired Darmra and Yume. They ate delicious food and danced, it was really fun. Yume really couldn`t believe that she was feasting with a queen. After the party, Kilani took Yume and Darmra to the rooms they would be staying in. "Darmra, you will be staying in the room to the left of mine and Yume, you will be in the room to the right of mine." said Kilani as she pointed out the rooms. With that, Kilani walked into her room to sleep. "Wow, Darmra, that was the best party I`ve ever been to." said Yume excitedly. "Same here." replied Darmra "No one looked at me strangly. I thought that since I was a demon, no one would like me." "Well, they did like you." said Yume. "Well I`m tired." Yume then said good night to Darmra and walked into her room.
  23. I don`t think Micheal Jackson did anything at all, however if he was charged with this kind of thing before, why would parents leave their children with him anyway? Before they start calling Micheal Jackson weird, they should check out the parents. Honstly if some one was a molester or was thought to be a molester would you leave your child with them? Anyway I think that Micheal Jackson is innocent and people should leave him alone and let him be weird. The family probably just wants money out of Micheal to help their son/the victom, since he has cancer. However there can be the slight chance that the boy is telling the truth, sice he is 12, but then again 12 year olds lie.
  24. In elementry and jr.high, my schools were like that. We had to wear uniform and travel to classes with each other. In my highschool, we can dress how we want to, but there are still a bit of rules on whatever you have to wear. Also in my school, lockers don`t get inspected for anything, however my friend`s school is like that. What state was your teacher teaching in?
  25. I agree, the last two banners were great. I especially liked that Inuyasha one, I love the colors. I also like your hellsing banner too, it`s really great.
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