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Everything posted by Krillin

  1. It depends on what time during the series. Sometimes Gohan is stronger and sometimes Goku is stronger. I still have faith in Gohan either way.;)
  2. Not bad at all. You should draw some more.:cool:
  3. Get the downloading program called KAZAA . I have that program and I'm sure you can find it there and download lots of music videos. :cool:
  4. The greatest hero of all time has got to be piccolo and the worst villian is probably cell.
  5. I don't have any, I watched all the eps up to the buu saga on my comp.:D
  6. Where are you guys getting the subs, I can't find any decent ones on the internet. All I can find are some stupid dubbs
  7. I love all of Piccolo's fights and I also like when Piccolo fuses with Kami to become a Super Namek!:D :cool:
  8. I read in a magazine that DBGT will be airing in 2003. That's a long wait, so I'm not waiting for that.
  9. Does Bebi Vegeta ever do a Final Flash? I haven't seen DBGT.:confused:
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