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Drix D'Zanth

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Everything posted by Drix D'Zanth

  1. [quote name='SasukeUchiha']I think this all goes back to the seperation of church and state. I think Gay couples should be allowed to marry in courts. There is nothing in the U.S. constitution that says Gay Marriage is illegal. [/quote] You aren't talking about this little part of the free-exercise clause of the First Amendment? This clause: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." ? That's the separation of church and state, right there... if anything, it keeps the government from telling people what religion to follow. Please recall why this was formed.. the religious conflict in England that ended up sending religious groups like the Puritans to the U.S. I feel that Boba explained the traditional aspects of marriage well enough, hopefully you will take some time to read his perspective.(Not just you Sasuke, to anyone that will inevitably rebut my argument.) [QUOTE=SasukeUchiha] Many people call Gay Marriage a joke, but what is so funny about 2 people that love each other enough that they want to come together and openly show their love and eternal bond? Yes, you may not agree with it, yes you may think it doesnt really matter, but why is it such a big deal? Does it really effect you that much for 2 people to come together and be happy?[/quote] What's so funny about an 18-year-old son that loves his 50-year-old father enough that they want to have sex and get married? How can you presumably say that it is WRONG? I have no problem with people being happy. Please understand that our freedoms aren?t to make everyone ?happy? all the time. Is ?being happy? enough to justify legislation? Are you insinuating that homosexuals today aren?t happy with their current relationships? That somehow having some legal documentation would somehow make people ?Happy?? Not only that, I sincerely doubt all marriages would make people happy, as 50% of marriages today end in divorce. This is why it matters to me: they want to change our social strata. Once something is brought up for legislature in a country run by the ?common man? for the ?common man?, I feel it?s my responsibility to pass judgment and vote when called to vote. It?s all our jobs as citizens. [QUOTE=SasukeUchiha] The popular opinion on Gay people tend to be that its all about sex and its dirty and unnatural. As with all groups of people that is true, but a generalization never holds true for a majority. If this country really practices equality, it should show it once in a while.[/QUOTE] Correct me if I?m wrong here, but doesn?t homosexual mean ?having sex with the same gender?? Sure some people think it?s legitimately dirty. As for unnatural? last time I checked, the anus was not for sex. If we are bringing naturalism into the arena, our duty as a species is to reproduce. Homosexuality fails the inherent purpose of humanity as a species. ..Equality? Surely you aren?t referring to the civil rights movement of the 60?s? I suppose from a biological perspective, you cannot consciously choose to be black. Can you consciously choose to be homosexual? Yes you can. I?m sure I?ll be able to elaborate later. ====== Note: Take what Chibi says seriously, avoid flame wars. Threads like this have a tendency to get themselves closed, fast. I'm going to talk to James about even letting this thread stay up... We'll see...
  2. army101para, post quality will improve, for your sake, starting now. Whoooo cannibalism! I don't think eating someone is right.. but if people don't mind giving up a bicep or two, by all means -_-. Ever heard of Dhamer? Don't get me wrong, I just find it hard for anyone to get German stereotypes from two insane people.
