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G.D. Ryoko

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Everything posted by G.D. Ryoko

  1. My whole family except my parents,grandma,and little bro are annoying. I tend to stay away from them a lot. People think I am being mean but I am afraid of them and I don`t want to be with their annoyingness. Most people in my family are crazy like me.
  2. I see nothing wrong with a gay only school. I think it`s cool. Mabye they only want te school "gays only" because they probably don`t want to be discriminated by homophobes. I know if I were a homosexual(which I am not), I wouldn`t want to go a school where I would feel uncomfortable.
  3. I really don`t think that it`s guys that make fun of girls but it`s atually girls that make fun of girls that are in to dueling. I don`t mean to upset anyone but that`s how it is for me. At my school, my male friends don`t care if I duel or not however my female friends say"eew, yugioh is for boys!" and crap like that. It makes me sick when they say that to me and is always my male friends that tend to support me when they see I am intrested in so called "guy stuff"
  4. Wow Demonic Angel, I love your banner. It`s beautiful, actually everyone here who posted, not counting myself of course,has a lovely banner. With a bit of practice and luck, I`ll make good banners but for now,my banners and avatars will be plain.
  5. Yeah, I know need practice, I just got psp the other day. Right now, I am looking at tutorials on how to make banners and avatars so that when I do make my next one, it would be really pretty.
  6. [COLOR=blue]I just got my paint shop pro 7 and I have been messing around and I made my first banner with help from Kaola Su with her info on how you make a banner. Anyway I would like to know what you guys think of my first ever banner.It`s kind of plain though but hey, it is my first banner.[/COLOR]
  7. I had two Dark Magican Girls once but one was stoln and Ilost the other one. I don`t know if they are out in english though.
  8. I missed last saturday`s episode but I`ll make sure I won`t miss ths week`s episode. I am kinda upset that they moved Kenshin to saturdays now but at least I will be able to hear the beggining theme song.
  9. I am getting ready to enter in my first year of high school in September. I am gooing to a mostly male populated school and I am getting ready to move Upstate or to Maryland. I am not sure yet. Oh and aYokano, 7th grade is not all that bad, it`s 8th that`s scary.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Egyptgirl2 [/i] [B]I'll duel you!!!! Anyway, the majority of the duelists at my school are guys, and I've beaten them all at least 8 times. I have a few fairies in my deck, but only because their effects and attack power is oh so handy... Like Wingweaver, Fairy Gaurdian, and Gyakutenno Megami. The rest of my cards are mostly Dark Types. Whahahahahaha!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] Wow, strange Egyptgirl2, we almost have the same kind of deck. Most people who duel in my school are guys. Before I just graduated, I was the ONLY FEMALE DUELIST IN THE 8TH GRADE! All my guy friends did`nt mind and treated me like I was a boy but they thought they could defeat me because I was a girl. All my girl friends hate yugioh excepy for Kurama-Fiend(loves yyh more than ygo) and another one of my girl friends. I mostly use Spellcaster`s, fiends,dragons, and warriors. I only have one fairy, wingweaver. ^^
  11. [I]If this thread needs to be close then feel free to close it and I am sorry.[/I] I was wondering(which is something I always do)how did you guys celebrate your graduation. I went out to dinner and ate till I could barely walk. I haveto go now but I`ll put more later.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Fall [/i] [B]It's like my first language. I'd say it's because it's used so much around my school, that it just sinks into my head and I start using it. Every sentence I say now basically has [i]some[/i] slang in it. [/B][/QUOTE] That`s the same with me. I live in the ghetto so slang is all that I hear. I speak slang or the slang I understand but I don`t right in slang or at least I think I don`t. ^_^
  13. I don`t know too much about Japanese bands and singers but I heard a few songs from some groups so I`ll just put who I know about. V6,TM REvolution, Dream, and more that I forgot the names of.
  14. Masao looked at Sakura ttehn she thought to herself. She felt bad that she was only thinking about herself and not anyone else. She sat next to Sakura to give her some confort.
  15. I wish I could take over the world. Anyway after my prom, I left my prom date and my friends then I went with my best friends prom date to Mc Donalds(I known my B.F.`s date since 1st grade).
  16. Thanks and sorry about my mistake but I was out of it when I posted. Anyway I`ll go and try to find it now.
  17. I have a question, where is ice mountain? I looked where the codes said to go but I can`t find it. Could anyone tell me at least a place that`s close to it.
  18. Wow, that`s something I would never do. This is only my middle school prom, however I am sure my friends would probably do it though. It looked like the were having sex when dancing.
  19. I hope it`s not too late for me to join. Anime schar: Aoshi Shinomori Pic:attached Anime:Rurouni Kenshin senario: Aoshi thinks that Misao and Kenshin may be having a relation ship but there is more to this story than what meets the eye and it envolves the main cast of characters and a suprise guest.(Faye-cowboybebop) P.S. I don`t know if anyone would help me. Could I just do everything by myself?
  20. If this thread needs to be closed then close it and I am sorry. ------------------------------------------------------------- I was wondering, what did yu guys do after your prom. I was supposed to go out with my friends to Manhattan but I was really tired. I would type more but I am having a problem with the fake finger tips I got for my prom outfit.
  21. I like the show so far even though I only saw the first 2 episodes. Everything is cool except for the character designs. Sometimes their heads look really big or that could be the stress from the N.Y.C. state wide test I had the past couple of days. Otherwise I eally like the show so far.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B]There's something I've been wondering about. When there's a black person of African origin in the US, we call them African-American. What do you call a black person of African origin in, say, the UK? And are black Canadians still called African-American, because Canada is still in North America? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]That always bothered me too. Kurama-Fiend and I always joke about things like that and call them Afro-Canadian but don`t listen to us. [/COLOR]
  23. Jolisa sat in her seat and had a panic look on her face because she was afraid of planes. The plane was due to land in 10 minutes. She wasn`t sure if she was going to fit in because she only knew a little Japanese. Finally, the flight landed. She looked around the airport for Sayaka and her family. She looked at the picture she had then she looked again. She finally found them and thought she might practice introducing herself in Japanese. Jolisa:Watakushi wa Smith Jolisa (I am Jolisa Smith. Used for polite people) Sayaka:Hi, I am Sayaka and this is my family. Jolisa smiled and not sure of the proper greeting, she shook the hands of everyone in the family.
  24. I am going to Atlantic City New Jersey. After that I am going to Maryland to visit my cousins. Next get ready for school in September while getting ready to move. Sorry Kurama-Fiend. ^_^ I`ll miss you.
  25. Masao could not wait to meet the last two chosen ones. After this they could learn how to restore the world. Masao looked forward to this because she was excited to be reunited with her grandmother. She stared outside at the ship.
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