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Everything posted by Drix D'Zanth
[color=darkred] The Billbringi spaceyards dissapeared in a mist of silver as Slave I entered hyperspace, re-equipped and carrying his fresh bounty back to Hutt Space. Boba lounged back, listening to the holocom broadcast of a Jizz-Wailer band from Kuat. The guys were talented, but not talented to earn them a ticket off their home system, local gigs get you nowhere. With a noticeable languid stride, Boba drifted to the airlock which opened the way to the cargo hold, the tiny plasteel window gave him a view to the twelve million credits of spice sitting like some ancient ruin. The blacklight sent it casting a warm blue glow around the hold, occasionally sprinkling down like a diamond avalanche as Slave I hit a gravity pocket. "You?re going to buy me a new hyperdrive," He tapped the glass with a degree of pride. With noticeable strain, Boba let himself set on the ground. He removed his helmet, tasting dry, recycled air. It smelled like dirty clothes and dried vomit. "About time we got this cleaned," Fett amused himself by letting a finger run along the inside piping, collecting a thick deposit of soot. The inside of the helmet flashed an invisible crimson, unbeknownst to Fett, as he rose again. This time heading towards the cabin for a rest. Normally he would sleep in his chair, but he felt the sudden urge to have an honest nights rest after such "honest" work. Before he had an opportunity to cast his gaze on the forsaken sheets of his cot, Slave one suddenly hurtled into subspace. He lurched forward smashing his forehead on the support. A thick line of blood dribbling down his face didn?t deter the well-trained movements of such a seasoned Bounty Hunter. He quickly snatched his helmet and began strapping in. He cursed his lack of attention, if only he?d been wearing his helmet, the feedback would have warned him that he was quickly approaching a gravity well. Alarms flared, and revealed that two maneuvering thrusters were damaged. The hull rattled again followed by the peircing resolution of a laser blast. "Damage Report!" Boba shouted at the veiwscreen, waiting for systems to boot up the shields. It didn?t look good. [I] Rear hull damage, 4 thruster malfunction, main armament communication could not be established, auxiliary weapons armed, shields powered. [/I] The flow of information was slightly foreign to his eyes after such a period of lax recourse. "Firespray Class Ship, Identify yourself," The voice on the com line seemed to hiss at him. His computer identified the species; Duro. The two Skipray-class attack boats circled around slave 1 like piranhas circling a dying rodent. The ship buckled and heaved under their light blasters. "This is your last warning, you can identify yourself, or you shall be boarded. No quarter will be given." [b]Pirates[/b] He clicked the com button, catching his breath a bit, another explosion sent Slave I careening out of control, "This is Boba Fe.." He stopped, reading the damage display? [I]communications down[/I]. "Stang," Fett cursed his luck. "We will board you after disabling your weapons systems, attempt to resist this, and you will be destroyed.", the line hissed to a close but not before another voice piped in the static asking , "who does he think he is, Boba Fett?" Boba Smiled. As he let their assault wear down his shields he powered down to life support. The display screens went black, and a single green light indicating the system?s integrity lit the cockpit. A final hull-shattering blast, and the Skiprays slowed. "Unknown ship, very good.. your actions will save you a trip to the nearest system. We are commandeering your ship and it?s cargo." Boba tuned into location direction with his helmet?s com receiver. The ship would be behind him soon. As the Skipray drifted behind the darkened Firespray, the ship lit up with what appeared to be an engine burst. Much to the pirate?s surprise, it was the assortment of auxiliary weapons that unloaded a barrage on his humble craft. First, Ion cannons pierced the shields, opening a large hole, where several concussion missiles cascaded through the newly opened hole. As the wing of the Skipray virtually disintegrated under the Concussion blast, the re-forming shield bubble locked in most of the explosion. It appeared as if the entire area within a circular meter around the ship was suddenly engulfed in a wave of liquid flame. The cockpit of the ship remained intact.. jarred by the blast from it?s systems, only life support remaining. The second skipray veered to the left as Boba finished turning up the power. The lack of maneuverability and surprise would put him at even odds at beating this ship without his main cannons. The two craft sped after each other, circling in a dogfight. Slave I turned like the lead workings on Ord Mantell, and Boba worked the controls to reign it in. They quickly approached a line of asteroids that pelted Slave one?s shields. The two found themselves weaving between the monoliths of solid iron, while exchanging laser blasts. Boba quickly reversed the direction of his ship, losing a support wing as it careened against the hot metal. The sheer speed of the impact sent molten iron glittering behind him like tiny red suns. He re-established the proper thrust ratio and found himself as the pursuer. Juking from the laser blasts that raked his hull, Boba began to steer the ship outside of the asteroid field. Slave I would become more and more disadvantaged and endangered as they dove into the field, because of the sheer size of a Firespray. It was at this moment, upon the turn , that Fett noticed two iridescent trails passing quickly before him. "Proton torpedoes!" his rasp was drowned by the ships alarms. Suddenly, it occurred to him that the torpedoes weren?t intended for the well-shielded slave one. As they impacted two asteroids before him, the large chunks of rock created a net-like trap from which Slave I would meet it?s demise. Boba immediately applied reverse thrusters, until he noticed the Skipray careen past his veiwscreen. In his zealous, the pilot of the Skipray didn?t acquiest power to his rear shields. Boba let the twin streaks of azure Ion spread into the back of his foe like a Daltiri lightningstorm. The engines of the Skipray sparked before