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Everything posted by ARTommy

  1. i like the picture alot but how the heck did u get ur sig banner that big!!!
  2. yah it is harry potter and i'm using some gif animator thing and i do need more frames sry for the double post but it was the only way to put in the remade banner that i knew [COLOR=orangered][size=1]You can delete your old post and copy the text into your new one. -Sara[/size][/COLOR]
  3. well i could go on for hours with this so I'll pick two.... well there was this really big hill at my friends house not very steeep but big. he dares me to go down on my skateboard sitting on the skateboard and have my hand handcuffed to the trucks. i agreed. i start goin down the hill the cuffs get stuck under the wheels so does my hand i go flying and keep rolling down the hill with a skateboard attached to me. it hurts. and when i was like 8 i was throwing toy trucks out the window of my 2nd floor house and i decided to throw 5 and right when i did a car came by. dented the car but i ran
  4. Okay i'm not sure if this will even work but lets hope. its only letters fadiing but its still animantion
  5. [spoiler]i'm so pissed that sirius is dead!!!! my favorite character dead this suckjs because he seemed to remind of vicious in cowboy bebop and that meant he was the only bad a** in the series and umbridge should die and she will! MARK MY WORDS SHE WILL!!!!!!!![/spoiler] [COLOR=orangered][size=1]Welcome to the world of Spoiler tags... -Sara[/size][/COLOR]
  6. second one because the first ones bulky green border didnt flow with the rest
  7. my superdude would be nick fury or punisher because their both major bad a**s and that they dont have any real powers just made skillz
  8. this is another one of my banners but the weird thing about this one is it about a anime i've never seen but loooked cool so....
  9. its good but i could tell u more if it werent so dark
  10. i doubt that i am the only one with this game but i was wondering what character everyone uses? I use Rock the guy with the Air Force jacket because his attcks are pretty powerful but hes fast enough to so he can dodge but still inflict major damage
  11. The first Ape Escape could possibly been my fave PS1 game and i was bummed that the second one wasnt coming but i guess it is so says Offical Playstation Magazine. including new gadgets new character that looks like a lot stupider than the first. As for Bloody Roar 4 i havent read or heard a thing about it and i dont really care because i never played the first ones
  12. you did a good jkob at making him look the other way with out his neck lookin funny and nice try at the personal matrix font i couldnt do that
  13. i thought that the animatrix was awesome. it was great how they had all the different artists. i like a KIDS STORY alot because for some odd reason i fely like i related. that dosent mean i'm gonna go jumpin off some bulidings but hey. the one with the haunted house was cool., was the house a glitch in the matrix? i thought the animation was the best in that because it was so smoothe
  14. dude it lookis like u traced it out of those how to draw Drgaonball Z books because i have one. never used it but those were the poses
  15. probably my last matrix banner but its actually a animeatrix banner (which rocks) take a look
  16. my second matrix banner after seeing reloaded
  17. SUCKS!!! if your wondering this is probably the worst DBZ game made for the playstation and yet they bring this thing over and not legends or something. Aviod this game at all costs!!!!
  18. heres my go at the ob banner not that great but hey what ya gonna do
  19. the out boarder of the gay?
  20. this is a Naruto banner made on paint so dont be expecting something remarkble so i'm just looking for some constructice criticism
  21. yeah im stoked for Zeta too but in the mean time i'd rather be watching 8th MS team and has anyone seen SD Gundam?
  22. i've finally got the right font thanks to Nomad
  23. is this any better i cant find anywhere to download the matrix font
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