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Everything posted by Drix D'Zanth
jro13, your signup isn't to the standards that I would accept for this RPG, sorry your out. Outcast, you're in. Nice signup. Rhadagast, Ben, and DuoMax get your signups in! Then we'll have more than enough for this rpg. oh yeah, joko and boba, I forgot to tell you that both your characters are accepted! In fact i don't think we need many more, so if you plan on playing, get your signup in fast!
[I] Spice.[/I] "I?ve never seen so much since the Maraxian Fighting arena on Drall." Said one Jax Masteel of Selonia, his fur shivered with excitement. He turned to his counselor, business representative, and of course the several heavily armed guards stationed around the room. "You see now? You see how empires are born?" "Circuit one, red circuit" "Someday we shall own the four hyperspace lanes through the sector! Corporate athourities be damned! We?ll own our little chunk of the universe. With the credits from this next shipment we?ll HAVE to be recognized for our congomatory power!" Jax danced around the plasteel barrels occupying the center of the room. A skull adorned the side of the barrel, emblazened in crimson. Jabba?s sign. "Circuit 4, electrics.. ex-9.. open" The selonian bent down, letting his finger caress the crystal spice, raw. A small amount collected in his finger, glittering under the red-light necessary so the spice is not spoiled under white light. One hit, two? The selonian?s eyes dilated with the spice rush. Blood shooting into the tiny slits of white to the side, giving his gaze a boiled-over look. His muscles spasmed with the rush. "This is the stuff of kings." "lights..off" Suddenly the scene went dark, the echo of Jax?s drug-induced laughter was complimented by the alarmed whispers and shuffling footsteps of the guards. A laser rang out, it?s red bolt cutting the darkness in the room and cascading to the floor with a spark. This was quickly followed by a *hurk* noise and the sound of a dropping body. More sounds, like meat being ground for the butcher, a sickening pop, a crack, a thud. The councilor let out a wail of fear and ran into the barrels of spice, spilling one of them on the ground. He slid over the crystals like sand before falling with a crack. Jax stood there, alarmed at the sight, "Get the lights on! What?s going on? Stang!", he cursed through the stupor that was overtaking him "Lights." The room was filled with the bright florescence of white-light. Immediately the spice began to react, hissing and popping before taking on a dark, useless hue. "Your ruining it ! This is worth more than..", Jax?s outburst was cut short by the open hand of Boba Fett curling around his neck. He choked bitterly, writhing under the man?s grip. "You think this is what builds empires? Getting the haggards of the spacelines addicted to your specific brand of spice? I didn?t ruin a thing, this was over to begin with," The Mandalorian helmet churned out the bitter words, "If I could I?d have you dead, your scum just destroys what is built. There?s no honor in this. Nothing." Boba?s free hand brought up a sleek looking pistol, it?s chamber switched with a click that broke the sudden silence that parylized Jax. The selonian?s blooshot eyes widened and he barred his teeth, "Your going to kill me?" *Schlick* A tiny dart found home in the selonian?s collar, sending Jax limp in Boba Fett?s arm. "No."
Jokopoko, I've talked with DuoMax about this, and we've arranged that I'm one of the uruk-hai captains from mordor. Sort of an embassy. I'm basically the equivalent of Ugluk for Sauron. It's hard to choose uruks because so few are named (especially saurons), and I cant use Shagrat or Gorbag [stationed in cirith ungol]. So let's improvise here and see my uruk and duos uruk as something more than mere "lackeys". :D Grazie!