flickering to ineffectiveness. The momentum of his pursuit sent the Pirate?s craft into the cluster of rock fragments. With lurid intensity, the ship was torn apart, finally erupting into brilliant white flame. Boba returned to the gravity well. The darkened chassis of the disabled ship still floated harmlessly and Fett noted the existence of life on it. Engaging his tractor beam, the husk of metal docked with Slave One. As the hatch sizzled open. The Duro was lurched to his feet from the darkened cockpit. "I.. I thought you would leave me for?." Boba never saw a face turn from blue to green before, somehow the horror in the Duro?s eyes indicated nothing less than terror. He dropped to his knees, "No? I .. I didn?t know.. " Boba casually aimed his blaster at the now pallid skin, its ichor drifting up to Boba?s nose. "What is your name?" Fett inquired coldly. "Johd .. J..Johd Fareel". "Johd Fareel, do you know who I am?" The Duro nodded solemnly. "Then you know what I?m going to do to you." Desperately the Duro looked up, "What? What? B..But I don?t have a bounty on my.." His words drifted into a girgle, cut off by the scream of Boba Fett?s rifle. The Duro fell to the ground, one of his eyes now blackened, steaming patch. "What a mess? this is going to be most of my earnings?" Boba spat, looking at the final reports. It was at this moment he noticed the glittering stream that filled the zero gravity. Glittersim spice drifted past his main screen and the consequence hit his consciousness, searing like a blaster wound. He skimmed down the damage report? [I] cargo hold: Hull breach, cargo integrity breached, cargo loss imminent.[/I] With quiet acceptance of his misbegotten luck, he set the course for the nearest repair yards and bounty contact: Courscant. [/color]
-=The Silmarillion=- [IMG]http://www.lordotrings.com/images/art/howe18.jpg[/IMG] [i] ?Therefore Morgoth came, climbing slowly from his subterranean throne, and the rumour of his feet was like thunder underground. And he issued forth clad in black armour; and he stood before the King like a tower, iron-crowned, and his vast shield, sable unblazoned, cast a shadow over him like a stormcloud. But Fingolfin gleamed beneath it as a star; for his mail was overlaid with silver, and his blew shield was set with crystals; and he drew his sword Ringil, that glittered like ice. Then Morgoth hurled aloft Grond, the Hammer of the Underworld, and swung it down like a bolt of thunder. But Fingolfin sprang aside, and Grond rent a mighty pit in the earth, whence smoke and fire darted. Many times Morgoth essayed to smite him, and each time Fingolfin leaped away, as lighting shoots from under a dark cloud; and he wounded Morgoth with seven wounds, and seven times Morgoth gave a cry of anguish, whereat the hosts of Angband fell upon their faces in dismay, and the cries echoed in the Northlands. But at the last the King grew weary, and Morgoth bore down his shield upon him. Thrice he was crushed to his knees, and thrice arose again and bore up his broken shield and stricken helm. But the earth was all rent and pitted about him, and he stumbled and fell backward before the feet of Morgoth; and Morgoth set his left foot upon his neck, and the weight of it was like a fallen hill. Yet with his last and desperate stroke Fingolfin hewed the foot with Ringil, and the blood gushed forth black and smoking and filled the pits of Grond. Thus died Fingolfin, High King of the Noldor, most proud and valiant of the Elven-kings of old?[/i] ?The Silmarillion. [color=green] Mithrim and the land of the echoing mountains are no longer filled with the song of elves. Their voices are being found through the courage of a few, and desperation of the masses. Though the war is at a loss, the determined are stalwart, and the mighty remain. From the hidden cities of Gondolin, to the deepening forest of Doriath, the will of free people is carried. A new race has awoken within Beleriand, the voices of Men now join the Elves. Though frail in constitution and mortal in effence, they do not fare any less than elves against the horrors of Morgoth Bauglir, the Darkest of Lords. The greatest of elves before Fingolfin, and his half brother, Fëanor has fallen as well. His empire ruled by the seven sons schisms from the other Noldor, and their gates are not welcome to the Sindar of Doriath either. The Dwarves and their stout race are sitting irate and immobile in their fortresses of stone. They leer from their precipices like the meager, despite their affinity towards good. The one hope of the free Kingdom lies in the initiative of the Sindar?s Highest king, Thingol Greymantle. In his realm of Menengroth, the thousand caves, he sits on a throne of urgency wrought by disaster. Upon seeing the failings of his Noldor brethren, he is about to forgive the damages of Fëanor?s Oath, and reunite the elves to fight against Angband once more. [/color] [color=darkblue] Calling from the reaches of Ossiriand to Mirthrim, from Sirion, to the Blue Mountains. Warriors have been issued forth to assemble before the Great King in an effort to assemble a coalition of spirit. Warriors from Doriath came; Ctar Cuthalion son of the legendary Beleg. Ranforne Drisvien of the Garden, Istari of Yavanna. Ruben Thorne, powerful werewolf willing to fight for the honor of his kind in the distrust of his peers. Then men from the far came. Garin Pinehammer, glowing as the Glithoniel Star in mithril, wrought of the finest, and bearing a host within his own presence. Delovar Andúnie, Son of Beor and his affiliation accompanied Jedgar Nieta from Nargothrond, a great kingdom not unlike Menengroth. Lastly, Turgon, son of Fingolfin and Lord of the Hidden realm of Gondolin came. His banner bearers heralding the march of a thousand, steel-armed elves behind him. Coming to join within the council of the wise Thingol through his own appearance, Turgon stands tall and glittering beside the banner of the Trees. As more people are expected to enter the realm, Thingol allows the necessary commodities to be obtained, and introductions to be echanged. In due course you shall be called to him. [/color] ----------------------------------------------- [color=darkred] The Forces of Darkness are not without their champions. The great wizard, Maiar of Aulë, Lieutenant of Morgoth, and Black wizard; SAURON appears at the gates of Thangodrim, the three volcanic peaks billowing plumes of ash over the northern wastes. From this throne, he prepares the shadow to issue forth. In preparation he has called upon three captains. Isen`tar, greatest of the fallen elves, and imbued by the will of the Dark Lord. This elven sorcerer resides at Sauron?s side waiting for his call to arm. Grojek Urkuhi, Lord of the Uruks under Saruon, resides upon Sauron?s left. Looking upon the realm of the free with anger and malice. Finally, the werewolf Drauglin, and father to the defected kind has brought many of his species to serve the Shadow. The time quickly approaches in which the land of Beleriand and fates of all people are to be decided?. [/color] (Begin your introductory posts, welcome to the game :D )
