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Everything posted by ARTommy

  1. its kinda wierd but if you could please rate on a scale from 1 to 10
  2. ARTommy


    ohh .....the corn was his partner in crime but got shot yah me and my friends had been eating pure sugar good time ....good times.....
  3. i think the best death seen was when cell died i DBZ. Gohan is remembering all the things that have happened and then he remembers his dad and ....dang....cell had no chance and this isnt really a death seen but i like it when in some Cowboy Bebop episode Spike and Vicious face off for the first time in a long time and as spike falls out the church window he remembers what he and vicous went through and then then from the inside of the church a explosion goes off from spikes grenade and the glass flys around him as he falls........ great ending
  4. ARTommy


    this is a original character of mine and it was done in a INVADER ZIM type of art style on MS paint
  5. heres some trigun banner i did before school so it ain't that great and it being made on paint dosen't help either
  6. [FONT=arial]it sounds like a spicies of bull. I mean"Bulla"? who in gods name was aloud to rename her that?[/FONT]
  7. [FONT=arial]I say that cartoon network should just put on the origanol gundam or gundam wing again because i am fed up with G Gundam. we have only seen the whole series 3 times and the animation is horrible for a gundam seies and it was a stupid story. Whose wit me? [/FONT]
  8. well its great but it seems to be a little out of proportion i dont know if its supposed to be that way and try spreading hes feet apart a little but i REALLY like his name!
  9. thanks for all your suggestions everyone
  10. i used some prisma color markers and i wish i could use the comp. tocolor it because then it would look great
  11. i did this pic with some markers but im not so sure if i should touch it up of add sometin plez help me with this problem by the way the guys name is Kira From the new gundam series in japan Gundam SEED !!PEACE OUT!!
  12. dude he looks alot like Sabretooth is that him?
  13. and last but not least....
  14. [FONT=arial]this is my first of hopefully many banners [/FONT] [FONT=arial]not real god at it yet so wait and see[/FONT] [SIZE=3]ARTommy[/SIZE]
  15. hi all i was wondering if any of of the artist in the fanart section could give a little bio kinda like mine codename: ARTommy age:11 Lives massachusttes Likes:anime, drawing, and sports Ive drawn kira vash and yami yugi heres a new one
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