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G.D. Ryoko

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Everything posted by G.D. Ryoko

  1. I hope it`s not too late for me to join Name: Aoi Umenokouji Age:18 Height/Weight: 5ft4/104lbs Bio:He parents run a small dojo that teaches old samurai arts. She studied and is has obtained the highest rank in her school. She wants to be better than any other peson at her samurai arts. Class:Samurai Weaponds:Katana,dagger Apperance:See attachment
  2. Why would people buy and burn Harry Potter books, that`s a waste of money. Anyway, I find it sad that some people do this. I mean sure FLCL isn`t the best thing to have a younger child watch but does it really mean that the rest of us has to be affected? I usually find these things strange because I can watch anything I want, even x-rated stuff if I chose to. It really bothers me a lot when people aren`t open minded but that wouldn`t make me any better so as usual I will respect others opinions and shut up. I still can`t get over the whole Harry Potter thing though.
  3. I am kinda in the range of the hurricane. I am not sure about what to expect here in N.Y. I know it`s supposed to rain tonight. I hope school is closed on Friday because I have lots of test. If the hurricane does hit where I am at, then I am prepared. We got a new emergency kit since the blackout and lots of water.
  4. Mori-Sora looked at the two with pity. "Mabye we should split up and go back to the city. I am almost out of arrows and I want to get a new sword. Also, Tani and Katumea need medical attention and I don`t think any of us has herbs or anything." She looked around at the group waiting for a reply but she continued to speak. "Mabye we should take a rest, after all we are all tired. I`ll go and find some herbs and make a medicine that will help temperarily help out Tani and Katumea." Mori-Sora looked at the sky and saw it was turning dark. She transformed to her full wolf form and ran into the forest like a flash of lightning.
  5. OCC:Sorry I haven`t posted in so long but my internet access was suspended -------------------------------------------------------- Mori-Sora looked around at the soilders running away. She then noticed everyone else tired and hurt from the battle. She was sick of the soilders bothering them. She wondered why they just couldn`t let them be. "Well, I guess that the fighting is all over. Well, I`m happy, now we can get back to our main goal now. It is important that we help Tani." She looked at everyone, they all had fought well but they were only a small group. She wondered if they would even make it to the end of their mission alive. She looked at everyone with a deep sadness in her eyes. --------------------------------------------------------
  6. Aoi felt kind of stupid knowing that Noriko heard what she said but she tried not to show how silly she felt. "Hey, Noriko, are you going to watch the torument matches tomorrow? Noriko looked at Aoi for a minute and the answered."Hmm, I am not sure, I`ll think about it." Aoi waited for Noriko to answer.
  7. [COLOR=blue]Mori-Sora stared at the soilders for a minute. "I can fight them perfectly from up here with my bow and arrows, the only problem would be holding on. If one of you would help me, it would be easy to defeat them. Unless some one doesn`t want me to kill anyone." Mori-Sora pulled out her bow and arrows and got ready to take aim, however she looked around at everyone else to see what they wanted her to do.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]OCC:Sorry if my post doesn`t make much sense but I am kind of busy with school.[/COLOR]
  8. Aoi wondered why Iris came to check out the competition. "What`s the use, it`s not like they`re going to win anyway.Well anyway I wonder what I am going to do after the big fight? I wonder if I should watch the fight tomorrow, I`ll go ask Noriko and see if she wants to watch the fight tomorrow." Aoi went to the locker room and changed out her tranning clothes and put on a white tank top and blue jeans with slippers. Also she decided not to tie her hair up. She left the locker room to try and find Noriko. "I bet she`s probably flirting with that Michael guy. Oh well."
  9. Well once about 4yrs ago now when I was in 4th grade, my best friend kept hopping on everyone`s backs for piggy back rides. Well we were walking home with two guy friends of hers, since I am a geek, I had a huge book bag on my back filled with heavy books,and I hand on a skirt, well anyway my best friend jumped on my back and I feel in the middle of the side walk. Well when I fell, my legs went up in the air and my skirt flew up. I felt so stupid because most of my friends saw and we were with two boys. Since then, I never wore a skirt around her unless it was for something inportant. Meaning for every 365 days in a year I wear a skirt for 20 of the days.