Writing The killer*please say it's good*
Drix D'Zanth replied to Megumi momo's topic in Creative Works
I also dont think it made sense.. it seemed trite. :-\ [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megumi momo [/i] [B]I am but nothing I live inly to die. [/B][/QUOTE] You live inly? you mean "only"? If this is a vampire... haven't you already died, or arent you immortal? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megumi momo [/i] [B] I am but what you want me to be. [/B][/QUOTE] In the last sentence you just said you are "nothing" [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megumi momo [/i] [B] I have seen many sorrows that have beckoned my heart.[/B][/QUOTE] Sorrows call to your heart? "Have" as present tense doesn't associate with the past of "sorrow". You are saying your heart is drawn to the sorrow of the past. Re-word this. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megumi momo [/i] [B]The road you point to is bloody cold and dark. I only wish that my urge to see blood would be forgotten.[/B][/QUOTE] Profound... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megumi momo [/i] [B] Your eyes are so innocent... so confused that they are.[/B][/QUOTE] How can someone logically be confused of their innocence? Isn't innocence an ignorance of one's own naivete? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megumi momo [/i] [B] You have stared at a murder smiled laughed with the bloodlust. [/B][/QUOTE] The little innocent girl has laughed at bloodlust? "smiled laughed" doesn't make too much sense without any punctuation or rhyme scheme. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megumi momo [/i] [B] It is only mutual that I do the same near your corpse.[/B][/QUOTE] As stated before. You don't use mutual that way. Perhaps you should use "likely" or "natural". [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megumi momo [/i] [B] I have been forsaken by the cross yet I carry it.[/B][/QUOTE] I actually like this line, very nice. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megumi momo [/i] [B] Eveything I told you, you have dismissed. So now I stare into those lifeless eyes I wonder why you did not run.[/B][/QUOTE] Why do you wonder why she didn't run if she was dismissing what you told her? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megumi momo [/i] [B] Your blood is fruit to me only it's naturel that I make haste to taste the nector.[/B][/QUOTE] "Nectar" "natural" . I reccomend you check your spelling on an independent word drafting program before posting. (i.e. Word) [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megumi momo [/i] [B] You silly useless girl, you just saw your last killer. [/B][/QUOTE] How do you see more than one of your own killer? -
And with that brilliant, as usual, post from PT. This thread of religious debate, crappy posts, and offtopic-ness is dead.
When do you think is the right time for sex?
Drix D'Zanth replied to Epitome's topic in General Discussion
Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for reserving applause for Sharpie. Thread closed. -
As much as I love chinese symbols. I sincerely doubt that 15 minutes, a language install pack, and google.com wouldn't produce the same results. As this isn't really a discussion, I feel that I should close it.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megumi momo [/i] [B][COLOR=crimson]Call me weird but the thing is America sits around and blabs about freedom and all this other stuff about how we are not a hiarchy but in reality we are the king who proves hiarchy has it's usuage. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Firstly, while your quantity is fine, please increase your quality of grammar and spelling. Secondly, I don't really think you know what you are talking about, or you worded it incorrectly. A "hierarchy" is in every single government known to man, whether by king or people. It?s impossible for a country to exist without some form of government or authority. So in effect you are claiming to be anarchist. However your phrase, ?but in reality we are the king who proves hiarchy has it's usuage.? Indicates you think we are a Monarchy ( I think that?s what you were trying to illustrate). We are a republic, or representative Democracy. Our hierarchy isn?t static or untouchable. We are the boss of the president, he just does the work that would probably occupy most of our days. I think it is essential to vote, personally. I can?t say any president or candidate has ever fully lined up with my ideas of what would be the perfect candidate. Of course you shouldn?t be forced to vote. But, voting is one of the most important responsibilities as a citizen, we have the ability to CHANGE our country to what we feel is best. Finally something run by the masses. Now, as for popular vote.. I can understand the misconception. I agree with our system of electoral colleges. It basically works almost like an affirmative action for less populated areas of the country. Without our Electoral College system, candidates would ONLY need to campaign and appeal to the needs of urban areas, because of the huge metropolis. I don?t live by a huge city, and by using the popular vote, I would miss out on certain amounts of support or attention that I feel I deserve as any other citizen does. I vote to whatever interests serve myself and my loved ones best. I also vote on who I believe will serve the country the best and it?s various issues. While I may not be 100% ever, I still believe it?s necessary.