  3. [color=darkred] [I] Jedi?[/I] It made sense. No wonder the Emperor pulled one of the highest bounty figures Boba had ever seen from those darkened robes of his. As clear as the azure blade cascading before him, Fett understood the severity that his mission had descended into. Boba dropped his rifle to the side, the magnetic lock of his belt catching the carbine and securing it to his side.. The Jedi, if trained well enough could possibly end up deflecting one of his own bolts into him, however that didn?t seem to bother him as much. The problem with Jedi was the obscure nature in which they fought, their manipulation of the paranormal. No expense of effort can be spared when their order threatens you. The Jedi stood there, determined, as their blades lit up the warren of undergrowth. [I] Obi Wan?[/I] Fett had assumed he died in the great purge as the others of his kind. The methods of the Empire?s extermination were not on Fett?s side, especially considering Obi-Wan?s position as a "Master". [b]Boba[/b]: You are formidable, Jedi, my weapon is no match to your lightsaber.. however. Boba?s fingers worked near his belt, twisting a small, metal plunger until it dropped to the softer earth as a discarded screw. [b]Boba[/b]: There is, however, a fatal error in it?s design.. Another careful twist, followed by a sharp ring. [b]Boba[/b]: It has absolutely no effect on explosives.. With those words, Fett tore a concussion grenade from his belt and lobbed it at Obi Wan, the tight cylinder twisting through the air like Pandora?s Box. Kenobi, having only enough time to react to Fett?s words, raised his blade, swinging the searing energy through the explosive.. perhaps if the charge was shaped, he could deflect enough of it into the surrounding forest. A deafening silence filled the air and the ripples of a proton charge clicked to detonate the concussion grenade. The weapon was harmless, if used properly, yet it could knock a bull Gundark cold for twenty-four standard hours. Kinesthetic force rippled the supercondenced air, the shockwave throwing the Jedi on to his back. Boba had to step back as the shudder hit his armor, the blinding detonation had his visor automatically tint to protect his eyes. Soon after, the entire jungle lit up with the cry of surrounding fauna, as the blast had obviously spooked everything for a relative mile. Boba grimaced before walking over to Van?s unconscious form. The stun cuffs whirred as he applied them, measuring blood pressure and pulse. If the determined warrior were to somehow wake up as Fett dragged him to Slave I, the bounty hunter could deliver a shock that would place him somewhere between unconsciousness and epileptic seizure. The 360 display registered another abnormality, causing the weary hunter to curse. These two hits were definitely making themselves worth their price. Data streamed in, indicating that his ship had become compromised by external "variables". Variables could mean anything from a Jedi Master to a Kowakian Monkey-Lizard; Fett didn?t want to take any more chances. As he approached the ship he heard the screeching wrench of his escape hatch being forced open. The darkened figure seemed to notice Fett before he could move into blaster range. The hatch swung freely, creaking softly. The crackle and hiss of raw energy sprang up once again into Boba?s bearing, as this unknown figure ignited a lightsaber. As Fett studied his features, the human-like figure seemed distinctly alien, and distinctly more threatening. Perhaps it was the set of razor teeth lining his bottom lip. Perhaps it was the fact that his newest opponent was Noghri? [/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][color=royalblue]I suppose now would be the time where we pause and reflect that....of Balrogs slain... .........in all the LOTR series, only two ever defeated by ANYONE.....had been pushed/thrown/slung from the peak of a very high mountain. That and Glorfindel, or whoever the elf was, just got lucky. Other balrogs were pushed back into the darkness. And if you will please remember, that orcs will flee at the presence of an overpowering evil. Such as a balrog. So, the moral of the story is: An arrow in the forehead, no matter how often its struck, will not necessarily kill it. That and an ancient Istari sorceress is not about to be trapped by orcs.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] OOC: Incorrect. Balrogs, like other maiar could be cast down to almost destruction. Observe the point that tolkien has all maiar as physical incarnations of their own spirit. Just like istari, the body could be destroyed and the spirit remain (Gandy and Sauron, etc). It is possible that a spirit could be destroyed enough to the point that they would not be able to replenish their "Fea" as Tolkien described in HOME. Balrogs were only killed in one on one combat by 2 elves to be recorded, except for the case of Feanor and others. Once again, maiar grow in power with time. The balrog gandalf fought was probably one of the most powerful since Gothmog, considering the time he dwelled unmmatched in Moria. Balrogs of the first age could be killed through conventional combat. Now, a single arrow may not kill it, but it could serve as the final blow. -Balrogs and orcs did fight side by side.. however balrogs did seem to come out in company, they didn't tend to spread out. -Raiha don't overestimate the power of your Istari. Technically you wouldn't be an actual istari, for that means wizard of the order, from which there were 5. I don't mind that, but realize even though your power may rival that of many great elves, you aren't nearly invincible. Istari excelled on being Subtle. For instance, Gandalf had immense power, perhaps even enough to destroy the Nazgul (if at least for a while), yet he curbed the power and instead served his purpose as a figure of guidance and wistdom for the ringbearers and men. -Rada and Ben showed an excellent example of vinciblity, try to recall that your character is never beyond destruction or harm... -Things are different in the 1st age, that I hoped many of you would recognize: Balrogs and dragons are NUMEROUS (dragon's not so much yet, as only Glaurung has shown himself once), and weaker. Elves are the kings of men, and far more numerous. The older men are easily as powerful in battle/ more powerful in battle as the elves at this time (In the third age, most elves are incredible masters of battle, a good portion surviving from even the first age.) I reccomend anyone playing this glance at the Silmarillion. Note: I'll be adding In character when I get out of classes.