  10. [COLOR=blue]Sora(you can call Mori-Sora Mori,or Sora if you want to make it easier for you guys)climbed on Rann`s back and looked around in amazement.She had never been on a dragon before. "So how long should it take us to reach the Kirija mountains if we don`t take any rest stops?" Sora asked. While waiting for an answer, she continued to look at the sights some more.[/COLOR] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OCC:I am so sorry my post is so bad. I`ll edit it later when I have more time.
  11. Aoi stared at Nariko as she walked passed Michael. She really didn`t understand the whole crush thing. Aoi begain lifting weights and wondred why Nariko was wearing the fight club banner around her head. She wanted to ask but thought that she shouldn`t bother. "Man, weight tranning is complicated but my body is looking good. Now I should practice my moves next." With that Aoi pulled out her dagger and practiced punching and kicking while she held her dagger in her hand. ----------------------------------------------------------------- OCC:Thanks avalon for taking over for me.
  12. I read the first 2 manga and I really like it a lot. It is a very well written anime/manga. I find it pretty interesting seeing that it is a romance-comedy and I really don`t watch or read too much romance-comedy. I find it funny how miyazawa is jealous, she sound like me.
  13. Aoi walked into the school like she didn`t miss a thing. She heard that her team would be one of the first going up to fight. She looked at her watch a saw it was lunch time. She went to find a nice place to sit and eat. "I wonder where my team members are? I don`t feel like looking for them. Anyway tonight, we`ll be fighting the Digital Starlight team.Heh" She pulled a dagger from a holder that was on her thigh and looked at it. "I `m gonna cut all members of the Digital Starlight team to little pieces." She started to laugh evily out loud. "Mabye I should go to the gym to prepare for the fight." With that she ran to the gym and begain to run laps, lift weights, and practice her moves.
  14. Mori-Sora pulled out one of her arrows and started to scratch her head with it still trying to remember although she heard what Evean said.She then begain to think to herself more. "All this thinking is making my brain hurt. There must be more info though. " She looked around at the scenery of the forest. Then she looked at the others. Next she begain to think of what would happen if they didn`t win the rebellion? She wondered if the humans would kill them. Many thoughts begain to race through her mind.
  15. SD Gundam does look pretty strange for a Gundam series. I may watch it, it might be pretty good. I said I would never watch any gundam series and I saw most of them and now I am hooked. Anyway I am pretty much looking forward to it since I really don`t know too much about it.
  16. [COLOR=blue]I believe in ghost. In my old house, the bottom floor and the basement were haunted. TYhe bottom floor contained the living room, kitchen, a storage room, and the entrences to the backyard and basement. You could never be downstairs alone. If you sit down there for five minutes, something inside of you will make you run upstairs for some unexplainable reason. The same thing went for the basement. The backyard was okay, but when I would let my dog in, she would act strange and bark then run upstairs. I found her behavior strange because she was a big dog and she ran like a little kitten, like the rest of us. Anyway no one would really go into the kitchen unless everyone was downstairs so we usually ate take out. The funny thing was the upstairs of the house was cool, unless you were alone. I was so happy, when we moved away.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=blue]Mori-Sora followed the rest of the group with a nagging thought in her head about that sword. She also heard about those swords and swords that can end the curse. She also remembered hearing about the healing swords being hidden somewhere but she couldn`t think of where at the moment because it was so long ago when she was a child that she heard about this. The wolf hanyou then pulled out her blade and stared at it. "I wish I could remember where the swords were hidden. I don`t know too much about them but it can be any sword." She continued to walk staring at her sword, lost in her own thoughts.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=blue]Mori-Sora went to go help Evean. She transformed into he full wolf form and charged at some of the soilders. "Wow, beating up these soilders are easier than I thought." More soilders charged at her, she didn`t want to kill anyone so she decided to get them a bit lost. She ran deep into forest and the soilders followed her. She led them in circles and then she ran back to help the others with the rest of the oilders." OCC:Sorry, I am a little off.[/COLOR]