Good form. Firstly, take this thing off of religion, or at least the Validity of a given religion. We all know that some people base good/evil on religion. Mention your belief and move on. There's no point in having a big argument about whether or not "Jesus was a sinner" or he even existed! Here's my take on evil. I believe there is a good and an evil, of course from a religious and moral standpoint. However, the social and personal ambiguity of the word makes it incredibly hard to define fully. One must understand why evil would even be conceived. It?s simply a word to justify one?s perspective. As others have said, evil is merely a perspective, much like truth right? Wrong. I look at it from a standpoint of anti-sophism. The truth of the matter, although relative in it?s perspective, is absolute by the measure of the fact it has perspectives. By keeping the means of the perspective own to change, you are allowing yourself to oppose a standard, viewpoint, moral, or decision. Truth to some is absolute. Truth to Socrates is Absolute. He believed that the inherent recognition of truth relied on the masses and their ability to find the truth. I have to found mine on religion and some absolute power. I cannot convince anyone to agree with my perception, or at will, God. That in mind, I can only hold on to the concept of an absolute good in desperation. Through the Dialectics of Socrates, I understand that the purpose of civilization is for the common "good", and by dissuading from this good would inevitably lead to a society?s destruction. Now we live in a fairly stable society , but the principles of our society are based on our own perception of good. And yes, it is based on a "Creator". That doesn?t matter. I approach it with desperation because without the identification of evil and mutual understanding of what it may be, we inevitably succumb to it. Your thoughts? I?ll add more later.
If I could I suppose I would be going. I really like how people are marching for their opinion, especially as we're reminded of Martin Luther King Jr. and how he marched upon washington thirty years ago. If I can't be there to support it, or support it financially, please know my heart is going with you :-D.
This topic is one of the gems illustrating the declining quality of the Lounge. I honestly belive we should re-inject the thread with better topics than "I'm making a tooth-pick bridge, have you?". I am completely aware with how difficult it can be as almost everything has been discussed and that's everyone's fault I suppose. Please people, think of something better than [i]this[/i]. I'll let this continue utnill it becomes repetative.
This "imbalance of chemicals" is pretty much a marketing ploy for most people, unless one suffers from actual clinically defined depression or mental derrangment. Anyone who knows anything distinct about the human brain would understand that the reason it works is because chemicals aren't balanced. It's this imbalance that drives our chemicals to function. In fact, our entire body is imbalanced to a certain extent; water transfer, diffusion, ionization, etc. I belive Annie put it best. This is thread should not necessarily come to deal with understanding. No one will ever give you a complete understanding but yourself, which requires individual patience and work. You need to look to yourself for the answers after you seek the answers on OB and gain the wisdom of this experience. I'll let this thread continue if anyone really has something [i]new[/i] or interesting to say... please try to add on other people's opinion instead of repeating it in your own words.
Witches..... Does everyone think thay are bad.
Drix D'Zanth replied to catdemon's topic in General Discussion
Firstly, Ryu, you will probably be ridiculed a bit if you cannot spell correctly or use proper grammar. I have no sympathy as the post quality of it?s members reflect upon the quality of the lounge. Quality is your responsibility.. Lastly, we?ve had several religious/witchcraft discussions on the boards here. All ended up with the wiccans shouting out the same rhetoric, "No one likes me, everyone thinks I?m a devil worshipper, wiccans are just normal people". Then the commonly Christian perspective of "Wiccan is from the devil, but the people aren?t bad (as DanL and Ghost said)" which cycles the rhetoric. If you are so "normal" why spend the effort dedicating a thread to it? I understand you wish to discuss witchcraft on OB, but it becomes a futile nusance. Wait a bit longer until we have some new personalities, members, and perspectives on the topic before re-posting another one of these. I have to look at this from anyone?s perspective. Just as many people view Christianity in the same negative light. If a Christianity thread was brought up debating whether it was not "right" is pointless, and I?d be expected to close it. So I?ll close this. -
Sign Up Star Wars: Prelude to The Empire Strikes Back
Drix D'Zanth replied to Boba Fett's topic in Theater
OOC: What happened to the other starwars rpg we were in? :-\ Name: Carren Taeis {Tay-s} Age: 26 Species: Human Homeworld: Cardia (I assume you understand his choice of allegiance ;) ) Ship of Choice:TIE Interceptor (only a hyperdrive installed) Appearance: Carren is the poster-child for the Imperial Academy on Cardia. He has a moderate frame, more lean than muscular. And most people swear by the Rusaan Binary system that they can see his bright green eyes shining through his flight mask. Biography: Carren was destined to be a pilot. His father flew, his grandfather flew, and he would fly. Growing up in an imperial apex of Cardia, he was exposed to the values of the Empire from a young age. The Empire has always been veiwed as right in his eyes, and he would defend it as his fathers defended their societies. When he turned 10, Carren began saving up money to join the Imperial Flight Academy on Cardia. By the time he was 15 he spent some of his money on a fake holo-ID in order to enter the Academy early. He was eventually caught and almost incriminated. However, he offered a duel with his flight instructor with the stakes of staying in the Academy if he were to win, or going to a prison cell for the maximum penalty for a fake holo-ID. He pulled maneuvers with his TIE that strained the limits of the craft untill he finally defeated the instructor with a self-invented immmelman-like attack. This prodigious effort gained him prestige quickly and he was promoted as the youngest flight instructor at the ripe age of 25. His TIE interceptor was never re-issued, and he used his personal-points to put in special request for a hyperdrive. Because of this modification, he was able to move up the list of selectees for this new squadron forming in the Imperial City. Always dreaming of serving the Empire at the legendary city, he accepted the offer without hesitation. Other: Carren is anything but by-the-book when it comes to flying. He realizes the importance of a personal dogfight and his arrogance with the TIE's have parylized his career to a certain extent. This may bother other characters. However, Carren hasn't seen much actual combat and the reality of real war hasn't yet struck his pride down to reveal his true naievete. He is still young, after all, and not as wise as he might assume. Yoda, you have some definate ego-competition with this guy ;) ------------- I've checked my Guide to Ships, Technical Manual, and the Star wars encyclopedia. They all list the TIE interceptor as the second fastest fighter next to the A-Wing, yet slightly more maneuverable because of the four-engine configuration. The X-Wing is actually fairly low on the list, however it can take far more damage and cause a great deal more damage. -
Sign Up L.O.T.R. The Seven Rebelion(parentel discretion is advised.)
