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Everything posted by muetank

  1. i had to take antidepressents once because thay thought i had that bipolar thing. the pills just make you wicked hyper to the point where you cant stop moving or talking. it gets anoying at times because you want to stop talking and stuff but you cant. then you find your self talking about embarising things to your frends and stuff and the only whay to get your self to stop talking is to grit your teeth or chew on something. so my advice is not to take antidepressents thay will mess you up wicked bad. i should of beat my docter till he looked like this . :drunk:
  2. you think middle schools are bad, then u dont want to see my high school. girls go thrue men like toliet paper up there, its insanity.
  3. i hate it when people treat others unfarely newbie or not.
  4. your right it dident. it just made the person go more crazy. thats why i think thay should bring it back for people like that.
  5. i think thay should bring the insane asilums back for prople like that. you know the back in the day asilums, where you eather snaped out of it or thay filled you full of electro shock and snaped you out of it. but no thay just let her slide with jail time and you know she might do it again if she ever gets out.
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