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About SapphireKumamon

  • Birthday 06/19/1983

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  1. I don't know if this has been asked already, but here goes. Is Bugsy a boy or girl? I always thought Bugsy was a male, but a close friend of mine says he's female. All replies are appreciated.
  2. I don't watch reality TV much, except for American Idol and that's about it. This Married by America thing won't work in my opinion, and I can't believe people would be that desperate to let America decide who they marry. I bet whoever gets married will probably be seen on Divorce Court...
  3. There's this show called Nashville Star that's gonna air on the USA cable network. It's the biggest ripoff of American Idol I've ever seen. It's American Idol for country music, basically. Same 2 male judges and that 1 female judge, it's just that both the male judges are white (not the 1 black male and 1 white male we're so used to in American Idol).
  4. I want it, I want it, I WANT IT! But I don't have the money right now. :( I'm trying to find a job just to get that CD.
  5. I haven't watched Power Rangers in ages. I think I stopped watching since Space or Lost Galaxy, don't remember. I used to his this one friend who was a power Rangers fanatic, but I have friends that say people without a brain watch power rangers. I did watch the Ninja Storm premiere, and it looks okay. But I may not watch every episode.
  6. Yeah, Jacko may be wacko, but it's sad that his life has turned bad. But like Jermaine said, they need to leave him alone. But oh well, there's still Janet. She's the only Jackson sibling that's still doing something with her life. *dreams about Janet*
  7. It's sad what happened to Frenchie. Just because they found that out about her, they were 'forced' to take her out. It's just not fair. I saw Best of the Worst. I'm still having nightmares over that dude who sang Like a Virgin....
  8. [QUOTE]The first season is based loosely on Red and Blue, though.[/QUOTE] The first season is mainly based on Yellow. 1. Ash gets a Pikachu, while Gary gets an Eevee. 2. In the game, you can't evolve Pikachu unless you trade it. In the show, Pikachu refused to evolve when he had the chance. 3. Lt. Surge is a big similarity. In red and blue he had a Voltorb, Pikachu, and Raichu. But in Yellow, he only had Raichu. That's how it was in the show as well. 4. Jessie and James. They weren't in Red and Blue. 5. In Red and Blue, Giovanni didn't have a Persian. To make a long story short, there's almost nothing in Red and Blue that can be connected to the show. Everything that's on the first season is from Yellow.
  9. I tried that Shuckle thing, and it didn't work me either...
  10. I thought it was funny when people kept forgetting the words to the songs they were singing. It was so hilarious!
  11. I hate shows like that. Are people that desperate to find love on a reality TV show?
  12. [QUOTE]It would be really cool if in the next pokemon game if you could steal someone else's pokemon and get arrested well if they just made the game like vice city it would be perfect[/QUOTE] You can steal other people's Pokemon. With a Gameshark.
  13. Lesse... I like WWE Raw and WWE Smackdown Boston Public The Simpsons And that's it. I don't watch as much TV as I used to.
  14. [QUOTE]The bad thing about it is, however, is that it's Special Attack isn't that good, so it can't put a good use to the great moves it can learn.[/QUOTE] It is too bad. With a gameshark you could probably turn it into a fighting machine. Last time I played Silver with a gameshark, I had it equipped with a Quick Claw and had sketched Lugia's Aeroblast and Ho-oh's Sacred Fire. I beat Erika no sweat.
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