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Everything posted by Drix D'Zanth
Charles, you've been too kind. This thread is far too vague for my tastes. Sure humanity has plenty of flaws. However, what are flaws compared to? Humanity's merit. So we have a 2 lane street. If you want to discuss a specific event, opinion, philosophy, experience, or what not... please do. However... Thread closed.
Oh, the game is quite finite. There's a finite number of cards, a finite number of combinations of said cards, and a finite amount of money to buy the cards. I tried the game with a friend of mine... it was ok. I prefer euchure or some other card game with a typical deck. The rules appear complex, but it's just straining at complexity and open endedness. That's why I play RPG's now... That's my take on Magic.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B]Ouch,jeeze,I'm sorry if I like something I'm involved in.It's not so much about the band,it's just not fair that we're not treated the same. i'm not totally stressed about it,or at all for that matter,i was just asking if it was like this for anybody else. And band gives you a lot of oppourtunities.You get to travel and meet new people and it is hard to do like three things at once,so you do kinda miss out on a lot,as you would with any activity,they all have their good points. Who cares?You forget about everything in a years time,live for the moment y'know? [/B][/QUOTE] I don't mind that you express your opinions.. you and the people that seemed to support your opinion just came off as whining. I hate whining. You complain that no-one likes you and yet you hold the cheerleaders in contempt, generalizing them. No one will ever treat anyone equally, it's impossible. You are riding on as much assumption as the cheerleaders you demonize on these boards, and that's the point I'm making. -Drix
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *Aura* [/i] [B]i think its really stupid, but i also don't even want to do anything this year though. Plus each class has to come up with a skit or something like that and then we have to make fools of our selves and thats just dumb. [/B][/QUOTE] So is poor post quality. Can you people please give evidence to support your claims? Honestly, we are so centered on our own lives.. we might as well live it up. My advice? Just ask her, go out on a limb and ask the person you want to go with. Chances are they'll say no.. don't expect a dramatic "yes of course!". Who cares? In the end, you just regret what you [B]didn't[/B] do...
I had the most amazing dream. First.. I logged on the computer.. and onto OB. Suddenly, everyone was spelling correctly, using proper grammer, and making discernable sense! Intelligent conversations were going on EVERYWHERE with sprinkles of sarcasm and humor. An "unmentioned" member (PM me if you MUST know) wrote like T.H. White. He even spelled "Armageddon" correctly! On the battle forums, people were actually posting sensible battles, with motivation, description and plot. In the adventure forum, people didn't spam their own threads with pointless conversation! I had a button that banned all members with one-word replys... it was amazing. Then I came to the lounge. Like every forum before, it had exteremly amazing improvements. People brought up intersting ideas. Debates commenced, postualtions brought up, and questions answered. Everyone had a writing comprehension of at least a highschool level! I was amazed as I clicked threads on relativity, status quo, renaissance art, neo-renaissance art... Then it started to begin to get a bit TOO utopian. Jenna was living with me... married o_0. I was able to see all of my ob friends somehow.. just by thinking their names. I was elected president (this will become a reality!). Then I woke up. I love good dreams.
Jesus christ.. I hate hearing the band. All it was , in highschool, was "Band this.. " and "Band that".. it was like a little 500 person sub-community within our school. If you weren't part of the band.. you missed out on ALOT apparently. I think both sides just need to grow up, you may just be taking this a bit too seriously Stardust. It's really not worth your stress.. Who give's a damn if the band has a sign or not? It's a sign.... You are all going to realize how incredibly pointless the petty bickering was in a year... *shrugs*. Good luck, Drix
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][color=royalblue] I run errands, run the disks for the moronic little bastards, AND get paid for it. That would be my current job, although I also serve parttime as a nursery worker, a techie, and a dancer for my church. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] .... o_0 nursery worker? I can see it now... Raiha in front of a group of 5 year olds. She's got a little pointing stick and there's a nice full picture porno-shot. "Ok, kids, time to learn about sex!"-Raiha, "Today we are going to discuss ... anal" "WHAT ARE YOU SHOWING THEM?!"-supervisor Raiha..."What? They're almost 6 , what's the big DEAL??" ...... The little bastards ;)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Original [/i] [B]Could you explain to us what they have stolen? In Norse mythology, the chief god, Odin, crucified himself on the World Tree and was speared in the stomach. He later, of course, rose from the grave. I could say Christianity knocked off the whole Jesus crucifiction idea from that, seeing as the Norse version happened hundreds of years earlier. But I'm not! I'm not! Lol. Just saying there are a lot of similarities beween different religions, more than you'd think. What did the Wiccan's steal exactly? [/B][/QUOTE] Ahh that's right. I forgot the Book of Fundin. Fundin 1:1-14 1 And then the pale faced, blond boy went to the romans, his muscles and size unlike anything thus seen. 2 The Roman's cried out with question, 3 What would they do about this Jewish King? 4 Fundin slaughtered a chicken with his bare hands, amazing Jerusalem 5 he proclaimed, 6 "uhh.. hi?" 7 "What sorcery is this? Are you of this.. Jesus?" , the romans asked shocked. 8 "I am Fundin the Noresman, I like to watch men die." 9 He picked up a rock and hit Aseodipus Marcelicus in his eye, killing him. 10 "Got milk?" He said, before taking a tree. 11 Fundin skewered a Jew on the tree crying 12 I am a crazy viking, kill your king like the tree this man and all of you shall live happily plundering the villages, taking the women, raping, burning, pillaging. It will be much fun and drunken swaggor!" 14. And so it was done..