  5. I'm going to be posting my full reply when I find the time, my weekend schedule is about to become severely bogged. As it were, I completely encourage anyone who has something of worth to please add his/her imput. The only thing is that I will probably focus on PT's posts and center this on more of a one on one discussion. Don't let that stop you.
  6. I hate to break up the party. But this thread, much like the "chinese names" thread isn't anything less than the warranted effort of going out, searching on Google, or buying a horoscope book of their own. Because this thread really consists (except in Dagger's case) of spamming one's birthday, and having Oishi copy off horoscopes from a source. In effect, Thread Closed.
  7. [color=Darkred] Forty thousand credits of machinery sat in Boba?s palm, the small capsule of a Mark IV probe droid glittered like an obsidian gumdrop, it?s lens closed to the rest of the world in the hibernation-like power hibernation. He?d knew that the elusiveness of a planet such as Ossus wouldn?t provide enough naysay to find the group by himself in any realistic point of time. He also wanted to finish this job early and return to Jabba?s request. The two glossy datapads of the Imperials stared at him with durasteel features, cold and remorseless, just like the Emperor demanded. One picture, Jedgar, was entirely classified but for his physical build, species, and a line reading, ?extremely well armed and trained?. As Slave one dropped out of hyperspace, Boba let a long range sensor out of a concussion tube in order to scan for any possible chance of interdiction. The sensor approached the orbiting range of the planet, scanning several ruins, large bodies of water, small villages, and wreckage. A blaring alarm indicated the large energy signal of some sort of Imperial cruiser. Moments later, it was confirmed as victory class. With listless tact, Boba sent the clearance information to the VSD through probe, hoping the surreptitious nature of the broadcast would keep the imps quiet. ?Firespray class ID 43X, Slave I, you are cleared,? The voice crackled over the subspace com. Nothing more was exchanged. Boba worked the controls down to land on the rough planet with as limited energy as possible, surprise would be a necessity amongst these contacts as he was obviously outgunned, and most/all would have a means of quick escape. He checked his weapons, and equipment, deciding to replace the Jetpack with a smaller control module for the Mark IV and a Klivex Photo-camo. The photographic diodes of the cloak the boba draped over his shoulders received light, mirroring it and providing a light/color camouflage. With a string of beeping, and light purr of its repulsors, the Mark IV evanesced into the twilight of Ossus. [/color]
  8. OOC: Sorry bout the weekend leave, but I?m back on this. I encourage all of you to expecting update from me almost every day if possible (if other people don?t mind posting) Isen?tar, please check your spelling and grammar before posting. Also recall 2 things, Orcs aren?t necessarily stupid, and Mordor has yet to exist. This is thousands of years before that. Sauron is significantly less powerful in this age, and enthralled by Melkor. The main (and only for now) evil realm is Angaband. ------------ [color=blue] Upon Jedgar and Ranforne?s interlude, Beleg Cuthalion appeared before them, his hands mottled in dark patches of Orc blood. ?I heard the blast of orc-horn, I thought you would require aid,? the Sinda explained, concern glittering in his grey eyes. The entourage of Nagrothrond?s men who lived upon Amon Echrath followed him. The guards had fallen dead, only Jedgar remained and the frail King Nolidwaith. ?We drove them away naught by midnight, they carried with their numbers a foul bode,? Jedgar said, his wisdom etching wrinkles near is mouth. ?Very well then, we must reach Menengroth by day, follow me.? Beleg issued towards the deepening wood with Ranforne beside him, appearing as a wind between the trees. --------------------[/color] [color=darkgreen] The realm of Menengroth stood as but a modest peak in the middle of Doriath. The small crest of the hill stood like an earthen sunrise over the now golden wood. The soft music of a river, Esgalduin, washed around the entrance and south through the woods. Before whomever decided to enter Menengroth would be a bridge, of adamant white, and a doorway. The single doorway was carved from mithril and silver, cast with the seal of Thingol Greymantle and glittering in daytime and night.. Following the guides, weary travelers would be led down halls full of music, dancing, and feast. Elves of all kind sought the bounty of their lands and enjoyed this gathering with great praise. The greatest of halls held Elu-Thingol who sat distraught on his throne. His face shone fair like the silver tree Laurelin. And light sparkled from his skin and hair like silver dew. His presence was forever reveared by those who took part in the festivities. Four guards stood around their King, forbidding conversation until he would announce the counsel. Only a matter of time would pass before Melian would return with her damaged allies. Beleg would, evidently, not remain in the northern reaches. The news of the battle and the horrendous army of Angaband wearied the ancient lord. [/color]
