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G.D. Ryoko

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Everything posted by G.D. Ryoko

  1. As Mori-Sora walked away, Moriko followed, staring at the old woman evily. "That woman had some nerve saying all of those things about us and other demons." said Moriko angrly. "Yes, I know. My mother was killed by humans and I bet they probably took her ears and tail too but that`s not importanat. I have decided to help you find the cure for Tani." "Really?" "Yes. Should we tell the others or just leave? Well I have to return to the camp anyway, I left my arrows there. I`ll be right back." Mori then started to walk away.
  2. You wouldn`t mind if I am a ware-wolf would you? Name:Yume Age:20 Race:ware-wolf Magic of the heart: yes Weapon: a sword Apperance:see attachment Bio:She was born in a small village deep in the mountains. She was raised to be a great warrior. Yume heard about the war that was going to start. She was chosen by her clan to be a fighter since she was one of the best warriors. She sets out on her journey to try to defeat the leader of the demons. ------------------------------------------------------- If I can`t be a ware-wolf, could I be a shape shifter?
  3. G.D. Ryoko

    Dark Starfire

    Tsuki left Selenay to fight Kaworu, and she went after Kyo. Tsuki charged at hem and used hepsycic wave attack to slow him down. "I don`t know what happened to you Kyo but I will defeat you." "I`ll like to see you try!" Tsuki used her energy ring to boost up her attacks so that she may defeat Kyo.
  4. Since Ryoko is taken, I`ll be Nagi Name: Nagi Age:??? Gender: Female Affiliation: Neutral bounty hunter Rank: None Weapons: lazerwip and energy sword Powers: similar to those of Ryoko`s Vehicle:A cabbit called Ken-oki Appearance: See attachment History: Nagi is the greatest Bounty Hunter in the Universe. She has a perfect success record except for one criminal: Ryoko. Many times she has come close to catching up with Ryoko, but the space-pirate always manages to barely escape. They are arch-rivals, but respectful of each other's abilities, as we find out later in the series.
  5. OCC:I don`t think you sound self centered. ------------------------------------------------------- Moriko went into the forest to look for Mori-Sora. "Mori, where are you? Can you hear me? Mori?" Moriko shouted but she still didn`t hear a reply. Moriko finally decided to find the closest lake to see if she was there. When she arrived at the lake, she saw Mori-Sora talking to an old woman and then the woman left. "There you are Mori, I was looking all over for you" "Sorry to worry you, but I had gotten lost in the forest finding this lake, then when I did find it I decided to take a bath but when I was finished, my clothes were missing and then the old woman returned them to me because her dog had taken them. After I got dressed, I asked the woman if she knew anything about the sword that can heal Tani but unfortinatly she didn`t." "Well, I`m glad your okay" "Thanks. We better get back to the others." ---------------------------------------------------------- Sorry my post sounds so bad.
  6. G.D. Ryoko

    Dark Starfire

    Tsuki ran toward Kyo and pulled out her energy staff. As she charged toward Kyo, she hit him in the haed with her staff. While he was a bit dazed, she blasted him with her energy blast. "Hmmm, that should of taken care of him for a while." As Tsuki started to walk over and take a look at Tamaki, she saw Kyo start to get up. "Man, this is going to be tougher than I thought."
  7. G.D. Ryoko

    Dark Starfire

    Tsuki decided to come back after being away for a while. She saw what was going on. "Why is it that every time I leave something strange happends? Oh well, I better go try to stop Kyo before he kills some one." As Kyo walked over toward Tamaki, Tsuki used her Pshycikenisis and lifted Kyo in the air. "What`s going on what you Kyo?"
  8. Mori looked at Moriko and began to talk with her. "It sure feels good to have a nice rest, we don`t have to worry about anything. It`s so peaceful. "Yeah it is"Replied Moriko "I wonder if there`s a lake around here, my cloak is kind of dirty" "Yeah, it was black but now it looks kind of brown with dust."said Moriko. Mori took off her cloack revealing her long black braided hair and all of a sudden a pair of dog-like ears appeared at the top of her head. "I better go find that lake now, I`ll see you guys later." Mori left tp find a lake. ---------------------------------------- Sorry that was a bad post.
  9. Name- Shoshona(It`s Hebrew) Age- 14(15 in Janurary) Hair Color- Dark,Dark,brown Eye Color- Chocolate brown Height- 5'7" Clothes- Jeans, dark shirts(mostly tees),black sneakers,hoddies,jackets(dark)(I like dark clothes) Personality- Shy, Funny,Quiet,Smart,stubborn,Kind,lonely,friendly Hair Style- Frizzy Ponytail Favorite Music- I don`t really have one but I guess rap and Reggae since that`s all I hear in my neiborhood and I`m part Jamacian. Fave Artist- Sean Paul, Nelly
  10. G.D. Ryoko

    Dark Starfire

    "What sort of a plan do they have for our powers?, Are they trying to take over the world or something? This is really getting annoying" Said Tsuki as she sat on the floor and stared at everyone else. "I think I should go, you guys are all so melencoly now and not fun to be around with at the moment. I`ll see you guys later." Tsuki got up and started to walk away.
  11. G.D. Ryoko

    Dark Starfire

    Once again, Tsuki was walking by when she saw Selenay and the others using their powers to fight off a monster. "Why do I always miss everything? That doesn`t matter, I must do something to help." As the group`s attack headed toward the monster, Tsuki used her Psycic illusion attack so that to their enemy, it would appear that there are multiple attacks. "I really help this works, I have to help my friends(at least I think they are)...
  12. I took French for three years in Jr. High but in My Highschool schedual, I don`t have a forign language class so I don`t take another language now. I really like French though, it`s pretty easy to learn, compared to Japanese, although Japanese is really cool too. I like learning different lanuages.
  13. G.D. Ryoko