PDA... *sighs* Well i choose to let it [u]not[/u] bother me... In highschool, please, you aren't free. You are slaves to the system. Free will? You don't have that right yet, so obey the rules and keep your mouthes shut. In college, we are all adults, so I don't think it's a problem.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B] He seduces Eve with charisma, and even though Eve knows he?s up to something, she can?t resist, because he?s so damn charming?lol?similar to Raiha?s chats with Drix. [/B][/QUOTE] Quiet you. So I'm Satan now, eh? What does that make YOU? Some little seductive imp or something of that nature. :D I digress. I doubt things change. Some people see life as a game, a dance, and art. So many metaphors to choose from. We're the pawns on the chessboard waiting to be manipulated. I love manipulating people, to a minor extent. That doesn't mean I have ulterior motives (or lack of) to be a total and complete Jackass. I doubt you realize this, but by sitting there and acting nice to this guy while thinking "he's so fake" makes you just as fake as him. Why don't you just gather up the cajones to talk to him about it. This doesn't mean you have to go Dawson's Creek dramatic on him, but ask him why he acts so differently. It's sad to classify "most" men as chauvanists. Everyone has a different perspective, no? I prefer guys over women, the one's I know tend to be far less.... complicated. Just look at Raiha. She's not a *****, but she'll act like one to "get back at you." I thank the stars she wouldn't need to use that tactic on me. I shoud quote one of my friends, Felicia "I just like hanging around guys because they are so easy to talk to, they aren't so dramatic." Drama. You want drama visit a women's studies class... I've seen them break out into pseudo-femenism rallies. Take femenism as you will, I see it as "women aren't just as good as men, they are better". It's descrimination that advances our society in no way. Watch the movie "Dangerous Liasons" and open your eyes to a romantic idealism that could be metaphorically applied to today's society. I can't say much more as what's already been said. Try not to take me too seriously, because I don't.
Kenshinbabe, although highly unprofessional, here's my medical advice (I'll be in applying to med school in 2 years :D ): You didn't give me a good list of symptoms except random blackouts. This leads me to belive you may not be eating as well as you tell (exercise, or lack of rarely has to do with blackouts) us. Check your diet, getting your fiber? Or more importantly, your carbs? Any of number of things could be causing blackouts. Most blackouts do occur as a result of exhaustion (can be caused by poor diet) or deficiency in respiration. Have you been sick recently? You could also be suffering from: Low blood sugar, maybe a type of diabetes (do you have a genetic history ? Type 1 is genetic) Anemia Low iron in your hemoglobin, check your iron intake. This could be a passing thing, most likely. Unless its anemia or low iron, you wouldn't be given any medication (Diabetes is a different story, it depends on what type). I cannot honestly diagnose any of these.. but you might want to look out for this. Blackouts are not a psychological problem, so please see a general physician, not a psychiatrist. Please, check your diet, see a doctor. This may turn out to be something more than a mild blackout, or something much much more simple and easy. Better find out. ----- Edit: ahh yes.. considering the nature of the thread and the direction it's going, unless we see some real advancement in the thread other than a discussion about how scissors will kill a person who's blacking out; thread will be closed. Post wisely kenshinbabe.
this thread makes no sense... matchmaking? Honestly if people really use a matchmaker, the relationship isn't worth squat. Relationships are mutual things and should require the initiative of someone. Besides, we're talking about otakuboards here, most are little fun things. I'm sure anyone who reads this with a rational mind will understand why I'm closing it though. By all means PM her.
Alright, I have to be a deuche about this one, no ents. They are just too slow, unweildy and didn't really take part in the events. I could think of a few more creatures that you would work better as. I love your signup, but an ent is just pushing it. The party is going to need mobility and the ability to socialize. A magical beast is probably as far as I can go. I'll let you be an ent if you don't mind probably being restricted to not doing really much. It will take you about 20x the time it would take the rest of the group to get anything done. By the time you get to a battlefeild, the battle will probably be over! It's going to take alot of patience for the RPG in order to have that work. PM me a bit more on what you would plan on doing as an ent... Baron, a werewolf/wolf sounds cool, except wolves are typically bad. In fact, only your lineage would be good. Sauron's a werewolf on certain occasions. In doriath you would be recognized as good, but in other locations you may recieve less than a warm greeting. You can stay a wolf, I don't mind, but you should probably know this. I plan on keeping the story moving and staying for the RPG, don't worry. --------- Extra Info about the RPG: The exact year we start will be the FA year of 456, a year after Dagor Bragollach, or the battle of Sudden Flame. The Seige of Angaband was broken, and the Noldor fortresses guarding Morgoth were sacked, tumbling to the ground. At the end of the battle, Fingolfin was so horrified with the losses of Men and Elves that he rode out and challenged Morgoth himself! The elven high king and Morgoth dueled for hours, Morgoth was wounded by Fingolfin's steel. However he did not prevail and was crushed under a single blow of Morgoth's mace: Grond, the hammer of the underworld. All was not lost, and the king of eagles; Thorondor valiantly saved the body of Fingolfin. Now Fingon is High king in Hithlum. The houses of men are now ruled by Hurin and Huor because of Galdor's age. Maedhros arms himself in Himdring. The times are tense, the elven houses are still at war, ununited, and the dwarves cannot be trusted. Morgoth has re-assured his position in Beleriand with Dagor Bragollach and the times are uncertain.