  9. Dog: WtF???/? 1 c4nt M00ve! Mouse: LOLolOLol!!!1!!1! Dog: OMFGHG HAX!!)!HAXFAG! Mouse: n00b! lollol!!!L!1
  10. *smiles* PT. Anyway, I must address this from a moderator perspective at the moment, this is off topic. I don't want to close this thread. PT, Semjaza, Katana, and others have kept the quality of the discussion high enough as to merit its continued existence. I've sent a PM to KAOS regarding his post. I want this to be an example to all OBers how NOT to start a thread. If I see a thread started without a fairly well thought-out base (I'm talking more than two sentences), I will close it. Post quality is slipping, and I expect more from our newer members. I know some of you have great potential, please do not succumb to mindless posts.
  11. Technically, you don't die with every breath, it just delays the inevitable death. You are hardly alone in thinking about the purpose of vivae in mortality. I'm sure most people come to this pilisophical juncture at some point in a time. I could only refer this to my current thesis that everyone must have some ordinate philosophy in which they can decide their purpose. No one is left without a purpose. Scientifically, the only reason any of us are around is to create babies, kill, and die. Each of these elements continues mulitple cycles of our biological world. However, man has realized itself far beyond the constraints of the natural world. By any non-linear definition, we are totally unnatural, a plague. Don't let anyone confuse you, we were a plague in any epoch of existence by scientific definition. Native americans had a malignant influence, and rupture on their environment much like us. We just outnumber them. Humanity itself would, in almost any case, destroy the world because of our nature for self preservation. Why is that any less justifiable than any creature killing for its species? Because we are endowed with self-awarness. So naturalism cannot truely explain a proper reason for living, as we technically should not be living. Scientifically, we are wrong. That means we must resort to our own minds and beliefs. Every person will reach that point in time where he/she must asess his own self-worth. We provide so much value on certain things, including our own lives. Some people value the sensations and experience living grants us. Subsidizing off sensations such as those will keep one alive, at least until times turn ill. I think we are asking a question with an answer. What is the meaning to life if life is the meaning unto its own? How exactly could we concievably work up to a climax, a point in which we've suceeded or failed at life; or in Shinken's words, "finished the test."? To be honest, I don't think such a thing could exist, but in two aspects. I don't belive life is a test for the current position of mortal existence, but a test for some after-life is perfectly concievable. Man can have his name written in history, but do the ends of your name being remembered justify the means of living? That would mean billions of people aren't justifibly alive, or dead. Two things are created and carried beyond your own death. One is literal, one is quite unexplainable. First are relationships. As pseudo-sentient creatures, humans have developed the most complex communication of anything in presently known existence. We can describe, communicate, empathize, understand to a degree of relative efficiency. This empathic bond between all humans, whether it be friendship, hatred, love, adoring, care, concern, acquaintence... it encompasses most emotions. These bonds remain during and after life, even through the fading. I still love my grandfather, even though he is dead... he's left that impact on my life. So, is life about impacting one another? Realistically, it could be. ---------Warning: Religion----------- Secondly, the next point I'm about to adress deals specifically with my Religion. The sheer faith required to have such a belief in god is staggering, and constantly besieged by self, and ulterior doubt. I believe people have been created for the specific purpose to live as free-chosing beings. We are not complete without God. I find my purpose through a relationship with him. As I come to know God more, I understand the plans for my life, and I will live those to my ability.
