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Drix D'Zanth

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Everything posted by Drix D'Zanth

  1. Uranium 238, baby. Piss me off and i go thermonuclear. Considering the fact you are talking about greek elements (not the whole pathos, ethos.. etc) i wonder what exactly do you derive these "elements" from?
  2. Did you even bother reading my post at all? We've gone over this [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Break [/i] [B][size=1][color=CC0000]Jesus... if people want abortions, they should be allowed them. It is not murder (up to a certain time), because the fetus is not living. It doesn't move, it doesn't reproduce, it doesn't excrete, it doesn't respire. [/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Every cell in a fetus/embryo exctretes. it's constantly utelizing the transfer of fluids and solids even at it's most miniscule scale. Every cell in our body excretes to a certain extent. But does being able to take **** make you human? Wrong. It can't reproduce? Eventually it can. By your logic, that's saying every person under the age of 11 or so isn't a person. As i've stated in my previous post, this supports infanticide and child homocide. Beautiful. Wrong again. It moves constantly. It's all relative, think about it. An embryo is minute, it's movements are minor compared to the dramatic movement of a post-natal human. Give me a break here, cells move constantly. Wrong again. It does respire. What is respiration? Cellular respiration is the change of gluecose and oxygen into ATP (at it's most basic). Embryo's have an oxygen transport method, it utelizes ATP. An embryo cell is similar (not in specilization or structure, but in DNA and the ability to function. Recall, stem cells are unspecialized "jack-of all trades") in every fundamental respect to a full grown human's cell. Wrong a fourth and final time. I could improvise something incredibly sarcastic and cruel here. But I'll just ignore the superflous details and conclude: You are wrong. An embryo/fetus is alive. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Break [/i] [B][size=1][color=CC0000]The only thing it does do is feed and grow. Just like a plant but a lot simpler, even plants are more living than 1 month old fetuses (or is it feti?). If my mother chose to have an abortion when I didn't exist as a human being, then that would have been fine. I wouldn't have done anything special when I was growing and eating anyway and I probably would have existed as something else in another place. [/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] There aren't different gradients to "living" and "nonliving" .. it's black and white. Either you are a live or not. By your definition, plants aren't living. [b]Your right, plants arent alive![/b] No, I'm kidding, they are. Drink sprite, try again. There isn't any diference in the amount of "alivness" between a plant and a fetus. A fetus is FAR more complex in it's systems, developments, genological properties, and biological potential than a plant could ever be. FAR more complex. Both of them are just as alive as the other. Just because something isn't as developed as something else doesn't mean it isn't ALIVE or a SPECIES. [B]" I wouldn't have done anything special when I was growing and eating anyway and I probably would have existed as something else in another place.[/B] How philosophical. I coulve eaten a flake of special K that contained enough potassium to cause an allergic reaction in my bloodstream enough so i dropped dead. I could've left my house 2 minutes later and been involved in a major car crash that occured at that exact time, instead of the time i normally left and arrived saftely. We could consider the "if's". How many great people are we losing to abortion? So many people have had families that could've easily done out with children. Incredible people, great people. I'll give you an example: A young girl, in her late teens early twenties is married and pregnant. The husband is not the father. They are both very poor and don't know how they might support the child. Abortion would be fine right?? How about if i told you the family lived in the harsh conditions of Israel, facing an economic structure imposed by a harsher conquering state? What if i said, the mortality rate of babies was high enough? Lets say the baby didn't have an OB/Gyn and no hospital to be born at? No midwife.... Abort? If you say yes, you just condoned the abortion of Jesus. Great people are being killed by abortion. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Break [/i] [B][size=1][color=CC0000]Anyway, should we really be worrying about killing "humans" that aren't actually alive yet? We're overpopulating the planet anyway, but that doesn't mean that people don't have a [i]choice[/i] to have a baby or have an abortion. [/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Nothing like the choice to kill someone. I think the next time i get pissed at my 8 year old neighbor i'll kill him. Not like he's amounted to jack squat. He'll the only reason he's alive is his parents give him everything. He gives them NOTHING (at least in the monitary or physical sense) right? On overpopulation, we aren't. Sure, Japan is a tiny island in which millions have decided to crowd. The earth is relatively fine population wise. Every 8 seconds someone is born. Every 7 someone dies. That's about a .1% population increase per year (USA CDC report). The United states has 4 states in the "breadbasket" area that could feed the entire world. Why don't we? We like getting bread for a couple bucks instead of giving it away to the starving. Why else? The rest of the world is tyrannical. They don't work by the same economic systems we do and end up killing their people ... few governments care about their people. It's a simple lesson of history. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Break [/i] [B][size=1][color=CC0000]I don't see the problem with it. We should be worrying more about German perverts who fantacise about eating people (actually do eat people) and cut their penises off and then eat them. I think the real killers are the ones who do it for fun and people who kill in wars. Stop banging on about abortion, it fucks me off.[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] So we should direct our collective energies from abortion and it's millions of deaths to about 50 guys that "fantasize". I think the idiocy of this part alone solidifies my arguments.