Drix D'Zanth replied to a topic in Theater
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnonymousSource [/i] [B]Hello Drix...welcome to this FANTASY rpg that you aren't participating in... have a nice day and ponder somewhere else... We don't care! If this thread was started by a member or someone big on the ladder no one would care... As far as I heard this was supposed to be fun... a cocky old moderator shoving facts in our face isn't fun... No offense to you as a person but we're trying to have a nice FUN rpg... and since you neither made it nor are participating I have no Idea why you should even care! [/B][/QUOTE] Grr, the cat has nails. Well pardon me for riding on Tiger's wave and adding my own little bit to an RPG i was thinking of signing up for. I'm hardly cocky, ad I'm not shoving facts for fact's sake. You chose to base it on LOTR, I was offering my imput, no better no worse than yours. Take my imput as you would but a temper tantrum such as this is no way to earn anybody's respect. Good Day. -
I love The Lord of the Rings, and I love when people have enthusiasm for the books, even spurred on by a movie. But I dislike when people reject the books for the movies ;). I?m going to provide a quiz based on varying levels of difficulty on various topics of the book. I?ll be keeping track of who has the best scores after a few posts. We are relying on integrity. You may use the books. If you use the books for questions please tell me. Whether you use the books or not is your choice. You may also use the movies as a reference without actually telling me you used the movies. Don?t bother taking over this quiz as I?ll be following up with more quizzes. This first quiz is open to everyone. If you use the books, list that in parenthesis next to your answer. I?ll decide point-worth based on correct answers, difficulty of questions, book use, and incorrect answers. The first 3 quizzes will be weeding out the LotR god?s from the crop. A full point system and grading scale will be given with the answers after posting slows down. Because you can read another person?s answers, the later your quiz, the more points you?ll lose. Fear not, if you manage to answer a question that no one else has answered previously or incorrectly, you get a big bonus (factored with how many quizzes didn?t answer the question). Good luck [color=green] [B]Category 1: general The Fellowship of the Ring [/b] (Each question increases in difficulty) 1. What gift is Frodo Baggins given by his uncle, Bilbo? 2. Who captured Merry and Pippin in the Old Forest? 3. What great evil did Gandalf fight in the mines of Moria? 4. What gift was Gimli given upon departing the forest of Lothlorien? 5. What do the elves refer to Gandalf as? 6. Who bore Frodo to Rivendell? 7. What was the significance of the lake outside the EAST gate of Moria? 8. What derogatory name did Bill Ferny lay upon Aragorn in Bree? 9. How many Ringwraiths attacked at Crickhollow 10. What race is Goldberry? [/color] [color=blue] [b]Category 2: general The Two Towers [/b] 1. Who is the king of Rohan? 2. Besides the name Wormtounge, what name does the servant to saruman go by? 3. Where was the battle that ended the life of Boromir of Gondor? 4. What sword killed Shelob? 5. What ent is named after Fangorn forest? 6. Who killed Theodred, son of Theoden? 7. What waterfall was Boromir?s body sent over? 8. Who appeared with Gandalf over helms deep with over two thousand riders? 9. Name 2 Uruk-Hai. 10. What were the final six words Gandalf said to Saruman the White? [/color] [color=indigo] [b]Category 3: general The Return of the King [/b] 1. What was the name of Gandalf?s horse? 2. What city was beseiged by the forces of Mordor? 3. Who did aragorn marry? 4. What was planted on Mt. Mindolluin as a symbol of Gondor? 5. Who led the armies of Mordor after the Witch King died? 6. What path did Aragorn take out of Dunharrow? 7. What one person stood before the Nazgûl Lord without injury? 8. Name three elves that stood before the Black Gates with Aragorn? 9. What ship-haven did Aragorn and the Dead men of Dunharrow re-take? 10. After Theoden?s great speech ended at Pellenor fields with "Ride now, ride now! Ride to Gondor!" What specific, uber-cool action did the King of the Mark take? [/color] [color=darkred] [b] Category: Random pick , Geography [/b] (5 questions, so as not to test your nerve ;), no difficulty order) 1. Name the three greatest peaks of the misty mountains. 2. What was the realm of elves in mirkwood named (after a person). 3. What great city within Gondor was called "the prince?s realm" and mastered by Imrahil? 4. What mound of land did Aragorn die upon? 5. Name the ruins that in sindarin mean "north fortress" [/color] Once again, Best of Luck, may the grace of [i] Elbereth Glithoniel [/i] be with you.