    Dark Starfire

    Tsuki walks through, wondering what the heck was going on. All she sees is two guys fighting and a girl standing around and hears something about aliens.She was really confused about what was happening. "Mabye I should go ask...Nah, they`ll probably think I`m being nosy and beat me up. Hey, I think they have powers like me and they might be a bit friendly...No, or else those two guys wouldn`t be fighting each other...What do I have to loose." Tsuki started to walk over when she saw Selenay and Tamaki leaving. "What`s going on?"
  14. Sorry, I didn`t get back to you soon, I`ll be energy, so I`m going to go and post now. Forgive me.
  15. I`ll sign up Name: Tsuki Mizuumi Age:15 Gender:Female Weapon: Energy staff, Energy ring, Energy jewel(It`s a sapphire that enhances her attacks) Attacks:Psycic illusion, Energy blast,Psycic wave,pshycokenisis(move things with her mind.) Features:See attachment Personality:Tsuki is very friendly and also very clumsy.She is really kind, except for when she is mad. Bio:She has very little friends so she tries really hard to fit in. She lives with her mom,dad,and older sister.She is a total nerd and is studing alot. Powers: Energy control/missiles, phsycic, Saturn Hope that`s cool.
  16. I would like to sign up Name: Uriko Nonomura Age:14 Gender:Female Race:Xanthorpe Xanthrope Morph:Half-beast(looks like a cat) Affiliation:W.O.C. Appearance:See attachment Bio:When She was young, Uriko was kindnapped by Tylon. After that she was living a good life until her mother was kidnaped by Tylon. She went to go save her mother. After that things were going well until more problems erupted. (Sorry, I only know about Bloody Roar 2)
  17. I don`t see anything wrong with startinag an all caucasian club that is open to all races. It sounds really silly that people are saying it`s wrong, if the club is open to all races. The only problem I have with the idea is that it`s a club and I find clubs boring.(except yugioh clubs)
  18. They have been flying for several hours now and it was becomming dark. Mori was sleepy but she was afraid of heights and didn`t want to sleep on Rann`s back. "Hey guys, we have been flying for a while now, why don`t we find a nice safe place to land and take a rest?" "That does sond like a good idea" replied Rann "but what if more soilders are out looking for us?" "Then we`ll just kick their butts" replied Katumea. "Come on you guys, just for a little bit please?" Pleaded Mori "Fine, I guess a hour of rest wouldn`t hurt anyone."said Rann. With that, the gang kept a look out to find a safe place to land so that they can rest.
  19. I`ll play too. I`ll be a police officer who will help you out through out the adventure(Like Saito except I`ll be a woman disguesed as a man.) Name: Mori Shinomori(No relation to Aoshi, just the same last name) Age:20 Gender:Female but desses and disgueses as a male Discription:See attachment Weaponds: A dagger, and a katana Occupation:She is just and every day police officer that keeps the peace in the city.
  20. This may not matter much, but my cusin is a back up singer in that movie, school of rock. She`s the short girl with the glasses and braceses.Otherwise, I am not related to anyone famous.
  21. I love Princess Mononoke, it`s one of my favorite anime movies. I remember whne I first saw it and they were talking about demons and stuff, I was confused since I am a christan but I did a bit of reading in a book that explains anime and got a bit of an understanding about Japanese religion and stuff. After that I really didn`t care because I am a very open minded person and I found myself watching more anime like that like one of my favorites, Inuyasha. Anyway Princess Mononoke is a beautiful movie, and I love Moro, she is so cool.
  22. Mori-Sora stared at Reena as she cought up with the rest of them. " Is there something going on between you and Rann"? asked Mori-Sora. "What do you mean?" replied Reena "What I am trying to say is...are you two having some sort of relationship?" Reena looked at Mori-Sora as if she was crazy."Don`t be silly Mori, the only relationship we have is a basic friendship." "Well okay, if you say so." Mori-Sora walked up a bit to catch up with Kutamea and Tani then turned around and looked at Rann. "What`s our plan now? Are we going to go to the mountains or what?"
  23. I thought that Spirited Away was a beautiful movie, just like Princess Mononoke and Kiki`s Delivery Service. I loved the animation and the plot of the movie. I even got my mom to watch and she really doesn`t like anime. Well it was a great movie but I hoped more would of happened with Chihiro and Haku, like they would see each other again or something.
  24. As they walked back, Mori-Sora stopped. "Um do you guys mind if I stop at the lake for a moment? I seem to have something in my eye. Don`t worry, you guys can go on, I`ll catch up in a minute." "Okay, just don`t take too long." Replied Kutamea. Mori-Sora walked to the lake where they had just found Reena. She sat down and rinsed her burning eyes with water. She thought to herself. "I am glad my eyes are better now, I just hope we can take another way through the forest. Well I better catch up to the others." As Mori-Sora began to walk away, she picked up a strange sent. It wasn`t human and it wasn`t an animal neither. She decided not to think too much about it and left to find the group.
  25. Mori-Sora looked at Tani for a moment, then she began to speak. "Mabye we should go near the flames but um... never mind, lets go. It sure does beat sniffing the ground like dogs" She stared at Kutamea and evean. The group walked to toward the flames, with Tani slowly following behind clutching herself in pain. As they got closer to the flames, Mori-Sora`s vision begain to get blurry and dark. She remembered as a chid that flames messed with her eyes for some reason and would temperarily blind her. She was upset that this was happening now when she had to help save a friend. She didn`t want to tell the others. She decided not to speak and tried to block her thoughts so that no one can try to read her mind.
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