  12. SasukeUchiha, rttocs77, the posts you made were totally unacceptable and of absolutely poor quality. I thought you were capable of posting more intelligent, thought out responses than one or two sentances discouraging disucssion! Posts like these detract from OB and its board integrity. I thoroughly urge you to re-consider your post quality or re-consider posting at all. Take a look at Japan_86's post. That is the quality threads with incredible potential need.
  13. Well, annie left about 8 AM. We wish her luck from OB during her camp at the Air National Guard. I hope this helps people understand the significance of relationships on OB and what kind of people you can meet. Annie was an A+ member. It would be wise of anyone who is new to the boards to follow her example. "Radaghast says good-bye to his shining light." Thread closed.
  14. Jeez, this sprung up quick. Well like a ruptured plate in the hull that is OB, I shall patch this. Favorite threads just aren't going to cut it anymore. Let's try to think up more topics of discussion. Yes... I'll be adding new topics myself as well -_-. Thread closed.
  15. I would become a candy tree. I would lure children with little wrappers filled with venom hanging from my branches. As soon as they approached, they would be knocked out by a gas emmited from my husky trunk. Then a vine would wrap them up and send them to my digestive organ. Ahhh that would be the life.
  16. Okay, gentle annie love, I hate to see you go off to boot camp for 7 months, but you must promise us you return safe! I honestly have treasured our chats, and moments. I have had fun singing for you, and listening to your sublte sense of humor. You always made me smile whenever you were on. Every time I would log on to AIM, you would be quick to send me a hello and tackle hug me. I'll never forget such kindness Annie, and you will be surely missed here. You are one of the best members of the OB community I've seen. You have made real connections with people during your stay here through AIM, PM , and just conversation. I'm glad I could have the privelage of browsing your posts during my check of the lounge. Oh, forgot to say, when you fire your gun.. point it down range. Make sure you shoot the other guy before he shoots you... and uhh have fun i guess. Don't smile at the drill sargeant, and... don't forget us ^_^. We'll see you back in 0700... months. (that's kinda a pun... doesn't really work, cause it implies she'll be gone for 700 months, heh. Well my point stands >.>) Ahh yes.. thank you for this: >.> It's delightful. I promise when you get back I'll sing for you again. Your friend, Jordan
  17. As many of you know, one of the finer members of the OB community will be leaving us as of tomorrow. Annie has always been a model example of a member that Otakuboards can pride itself upon. We are going to miss her dearly and hope she returns as quickly as possible. Despite the unorthodox nature of this post, and possible Spam factor, I encourage you all to think of something to say to, or about Annie. Think of this as a little going away present, besides the song I?ll be singing to you on AOL, Annie. This thread is for the friends, acquaintances, and fans of Annie to pour their final goodbyes into a single melting pot and reminisce of their experiences with her on the boards. I?ll be preparing my response tonight and will add it as people begin to add their comments. If you do not know Annie, or have nothing complimentary to say, do not post here. Here?s to you, Annie. ^^ Ps. forgot to mention that I expect annie to post before she leaves.. perhaps a final requiem before her great adventure *tear* (At which point I'll close the thread)
  18. Orginization is one of the rare words that will induce my gag reflex. I've basically been forced to organize myself considering the higher education standards of College, and my doom If i were not to become organized. My room is perhaps cleaned twice a decade, or so. I can't say anything about me is organized. Like Charles, I abide the "don't clean my mess, you'll ruin the system", system. I suppose that suits me, as I'm a fairly chaotic person. I'm sure one of these days, when I finally become a doctor, It'll get me killed or something. As for now... *shrug* Ahhh, an anecdote for you. I've got an obsessive compulsive friend who has to organize his manga and anime perfectly in a shelf so they are 2 inches from the back of the wall. Everytime we go to his room, we push back the manga a bit to see if he notices. When he does, he spazzes out and spends 5+ minutes pulling each manga out and pushing it perfectly in. I would feel more guilty, but he definately knows how to take advantage of my inadequacies -_-.