  3. Ugh.. no discussion potential here. If you are canadian, and you want to talk to this guy, PM him. Topic Closed (ahh i'm finally done with my first bit of organic chem)
  4. I suppose this is appropriate for my return considering the fact you finally dropped the A-bomb here at OB. I?m sure most of you have gone over the various specifics, the arguments as to basic procedure, how and when, why? Considering the fact that abortion is probably the grayest issue America will have endured, I can only offer my humble voice as anyone else?s. I will quote argument?s that I?ve seen within and without this specific thread. Life? What exactly is life? Biologically, life is defined as the ability to grow, reproduce, and respond to stimulus. Let?s clear one thing up, an embryo is different than a human arm, or mass of flesh (then again, we are all just masses of symbiotic flesh, aren?t we?) Homo Sapien is eukaryotic. Which, by definition, means we are a complex organism composed of more than a single functioning cell. A human arm is not a eukaryote, it is not an organism. By itself, it cannot reproduce, grow, and except when it?s [b]just[/b] removed, it cannot respond to stimuli. An embryo can. Wait.. an embryo can reproduce? No? you are right, it cannot. Human?s cannot reproduce until a male can produce and ejaculate sperm, and a female can ovulate. Fair enough. That make?s abortion/infanticide/homicide under the age of 12-ish legal, right? IT DOESN?T??? Why not? People can?t reproduce at 12 years old, so by definition they cannot be human to it?s fullest extent? Obviously, we have a vague biological definition. So what exactly makes a human being, human? Why, it?s all philosophy right? By certain definition, humans are endowed with imagination, self-awareness, and other properties that distinguish us from every other species on the planet. Because of this philosophy we can all naturally extrapolate that humans all have the OPPORTUNITY to reproduce. Reproduction doesn?t make us human. Nor does it, or a lack of it, have any merit as to weather or not we are alive. We cannot say the embryo is more or less alive as any of us.. we?re the same racers on the same track, we just started a few years ahead. Within the welter of arguments it?s easy to obfuscate the reality of the situation. We must take responsibility for our own actions. Once we embark in an act that is (by evolution or god, whichever you believe) designed to conceive life, it?s understood that the action can and will create life. Different life. New life, biologically dissimilar life. Because life cannot be so easily defined through the general definitions, or even properly through philosophies as they change so often. We ride on the newest wave of scientific discovery, that is: DNA. DNA is the opportunity to LIVE, to reproduce, to grow, to react to stimuli. It?s the foundation from which all life can occur. Once you have DNA, you are an organism. Our species has 46 beautiful and unique chromosomes all alike in their fundamental structure, calcifying the human race into existence. An embryo?s 47 chromosom-ed cell will have the exact same genetic makeup upon conception as it will 50 years later. The opportunity always exists, and humanity at it?s fundamentals will always exist. Dictionary.com defines a "person" as 1. A living human. Pure and simple. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" -The Declaration of Independence. Firstly, holy ****? they used the word "Creator" in there!! Does that mean we are a country who?s unalienable rights are founded by ?. *gasp* ? God?? YES! Why? Because human relativity, human philosophy, and science waver and are insubstantial. Science cannot define the word "person". By founding unalienable rights on concrete such as the unchanging "thou shalt not kill" ensures the rights remain so. Secondly, the document says we have a right to LIFE. (men of course being used in the general sense, women are and were included) We?ve seen that the embryo is life, and by our own philosophies a person, so why do we face abortion? Legal injustice? the easy way out. We are given the choice to KILL, make something living?not. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]The choice of abortion belongs solely to the mother. If she was murdered, this guy should also be charged with the death of her son. It is nothing like abortion, because the supreme and only right to abortion resides with the mother. [/B][/QUOTE] Not a very fair assumption, Baron. Considering the fact said mother could not conceive a child by her lonesome. Men, biologically can become just as attached to offspring as much as a mother (thanks oxytosin.) Consider this: you and a significant other have purchased a car? you both pay equal share?s on it, but she drives it the most. After a few months of driving the car, she considers it a liability and throws it out. Not very fair , would you say? Then again, we aren?t talking about property, we are talking about a human life. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jesus Chicken [/i] [B][color=blue]Meh, I don't care. If you have a problem with abortion, why don't you all have problems with condoms. They are stopping life, and in effect killing a human life. Masturbation has the same problem. It sounds like some of you are just picking what to have a problem with because outlawing one practice would inconvenience you. People are dying as I type, people are starving and could eat the food you throw away. Money used to make entertainment and run other useless elements of your life could be spent on saving people around the world. Wheres your bleeding heart for them? I honestly don't give a rat's-*** about it. People choose to kill other people everyday. Sure its stopping a human life but it happens so often we're getting desensitised to it. My thoughts are probably a bit cluttered, still, I'm sure you get the gist of what I'm saying. Worry about the bigger things first. Get over it.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] You?ve got to be kidding me. You really don?t care if you die, if your loved one dies, it?s all insubstantial. According to your philosophy, not all life matters. Jesus Chicken, stop looking at this issue as black-and-white. Killing can?t all suddenly be STOPPED. It?s impossible to go on an "anti-death" campaign, as wistfully blissful that may sound. However, we can stop one form of killing. According to the CDC 37,836,648 dead by abortion. This number is conceivably larger considering the fact most private clinics have a carte blanche in regards to reporting their procedures. This is not a minor issue. Abortion kills millions of people, everywhere. Jesus Chicken, with your argument you could defend the existence of the Holocaust. How sad. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bloodsin [/i] [B]You've only proven my point. We live off the world by killing some of it. Just as the "Parasite" baby lives off of the mother. They said that the bay is a parasite, and therefore you're not really killing it. [/B][/QUOTE] .. parasite?please, don?t be so laconic. Biology. An organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host. Wow, by the vague definition here, the baby is a parasite right? Yes, yes it is? it gives nothing in return. Thanks for ******* over our entire reproductive method by using it?s social definitions. You were a parasite to your mother once, as was every member who, interestingly enough, is able to type the same sentiments you display. You see.. you were spared the fate that so many potential great-one?s have endured. You are alive today. Why? You have your "parasitic" actions to thank. By your definition, the elderly should be killed off as soon as they can?t support themselves. Paraplegics, the mentally disabled? none of them should live. How do they contribute to me? Parasitism is a word that?s misconstrued into the malignant, like "fetus" to "de-humanize" a human being. Don?t try to dodge the issue with a single word. I suppose I should suspend my various arguments until I receive more replies. Abortion should be illegal. Cases like rape and the mother?s life are gray enough for a separate debate I won?t take up until later. As for birth control, use birth control. As for safe sex?. If you don?t want a pregnancy, don?t have sex. Comon, it?s common sense. Sure, sex feels good. I bet heroin feels good? but every time you hit the needle, you are just begging for one lethal overdose.
  5. Heh, Lan got it on the spot. I was actually going to let you poor, misguided little children play scavanger hunt to go find it; Lan's kindness beat me to the punch. Thread closed.
  6. "Daddy, what is irony?" "When the same person who starts a thread is the very reason his own thread is closed" "Thanks daddy!" Listen, Inuyasha, it's obvious you arent listening to anyone's advice here, so the continuation of your histrionic blubbering is no longer worthy of active status. Best of luck to you, I'll now let you think about the MORE THAN GENEROUS amount of help that's been provided for you on a platinum platter. Best of luck to you.
  7. This thread is pointless.. no real discussion is to be truely garnered out of it. I forsee it becoming a thread where people throw in their two cents before realizing their opinion's have already been shared. The regret thread is close enough to this one as it is (share your messing up/regrets) closed.
  8. Let's see.. from a medical perspective we've all got our horror stories. The times a kid ends up under near-anorexic effects. The atkin's diet allows certain foods that aren't usually allowed on other diets, meats, for instance. Personally, just exorcise and eat well. Eat sugar/fatty foods sparingly and in SMALL amounts. The atkins diet DOES produce results, but that means sacrificing alot of foods we really wouldn't have to. Let me give you an example: When I see a bowl of m&m's, I tend to gobble them down, not even bothering savoring the flavor. Give me two or three at a time.. and I eat them slowly, I enjoy what I have. Eat certain foods like this sparingly, and provide good foods (grains, veggies) in large amounts. Really, It's all willpower, and people are short on it.
