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Everything posted by Piccoro

  1. I like Videl with long hair, she looks better that way. I also like DBGT's Marron, she got blue eyes and a nose, that's a big change:)
  2. One of the reasons why I don't like so much Dragon Ball GT is because Vegeta seems to be a complete different person, you can say that he totally lost his sayajin's pride!! I think that's a shame...
  3. I recently started to see Inuyasha, and i really like it! I've only seen like 10 or 15 episodes, and things are getting interesting!! The music is very good too.
  4. I have some ideas for a manga. My problem is that i can't put them in paper!!! I have all the images in my mind, all the characters, the places, the movements, all!!, but when i take the pencil, i don't know where to start.....:mad: Any ideas for that??:confused:
  5. Piccoro


    Akira is a great movie!! I think it was the first good anime i saw in my life. I was like ten years old, and i was in a friend's house. Well, while i was watching the movie, i throw up.... it must be because that day i was really sick.... A few months ago, i got the chance to see it again, and i was shoked. I mean, 1988? This movie is still better than a lot of today's new animes!!
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