[COLOR=darkblue]OOC: I suppose everyone's ready, I'll take the initiative and get us going. Also, I don?t think this should die considering we have such GODLIKE reference as LotR to work off. ------------------------------------ Brunien's Vale, the dim limlight and the upper Greyflood shimmered in December warmth. Much like the mallorn forest of Lady Galadriel, Rivendell showed no sign of wheather besides the warm glow of elven magic. Elrond?s continued stay over the land, even as noldor and sindar migrated to the west bode welcome to the fellowship. Gimli was beginning to get impatient with elvish cooking and elven ?fluff couches? as he would name them, wishing more for stout rock than waning wood. The time was long, granting Gorin time to visit Rhadagast, and finding him away from Rhosgobel. Jedgar and Elrond?s sons had scoured as far as Tharbad with rangers, now returning with no tidings of the enemy. It was decided by Garin to make for the pass of Caradhas over the Misty Mountains before the Three Peak. As the nine companions settled into their gear, the elves bid them farwell and the bells of Elrond?s vale rung. It was at this moment that Jedgar was given Andúril, Flame of the West. The Sword of Elendil was forged anew by Elvish smiths, and on its blade was traced a device of seven stars set between the crescent moon and the rayed son, and about them was written many runes; for Jedgar was going to war upon the marches of Mordor. Very bright was that sword when it was made whole again; the light of the sun shone redly in it, and the light of the moon shone cold, and its edge was hard and keen. White fire, the passions of the free peoples would carry its light to stay the hearts of allies. The land of south Eriador opened up to them and the Misty Mountains loomed east, true to their namesake by being enshrouded in a powdery mist. The unpleasentness of the wheather seemed to take hold of the fellowship in their travels and soon even the playful word-games of the hobbits ceased. Gimli reached over to a small pack on the side of Bill the Pony, withdrawing a pack of pipe-weed which he lit up in a flat, stout pipe, much like his own peoples. As he smoked he couldn?t help but notice how everyone seemed so solmn looking into themselves and weary of the Jouney ahead. ?What ails such firm of heart? Why are our eyes downcast in such grumption?? Gimli chuckled. ?Perhaps you wouldn?t be so quick to descend grumption on one of us Dwarf if we were to march the lengths of Mirkwood forest?,? Boromir smirked,?We know not of the direction or it?s length.? Gimli?s eyes lit up,?There is a land of where my fathers worked of old, and we have wrought the image of the mountains into many works of metal in stone, and into many songs and tales. They stand tall in our dreams: Baraz, Zirak, Sathûr! I know where we go by keen eye alone, and I know the length. Not many days of weary travel ahead, good man, yet we must keep on the path. It is a shame we cannot go through the Mines?? With this Gandalf gave him a glance, ?Nay dwarf, a shadow I?ve not seen has befallen those parts and the safest path is through the pass as the snow melts down Silvertine.? Gimli huffed, taking a long draw from the pipe. Legolas looked over at the mention of song, ?You say dwarves have song of their realm?? ?As most good folk do, assured,? Gimli smiled with pride, ?With such halls of stone that we construct only the sound of our voices could fill them!? The fellowship chuckled at that, Gimli?s full-chested laughter carrying over everyone elses. ?Will you sing for us?? Pippin encouraged and at first Gimli seemed reluctant. Yet he took a longer draw from his pipe and let it rest before letting his deep voice ring out like the very veins of earth he carved his life from. (ooc: Improvising here) [I] O! Naught by winter or toil to stay, Carry us to halls of stone, Built by hands from stone were lay, Voices of old, not effort?s moan. Glittering halls, glittering halls Erebor, Iron, Mithrim long! Glittering halls, rock, and vein Warmed by hearth and mountain-song [/I] Gimli takes a puff [I] Dark is the water of Dimrill Star Bemoan our people?s plight Look into the water right To glance upon our land so far To see the halls of old and new Dwarves of the mountains, Masters of Stone Workers of old Fewer and Few As hammer and pick are brought up to bear Not to battle as battle is won In stone of Moria we beckoned the land And wrought upon it the Zigil Stair It looked upon the fountain?s light Durin?s sons in awe Too see the mirror free of fright A treasure, glittering maw ?Seven sons, Seven years, Draw upon yourselves,? Not Orc, but Iron we fought It was here we came, stop ne?er we delved And Khazad Dûm was wrought. [/I] Gimli ended the song with another puff his hand shaking, ?I cannot go on. This song was before darkness befell our home. Garin I fear for my cousin Balin. No word from Moria, from anyone there? ? As Gimli turned away in grief he felt the hand of Legolas on his shoulders, ?Well done master dwarf.? The soft tone came. [/COLOR]
Sign Up L.O.T.R. The Seven Rebelion(parentel discretion is advised.)
Drix D'Zanth replied to a topic in Theater
Well since TigerVX has stated the truth about that one I should probably mention that all of the elves are gone too. Not only that.... i noticed the huge human/elf combo race. I suppose people don't actually realize how incredibly rare it was in middle earth. Only Aragorn and Arwen, Earendil and M-something (Dior's daughter) and few others would join together. The last few elves of middle earth were perhaps Legolas, Elrond's sons, Celeborn, and the last Silvan of thranduil's line(All of these mentioned ended up sailing in the 4th age near aragorn's death). Even if you wanted elves you would be lucky to see more than 3 or so within weeks of travel between FORMER elven cities. So having elves really doesn't make too much sense ;). -
Sign Up L.O.T.R. The Seven Rebelion(parentel discretion is advised.)