  9. thethespian, since this is your first offense I'm not going to be too hard on you. Don't bring back threads that are this old.. in fact... remember, threads die off for a reason. Thread closed.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PhoenixFlame [/i] [B]Whoa you live in Louisiana?I do too...your like the third person i ran into that lives in Louisiana on the internet in the last 4 years [/B][/QUOTE] I've warned you a fairly significant and generous number of times. Re-read the rules now, or improve your post quality. This comment is totally off topic. Why don't you read my advice? Why do you continue to ignore me? Fix your post quality now, stay on topic, or you will be banned. Drix
  11. Jake stood, tail stirring an Everest-storm wind. The cat?s back arched as the big lumbering mass of Jake started towards it. Jake sniffed the cat despite the hissing, curling towards a heating vent near it, and laying down. ?I?m surprised your cat didn?t kill Jake,? Jordan sighed; glad he wouldn?t have to save his pathetically wimpy dog. ?Yeah, lucky him,? Jenna laughed. Jordan sat down at the counter looking at the scenery outside, ?Pop a squat,? he patted the chair next to him. Jenna sat down joining his idyllic gaze, ?I heard you are from Michigan too.? Jenna nodded, ?Yeah, I moved to San Buenaventura for a few reasons.? Jordan smiled sarcastically, ?It didn?t take much more than one reason to get me out of Michigan. I know it?s home? It doesn?t feel right.? Jenna nodded,? I guess I have that feeling too. I still miss my friends.? Jordan cocked an eyebrow; ?Tell me about your endeavors in mitten-land.? (to those non-Michiganders, the lower peninsula is shaped like a mitten? J)
  12. I fear getting off topic, so I'm going to give my utter and full opinion after rebutting Autokill, again. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AutoKill [/i] [B]Drix D'Zanth, You seemed to mess up on a lot of your coding. :therock: Seems like we have came back to the same crossroad that we always do. You believe in god, and religion. So you think you are special above every other creature on the face of this earth. I am atheist. I believe that we are just another creature that is at the top of the food chain. Kind of like T-rex was during their era. We have once again met at this stop of indifference. First it was population control, then you made a very stupid post about how animal rights activist are stupid because some of them believe in the strongest survive. Then ultimately i bring up something about the mass killing of creatures on this earth, and once again you justify it by saying. Oh god made us the strongest so we could kill anything we want to. Sure it?s not what you said word for word. But that?s how am going to take what you said. And basically that?s what you said. That god gave us the honor of being the top of the food chain because we are the special creatures of earth. So I guess whatever makes you sleep at night.:sleepy: [/B][/QUOTE] I'm glad you have no concept of the sovereignty of humanity. You don't belive in a soul or conscience. To you, animals are the SAME as humans. Wonderful, I've now lost all respect for your opinions, as they don't hold any more substance than a cow's "moo." Unless you choose to defy your own philosophy. Yes, I believe we have arbitrary power over all animal life on earth. Does that mean I WANT to slaughter animals and kill species? Probably not. But will I exchange a human life for an endangered spotted owl? Sorry, the owl's gotta go in that case. Humans are ascended above the animal through the endowments of conscience, imagination, independent will, and self-awarness. I've deduced these 4 endowments as fairly exclusive to homo sapien. If you want to argue this, take it to PM [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AutoKill [/i] [B]I know I am a hypocrite. I take advantage of being at the top of the food chain. But I don?t try to justify myself by saying god meant it to be so. I wish I could change society to become less harmful to the planet. Yes, less harmful. I don?t think we intentionally kill off animals and hurt the ecosystem. We do it by accident. I was trying to say we should be more careful. That?s just my opinion.[/B][/QUOTE] Then how do you justify it? I'd hope that you don't hold my own belief system against me when you don't have one yourself... I don't have a problem with being more careful, but I think so far we are doing a hell of a lot better than any unwritten rule would dictate. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AutoKill [/i] [B]I also saw that you didn?t say anything to my last post. You just quoted me and gave up. Am deeply disappointed.:bawl: I know I usually don?t try to quote you. It takes to much time to do the coding. And it really is only flattery. BUT.... I cant resists. :angry3: [/B][/QUOTE] the coding? you mean {quote}{/quote} ("[" instead of "{"). Ouch. Yes, I know when I have to read through your rebuttle, I'm thinking "flattery" the entire time. It seems to me like you're flattering yourself. