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Everything posted by Azzi

  1. [color=indgo]*Claps enthusiasticly* Its really good! Yeah, the BG is really good. To kill the pixelted effect, you can save your banner in BMP format, not PNG, 'cause a lot of computers cant wiew PNGs.[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]I live in Green Bay (Wisconsin) but I'm not sure if there are any Wisconsin Otakuites.[/color]
  3. [color=indigo]*Grins* Looks like cats are the root to all problems. I always trip over my lazy cat. My mom loves her cat, she only got it recently and it sleeps [i]anywhere[/i]. I'm a natural klutz so I'm always seen with my face on the floor. >
  4. What is the hardest thing that you ever done before? Me, was accepting the death of my favorite aunt. She died of liver cancer last year. I didn't even say goodbye to her cause I was in a different country at the time.
  5. My name is spelt differently too. Caitlin is the usual spelling, but my parents named me Katelyn. I like it that way better anyway ^_^.
  6. [color=darblue]Roller blading is the best! I started when I was a lasy 7 year old, and my aunt forced me to get some exercise, skating. I hated it first but Ilove it now. What's your'e favorite sport?[/color]:D
  7. Here is a DN Angel story I wrote. Please be kind, I'm not much of a writer. O.o. Look [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=346381]here[/URL] for pictures of Dark and Daisuke (Dark - Blue hair, Daisuke, red hair) -------------------- DN Angel : Spirit Within Author's note: I created this story from a Japanese magna comic, that I particularly like. Anyways, I used the basics, but it is set a year later from the comics, when Daisuke is 15. Enjoy! Chapter 1 : Release Mika bent down and read her magazine. Her mother was beside her balancing Mika's little sister Lillie on her knee, and her father was finding the family's luggage. "I hate moving to Japan!" Mika sign melodramatically. "I wanted to stay in America, but could I no! Because of some job transfer!". Mika's mother laughed softly. "You know that job meant a lot to dad, and also, this is your grandfather's homeland. You are quarter Japanese, you know. Besides, now we have a bigger house and you wont share with Lillie any more. at least there's one perk to this boring trip, I wont have to share with Lillie any more. Lillie tugged at Mika's scarf. "leamme alone!" she said impatiently to the two year old. Lillie sniffed indignantly and turned away. "Where's daddy?" she demanded. Whilst her mother explained to the child, Mika stared down at her magazine, not really reading it. Her long honey brown hair fell down on her shoulders. her almond shaped eyes brimmed with tears. "I know I'll hate it here!" she said softly, a tear trickling down her cheek. She carelessly wiped it away and turned her face away, pretending to be scanning the airport instead of crying. Mika felt at her neck for her pendant, which was a tiny crystal orb her eccentric grandmother gave her. Mika's grandmother was her best friend, always listened to Mika's littlest problems, and always helped her with wise kind words. Her grandmother believed in spirits, and just before she died, she gave Mika the crystal pendant, believing it to be a radar of the inner spirit. Mika didn't believe this, but she always kept the pendant, to remind her of her grandmother. was at the mountains. Her dad drilled in it and attached a string through--it had been Mika's comfort whenever she was upset. She clung to the orb's smooth shiny surface, allowing more tears to flow. "I'm going to the bathroom" she mumbled, staggering away. "Don't be too long, Mika, okay?" her mom replied. --- Daisuke panted as he ran to his school. He was surprised to notice everyone from his class huddled in a corner of the schoolyard. He made his way over, and peeped through the coat and scarf clad kids, and saw the Harada twins. "Hi Daisuke!" Riku cried, pushing through some kids. "Um..hi." Daisuke mumbled, blushing. "Guess what! We?re leaving for Kyoto today! We were allowed to say last goodbye." "So soon?" Daisuke blurted out, feeling bummed out that Riku was going so quickly. "Yes." she said softly. "Risa is being worshipped one last time" she said, indicating to her twin sister with a gloved hand. Daisuke eyes darted from Riku's to Risa's. The two looked identical; except Risa wore her long brown hair long and Riku had short hair. Daisuke was attracted to Risa at first, but she was too much of an airhead and she didn't like him anyway, just Dark. Riku on the other hand, was the only friend who believed him about Dark, and knew why weird things were always happening to him. They were Dark's "jokes" She was also intelligent and concerned about things like animal extinction and global warming, where Risa's main problems were spilt ends.. Any feelings he had for Risa were lethal. Whenever he even thought of her now, Dark grew stronger. When Dark was stronger, Daisuke was reduced to a little voice in he back of Dark's mind, and he grew taller, older with dark blue hair, instead of his short self, with unruly crimson hair and eyes. Whenever he thought of Riku, Dark was pulled further away from any possible strength. Dark was a criminal--an unstoppable art thief. Daisuke had tried everything to stop Dark, mainly to save his reputation and the art galleries. Risa was making her way to