Drix D'Zanth replied to a topic in Theater
I need this question answered. You have L.O.T.R listed up top and besides somewhat limited lotr background involving races, describe nothing of Tolkien's Middle Earth. Is this set after LOTR? Could you explain what's going on? Or is this a totally different universe (Stygia?) with LOTRish style? -
OOC: Please realize the fight between legolas and gimli never happened :\. It's a movie mistake, and a common one, but I'll bite. --------------- Gimli's leather gauntlet tightened around the axe handle with a nervous squeek. His eyes were set with determination against this haughty creature. [i]Lucky our kind hate orcs with more passion, from whence they were born from the blasted pointy-ears.[/i] /"Relax Legolas of Mirkwood,"\ the fluid sindarin accent rang from Aragorn's lips as he stood up motioning the two to sit, "The ring is not so quickly debated by the same malice that created it." Frodo leaned into Garin,"Tell me of strider Garin?" Garin smiled, "I present Aragorn, son of Arathorn and long removed heir of Isuldur and Dunedain cheiftans, uncrowned king, and Elessar." Frodo leapt up, "Then he should have it! The king?" Elrond calmed frodo with a hand and glance, before Bilbo spoke up, " Very well, very well, Master Elrond! Say no more! It is plain enough what you are pointing at. Bilbo the silly hobbit started this affair, and Bilbo had better finish it, or himself..." Garin only smiled, patting Bilbo's head, " Of course my dear Bilbo, you may be expected to finish it, but you know that starting the endeavour is too great a claim for any. Only a small part is played in great deeds by any hero. You need not bow! Though you make a valiant offer, one is passed beyond your strength Bilbo and the ring has passed on! Finish your book and leave the ending unaltered! There is still hope for it." Bilbo, "Well who can you think of? Some names now? Or put it off till after dinner?" The noon-bell rang and no one spoke. Frodo glanced at the faces, but they were not turned to him. All the council sat with downcast eyes, shuddering as Garin's voice grew in ice. "Ash Nazg Durbatuluk, Ash Nazg gimbatul, Ash nazg thrakatuluk ag burzum-ishi krimpatul", Garin repeated, "The grim words on the ring reflect the grim fate that lies in it's bearer." The reading left the council trembling, and the elves shut their ears. Even Glorfindel, the Noldo lord of Imladris cast his eyes from the predapice that the ring sat upon. "A dark task indeed." {ooc: not much gimli, heh, but I'm just trying to move the plot along.}
Gimli huffed, "To have a council on this ring? There are other issues at hand!. I thought this council was to adress Middle earth... the fate being in this ring?" Gloin stoood up, "A shadow of disquiet has fallen upon our people. Whence it came we did not at first percieve. Words began to be whispered in secret: it was said that we were hemmed in a narrow place, and that greater wealth and splendour would be found in a wider world. Some spoke of Moria and the power to return." Gloin sighed in slight dispair, "Moria! Moria! Wonder of the Northern world! Too deep we delved there, and woke the nameless fear. Long have its vast mansions lain empty since the children of Durin Fled. But now we spoke of it again with longing, and yet with dread; for no dwarf has dared to pass the doors of Khazad-dûm for many lives of kings, save Thrór only, and he perished. At last, however, Balin listened to the whispers, and resolved to go; and though Dáin did not give leave willingly, he took with him Ori and Óin and many of our folk, and they went away south. That was nigh thirty years ago. For a while we had news that seemed good. then there was silence, and no word has come from Moria since. About a year ago, a messenger came to Dáin, but from Mordor: a horseman. The Lord Sauron the Great wished for our friendship, and he promised us rings, such as he gave of old. He asked urgently concerning [i]hobbits[/i], of what kind they were and where they dwelt. We were greatly troubled and gave no answer, and his voice lowered, "As a small token only of your friendship Sauron asks this," he said: "that you should find this theif," such was his word," and get from him, willing or no, a little ring, the least of rings, that once he stole. It is but a trifle that Sauron fancies, and an earnest of your good will. Find it and three wings that the Dwarf sires posessed of old shall be returned to you and mMoria will be yours forever. Refuse, and things will not seem so well. Do you refuse?" I said neither yea or nay. Heavey have our hearts been for we know the power that has re-entered Mordor. So we have departed, to warn Bilbo of this enemy and learn wy he desires this ring... this least of rings. We also crave the adive of Elrond. For the Shadow grows and draws nearer. We discover that messengers have come also to King Brand in Dale,a nd he is afraid. We fear he may yield and war be brought to our eastern borders. " Gimli's armour creeked after Gloin ended his monologue, betraying the hushed nature of the room. Only glances were exchanged, hurried and weary. "you have done well to come,"said Elrond, "You will hear what you need in order to understand the purposes of the Enemy...." Elrond then told the tail of the ring, of Elendil the Tall and his mighty sons. He told of the Last Alliance and the death of Gil-Galad. He told of the shattering of Narsil, and belaying of Aiglos. "Isuldur cut the ring from his hand with the hilt-shard of his father's sword, and took it for his own." The room was captivated by the tale of old.. boromir especially, for he'd heard nothing of hte sort from his father, Denethor II.
ooc: Garin, not Gandalf. Gimli sat most uncomfortably at the council. [i] Elves[/i] were probably the least desirable company for a Dwarf of Gimli's demeanour. He sat next to Dain Ironfoot and his father, Gloin of Erebor. /"Those pointys are eyeing you, "\ Dain whispered to Gimli in Khuzdul, their native language. /"Aye, Thranduil's in that group , see him next to that blond one?, " \Gloin piped in, stroking his beard. /"He's not so bad, but the blond stares at us with contempt, " \Gimli retorted/, "He must be one of those.. Lorien elves. I hear they are all evil sorcerers bent on the most flagrant witchcraft!"\ Gloin nodded, /"Must be careful, mind the toungue"\ Gimli heaved a sigh, the stagnant air exiting his mouth betrayed his words before he said them, "Perhaps a warm malt before council wasn't the best idea.." With slight impatience, Gimli took out his axe, letting the butt drop with a ringing noise to the stone floor. He cast a glance through his nose towards the "blond elf" (Legolas).
