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G.D. Ryoko

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Everything posted by G.D. Ryoko

  1. Pretty observant Dan Rugh, but I actually colored my erase then cropped but it was still complicated. I started editing the banner`s but I only fininshed the one with Uriko. My brother added the text and I couldn`t get it off because he saved and then cut off the program. It looks really silly but it`s better than before, however I still didn`t crop them all the way because I need to see the images.
  2. Thanks you guys. About that cutting thing, my mouse is pretty screwed up so I couldn`t cut the pic the way I wanted.(Not to mention the fact I was on the Phone) And the background, I `m not good with that and text, I didn`t know what to write. I never do.
  3. I love your banners, they all look really good. I really like that Naruto one, it`s my favorite. Keep up the good work and mabye you can give me some pointers on making good banners.
  4. I really like them all. I can`t say which one to enter though because it`s a really tough decision to make. Probably go with the final fantasy banner. However all of your work is very good. ^^
  5. [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] [COLOR=blue]Well yesturday I made some Bloody Roar banners while I was on the phone with my friend. I warn you, my banners aren`t very good or flashy but I`m not one for perfect, flashy things. I`m very plain and so are my banners. Well anyway I want you guys to tell me if my banners are good enough to use for something.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. Name:Izumi Age:17 Good/Evil:Evil Stones:A large black stone containing all the powers of the stones, plus it`s own dark attacks that she wears around her neck. Weapon:A black morphblade that changes and copies the attacks of the other weaponds created, also it has it`s own special attack. Appearance:See attachment Personality-Talents:Izumi is very mysertous and serious. She usually likes to be alone and enjoys torturing the innocent. Her talents include sorcery and fighting. Bio:A decendent of the pervious evil of Nier, Izumi decided to bring back this evil after being outcast by the people of Neir for her mutant powers. Angry with the people, she decided to make them suffer. Her only true friend is a large white wolf that has always been with her since she was a little girl. ------------------------------------------------ It`s my old sign up changed a bit. I`m not finished yet though. I`ll edit later. Edit:Attacks Earth:Earthquake Fire:Fire tornado water:tsunami Wind:tornado Rock:boulder crush ligtning: electric storm Dark: Shadowball
  7. I hate it when people tease othe people for liking anime. It happens to me alot. Everytime I talk about an anime, it always have to me a"Pokeman" or "Yugoho" yeah, they even say the names wrong or make fun. However I never got into a fight as of yet. You think that when you get to highschool that people will be more mature. By the way, I`m glad you kicked butt Azure_Skies.
  8. The assignment sound weird and where is Uganda? But I`ll give you an answer. Like Cahoots34 said, the people came and they got Africans to capture their enimies for them and the Africans brought their enemies back to the people in exchange for money, weponds,etc. so basicly it was an economic thing.(That`s what I learned.) However this thing sounds strange.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anatema [/i] [B]Either way, I always liked the "He lookie like a man" lady. She was rather funny, she once did a sketch as Björk on Lowered Expectations, that was great. I haven't seen it in a long time so maybe it got over it's slump and is better again, who knows. [/B][/QUOTE] That was one of my favorite sketches on Mad T.V. I also like when they make fun of all the famous people. That`s really funny, of course I can barely catch mad T.V. because I fall asleep before 11pm.
  10. I`m glad to see that some people are from the Bronx and Brooklyn. I was raised in the Bronx until I was 6, then I moved to Brooklyn, where I am currently living now. Ilove it here. However, after my birthday, Jan 8, I will be moving to Frederick Maryland. I don`t like it there because when I stay there at my cousin`s place it seems pretty boring. Sorry if I offened some one but I really don`t like Frederick, MD.
  11. I`m African American...well mixed actually and I thought the game was funny. So did my friends. Hmm... I guess some people don`t find things like that funny, Oh well.I laugh at a lot of things that I think is funny, people think I`m crazy. I heard about the game a while ago. I thought it was pretty funny and they were having more series comming out about the other races. I wantedt to get it but I figured it wouldn`t last long because people would start complaining about it, saying it`s racist. I was supreised when I heard the guy that made the game was being sued because of copyright laws.I thought he would be sued for being racist, even thought the guy wasn`t racist. The company that own`s Monopoly sued saying he stoled the name and the name was copyrighted or something on that order. I guess that means the rest of the games aren`t comming out. Now I have to change my christmas shopping list.
  12. Sora the SpellCaster Age:18 Weapon: A staff with a spare at the tip. Magic:She can use the power of the different elements for getting out of trouble.(I`ll change it if it sounds too complicated) Description:See attachment.
  13. Kalani walked in to the room to see how things were going. "Well, you look very lovely, Yume." said Kalani "Thank you, Kalani." replied Yume "I think I did a mighty fine job, don`t you agree Miss Kalani"? said Astella, studing her work of art. "Yes, you did Astella. It`s a really beautiful dress." said Kalani "Are Darmra and Astaria finished up?" asked Yume "Almost, they should be finished shortly." said Kalani "I can`t wait, I`m actually going to feast with a queen. Wait till I tell everyone back home about this."said Yume Afterward, she walked out of the dressing room.
  14. I don`t think Teen Titans is an anime and I don`t think that it`s a "wannabe" anime neither.(My definition of anime:What ever people decided to call it.) The author probably made Teen Titans like that to give it "an anime sort of style" being that anime is begainning to take America by storm. And like some one said earlier, anime is based off American cartoons, so I read in Samurai from outerspace:A guide to understanding anime. Anyway I think it`s sad to call Teen Titans a "wannabe" anime. I find it quiet diffrent from anime, except the animation. I really like Teen Titans alot.
  15. Yume and Darmra pick out the colors that they wanted for their dresses. Yume was being fitted for her dress. "This is a lovely starlit blue color that you picked out.You really look lovely." said Astella "Oh, umm thank you." replied Yume. "What`s the matter? You seem out of it."said Astella "Oh, I was thinking about Darmra. What if someone really does say something and it hurts her?" said Yume "Don`t worry, I`m sure that Darmra will be just fine." said Astella "Yeah but still...I`ve been to many places where people would look at me funny and well I didn`t like that but Darmra has a worst problem because she is a demon." said Yume "Don`t worry, it`s going to be the Queen`s guest so I`m certain they will mind their manners." said Astella.
  16. The small group continued up the moutains for what seemed like an eternity. "Oh man,I`m really tired" said Mori-Sora. "Well, we can`t rest now, we have to help Tani." said Moriko "So in which direction do we go in anyway?" asked Evean "I don`t know, do you know Moriko?"asked Mori "Umm...Well... Don`t worry, just follow me. We`ll find that sword in no time." said Moriko, in a nervous voice. "I think we`re doomed." said Mori.
  17. Name:Jun Age:17 Good/Evil:Evil Stones:2 of each type of stone and a darkness stone, combined together that is worn as a necklace around her neck. Weapon:A dark elemental staff(The staff is the tool for her sorcery) and a elemental sword. Appearance:See attachment Personality-Talents:Jun is very mysertous and serious. She usually likes to be alone and enjoys torturing the innocent. Her talents include sorcery and fighting. Bio:A decendent of the pervious evil of Nier, Jun decided to bring back this evil after being outcast by the people of Neir for her mutant powers. Angry with the people, she decided to make them suffer.
  18. [COLOR=royalblue]Yume started to blush after reciving the comment from the twins. "Heh,heh,heh, I`m not really all that pretty." sain Yume shyly. "But indeed" said Astaria "You are" finished Astella. Yume turned to Darmra and started to talk to her. "I never feasted with a Queen before, have you?" "No, I haven`t ." Answered Darmra "You guys will be fine" said Kilani."Just mind your manners." "What about the rest of the guest that are comming, what would they say when they see me?"Asked Darmra "Don`t worry about it. If they say something mean,I`ll punch them in the gut" whispered Yume. She and Darmra began to laugh.[/COLOR]
  19. OCC:It`s okay Katana, I pretty empty minded too. --------------------------------------------- Mori defeated the guy but she didn`t kill the man. "You call us filth and you kill us off but it is you who are filth killing the innocent. I have spared your life but if you come back again, I will kill you." The man ran away screaming like a little girl. "Mori, do you think it was wise for you to let the guy go?" asked Moriko "Yeah, it will show them who the real monsters are." The rest of the soilders ran away and no more were comming toward the small group of three. "I guess we can continue now." Said Evean "Yeah, lets go" said Moriko.
  20. As Mori moved to get off the man, her sword and dagger fell from out of her cloak. "Hey you guys, you won`t beleive this but I have my sword and dagger with me." "Why didn`t you use it before?" Asked Moriko angrly "I forgot. Heh heh." Just then a soilder came at Mori. She drew her sword quickly and slashed him across his stomach. He wasn`t dead but he was badly injured. "Look, more are comming" pinted out Evean. As they looked, about 10 more soilders were approching.
  21. Yume finally spoke up. "I`ll help you Kilani. It`s what I do best." "Thankyou" replied Kilani "Yeah sure, no problem. It`s good to see thatwe are all starting to trust each other a bit." Yume then sat down by the fire and watched everyone else.
  22. Yume woke up, wondering how she fell to sleep. She walked over toward the fire because she noticed that more people have gathered at the fire. "What in the world is going on here? Who are all you people? I don`t remember seeing you all earlier when I arrived." They stared at Yume for a moment and Yume stared back puzzled. She started to think to herself. They don`t seem to be dangerous but it is wise to be careful. "Sorry, let me start over. My name is Yume. Can you all tell me what is happening?
  23. G.D. Ryoko