him, so Daisuke ran off. "Daisuke!" Risa said, disgustedly. "He's such a freak, Riku" she muttered to her sister. "I don't know what you see in him." Riku flushed, and turned away. "I don't like him that way." she said, but Risa had wandered off. Daisuke leaned back against the wall, catching his breath. "That...was...close!" he panted. He could feel Dark's rage in his mind, but shut it away. "I'm..going to win!" he said triumphantly. "Drrrrrrriiiiiiiinnnnnnggggggggggggg!" a loud noise clang above his head. Class time. Daisuke ran across the yard to the main door. "Bye Risa!" a girl cried, waving like crazy. Risa held up her head, and waved to her 'fans' regally. The twins climbed in a car, with bags tied onto the roof. "If they're going for ever, Dark will never some out again!" don't count on it kid, I have tons of experience, I'll release myself from this wimpy cage you call your body, with or without that babe, Risa. Daisuke hummed a tune, trying to muffle Dark's words. "No you won't" he whispered fiercely. Some people turned to stare at him, and he reddened and scurried to his locker. Despite his brave words, he knew Dark had his tactics, of escape. He didn't want to think about Dark anyway. He slid through the door of his class, and settled at a table by himself. "
  8. [color=darblue]Ooo! Interensting idea.:toothy: Name: Arai (pronounced R A) Age: 14 Gender: Female Position: Reject Solider Personality traits: Arai is a fun loving airhead, though she is young she has the intelegence of a rocket scientist (okay, I'm exaggeratinh..she's smart though.) Arai is also a determined girl, nothing can stop her. She is often seen with unicorn (genetic scientists do it again!), she calls Slasher. Physical Appearance: Shoulder length dark red hair that she keeps undreneath a black ski cap, and brown eyes. She wears a black jumpsuit with a marron shirt over it. She is meduim height, and carries a knife. Okay, just tell me if Slasher isn't allowed, okay? He can be a war horse, ne?[/color]
  9. Hee, my name's Katelyn too!
  10. [color=darblue]When I say [I]your[/I] quotes, I mean yours. Not quotes you like or something. My fave quote with most menaing is below in my siggy. Its terrible the way you see little kittens tied in a garbage bag and chucked away, and dogs locked up in sheds >.< So, lemme see your quotes![/color]:toothy: *heh, gotta love this smiley*
  11. [color=darblue]The best thing you could do now is really accept the situation, and even though you're upset, you should try to make sure your parents never know, so you should pretend in fornt of them that you're okay, or they'll probably feel even worse knowing thier kid is upset, it'll put them under pressure. Pray for the best.[/color]
  12. [color=darblue]Has anyone got overly-annoying brothers and sisters?I have 2 half-brothers, both younger than me. Jordan, who's 9 years old, he thinks that jumping on people's back and practically ripping out their hair is a way of playing >.< and another brother, Adam who's 4 years old, and repeats everything at least twice. He also likes to torture Piper, our dog. They can be okay sometimes, I think that I'm lucky, at least not to be an only child and lonely.[/color]:toothy:
  13. [color=coral]Name: Silva Age: 16 Race: Human/wolven Bio: A loner but a kind and caring person. Silva was brought up by a pack of wolves, as her mother died giving birth to her, and she never had a father. Silva understands wolves much better than people, and considers herself more of a wolfen child than human. Occupation: Demon Hunter Appearance: She's very tall and slender, with long silvery hair, steel blue eyes. She wears a white tunic over black pants, and a belt around her waist, in which she carries her dagger. She keeps her bow and arrows slung over her back. Alliance: Good Weapons: Dagger, bow and arrow. Powers: She can understand and communicate with any wolf, apart from that she has no powers. Special moves: She's fast, and a perfect archer.[/color]
  14. [COLOR=coral][b]Who am I in my mind?[/b] I am a person who clouds most feelings to others, in fear of getting hurt/being misintepreted and hurting others. Apart from that I'm a fun loving kid who is easygoing and an all round nice person. I admit that I'm stubborn and a bit overemotional and I do tend to hide my feeling, making myself misintepreted and misunderstood. [b]Who am I to others?[/b] A good friend and listner, a shoulder to cry on (well, two shoulders) and I'm a person who stands up for herself and others, and is a person who scares others.:bluesweat: [b]How would I rather people saw me?[/b] As someone who people know to steer clear off, and I'd like poeple to recognise my good sides rather than my bad. Whee! That was fun! I understand myself better now O.o[/COLOR] [i]Edit: The dancing banana avatar SA! it the best I've ever seen *stares and wishes she thought of it*[/i]
  15. I think Calumon lover means hams as in Hamsters, like in that cartoon Hamtaro. They got some wierd language of thier own O.o
  16. [COLOR=coral]Has anyone got a unique but overly insane pet? I hae a mongrel called Piper, and he is white with brown paws and spotty grey hindquaters. Piper is like a parrot. He can immatate sounds, though they don't sound humanish, if you call his name, he'll bark out the syllables, isn't that amazing? ^______^ [/COLOR]
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