  19. Overall Member of the Year: Semjaza Azazel Male Otaku of the Year: Charles, Female Otaku of the Year: Babygirl Staff Member of the Year: Charles Funniest Member of the Year: Charles Most Opinionated Otaku of the Year: Poison Tongue Most Likely to Be Here in Two Years: James Best Newbie: Dagger IX1 Best Oldie: James Most Likely to Become a Staff Member: Poison Tongue (Dear god Yes!) Most Improved Member of the Year: Baron Samedi (my homedog) Favorite Banned Member: Dayday Thread of the Year: Star Wars 411 (starwars+amazing longevity= my vote) Silliest Thread of the Year: I?am?lone Random Awards Avatar Award (Best Avatars Overall): Charles Signature Award (Best Signatures Overall): Charles (I would?ve voted ben ^_^ ) Best Location (Best Specific Location): PoisonTongue Best Otaku Couple: The Harlequin/Ravenstorture (these two have a morbid obsession with eachother) Best Looking Otaku: Babygirl Otaku Clique of the Year: OtakuBoards Yaoi/Shounen-Ai Club (for the sheer reason I was in the club while arguing against homosexual marriage, without knowing exactly what Yaoi meant..) Best MyOtaku: Charles Otaku Writers Poet Laureate: Mitch Writer of the Year: Mitch Orginal Story of the Year: OB: Enter the Net (This was beating the other competitors by the largest margin I have ever seen. Let?s just say it wins now, and not leave poor Solo in suspense. Okay?) Role-Player of the Year: Annie Brawler of the Year: Chaos RPG of the Year: Kill Adam (Deary Me.. this took the cake by a wide margin) Social Otakus Otaku Social Member: Japan_86 (She taught me how to speak ^_^) Entertainment Otaku: Semjaza Azazel
  20. My posts are one sentence long. Thread closed.
  21. [color=green]Ctar?s hurried pace was cut by a hand bearing upon his shoulder, spinning him to veiw Melian. Melian stood before him glistoning as the Golden tree, her hair floating towards the wind. Her eyes shone like the bright moon, casting peace upon whom she laid them. [i]"His heart is heavy, Ctar son of Beleg, his counsel will not be recognized in such treacherous days. He is beleagured by the news of constant Orc parties in brethil? bear not so much spite unto his words,"[/I] Her voice silenced the wind and birds around Ctar, and the chorus of melodies from her mere speech sent Son of Beleg into a trance, [I]"Your father is going on patrol soon, he and I will rally a force to assist Turgon."[/I] [I]"B..But, M?lady,"[/I] Ctar inquired,[I] "the King."[/I] Melian smiled as a tulip to the fast approaching dawn, [I]"He said to bring no enemies ?here?. We shall drive them away."[/I] Ctar bowed humbly as the elves were assembled. Melian wore no armor, nor would she require it. For at the head she shone like the chariot from which bore Arien, and her voice resounded in command, [I]"We meet them as allies to the free people, as bonds once commanded before the great Journey were cast aside."[/I] With that, a small army of Sindar, glittering like emerald in the soft starlight, bore down to the northern reaches of Doriath and Brethil. As swift as beast, on foot, the elves would overtake Turgon by dawn. Beleg Cuthalion, and his son Ctar left earlier, however and would approach the scene in the twilight hours. [I]"Delu ammen, echahuro len cur! (Danger before us, ready your bows)!"[/I] Beleg called upon his elves. [/color] [color=darkred] From the battlefeild, the Noldor?s situation appeared grim. As Turgon?s army fell before the blackened steel, beaten in magic and numbers alike. Turgon stood next to his hearald, the banner of Gondolin shining ever azure, the two trees of Gondolin embroidered in shimmering gold and silver. As the sword Glamdring rose above, gleaming with unearthly white flame, Orcs cast down their weapons, and cowered in horror before the Foe of Morgoth. Yet the majesty of Turgon could not cast the forces of Morgoth so quickly aside. The air suddenly filled with a cacaphony of pitch. From the sky, came the whistles of hundreds of arrows. The tail-feathers shone like falling stars, as salvo upon salvo was released before the first struck the ground. Orcs began to fall, hundreds, perhaps thousands as the shafts penetrated their strongest steel. Eviscerated by the blow, Grojek, suddenly found his main body of Orcs thinned. It was at this moment he strode upon the guard of Turgon, perhaps if the armies of the Noldor fell, his hordes could regroup and face the bowmen. Two guards apprached Grojek with spears wrought from adamant, bearing a semblance to the trolls he had seen in the Black pits of Angaband. With a brutal cry Grojek hacked the head off one, then ducked under the stabbing spear, coming up with the tip of his schimatar. It took noticable force to dislodge the bloodied iron from the guard?s ribcage. Turgon turned to Grojek, bearing Glamdring before him?.[/color] (ooc: PM eachother if you want KO, Kill, or stalemate.. I?m going to let you two fight this one out. Isen?tar might not want to interfere.. Melian?s coming)