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AutoKill [/i] [B]No. I am not prejudice. If anything am jealous. There are mine animals in the world that are fascinating to me. Please don?t imply something that rude to label me as.:cussing: [/B][/QUOTE] I was kidding... Finally, I respect your opinions, as much as I disagree with them. Keep that in mind. ----------------------- The world grows approximately %1.6/year. Alright, that's a LOT of people. You know how many people DIE? Honestly, almost half the world lives off of less than 2 dollars a week. I think overpopulation isn't so much a land issue, nor a resource issue. I think overpopulation brings to bear alot of the world that is in dire straights. The US lives WELL, very WELL compared to the rest of the world. The entire "breadbasket" provides enough grain to feed the ENTIRE world several times over. I think we live in a world without much leadership. Alot of countries don't know how to take care of their people or provide for them. Foreign aid can only doo so much. It's like putting a bandaid on a severed artery. It's going to keep bleeding, the bandaid's only going to help so much. I don't think the UN is the solution. The UN is a bandaid, and it's corrupt beurocracy is starting to rot itself inside-out. It's been reduced to a bickering mass of countries who's arbitrary powers care little or anything except their own administration. Alot of the world is held in the bondage of their own governments. I'm not sure what the answer is... I know new diseases will inadvertantly rise from such a population explosion. I also know conventional wars will be going on, hell, today over 110 wars are being fought around the world; 100 are civil wars. Personally, I think something big's going to happen, but that's just my faith talking...
  13. Alright... I'm not sure how to encourage post quality inprovment here on the boards. SSJbrolli, I appreciate the thought, but when I scan the threads, I tend to notice this stuff. Mr. Period and wolfwoman are responsible for the closing of this thread. Please PM them your feelings. I only hope this serves as a good enough warning. Do not play mod. Do not double post. Improve post quality. I sincerely hope you consider these factors before posting on any OB lounge threads. Note: any mod's disagree with my action? Feel free to veto, I won't take it personally.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by craig8429 [/i] [B]their are so many aborted baby's anyways, I don't see a problem in it. if a mother is aborting the baby it's dead anyways, why not help others? [/B][/QUOTE] This is where I have a problem. I'm totally and whole heartedly against abortion. Granted, I'll listen to other's peoples veiws. Jenna knows this. But, I there are other ways to harvest stem cells. Aborting babies for stem cells just gives women an excuse I don't belive they should have. The statistics will change. Over 86% of women abort because they just "don't want the baby", only 1% for rape... Now it's going to change to 86% of women abort because "it's to save other lives". I hate trying to justify murder.
  15. Concussions? Well, I worked as a Student Athletic Trainer (aka bandaid man), so I saw plenty of sports injuries including concussions. I learned fairly early on how to diagnose and check for concussions. Do you recall what they asked you? Usually I'd ask people where they were, what the president is, to count backwards from 30, etc. One person who had a concussion kept repeating himself over and over. It was a fairly long phrase.. something like "He hit me good coach, I think I'm going to be ok. I sure hope I can get back in there." He kept repeating it over and over like a broken record. Despite the seriousness of the moment, it took alot of control to prevent myself from bursting into laughter.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AutoKill [/i] [B]You have completely lost touch with nature. Rawr. Looks like someone started off pissed, or you are just a furry. Do you realize what you just said? Are you at all in any more touch with "nature" than I am? Sorry, you probably use the exact same commodities that I do every single day, you probably eat the same food, and help pay for the same moguls that are the bane of all your righteous "causes". To lose all complete touch with nature means I'd be dead. *looks around* Not yet. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AutoKill [/i] [B] Survival of the fittest is animal vs animal, animal vs nature. Animals die in mass amounts due to pollution, and the destruction of their natural habitat. Not because we hunt all of the animals off the face of the earth. .[/B][/QUOTE] I see, you decided to create your own personal definition of survival of the fittest. I'm sorry kiddo, you have little if any idea about the principle at all. Why am I drawing such conclusions? *looks a few posts down* looks like you drew a few yourself. Survival of the fittest applies directly to certain evolutionary mechanisms. By definition, humans are NOT exempt of these methods at all. Who are you to say that if Lions had the same cranial capabilities as us they wouldn't outsmart and massacre every animal on the plain? Wait, they don't have opposable thumbs; no building guns or weapons of horrible destruction. So, I'm not going to hold that against the Lion. That would just be prejudice.. I'm not one to be prejudice, are you Autokill? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AutoKill [/i] [B]We are at the top of the food chain because of or "superior brain". But by all rights i think we have carelessly misused or power, like any other power hungry race. We still seem to think we are the all mighty creature on this earth and we must do everything to stay in the #1 spot. But the destruction of the ecosystem isn?t the best idea. So to shorten this up. Drix D'Zanth, you?re way out of line. Am hoping you had a blond moment when you made theses ignorant observations.[/B][/QUOTE] I belive god gave us these abitrary endowments. Evolutionists belive we evovled this superior brain. Either way, there's nothing in either belief system to determine how we should moderate the endowment. Who says we aren't the all-mightly creature? We could kill every single elephant on earth. We could make an effort to massacre most creatures, cut down massive amounts of forest. We could easily destroy the ecosystem. But we don't. So please, stop whining, and go eat a burger. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AutoKill [/i] [B] Are you a idiot?... It is natures fault that or immune system is to weak to protect humans that live on a completely different continent???... I know you said your ?serious?... but I beg that you re-think what you have just said. [/B][/QUOTE] :laugh:
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GrimmFang [/i] [B]The world is kind of crowded we have to little wilderness left to prove it. If you think about this the planet seems to agree. Some of these viruses and such just keep popping up as if the planet is like saying their are to many of you some of you need to die. [/B][/QUOTE] Excuse me while I go hug a tree... Honestly, the united states has more forest NOW than it did in 1900... we are planting trees, we are learning from our mistakes, and we are building up the wilderness again. You know what's ironic? I belive that alot of the green-peacers are evolutionists right? Well, those that are, obviously belive in the "survival of the fittest." If that's so, why do they continually vie to protect endangered animals, obviously they aren't "fit" enough to survive anyway. Back onto the topic of overpopulation... well, I don't think the earth is THAT crowded at all, there are plenty of places to get lost in. I mostly agree with James on this issue. Unfortunately, war and disease will probably play the largest part in human population "control". As medicine cures deaseases, meaner ones come around. We should nuke africa... it's given us Hanta, AIDS, Smallpox (it origionated in northern africa according to pathologists), and threatens to give the world a nice pandemic of Ebola, possibly. Oh yeah, I'm serious too..
  18. Refer to my poem on teen angst... As for actual critisism: lines 5 and 6 don't match up well.. as it seems you are using an AABB pattern. You also rhyme "you" with "you", try to modify that. Otherwise, the poem seems fairly uninspired, to be honest with you. No insult intended.. Here's some ideas - Keep working on a rhyming scheme, it's good to see someone who actually tries to rhyme -Try to think about something origional or acute. Think of something that no-one has written about, and write. -Keep it up, I'm not here to discourage you.. everyone starts somewhere.
  19. I'm going to probably talk to the higher ups about this. But, really people, can't we think of more inventive questions than this? I really think the only reason this thread would hold any merit is due to Mitch's incredibly humorus and inventive answer. There are several threads about having "ultimate power" or an "undo button." While sucessful, these threads don't really generate ANY discussion, however I leave them open .... Let's post threads that could generate profound answers from other members, not insanely genius ones like Mitch. Good show Mitch :). However, I must close it, for fear of my own unrelenting ire.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Original [/i] [B]For some reason, I think the mouse-ear thing is a hoax.;) As for cloning, I'm for cloning various parts of the body, and not another whole person. That seems a bit much to me. Cloning another whole body would serve no purpose, whereas growing a liver is very helpful. We seem to agree on that much, at least. As for the whole abortion issue, I agree that it should not be discussed here. If you PM me, I will be glad to talk about the subject with you. [/B][/QUOTE] The ear thing isn't a hoax.. I've actually been able to see the mold that is used to create an ear, or a replica. [URL=http://tlc.discovery.com/convergence/superhuman/photo/zoom_03.html]Cute mouse :p[/URL] As for stem cells... people don't realize stem cells can be harvested from blood, placenta, and the unbilical chords. I am all for stem cell research, and think that any advances concerning science in this feild are more than welcome. However, I don't think the research should consist of aborted babies, or entire human cloning at ALL. I'm absolutely pro-life on the topic, and I know that being able to say "Well, at least I gave it's stem cells to save someone else," takes off part of a guilt trip that I belive [b]should[/b] be there (of course this changes in the case of rape, however I'm still pro-life in that situation). Continue research by all means, just don't kill babies in the process ^_^.