I have to close this.. for rules sake, but i do empathize. Try PMing her. If she doesn't respond to a PM, she's not on.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Radaghast [/i] [B][size=1] OOC: It's not the best, but then again I'm not really too good at sign-ups. My posts on the actual adventure will be a lot better when I get back on the 5th. Also, two questions about Raiha's character. First: Wouldnt she be older? Being a Maiar who has been around since existence. Second: Wouldn't she be above Thingol? Should she serve Manwe, or Eru?[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Nice signup, I trust you and your sil knowledge so of course you are in. Don't forget your beautiful sword, Glamdring .. it was Turgon's pride. To answer your questions: not all maiar are told to be around since existence. Maiair don't tend to rank themselves around the account of Beleriand's inabitants, so she is no higher or lower in "rank" than Thingol. She doesn't own any title over a kingdom like he does, keep in mind. The only maiair to take legitimate rank is Melian. She serves all the valar , per se, yet she is more specifically a Maiar of Yavanna, giver of fruits (we discussed this via AIM) much like Melian is.
Sign Up The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring.
Drix D'Zanth replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
Name: Gimli, son of Glóin Age: 139 (though he does have a birthday during the great years) Gender: Male Character you are filling in for (If any) : Gimli Weapons: Though by some accounts, Gimli could defeat an army by force of will alone, Gimli is well armed. He carries a large, two-handed axe that he mounts on his back during travel. It?s well crafted from the forges of both the Iron Hills and Erebor, Gimli?s home. It?s blade is kept sharp with a weht stone Gimli keeps in a pack near his belt. He also carries three throwing axes about two feet long. They have a wide girth and hollow handle so the blade almost always makes impact. His brute strength allows him the power to cleave both armour and flesh with greater efficiency than any of the party. Armour (If any) : If any? Gimli, like most dwarves has a suit with virtually no weak points. He wears a cushioning layer of soft, loose-fitting woolen hose and a shirt. Because of the opulence gained by Gloin in his exploits to Erebor, the lonely mountain, Gimli?s armour reflected the fine craftsmanship of the wealthy. His main was a system of flattened rings held by fine gold wiring. Over this he wears long, boiled-leather gauntlets and vambraces with an additional plate on the hands to protect the knuckles. He wore boots with shinguards of the same deep-boiled leather. He wore a tunic and skirt of the same mail to protect his abdomen and legs. The next layer was a woolen mantle edged in leather that reinforced the torso, shoulders, and back with sashes of interlacing leather. He carried supply pouches with repair kits, sharpening kits, and a meager traveling supply. His helm consisted of a leather coif, wool impact layer, and full helm with cheek-guards and full neck guards. This helm was made of the same iron as his mail and suit along with being decorated with golden leaf. The cheeks were decorated with a star motif in reinforce to his name, Gimli, which means "star" in Khuzdul. The center of his helm was a circle of onyx, a scare substance and one that signifies wealth. In the book only one person was able to penetrate such incredible defenses. A beauty that stole his heart, Galadriel. Appearance: [IMG]http://www.universohq.com/cinema/images/gimli.jpg [/IMG] [IMG]http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=gimli/v=2/l=IVI/*-[/IMG] [Img]http://www.reality.org.nz/pics/49-gimli.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.britannia.com/tolkien/gimli.jpg\[/img] [img]http://homepages.internet.lu/lordoftherings/images/gimli.gif [/img] Race: Dwarf Personality: Gimli isn?t much different than his dwarven kin. He was raised to be suspicious of most everything, and regard everyone with distrust. Everyone must earn Gimli?s trust, not vice-versa. He isn?t overly arrogant, yet very proud of his culture, his lineage, his beard, and his race. Gimli is outspoken, at best and doesn?t mind speaking his mind when the time is worth telling. He is stout and hard skinned though, with a penchant for being almost insulting towards those he knows not. He is, however, loyal to his friends. Gimli will give his life to those he cares for and has a heart of gold towards the people who?ve earned his mutual respect. Gimli is very respectful of most other people if they mind their business like a good dwarf such as him minds his. Biography: Gimli was born in the year 2879 of the 3rd age at The Blue Mountains to Glóin, one of the 13 companions of Bilbo. Being the son of one of the Erebor?s inheritors put Gimli?s family wealth to an utmost premium by any standards. So Gimli moved to Erebor in 2941 to live with his father. Gimli grew up like most of his people and his experience in traveling gave him a special view to the world around him. Gimli was able to prove his expertise in battle many a time skirmishing the orcs that would occasionally eek out of Gundabad or Gram. He also fought in the orcish assault upon the Iron Hills before Dol Goldur was re-captured, notching his axe many times in the process. Gimli?s ambition, spurned by the love of his people and youth, presented themselves to the dwarves as an opportunity to grasp. They decided that Gimli would go to Rivendell by request from Elrond, to attend a council of "utmost importance". Gimli has been fitted with the finest arms and amour that the lonely mountain?s wealth could provide, and he?s set off with his company to meet the journey that lies before him. -
Sign Up The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring.
Drix D'Zanth replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
I am late for a movie but I would love to sign up for Gimli if possible.. i'll have a signup later tonight.