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Hiei Jagashi

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Everything posted by Hiei Jagashi

  1. No it is not.It is not any were close.It is in brazil already but they all ready have dbz gt,all of it.I dont think naruto will be broght on till atleast 2 more years.
  2. The heavy arms is my second fave.I like it aloght because it uses aloght of amo and its red and i like the color red.It is a realy cool gundam one of the best i think because it is the most risk taking one. I meen most risk taking because when troa runs out of amo what soud he haft to do???He has to retreat most of the time. Like when he first meets Quatre he had just udes all of his amo so he surrenderd.
  3. My fave is gundam wing because it dosent just revlove around the big robots.It has five totally different lives put into it.In most gundams it is all aboght the gundam and not the peopple.
  4. Good idea.I like anime music ,one there are sow many types.There is just not one topic and thats it.It has lots of different feelings put in to it and meaning. One of my faves that i can list right off the back is "tank"frome cowboy bebop.And if you have never heard this you have not lived.I like tank because of the jazz and rock all put together. My second is "The Real Folk Blues"its a good song .Even better in japanese.It has jazz in it but more of a clasical taste but still livley. That was also from cowboy bebop.MY third from cowboy bebop is eddwards theme called catz on mars i think.I like this one because it suits me and edward but it is funny.I like it. These were all done by Yoko Kanno. She is a very good creatar and one of the top 10 from anime invasion. -hiei One eye sees the future the other the past and the third the future.
  5. I think it sucks that they are changing bras name.I think it matches because you know trunks bra .Then there last name is briefs .I always thoght that was weird.But i heard they were changing it to bura because of all the young people watching.Think you are a parent and your little kid comes up and asks what a bra is .YOu whold never let them watch that show againe. -Hiei One eye sees the future the other the past and the third the present.
  6. Some people have heard of it i am sure.But you have if you get shonen jump.Its called one peice its aboght a pirate named luffy that goes and findes a crew of 10 and is looking for something called the one peice.He has a strange power called gum gum action were he can stretch any part of his body.Its is a good manga you shold check it out. And another one is called Shaman King. Its aboght a boy named You Asakura he comes to tokyo to train as a shaman.He helps gosts with there problems and stuff. He also pares up with a guy named manti.His point for coming to tokyo is to collect gost to come part of his "group" .If you dont now what a shaman is ask your parents if they dont now look it up in a dictonary.But he collects gosts to help him with things.It is a prity good manga so you shold check it out it is good. I will post some more later i haft to go vacume my room. -hiei one eye sees the future the other the past and the third the present.
  7. Ok i will list mine in order.If you dont now any of these people you are stupid .My first is hiei oww he is sow hot and cute.Second vegeta he is hot to .Third is van.Then ,bardock.Then i have raditz,kusanagi.Duo is realy hot he shold be more at the top.kurama and demon kurama one at top to .That is all i can realy think of right no i just got home from school sow i am out of it.I have more but i cant think . Hiei One eye sees the future the other the past and the third the present. :alchohal:
  8. I am kinda stupid sometimes,sow i dont now the #chanal of these.Sow if people chold be sow nice and sweet chold yall please give the number of the chanal it whold realy help.thankyou.
  9. I rented it at block buster. And come on yuske it wasnt that bad.Just to let people now i am that friend .Its a good movie over all the nudity and atempted sex. It wasnt that bad i wish i chold see more episodes but hey hew ever gets what they want. -hiei one eye sees the future the other hte past and the third the present. [color=teal]Please do NOT double post. If you think of something else to say, edit your post to say such. But since your other post had no relevance, I deleted it altogether. -Syk3[/color]
  10. my middle name is what i hate. My middle name is elaine , i hate it .Its evel .My mom named me that after my great grand mother ,aunt ,.She also got my real name Lauren from my aunt named lori isnt that funky.how do you get the name lauren from lori.I will never now!
  11. ok, i promise i am not lying i had a dream aboght this anme last night.I didn't even no it was a anme .I think that is funny but strange at the same time.Dous the main character have silverish whiteish hare and have scratch like marks on his face ? If he dous i have gone crazy he was in my dream last night.I think i have gone crazzzzzzzzzyyyyyyy.!HELP ME! Hiei one eye sees the future the other the past and the third the present.