  19. I got angry just last night with my landloards wife. I am only 14 but I cursed her out like I was her age. I am like a ticking time bomb so it would be in your best interest not to make me angry. I was about to kill the woman with a screw driver. I should of ran downstairs and jam the screw driver in her chest.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pbfrontmanvdp [/i] [B] The whole issue of black individuals talking loud when they are in a group i will stand by. Its just like that in New Jersey for some reason, even in the college i go to that is 90% white and 10% black. Even some of the friends that i have that are black state that most black people when in a group sitting down having lunch or just hanging out, talk extremely loud. It happens to me every time i go to eat lunch at the cafeteria with a couple of friends and the group of black people always seem to be either shouting or laughing at a high decimal. I dont necessarily want you to agree with me James, and im going to guess you probably wont. Im just stating how it is where i live and it might be completely different from where you do. If theres anything you dont agree on ill be happy to read what you state. Thx [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]It`s true, black people do talk loud in a group because When I sit by myself and watch my fiends they are screaming while I am trying to read. I ask them to keep it down. Don`t think I am being racist in saying that because I am 1/3black,1/3native American,and 1/3 cubain.(I look mosly balck and native american) Racist are people who I don`t understand much butif they want to be racist then let them. My friends are racist of white people, they called my math teacher a cracker. If people are racist I just let them be because that`s not my buisness and I can`t change the way they feel. I myself am a very open minded person and I accept other races, religions and all that crap people discriminte against.However I can have my racist moments too and I will dicriminate against all races since I really don` have a defenate one. In conclusion if people have certain oppions about different races and such then just leave them because you can`t change the way they feel, blah, blah ,blah.[/COLOR] Sorry,my post is kinda off topic.
  21. I find it so funny how narrow-minded people could be.Power puff girls has more gross things than FLCL, like when they beat up the bad guys and put holes throught them,etc. It seems like everytime teens find something they like, there always have to be some extremest group of parents who say the shows are evil.(like they did with pokemon.)Teens need something to watch too, and since w are older, we need cartoons/anime with more mature themes for our levels of matureness. We can`t always watch Barney forever. Sorry I sound so harsh but I`m a bit upset about something at the moment.
  22. I don`t have a favorite chracter, I have lots so I`ll just use my four favorites if That`s okay. The first is Ryoko from Tenchi. I like her because she`s funny and yet serious(sometimes), she`s pretty,she kicks butt and isn`t afraid of anyone. Next is Faye from Cowboy Bebop. I like faye because of the same reasons that I like Ryoko. Third would have to be Soujiro Seya from Rurouni Kenshin. I like him because of his cool fighting style.Also he is really cute and I love his smile. Finally(best for last)would have to be Aoshi Shinomori from Rurouni Kenshin, because like me he is really quiet. Also he is an excellent fighter and he`s cute too.
  23. I think that`s pretty stupid.Isn`t FLCL rated TV14? Therefor it`s not ment for children other than 14(even though my baby bro watches it with me.) I mean isn`tAS really for teenagers and adults? I think they are extremest because I talk to my parents everyday about FLCL and I don`t get in trouble or they won`t say I can`t stay up late. Besides I seen other cartoons on CN that have pretty weird things for their ratings. Oh and I think they were talking episode 5 when Haruko was in the towel on but it`s a bit above her waist so you see her backside.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Harlequin [/i] [B][font=gothic][color=indigo]G.D. Ryoko, could you please put more efforts into your posts?[/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]OCC: Okay, sorry. I`ll try to make it sound better. :) --------------------------------------------------------- Mori-Sora watch as Phaedra struggled to get out of the net and how the others tried to help her out. She felt so upset that she was not able to help Phaedra and the others. "There must be a way to help but What can I do?" It wasn`t night time so she couldn`t transform. She looked around the jewel to see what she could see of the water. She noticed a sharp rock. She wasn`t sure if Phaedra was close enough to reach but she had to tell her and the others. "Phaedra, can you hear me? Can anyone hear me? There seems to be a sharp rock on the floor. I am not sure if you could reach it Phaedra, but if you can`t then mabye Tani can use it to free you." Mori-Sora then sat to think to herself. "I don`t even know why I bothered. They probably can`t hear me anyway." [/COLOR]
  25. Wow, thanks, I am glad you like it. Like I said, I thik this is the best one that I ever made and it only took 5 minutes. That`s a new record for me.
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