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Everything posted by ARTommy

  1. its pretty good but I enjoyed your last banner more. the quote (if you can call it that) is pretty clever but it seems to dark for a megaman banner
  2. here this is a manga versin of Wolfwoood and is a pretty simple banner. c and c welcome
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Marron347 [/i] [B]That really sucks. I kinda know how you feel. I have this vice-principal at my school, Mrs. Wyland. She's a real weirdo. Ever since we got this new principal she started pushing him around, making him ban everything that she thinks is "gang related." The students at my school can't even wear bandanas to even harmless baby rattles because of it. A couple of girls brought binkies to school one day (yes, I know this is stupid in the first place) but they were banned because Mrs. Wyland says we will put drugs in them. It has gotten to the point where we can't even have smelly erasers because she says there is cocaine on them. [/B][/QUOTE] where the hell do u live? as for the otaku anime thing i cant even go on cops in school so you'll find no help from me
  4. here we go... never done this before even though there has been hundreds of em. its trigun not very original but spare me.
  5. heres one im so glad there is a contest for art. woo!!
  6. okay heres another one and blista is that megaman in ur banner
  7. thanks guys! i totally forgot about the fox marks dang i'll have to add em
  8. thats cool i like it alot never use the same pic twice like other themes but howd u make it
  9. heres a sketch i did of one of the scenes from the naruto manga and i did it in pencil. commments criticizm welcome
  10. Thanks Charmed! i know the red backround is pretty durn boring but I cant think of any thing else to put there..oh well heres a third one for the heck of it. i think i laso did this for a request
  11. recently looked up "ghetoo" in the dictionary and it said a ghetto is a place mainly in habitted by the jewish in a city. So this guy screwed up when he made this game
  12. thanks Baron I'll kep that in mind when i'm redoing it heres another one of Zelda that i did for a reguest i tried to use a Zelda through out the ages type of theme
  13. heres a banner i mad its of Hrlembeat characters. comments and criticism welcome!
  14. im not an african american but i dont see why its racist. this is what therei race is leading the public to believe that they are Gangstas" and grew up in the "hood". just look at rappers, all they rap about is growin up in the "hood". so when a game comes along that makes fun of that then they should be able to take it. everyone has to laugh at them selves once and a while
  15. heres some avatars i made while fooling around with my paint program. there characters from FLCL
  16. ARTommy


    Name: Tommy (kinda obvious) Age: 12 hair color: orange hair type : afro-ish, tryin to grow it out eye color: brown height: 5.8 , around that.? wardrobe: Baggy, baggy jeans and t-shirts. I wear Quiksilver and sometimes Ecko stuff like that. kids at school call me ghettcause of the Ecko cloths I dont think they know what a ghetto is. personality: normally quiet most of the time. unless Im with my friends or at home. then I blow up on ya music type's :Rock, some Rap, and occasional Heavy metal. bands: Sum 41, Trapt, Blink 182, Guns and Roses, Eminem, ludacris,ACDC, Van Halen, and the Old Bon Jovi hobbie's : Sports, art, computer, hanging out with friends, learning to play guitar
  17. okay here we go. Pray it shows up. and Maladjusted (sp?) people say there age to warn the looker that it might not be great because the older you are generally the better you are at your craft. thats all
  18. i think its a excellent first try. first thoug you cant read the drak serena in the corner very well and the drink your milk gets cut off at the top. also a boarder might be nice. anyway great banner!
  19. wow...that was stupid of me. sry here it is heh:worried:
  20. heres a pic that I've been working on in photosho it was inspired from the book [I]When The Wind Blows[/I] and also: [B]I'm only twelve[/B] and twelve yr old boys dont draw angels very often so comments and constructive criticism welcome!
  21. I've decided to mkake banners themed by rappers. First up is the duo known as OutKast. all banners made on MS paint
  22. I'm gonna do this the way Original did action:DBZ- ya i know its pretty lame now but it still holds up against many action series. The plot while sometimes repetitve was strong and the action was never slow(except for that good for nothing spirit bomb) And it had great emotional power. gohan vs. cell...epic Drama:Cowboy Bebop- animation smooth action great drama awesome. This series had most of everything. the plot was great. it surrounded around one thing but they kept it interesting with little sifde stories. there was always a huge sense of mystery and that helped with the falsh back seens. comedy: FLCL- I only saw one episode but from what I saw it kept me laughing. The switch from manga mode and stuff were great. Genuinly funny. I dont have Romance or anything because I dont watch that stuff yet. over all I would say that out of the anime I've seen Cowboy Bebop topped them all but suprisingly I would say DBZ came in a close second.
  23. I like them alot. i myself use MS paint to make my banners and I know how difficult it is to make them look real good. But how did you get the 3-D like effect on the naruto one? Just curious. Keep up the good work.
  24. Very clever. I like how you made his eyes Red in the Governator side. The only thing is the text is hard to read but that can be fixed. Great job
  25. Do you pump paintball guns or do you just shoot cause I'm lost when it comes to the guns?
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