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]hey, there are much worse sex perverts in America. The japanese have a rep for being polite and hospitabal to all, just as being freindly. You should try to brush up on simple fraises before leaving though. Maybe read a book on it on the air plane. Know what i'm sayin'? [/B][/QUOTE] You can look up words if you don't know how to spell them. Sometimes it helps getting your idea across if people don't know what you mean, to be able to spell accurately, that is. As for "worse" sex perverts. Well, no.. it's all about the same. Japanese are like the English, I've found. If you piss them off, they'll avoid you, they aren't as "in your face" as Americans are. So the culture is very exclusive. Wrist cutter speaks the truth, Japan has far more sexual assault. We're talking about a culture that until ohhh '85, i think , nudity was legal except for pubic hair? What did pornography companies do? They used early and pre-pubescents instead of their normal 'actresses'. Japanese culture really only founds it's morality on the utilitarian *shrug*. Ever read the Rape of Nanking? Good read, opens eyes. I guess I could go into more detail.. but I think the point's taken.
What would you do with a Trillion dollars?
Drix D'Zanth replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in General Discussion
I had to whipe tears from my eyes as I looked at the date of the LAST post before hack's... April first..... I'm going to be very calm now... Tsukasa_hack.. don't..ever.. do ... this.. again. Thread closed. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Haze_Gundam006 [/i] [B] how can you say that??? to me that "i will pray for you" bs is so insulting it as if you slapped my face through the computer. you have no right to speak about her choices in that way. they are HERS not yours. .[/B][/QUOTE] I'm not telling her how to make her choices. I'm just reacting to the inevitable consequences of that choice. This is in the OB Lounge, If you want to argue this, argue it there. Let's not carry this over 2 forums..
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Valen [/i] [B]OT: Lol, this has become quite the suprising thread. IT: Just a small question on that... How, in a very formal way, would you be "saved" from something created by one man who was bored, wrote a book, someone picked it up and considered it a "holy manuscript," then made a religion of it? I'm not saying God doesn't exist, he very well could exist, but what I don't get, nor ever gotten because our so-called "priest" couldn't even answer this, is why do so many worship when their second commandment was "Thou shalt not worship" or idolize or something like that? They're breaking their own rules. As for the whole "magic is evil" thing, what did that Moses dude use when he parted the Red Sea? Trade Winds?[/B][/QUOTE] Ahh you got me there. I must've read over the portion of the Bible that says Moses uses wiccan Craft. *re-reads*... no wait... :rolleyes: I love how you assume to know exactly how the bible came along. I'm sure you've met this man who created the faux word of God right? You have no idea how the Bible came along, or anything about christianity... How do I know? "is why do so many worship when their second commandment was "Thou shalt not worship" or idolize or something like that? They're breaking their own rules." - You didn't even bother looking it up? Or were you too diluded in your own opinions to actually do some reasearch... The Bible commands God's followers to worship GOD and only GOD , that you cannot worship another idol or god... *sighs* You don't have to follow god *shrug* your loss :( Oh, and the Bible doesn't save anyone. Recieving Jesus, being forgiven of your sins, is what saves someone. Once again.. please think before you type :D [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Valen [/i] [B]Hell eh? And where might this Hell place be at, hmm?[/B][/QUOTE] You'll know better than I. Where's heaven? Where's Diana and Luna? Where's all the Wiccan Craft? Nope.. no miriacles on TV, no [I]real[/I] spells. You know as well as I do that believing isn't necessarily seeing; don't try to pin me with a remark that bites both ways.. that just makes you look ...wrong. *shrug* [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Valen [/i] [B]...Oh yeah, and if you think Wicca is a strict religion that has a base belief system that says you have to believe in multiple gods/goddesses, you're very wrong. You can believe in only one god or goddess and not be given a second thought, whereas in Christianity, if you don't believe in something about it you'll be looked on as someone who needs "saving" from the unknown. Which is another reason I like Wicca way more than Christianity. No offense to anyone that's a heavy believer of Christianity, but meh, just the way I see things. [/B][/QUOTE] I didn't say anything that you pin on me... your wiccan pal, Guardian Star did. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Valen [/i] [B] Drix, for all your Christian arguments, your signature disturbs me. I am aquainted with Jonny the Homocidial Maniac through secular friends, as well as Interview with a Vampire, though I've never read an entire Jonny Comic or seen the Anne Rice movie or read the book, I know enough that they aren't very good influences. Also, the Bible is clear about gay relationships, so why are you in a yaoi fan club? I'm sorry, I don't mean to be critical or to condemn, but that doesn't show the Christian character that you display in your arguments. [/B][/QUOTE] Yaoi means gay?..... :blush: Didn't know that! Well I dont ideolize the messages Interview with a Vampire or Johnny the Homocidal Maniac encourage, I flirt with the ideas, but I don't agree with them. I recognize them as petty and harmless entertainment. Plus, Lestat's badass... and we all love a good badass sometimes, don't we ? ;) No.. I just like vampires.. call me morbid or EVIL, *shrug* I don't take it as seriously as my banner suggests.... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Valen [/i] [B]Which also means you shouldn't go around saying "Oh! You're not Christian! I'll pray for you and try to save you!" or "What? You're not Christian? YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!" The above was not directed directly towards anyone, only those who run around saying it. Trust me, it'll only make the people hate you more. [/B][/QUOTE] Christianity tells us to love eachother, even our enemies. I'll give you an analogy: If you saw someone that you loved walking into a pool of water.. She/he cannot swim. Slowly but surely he/she will drown in the end. Let's say you are on the shore, and you have a life-preserver to save him/her(Jesus). Wouldn't you call out to them? Wouldn't you offer to throw them a life-preserver of their own? If people are praying for you, please count your blesssings, It means they care. I don't want to see anyone I love OR hate go to hell, from what I belive, the place is far to terrible. Don't reject the opportunity to be saved because you are blinded by spite. We as Christians aren't threatening you, or dooming you to Hell. Everone dooms his or herself....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by doukeshi03 [/i] [B]Well, yes that I understand. However, is blindly worshipping an all powerful being that you can only feel in your heart any less foolish? Yes, you have the right to pray for me because I am not christian and you think I'm going to hell. I also have the right to pray to this piece of blu tak stuck to the top of my computer. Are those two things any less foolish? I don't hold God in contempt, how can I if I don't believe in him. P.S if any of that sounded belittling or spiteful in any way i appologise. [/B][/QUOTE] Yup.. I'll definately be praying for the blu tak! Anyway, no, I don't "blindly" follow my religion. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by that; is following one guidline and deity blindess? Well, I understand and recognize my options, choices, and alternatives. No, praying to a God is not foolish unless there's no reason to. You see, Christianity belives praying to God is literally talking to him. Just because you can't understand it (and no one can truely understand without experiencing) doesn't make it foolish. That was the point I was trying to make. I can't assume to understand God, nor can GS, but let's not be so critical about something we may never comprehend, right?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sweetie_rei [/i] [B]well we havent found anyting else yet............my friend almost chipped her tooth on a school made cheesebuger...... [/B][/QUOTE] ..... sweetie_rei, it's a no-no to dig back up threads that are over a month and a half old. People stopped posting on them for a reason. *taps your hand* nono. Thread closed.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Meteora [/i] [B][color=666666][size=1][i]So would that include banned members? Because theyhaven't posted in a whiel and they wont be able to. SO would they count?[/color][/size][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] ... Yeah, good idea. Nothing like seeing a user named dayday walk around, carrying that whole reputation without being the same person! *sigh* I guess whoever wants to sign up should wipe their tears and think of something a BIT more origional than ssjgoku...
What is time in the eyes of the lord, and who are you to test him? Can [I]you[/I] create the world ? ;) He may have done it purposefully, decidedly taking a determined amount of time... the ways of a being so omnipotent are incredible. God doesn't need magic, he's...well... all powerful :D! Just because our minds can't , nor ever will understand the method of God doesn't mean we should hold him in contempt. That's just foolish..