  22. A few things I've intepreted from the newspaper article: -They "didn't know where he was" yet Canadian officials visited him on six seperate occasions -"But while Canadian diplomats were demanding answers from the U.S., it turns out that it was the Royal Canadian mounted police who had been passing U.S. intelligence the information about Arar?s alleged terrorist associations. " -However, U.S. government officials we spoke to say they told Canadian intelligence that they were sending Arar to Syria ? and the Canadians signed off on the decision. -"The facts underlying Arar?s case?[are]classified and cannot be released publicly.? -But intelligence sources tell 60 Minutes II that since 9/11, the U.S. has quietly transported hundreds of terror suspects captured in different parts of the world to Middle Eastern countries for tough interrogations. Okay. We've got a guy who was supposedly reported by Canadian Royal guard and Canadian Intelligence that he SHOULD be deported. A guy that, may or may not be a terrorist. We also know that it was classified intelligence exchanged between the two gov'ts and the legitimization of this act can really never be guessed. I cannot tell you how I feel about this man. If he WAS a terrorist, then I can see why he should be deported if canadian officials were reporting his alleged Al Queda contacts. Canada is the PERFECT border for any terrorist to cross. I don't care to sound cliche, but how do we know he was't coming here for malignant reasons? Obviosly it must have been a good reason, considering both Canadians and Laura Thompson signed his deportation. Lastly, I get this air of bias from 60 minutes. Their "intelligence" reports that this happened hundreds of times? I doubt that, considering you go to the highest levels of the Justice Department just to "ok" it. This guy received public recognition from his wife's protests and his speaking afterwords. I cannot honestly say I can endorse or oppose what the US did, because I don't have the facts.
  23. Firstly, I don't belive this is possible. If the citizen were US, he has legal right to due process. From what you indicate though, he was "canadian". The united states can't "deport" any foreigners to another country but their home. He'd go straight to canada under those circumstances. Have a link to the site?
  24. I'm going to dedicate "Bohemian Rhapsody" to charles, he is the poor little boy that shot people. I'm going to dedicate "Closer" by NIN to Semjaza. No.. I don't want to have sex with you. I'm giving you a nod to exposing me to this hapiness. Lastly, for today, I dedicate Beethoven's [i]Pathetique[/i] to James.
  25. What a difficult subject, no? Considering the relationships I've developed on Otakuboards with some of its members, it has occured to me that I am actually quite [i] fond[/i] of some of them. Is this a healthy thing? Let's address this: Considering the ambiguity of an online relationship, it is entirely impossible to acutally know someone to the same respect as a peer or acquaintance. in a recent study of psychological behavior (from which I'll provide the link), the human brain responds, communication-wise, 60% to body language, 20% vocal tone, and 20% actual message. I would be intrigued to know your thoughts, especially considering some of you have [b]met[/b] an OB member. I'm not about to advicate OB, or any website for that matter, as safe for meeting people. Do you feel that it is possible for an internet friendship, or to test the limits of your conservatism, relationship, to work? I suppose this is a slightly introspective look at one of the posibilites a good message board can provide. I would also like to congradulate Japan_86 on her 400 post count, following this message. *opens champagne, blows up large amounts explosives, fires guns* Congrats friend. Wow, I can actually call her friend, and believe it.
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