  21. Adahn--- Your sire leads you out of the building; the streets are empty. [I] It must be two A.M[/I], you ponder as the echo of some underprivileged child crying drifts down the abandoned street. The darkened shadows cast by flickering streetlights sends branches of light curling onto the brick buildings surrounding the small street you are standing near. He pulls out a phone, quickly dialing a number, letting it ring, and then hanging up. A small noise, which you quickly recognize as an engine, begins to swathe its way down the darkened thoroughfare. A dirty, slightly warn white industrial van pulls up on the side of the road. Its rusted door sends splinters of grime as it is hauled open; a few hunched figures sit silently inside. Your sire urges you forward with a slight tap as the putrid smell from within the van begins to fill your vision. You realize one of the passengers, probably vampire, is dripping wet. DuoMax---- One of the men sitting at the velvet mesa sits back. His hair, white as the burning iridescence of his skin, gazes over your appearance. In a non-saqouiter gesture, he crooks his finger, beckoning you to him. You feel your knees weakening below his gaze even as he?s looking upwards. He silently mouths you to stop a moment, and recognizing the change you cautiously stay yourself. He looks you over again, ?You?ve gotten yourself into a lot of trouble today? ? With unfettered speed he grabs your arm, pulling you off balance and towards him. As you stumble forward you feel a cold chill run through your wrist and the sound of tearing paper. His fingers squeeze your hand a bit, his vision locking your gaze to his desire, ?I doubt you?ll be missed.? You can hear the dripping of a faucet, the clanging of water to a glass bowl; its melody dueling with your life?s beating rhythm. As you look towards his hand, you notice the blood dripping into a wine glass, your wrist leaking like a broken water main. The snow-colored man?s left hand grips a shimmering blade, dripping with the same dying essence. ------- ****.. this one wasn't my best -_-
  22. The black explorer hummed a bit letting off a venerable sigh as Jordan turned the engine off. [I] I?m surprised we made it Jackson, damn Fords..[/I], he squinted at the address, ?I think I?m here? Late, but here.? Parking the car woke Jake, Jordan?s nine-year-old Labrador retriever, who barked from his temporary home in the Explorer?s trunk. ?It?s alright bud, I think we?re here! You want to go say ?hi??? He smiled. The dog seemed to smile back, his ears folded back in excitement and he let a whine, ?Alright, boy.? Jordan opened the door, smelling the air. The warmth hit him like a blanket, stark contrast from Michigan. It would be good to study in some new locations, meet up with new people. Brushing some crumbs off his corduroys, compliments of Burger King. His black button up shirt only helped magnify the effects of Californian heat. Jordan walked towards the trunk, opening it up. Jake took his sweet time, jumping down after a bit of personal delegation. He sniffed around the area, his tail seemed to move on it?s own will, fanning a large area behind him in it?s zest. Jordan leashed his old companion, closing the trunk. ?I guess I?ll unpack later.? Walking up the steps towards the door, Jordan pressed on the ceramic doorbell. Immediately he felt the tinge of embarrassment overcome his confidence, and his cheeks took on a rosy countenance. He rang the doorbell again, chuckling a bit to himself; finally he?d get to meet the people he?d been thinking about for the last few days of his humble existence. Then a figure appeared.
