Hiei Jagashi
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Everything posted by Hiei Jagashi
hmm....sesshomaru from inu-yasha if he chould get a car back then and put a bumper sticker on it it whould say (give me the shiny sword of are father and no one gets hurt...exept inu-yasha)
[COLOR=red]What makes a good anime?What do you haft ot have in a show to make it one of the best?Action,love,drama,blood.Blood is one of the by far best.Tell me what you think makes a good anime or anime character and why and give an example of an anime you think that should be reconized.[/COLOR]
OMG thank you so much that has realy helped alout, I now know alittle about the show.Thankyou so much.
Ok has any one seen or even heard of the anime.I have seen pics of it and i have been to a couple of websites but dont realy have a realy good grasp of it.I was wondering if any one chould tell me alittle abouht this anime and fill me in on some detailes. I dont know about evrey one but one of the things i want to do is know alout aboughts diferent animes even the ones not posably in the u.s.a even? Ok any way can any one help me out here?????? Please????
This post is dedicated to bakura.He has curently been on tv duel in battle city.I was wondering if any one chould posibly tell me or name any of the cards in bakuras deck.Besides that this post is dedicated to how cool and just info on bakura.
Its a stupid sequel to X that realy has nothing to do with X most of the characters dont even look the same.Which makes no since at all.
There going to put it on cartoon network.I dont realy no if its an anime but it looks kinda stupid if you ask me.
If your going to critisise it you should not even be typing in this area.
The manga of escaflowne is so much different then the anime.When i say different i meen almost totaly different.The actull escaflowne looks totaly different and even some of the characters are totaly different.Its so confusing.I think its realy strange.
All i know aboght this anime was that it was not very long.I also have heard it is exelent.I persenoly think it looks realy cool and whould realy like to see it but i cant aford to buy the series.
Anime What Anime has the best opening theme?
Hiei Jagashi replied to Lone Bebop's topic in Otaku Central
The best opening theme i think is 'Tank'. Why,because its just one of those songs that makes you want to get up and dance.Another one is the opening song for the cowboy bebop movie,not the one when there at the store the one after when its showing all the stuff it has like lyrics of something like "dna" and that all i remeber.... -
I think theres three sesons mabey only two,im not sure i havnt seen it in for ever and i dont think the second season is out in america. How chould they work on the anime its all ready been done its not one of those anime's that are in progress its all ready compleat.
I read naruto is shonen jump and i haft to sayI LOVE IT.Its a realy funny and action packed.I like the manga better then the anime.I have seen pics of the anime and i like the drawings of the manga better then the anime.I dont know if its just me but they look different.Naruto looks like he's all happy and care free all the time.And the guy who wants to kill a person cant remeber his name he looks wierd so dous there ninja trainer and the girl because in the anime they just dont catch there over all aditude.The girl is sposed to look like shes the best in the world the other boy is spose to look quite and seriouse and there trainer is sposed to look like he'd be easy to beet and on alcohol or something and he just doesnt.
When you say fool serios do you meen all of the seasons because i belive there are three,so do you meen you have all three seasons or just one or two of the seasons.Please clarify.
Answer:She named the computer tomato after her old friend tamota(well in the manga). Qustion:What is spikes fave food?
Blue seed is a pretty cool show but for some reson it didnt do very well in the u.s.a.I like the begining song its realy cool and evrey thing.Hey!i have a question what are we sposed to be talking aboght on this thread.
Qustion:Why dous sesshomaru protect rin?
Ok i got to thinking and noticed that there was no inu-yasha quiz that i know of so..........i started one:wigout: Any way yall know the rules.Time to start the quiz Qustion:What are the four main characters.
OH MY GOSH.I watched the show and i am in love with it
My friend told me all aboght this show and i am going to watch it as soon as i can.She says its more exiting then dragon ball z(alomost evrey thing is)and she is a big fan of it but getting tired of it.The show reminds me of me and her aloght.I will post more when i watch it this monday i will post back here.My friend says it funny and cool.Besides that i dont know much aboght it.
Blue seed rocks i love it.ITs a realy cool anime.I have not seen all of it but i know aloght aboght it.Its an origanal anime even the characters there all different and you will defentaly crack up laughfing at some parts and im seriouse it takes aloght for me to laugh and i fell over laughfing.Its so funny how kusanagi always wants to know what panty's momiji is wearing they always have little animals on them.Its is back on air curently at 10:00,I dont know what chanal but ask yu yu Hakusho she nows what chanal its on or you can just surf your chanals.
I have heard of it and even see how it looks in my anime invasion magazine.They are sposed to talk in this weird language i forgot what it was called though.I have wanted to read it but the art looks kinda funny and whats the main purpose or what are they trying to do.
Thanks,all i know is that the characters have like cat ears and tails like cats kinda.They all have something tied right next to there ears.
I hope it comes out in america i want to see the girl ubsessed with dice(i like dice to)
Dous any one know aboght digi charet. I have heard aboght it and just want to know aboght the show and evrey thing.Is it even release in america yet.It whould be so nice if some one chould tell me aboght the show and if they have seen it or what they have heard.:D Thanks