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Hiei Jagashi

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Everything posted by Hiei Jagashi

  1. I dont have any tattos but my brother dous and peirsings.He has had his eye brow,nose,nipel.And he has his ear,and tounge peirsed.He has tons of tatss.He dous tatts.The has to dice that are on fire,a mask,two girls on his back one is an angel the ohter devil,he has the symbol for fire with flames over it.He has two anime girls that he's done a wierd desighn.He has also done my sis he did a fairy on her and a nother desighn on her back.He wants to become a pro and is testing out on peopple and as soon as i turn 18 im going to get a yin-yang were the black side has fire on the edge and on the other side it has waves.He also has a desighn on the back of his neck.He used to have a smal little desighn between his tumb and his pointer finger but he had to get rid of it becaue he was trying to get in the army so its now just a little circle with a big dot in the middle.He has some more but i dont realy remember what they all are but lets just say he has aloght of tatts.Then my sisther has her ear,cartlig on her ear and also her tounge peirsed.My dad has a eagle,scorpion,and something else i cant remember.My mom has one tatt its on her shoulder its a uni corn.
  2. Yeah true and if you dont have aloght of ram it will take aloght of time.And if your like me you will get anoyed.
  3. There is no store in the usa that sells naruto. The reason why is that the only way people have heard of naruto or know aloght aboght it is from reading the monthly shonen jump. They will not have naruto out intill the edit it even in the un-cut version go through it and make sure its all oky-doky. There is a chance even it might never come out in america. BUt if you know how to speak and uderstand japanies or can speak what they speak in brazil and understand it you can order them over line mabey.
  4. I like the Realy folk blues from cowboy bebop and third eye from yu yu hakusho and the opening.
  5. I hadn't seen the matrix when i watched the animatrix and yes is was very confusing. A nother anime that creeps me out is utena and fake. They are both bio shows and one of the covers for utena is just:shivers:creepy.
  6. I have seen it and i just have to say IT ROCKS. Its one of the few anime's that have big robots in them that i like. Van is also very cute. The movie that you get on dvd is very confusing nothing like the anime but its ok i guess its just strage and if you dont know any thing aboght this anime you may want to watch it before the movie because that what i did and BOY was i confused. They call hitomi (or is that with a e)the wind goddes or something like that and pluss they never realy use escaflowne intill the end. And am not talking aboght the one thats on movie and there is like four of vidoes i am talking aboght the one just on dvd. Over all its a pritty good anime but van chould be alittle cuter, he is cute its just his hair looks realy strange.
  7. Yeah it is freaking big but when he transforms it F!@#$%^ huge to. He is a wolf demon though.
  8. Thank you someone agrees with me. Thats what i thought why whould he carey around a big fluffy thing. I also think his tail is so large because he is a full demon and he is what older then a 1000 probly. Think shippos tail is pritty big for a little guy.
  9. I have a ? is the big fluffy thing jover sesshomarus shoulder his tail or a bad fashion statement. I think its his tell but i want to know if any one agrees with me. I think it is his tail because at the ending on one of the songs it shows him and its trailing behind him. Also if it isnt his tail what is it???Please answer.
  10. HaHa im so happy i got the 4rth dvd yesterday it is so cut kotori dies and fuma totaly goes evil but its so sad and cute you get to see a PUPPY INUKI and also get to see a CHIBI KAMUI and you also get see the true face behind the cold kamui and he also cryes but when he dous it is so adorable.
  11. Yeah its aloght different then sailor moon or dbz but thats whats so good aboght it its unique. You have to give them some credit there are 16 main characters and each one has there own kinda thing. I think x is a very good anime. The true character that they "square"in on is kamui, he is the one that holds the key to the world and weilds the divine sword or shinken. I advise that you watch the anime before the movie. I have some of the anime but i have never seen the movie but its better to watch anime series before the movie because most of the time the movie only has the characters in the movie and not the plot. If any of you have seen the movie can you tell me what its aboght. I will tell you some more on saterday because i am going shoping for school cloths and i am going to get the fourth and then i will get the fith then the second and then the movie and then sixth when it comes out and so on. But back to the movie can you tell what is aboght.
  12. I watch it bacause I like all of it.The only thing i dont like is they have to pointy of chins.
  13. Its sucks that brazil all ready has almost all the best anime. And to top it all off it all uncut.You just want to screem and pull out your hair. They all ready have dragon ball z gt,naruto,shaman king,.To tell the truth they have had gt out for a FLIPIN FREAKIN YEAR.America can be evil sometimes.
  14. Yeah in some of them the art bugged me.Dont you just hate that and its like you cant watch it because you cant pay attention because your complaining aboght the art to your self saying"i can draw so much better,that persons neck looks like a foot."lol just an exp.
  15. I think vash.He just stands there and peopple can shoot thousonds of bullets at him and they dont shoot him and then with his bullet he can cut another one in half .Thats very inpresive.
  16. Dragon ball Z hands down i think.they didnt leave any thing out.Know bad guys no words nothing the only thing they left out was all the cuss words(but thats only in the edited version..shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......)
  17. Lol hiei is the best in the world,but im apsolutly inlove with the guys so what can i say.
  18. I have the fisrst and third dvd.It is kinda confusing.Try watching the first episode instead of the thing that shows all the characters.It is mainly aboght a boy that holds the key to this world.There are eight good guys and eight bad guys.the good guys are the dragons of heaven or the seven seals.The bad guys are called the dragons of earth or the sevan angels.The eighth good and bad guy are baseikly like leaders they arnt realy a seal or angel.The main character weilds something called the divine sword .the main character has a twing star so wants he desides to become good the other is bad.The dragons of heaven are trying to save the world frome ruin while the dragons of earth want that to happen.
  19. What did the pink panter say when he stepped on an ant. deadant(do that to the pink panter toon. What did the cowboy say when his dog walked off a cliff. doggone
  20. How long did it take you to find all that stuff.
  21. I hate flys.They just drive me crazy.There so small and hairey and creepy.And to top it off evrey time they land they puke then eat it agiane.That is nasty.I jsut cant help my self if i see a fly i freak out.They are evil little things that should be sent to the abyss.
  22. Shadi is not the powerfulest even though he almost kills yami yugi in the shonen jump.He is the one who gave pegasus his millenium eye.Shadi only appires ones or twise in the anime but a couple of manga chapters are with him in it.Shadi dous not help in defeating bakura or marik but they just had to put him in the anime because he is the one who gives pegasus the eye.
  23. I know i was just taking a estamated guess.
  24. The best anime fighter besides the dbz characters whould i have to say be Yusuke from yu yu hakusho.The only anime ever to rival dbz.The best swords men i whould have to say whould be hiei from yu yu hakusho as well.Even though his sword gets broken he gets a new and inproved one.Who can beat hiim he has speed and is great with his sword i dont think any one chould beat him with a sword.
  25. I have the movie.Some of them are ok.......but its isnt the best in the world.Some of them are kinda stupid.There is no mane character so...........i didnt think it was going to very good.If you dont like credits you are going to be mad.There is some after evrey short film.The creators of cowboy bebop did kids story and its ok,but the kids neck looks mesed up.My fave is beyond.It is made of nine short films and some of them dont bother watching.If you have never seen the matrix this movie is going to be very confusing for you.I have never seen the matrix even thogh we have it.When i first saw this movie i was so confused.
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