Upon figuring out just how Raiha's magic works, I've cleared her. Remember, try to stay as close to Sil as possible, Raiha. CB Shin, excellent signup, you're in too.
[color=darkred] [b] The Silmarillion[/b] It is an age of Magic and Elder times. A time where the elves rule the land with their glittering kingdoms, and feuding steel. The Men are in their infancy, lead by the three elder houses; Kings of Men. Beleriand, their world, is full of arcane and unnumbered spectacles never seen by mortal or immortal eyes. [i]The pieces are set[/i] The great regions north, iron mountains with fire and steel at their brim; the kingdom of Angaband. Home of the Dark Lord Morgoth and his minions has remained silent for two centuries. Thangodrim, the realm of three great volcanic peaks and the gateway into angaband is beginning to brew fire, sending boughts of smog into the fens of the land before Angaband. The elven kingdoms are arming for the inevidable clash of orc and elven steel. Men are preparing their strongest. Dwarves are forging great armor and axe. [i] Choose your Homeland[/i] Where will you fight: [B] Hithlum[/b] The land of the nolodor Loyal to the sons of Fingolfin, High King of the Nolodor. This land is west of Angaband and bordered by large mountain ranges. Lake Mithrim holds the great palaces of Fingon, firstborn of Fingolfin. It is a peaceful land and holds the greatest host of Fingolfin's sons. [b]Nargothrond[/b] : Land of a thousand glittering caves. Finrod Feaglund makes his home here. With only a great steel gateway from the river Narog, Nargothrond is sealed in from the dangers of outside. The beatiful caverns, delved by dwarves ages ago are home to a multitude of Nolodor lords. [b]Gondolin[/b] - The hidden city. Even to the eyes of the dark lord. This glittering city sits atop a great plateu amidst a great feild. The entire location is bordered by encircling peaks that sheild the city from sight and mind of it's enemies. It is the most beautiful city in existence, with ivory towers, a magical fountain, and markets full of happy people. The city is usually circled by an eagle from the nearby Crissegarm, or Eagle Roost, where Thorondor, Lord of all Eagles resides. [b] The Forests of Doriath[/b] The great Sindar realm of Thingol Greymantle. This forest is enchanted by old magic that extends beyond the age of any elf, even. Thingol and his bond to the enchanting Melian the Maia created a magical girdle that keeps the forest forever protected from enemies. Menengroth is like Nargothrond, but greater in opulence and size. The sindar there reside amongst the trees. [b]Eglarest or Brithombar[/b] Land of the Teleri, or sea elves. Cirdan the shipwright makes his home on the Falas, or cost of Beleriand. The elves here are fairly peaceful, yet ini times of war can strike with the force of the waves they ride upon. [b]Belegost[/b] Sister city to nogrond. Belegost is the greatest dwarven city in Beleriand. It's halls are of mithril and bronze. The dwarves here echo throughout the Blue Mountians that Belegost resides in. Azgahal the great King of the dwarves makes his throne here and the Khazad (in their toungue) flourish. Any other locations you may choose? Himlad, the great plain where men dwell? Brethil, the enchanting forest home to beren and luthien? Why not Amon Ereb, hill of the house of Bor, first house of men. Dor-Lomin , the echoing hills is where Hurin and his sons reside. Races: [u]Sindar[/u] - The Grey elves of Falas and Doriath. Sindar swear loyalty to Cirdan, or Thingol Greymantle. They are commonly light haired and grey-eyed elves of woodland prowess. They inhabit more natural parts, and are more unlikely to send an army than the Nolodor are. [u]Nolodor[/u]- The elves of craft and smithery. These