  12. I like the show as well, but i think they need some new atackes or new sailor scouts, because each show they go into battle and hew beats the bad guy its sailor moon no doght. They need to ley oter sailor scouts beat the bad guys to ,but beside that it is a sweeet show. -hiei one eye sees the future the other the past and the third the future
  13. Well i think that all the characters below are hot from a scale from best to not. hiei vegeta demon kurama Van,bardock raditz kusanagi brolly not a anme character a vidieo game character Riku from kingdom hearts Wakka spike :heart:
  14. thank you hee-chanlover and i alsow agree with you spike is a very determined person whitch makes a prity sweet character.
  15. im not trying to be rude or any thing.But Dark magican is not the strongest spell caster .Its maha vailo because of her affect.Her efect is for each magic card powered with her raises her atack points by 500. And i swear i am not making this up i have the card sow i now.And i was not trying to be rude and if eny one nows a stronger spellcaster you can corects me and i wont be mad. -Hiei One eye sees the past the other the future the third the preasent.
  16. if yall chold rate my deck? my holo's or rare are maha vailo,buster blader,blue eyes white dragon,exchange,toon mermaid,elegent egitist,harpy lady sisters and my list goes on but if any one chold tell me how that sound please reply -Hie one eye see's the future the other the past and the third the preasent
  17. a couple *blue seed *gun smith cat *Sorcerer on the rocks *Princess nine *plastic little(sorta) *bubblegum crisis tokyo 2040 *kurogane *urusei Yatsura(its a clasic anme)
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]If you were truely smart, you wouldnt waste your time on this.. That is, if you were logical as well as intelligent. Lol.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Hmm....you have a point there. I don't see any point to this thread either. It really...well, :fart: What I'm saying is that I totally agree with you deathnight. -Hiei :flush:
  19. Well excuse me, but I already apogolized. I am new here and I didn't know.
  20. Did any one now that they are making a sequel to final fantasy 10. Not like 11 but a continue to the 10. I think that is so cool it is going to have all the original characters. I think that is strange and cool at the same thime. Yuna will be in all new clothes with shorts and some other stuff. I think it will be really cool to see her in something other than her usual summoning outfit! Same goes with Tidus and Rikku and the other guys! But this isn't a fact. I just heard about it from a few websites and friends. What else do you guys think about the sequel? When will it get here? Does it look good? I am quite new here and I hope that this thread is ok. I hope no one gets mad @ me....I haven't seen any other thread talking about this so I thought it was ok.
  21. i will be your buddy i even now yu yu hakusho we are good friends.My fave charicter is Edward.I probly now more aboght her then moat people i have pics info age weight her hole name she is not a easy charicter to now like the back of your hand
  22. i now a little aboght the movie.i learned it from this magazine i have it is a cool movei but i have not had the privlige to see it. -Hiei
  23. i have one its a realy cool manga and it alsow has info aboght the creator.I dont now were to get them because my friend got it for me but ow well. -Hiei i heard from a good friend that with the first shonen jump mag it came with a toon blue eyes white dragon or something like that is it true??? [size=1][color=teal]I'd have to ask you not to double post in the future. Thanks! -Syk3[/color][/size]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B][color=royal blue]I don't drink, swear, smoke, or have intimate relationships with others. Does that count as being weird? :D [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] No. I think you're a good person! You remind me a lot of myself.......^_^; -Hiei
  25. Ok...these parents are ITIOTS. It's their fault, not the creators of Spongebob. They should've been watching their daughter in the first place. They just want to blame someone for her death. How immature. And the adults call US immature. And another thing, if the parents don't like it, they shouldn't have let her watch it in the first place. I hope they lose the law suit. I'm very sad to hear the death of their child, but you can't blame a cartoon for it. Every child has a creative mind like that. Just because I like Yu Yu Hakusho doesn't mean that I'm going to sue Yoshihiro Togashi or FUNImation if I jump in a bonfire and play like I'm Hiei. Come on. It the parent's fault, not the creators of Spongebob or Spongebob, a mere cartoon. People are SO freakin stupid. 0_o -Hiei
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