Remember now Spike said [spoiler]he died before and he is just living a dream but when he meets Julia and when she dies the dream ends and he is back into reality because during the last episodes he wasn't careless and free like he was in the series maybe he was just living because Julia was still alive and she was the only thing he had left before he could move on come on now Spike lives after Vicious throws he out of a buliding, Lives after fighting Vincent(movie) shoots him in the chest..... but dies when Vicious slashs him across the body..The same goes for Vicious in the end because everytime Spike and Vicious fight there was no real winner. Vicious survives a grenade explosion, getting his jet-fighter shot down..he dies when none of them have anything to lose anymore. Vicious has nothing to lose because his goal is completed to become the leader of the red dragon, Spike can't lose nothing after Julia dies[/spoiler]