    Dark Starfire

    Tsuki slowly got up. Kyo was really powerful but she had to stop him. She pulled out her energy staff and aimed it toward him. She channeled her energy into it and aimed it at Kyo. A giant blast fired out of the staff and hit Kyo directly. He fell to the ground. She shot some energy blast at him to make sure she got him. "There, heh...I got you. You won`t be getting up for a while."
  24. Yume walked through the forest in the middle of the night, by the lake side. "It`s dark out here and quiet too. Seems like anything can happen. It`s also cold too. I better find a place to set up camp." Just then, she smelled smoke and so she ran toward where the smell was comming from. "It`s someone`s camp. I wonder if they have food?" As she walked to view Darmra closer, she noticed that she was a demon. "Huh? a demon? Mabye she is soilder, no she`s not but she can still be evil. Mabye I should keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn`t try anything weird." Yume found Darmra`s food store and ate some of it then laid behind a large tree to spy on her.
  25. Sure no problem Katana. -------------------------------------------------- Mori turned and looked at Evean. "Do you want to come with Moriko and I? We are going to the mountains to find that sword and cure Tani." "I don`t know, I mean shouldn`t we tell the others about this?" "No" said Moriko" They need their rest, they`re all tired." "Well, I guess I can come along." The three of them set out toward the moutains. ---------------------------------------------- Sorry that was so bad.
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