  23. Ugh.. have to Double post here, otherwise the players don't know if anything new has happened :( Adahn------- Your sire chortled, ?Pretty pretty girl broken,? He offered a coarse burlesque of a femme-fatal, dancing a bit around her body, ?Naughty you,? he pulled closer, his eyes widening as he heard her heartbeat? he began to tap his foot in the cruel rhythm. ?You didn?t finish her..? he groaned, slightly in contempt. You could see her chest rising slowly with slight breaths, and the air carried the peculiar tang of alcohol, her breath still dampened your clothes. Her soft chocolaty breasts trembled with her heartbeat, her breath slowly rising in intensity. Immediately your eyes are drawn away from her chest as you hear the liquid sucking sound of punctured flesh. A single ragged finger of your sire punctured her neck, almost involuntarily, the blood appeared almost black as it bubbled from the hole. Your sire smiled in your ire, his grin nefarious. The nosferatu?s boot still tapped the ground in rhythm to the heart beat? slowing? until nothing. ?Clean up this mess,? he gives you a sideways glance, walking away from the bloody mess. DouMax---- The thick man ahead of you ripples with silent amusement, ?I wouldn?t kid..? he mused before sliding a thick metal door open. The two of you are greeted with a far cleaner room, the air is calm and smells like a hospital room. The walls are fairly nice, painted well, and a great poker table sits in the middle of the room. A few figures are sitting at the table, talking quietly, playing a game of seven-card stud; you notice their poker faces are well trained. As you try to move forward, the bartender sits you down on a worn sofa near the doorway with a gruff push, holding out his dirty palm, ?Gimme the heat? now.? You notice your hand had been residing in your coat pocket the entire time. For the first time, you realize the men in the room are armed generously. ----Doukeshi--------- The young man sits on the bed, dressed in thin fabric, possibly linen. Red marks adorn his arms, pocking his skin like a deep rash. His eyes are hollow, depressed, and his gaze absent. He looks at you indifferently at your approach, denying an attempt to move. Before you stands a young boy, no older than eighteen, who?s soul is broken like the spirit-breaking of a horse, resigned to the cruel machinations of his captors. With a deep breath he lays back on the bed in defeat. ?You will now learn your true nature today, my childer,? your sire glances towards you, the word childer slipping off his tongue with forgotten archaic grace. He gestures at the boy sharply, ?Ryan, sit up..? The young boy responds, sitting up obediently, ?Ryan, tonight you are going to die.? The boy sat still at first, letting the words of his domitor sink in before smiling a bit, a final release from the tortuous life as a vampire?s plaything. His eyes quivered a bit, betraying the inherent fear that welled up within him upon such an announcement. The vampire beside you smiles like a shark, nodding as he meets your gaze. ---------Eclectic?I?ll get yours up a bit later tonight, I?m out of time at the moment. J
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][size=1] What am I expecting? I am expecting this movie to be the best of them all. [spoiler]I want to see the death of the witch king...and that (erg, can't remember names) girl that is...I believe...related to Theoden die. I also want to see Shelob in all her bitchin glory. This is where they didn't remain nice to the books...in the second book, Frodo and Sam meet up with Shelob at the end, and The Witch King and that one gal do battle to the death of them. This was what I was really looking forward to in the second movie...but didn't get it.[/spoiler] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, her name is [spoiler] Eowyn [/spoiler] and she doesn't die.. but [spoiler]Theoden[/spoiler] does. Actually she.. [spoiler] gets her arm broken fairly badly from a nice hit from WK's mace, then is poisened by his... BREATH. [/spoiler]If that's not badass.. I don't know what is. Jackson has been changing the format to set it into movie format (i.e. Boromir's death scene in fellowship). *shrug* I liked the movies, personally, thought they did justice. I think Tolkein would be impressed, in fact, he [i]wanted[/i] hollywood to take a stab at his books.. too bad he wasn't able to see it, and the money-grubbing estate he left behind bickered about the smallest details... it's lucky we even HAVE these movies. Sure there were a few screwed up parts (elves never went to Helms Deep..), but I think he's done alright. I suppose the only thing that could've been improved was his dialogue... even though he was just trying to "simplify" it for the commoners ;)
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B] But yeah. Nonexistence is there. It's just on a different plane right now. But it'll hit us. Oh, it will. We won't feel anything except a second of immense pain, then...nothing. [/B][/QUOTE] Does matter define existence? If you belive so then what is vaccum, or energy for that matter? I know Einstien's theory that energy is matter at the speet of light, [i]squared[/i]. Good luck proving it, and if you ask me, it's pretty ballpark. Not even Einstien could properly conclude why he used the wavelength of white light to theorize this. Antimatter (dark) [i]exists[/i], by definition it basically contradicts itself. It is nonexistent in fairly malleable form. You said it yourself, " Nonexistence is there. It's just on a different plane right now.", then it exists! It exists on a different plane? I don't want to get into plato's various perspectives of reality, or deep into Relativity to postulate what planes are... however if the planes exist, then even "nonexistent" objects exist. I belive non-existence is impossible, and should be re-defined as non-occurance. Why isn't a glass of water in my hand right now? Well, it does exist on several nonmaterial dimmensia, including my own mind.... however it hasn't occured. We are so limited by our own perceptions, it's scary. I know I took you too seriously, PT, this isn't directed towards you; mostly my take on non-existence.... etc.
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