elves are the mainstay of the elven population on Beleriand. They swear loyalty to Feanor's sons or Fingolfin's Sons. The rift between the Sindar, Sons of Feanor, and Fingolfin's Sons is great; many elves have died from this conflict. [u]Men[/u] Most commonly, men swear fealty to their own houses. The first house of Bor, the second house of Huor, the third house of Tour. They live in Himlad, Amon Ereb, and Dor-Lomin. Men are stronger and heartier than elves, yet their mortal lives and sickness make them far less resilient to the test of time. Immortality escapes even the greatest men. [u]Dwarves[/u] Usually found in the Blue mountians, the Dwarves are closest to the Sindar elves and Thingol Greymantle. They are the most skilled in metallurgy and mining. Dwarves are a hearty, arrogant race, who's stubborn demeanour makes them sometimes unwelcome company. Dwarves are quicker to anger than most, and in times of war can carve paths in the most powerful of Morgoth's vessles. [u]Other[/u] Pick another race. Are you one of the enchanting Vanyar elves that comes from the undying lands? Are you a beast? An orc? How about a great Hound, that works with Huan, lord of Hunting Hounds. Signup: Name: Age: Race: Homeland: Swear fealty to: Lineage (father, is he famous?): Weapons and Armour: What kind of magic do you use (Nothing big, magic is always very subtle in tolkein's world): History: Personality: ----Please try to be as detailed as possible because all signups will probably come down to fairly intense scrutiny. I would recommend a knowledge base of the book, The Silmarillion, in order to have the best experience. I am a USEFUL knowledge base, please use me! By all means, feel free to PM me your ideas or suggestions and I'll do my best to implement them into your character or the setting. Everything will be well-explained by NPC's and description during the epoch. I'll be posting my signup later and will probably be a de-facto leader of most of the people. Basic plotline will be provided on first post. [/color]
what the jizz? Wolfgang... you double posted., mistook our site for something else (?), and started a pointless thread, and I doubt you had many friends considering your post quality. No. Read the rules or feel the sting of the pimp hand. *Ahem* Pardon. That was the wire in my brain speaking. Thread closed.
Is it me or has this thread, which seems to be going absolutely no where, turned a full circle. Once again Shinken re-iterates his sentiments and he get's more-or-less the same reply. *Sigh* I must close this thread so it doesnt waste people's time going in circles.
Well jopoko sums it up in one giant run-on ;). Kidding aside, I'd have you know my uruk is no lacky... He's not one of saurman's captains, but he's NO lacky.
I'm not really a fan of tatooing, but sometimes it's fun to look at other people's art. Considering the fact that ink is the 2nd leading cause of Skin Cancer (nice...), I cringe to see some people with their entire upper torsos covered in tatoos. Tatoos on females, if excessive, is a turn off. I don't really have anything against it, just don't get cancer. I think people should try to develop a less carcinogenic substance. Ink is metallic and very very chemically imbalanced. Hell, the fact your body can't purge it is probably not a good sign (It can't purge mercury or lead either :D )...
I want a few things, because I am poor and my family is not. -My computer to run things... it's broken (games, internet works fine, you yuckly little OB kiddies *bweee*) -Family Guy Season 3 box-set -Steven Lynch's "Superhero" CD -A barnes and nobles gift card ( I live there) Oh yeah, enough with the spammy replys. There are some fun replys here. If you bother posting crap.. i'll delete crap and PM you my ire.
James, CB Shin, and Heaven's Cloud really put it best here, kids. Take their advice. Considering the fact that this thread really can't go anywhere....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mimmi [/i] [B][COLOR=firebrick]One thing that I've wanted to ask those who are [b]Tolkien Experts[/b] [size=1][i]*bows in their glory-ness*[/size][/i] for a long time is:[color=darkblue] [i]How well do the actors depict the characters they are playing ?[/i][/color] And something not related, but still in a way: [color=darkblue][i]The people who discover and educate themselves about Lord of The Rings [b]after[/b] the movies and are genuinely making an effort to learn about its universe.... are they still considered to be riding the hype-wave ?[/i][/color] - Mimmi[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] More power to those who get into LotR after the movies. Everyone was influenced to read Tolkein's masterpeices some way. It's just like looking at a painting inspired by Tolkein. As long as they don't diss the books, more power to them. I would agree with Sara on her post abut the actors. The only one the bugs me along with those is Gimli. He's not nearly as badass as he should be.. almost reverted into some sort of comical standin... it's sad. Gimli could pwn Legolas ;)
.. I can only imagine the discussion coming out of this as trite, so I'll stop it before it turns into something. Allow me to explain: OB families is no different than any other "club" except for its structure. Simple as that. If anyone truly has a question about OB Families, just PM someone who's in a family for assistance.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryu_Sakura [/i] [B]i think pepl like that are stupid, i mean peopl can belive who and what they want. besides imean who actually believe those dufises anyway? i personaly hate morman, the tell peopl how wonderful the religon they join, the mormans take all thier money, the people leave because lack of cash, ect. [COLOR=orangered][size=1]Triple-posting is bad bad bad. -Sara.[/size][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Very nice. You seem like a nice person. You hate the fact they "attack" your opinions yet you attack them directly. You generalize and stereotype. Not only that, you call them stupid and there are more than 5 spelling and grammar mistakes in your post. Oh god.. DuoMax. I cannot belive this. Did you even [i]read[/i] the comic or did you scan the pretty pictures? It clearly says that [b]we[/b] chose whether or not to go to hell by beliving in God. Now I'm not saying all of you have to belive this. But don't screw up their message by contorting it with your own shortsightedness. I'm going to (ironically) play devil's advocate here. Hey Shinken, did these people force you to go to their site? No. Did they make you belive in God? No. They aren't , as indoctrinating as the text on their site seems, throwing their opinions in your face at all. They gave their opinions on their own website. If you want to go to it, that's your problem. Semjaza made a good point. Who say's it's illegal to tamper with candy wrappers? So what? It's the only thing you have against these guys except for disagreeing with their religious point of view. Baron made that same point. Some people belive that if you don't belive in Jesus you go to Hell. I do. You don't have to. The fact is, why are you oposing a totally different system of beliefs? This is just becoming a flame-morman/christian thread (not for the most part, i'll admit, but it's just about religion.) Religious threads tend to have a short life-span on OB because of each side's zealots and opposition. If you want to have an intelligent thread about specifics, fine. If you are going to debate relgion, this isn't the website for you. Cloricus and Vampire: enough flaming , you are going to get this thread closed. Hey nerdsy, you just listened to them... score one them.
Name: Boba Fett Age: Unkown but he is actually pretty old. (30's-40's) Gender:Male Race: Human Homeworld: Unkown (I have one picked out... you'll have to get to know him for him to tell you) Weapons: Mandalorian Battle armor. He uses various weapons including a Blaster Rifle, Laser Gauntlet, Flamethrower Gauntlet, Whip Chord, Small missiles, and a grenade or missle launcher on occasion. He arms himself depending on the situation. Ship: A Heavily Modified Kuat Systems Engineering [I]Firespary[/i]-class Patrol and attack ship- [I] Slave I[/I] Description: Boba Fett stands at a good 1.8 meters in his full suit of Mandalorian armor. He's not seen without it and the rare armor make's his appearance unmistakable. People flee when Boba Fett comes calling their bounty. History: Boba Fett is a bounty hunter, and the best one in the Galaxy. He's perfected the craft of hunting down whoever asks for, and at the right price. He was responsible for the captures of incredible figureheads including : The Butcher of Montillian Serat, The spice lords of the Rimma trade rout, and many more expensive bounties. He's found in employ of the highest bidder, usually Hutts or the Empire. His reputation is heard throughout the Universe and his enigmatic personality has gained him infamy. No one actually knows much about Boba Fett, his habits, his residence, even his face. He's a mystery and almost a regular knight of the space opera, a romance in his own shadow. Boba Fett's history will grow for ages to come as he continues his expert-driven profession of adventure and danger. Personality: Boba Fett is no orator. Nothing's been out of his mouth except business. It's not known if he has ever had loved ones, or friends to talk to . Perhaps there's alot to be said behind the Mandalorian Helmet.
Name: Golzimül of Ûdun Age: 34 Gender: Male Weapons & Armour: Golzimül, unlike Uruk-hai of the white hand, uses a lighter combination of armour. He wears a full hauberch of chainmail and a deep-set helm of blackened steel. His arms and legs are only protected by leather bracers and thighguards. The armour isn't as effective as the full plate, however it grants him far better skill in his weapon. He weilds a two handed pike, a fairly brute weapon with serrated edge that can "tear" men in twain. On his back is a well crafted bow with a strong sinewy string. He tends to use both weapons with his added mobility. Master: Sauron. Golzimül is an Uruk of the lidless eye. Personality: Golzimül resents the Uruk-hai of sauruman and sees them as abhorrations. He, through years of indoctrination, has created an abiding love for his master Sauron. He is very reserved, blunt, and doesn't follow orders from any white-hands. He's fearless of any danger, and sometimes foolheardy. However, Golzimül has shown a remarkable aptitude to using traps in order to defeat more powerful enemies. Apperance: Golzimül is about 5'9'', however he's never seen standing to his full height. He always sems bent, or crooked. His jaw is broad and heavy-set, and it's tusk-like canines are the only feautres of his face that appear below the eye-adorned helm. He's less muscular than the uruks of saruman but it's unknown if the physical appearence holds true and his limits may be far higher than anticipated. His left calf muscle is severly depleted from a battle where it was gored by a large spear. He doesn't appear to suffer from this except in full sprint, where he may display a slight gait. It's anyone's guess if he even feels the pain. Biography/History: As a young broodling, Golzimül learned like any of sauron's uruks how to reach the top. The snaga he grew up with fell pray to his early ravages, and it is said he tasted blood before leaving the tit. This, of course is all shrouded in controversy of the primitive black speech. Golzimül rose in ranks of Sauron's elite Uruk-Hai. He understood the true heiarchy, the true power of the Dark Lord and it's mastery. He veiws the White hand as cheap imitations through flity magic. One of Golzimül's first assignments was to terrorize the areas outside the dwimmerdale. He and his group found a group of elven rangers and ambushed them. The Uruks were sucessful for the most part, but each side took nearly even casualties. Golzimül was struck by an arrow in his chest and his leg was shred by a spear. He was left for dead. A few days later he appeared at the Morannon. Such a great victory earned him a Captain's post at Cirith Ungol until rumors of a sacred object began floating around the Fens of Gorgoth. He was quickly given a conscription of uruks and the more primitive orcs to reach Isenguard. They left through the pass of Minas Morgul within days. As they travelled towards Entwash, the Uruks came under fire from Illithien. Most of Golzimül's band was lost, and the remaining fled to the safety of Ephel Dupath. Golzimül continued on his own, desperate to please the master and loathing the fact his only hope would remain in the race of uruks to which he bore such scorn.
This thread was the greatest waste of time I've ever seen. I would hope that before posting on the thread you all thought about the mental stability of the origional poster. A 12 year old having relationship problems. Alright, go ahead post away. Waiiiit... we are on a discussion board? Oh yeah. Oh, the first post was total and utter grammar feces? He posting about his girlfriend on the same board SHE posts on...? Of course, this came to a heartwarming resolution? Lucky him. Well, best of luck to you and your pre-adolescent adventures.
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Drix D'Zanth replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
(Took a totally different perspective here) [b]Nylon Homicide---[/b] [i]Covering my limbs, sheer fabric of tan. a flickering candle dance with nylon.. tauntingly inviting your hands, abrasive, virile and strong. slightly snagging the material as they glide up my thighs squirming from a fingernail.. mapping it's way to the prize. pulling, tearing, ripping the cloth, a savage death of my lingerie, to expose your due treasured froth. [/i] -
This will probably pass. I feel like wearing the things just to mock the subject. Maybe I'll lure a prof into breaking it then proudly exclaim, "Ahahahha Mr. Ealy, you just promised to have sex with me". I sincerely doubt the majority of people would be stupid enough to actually have sex, as Semjaza has said. If they're having sex because of the bracelets, then sex probably isn't anything new or special to them. I would only assume the people that take these SERIOUSLy would be the nympho's of our public school systems.