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Xyandar [/i] [B]Well If it does count then I have been in the paper 7 times going on 8 next week. I've been on Tv 3 times and radio once. [/B][/QUOTE] No it doesn't count Xyandar. Please stay on topic. thanks -Drix
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GuardianStorm [/i] [B]I think the only reason ppl made up Hell was to scare ppl into being Christian. Which, of course, was stupid and an idiodic thing to do in the first place. And I guess i believe that Jesus could have lived, but what does it matter now? I mean, he's dead, and God did say that he wasnt gonna do another flood and mess with man kind again.[/B][/QUOTE] No... no new flood, God's just going to destroy the world and give the final judgment. Listen, we are living on a plane that is crashing towards the ground, Jesus is the parachute. You have the choice to take it, or deny it, the fact is it will happen. I don't think hell was created by people, but by Satan... you may belive what you want, this shouldn't be a debate on christianity (it's truth or not, i.e.) I think you have some misconceptions about christianity as most have about wiccan. You realize that God is alive? He's inside me, and whoever belives in him, there's more to god than a fear of damnation.. he gives us a personal relationship. Any of you feel incomplete? God completes me. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GuardianStorm [/i] [B] And if your wondering how a Wiccan knows this stuff, i went to a Christian church for about five years, then another for two. Then I finally found UUCG, the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Gwinnett. Its a church for those who arent Christian. Not neccisarily Wiccan, though. [/B][/QUOTE] Usually "church" refers to Christianity. Seeing as you assume there will be another great deluge.. then I don't think they taught you very well at all ;) [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GuardianStorm [/i] [B]My BFFL is christian, and she doesnt care that Im a witch. niether do alot of ppl i know.[/B][/QUOTE] Personally, if she doesn't want you to be saved, she isn't all that awesome of a friend. I don't PUSH christianity on my friends, but I pray for them, I care for them. I wish that my best friend would be a Christian because she is an amazing person, with a good heart. Death is inevitable.. time slips away...
Well, as much as you "belive" in Jesus, you don't follow him... you are basically breaking the first commandment. "I am The Lord your God. You shall have no other gods before Me." Exodus 20:2-3 Sorry hun, your trying to be polytheistic in a monothestic religion. As for my opinion on Wicca? Well, I gave a bit on your story.. I'll edit some in later.. I must now slumber.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megumi [/i] [B]I'm related (in some way) to Robert E. Lee, and I have Swedish royalty in my ancestry. That's all I know. [/B][/QUOTE] You live in Virginia? Cause if you do.. you are SOMEHOW related to Lee, it just takes a bit of a search.. but it's there. I found out I may be related to Adam and Eve. On my dad's side, my grandpa's side to be more specific is related to the Archduke Ferdinand... the inadvertent instigator of WW1... My mother's side is heavily Corsican, and apparently I'm somehow related to Napoleon Boneparte.... *shudders*.. too cool to be true, I bet. My mom's dad's side is an almost direct descendant to Besckhy Smydra.. apparently a King of Poland, I'll look up more later. (He was a really drall king, if I recall correctly.. he didn't do really ANYTHING... at all...)
*eyes strain over the jumping of thoughts and random smileys* Please try to keep the topic a bit more focused and your ideas a bit clearer. As for senior pictures.. mine took maybe an hour! The lady took over 300 pictures when we did it, and she said I was the record! At first I thought that being a quick pic would result in poor photos, her skill stood the trial of my scrutiny. The pictures were marvelous. I think I'll enjoy them twenty years from now, to see my youthful babyface! I plan on posting one of them on OB, as soon as I can manage to find a scanner. I have such a shexy face ;). Actually.. now that I look at it *looks at picture*, I had quite the babyface! O.o It's hard to belive I was [I]that[/I] old in the pictures. I hope the youth lasts ^_^.
Erik, as always you impress me. Your writing skills are unparalelled on this board. I love your use of stanza. Very clever writing, and a story that could be intepreted in more ways than one. I empathize your message! "From my greatest strength I must flee Though giving in would cause rejoice" This passage is extremely profound in my opinion. The irony you presents is simple and powerful. I can think of thousands of ways our minds can be as much of a burden as a blessing. I can also relate this to more than a mind, or wisdom. 400th post, what an honor to have spent it on this. thanks for gracing the board! Your friend, Jordan
I don't see why anyone would be mad at you. It's not like you tweak them intentionally. Freedom of religion here, as much as I or whoever posts here may not like it. Wan't my personal opinion on witchcraft? I feel bad that you practice it. I don't hate you, nor am I angry at you. Being a Christian, Wicca is sin and the study of it. I will pray on behalf of you... As for your stories.. the titles are almost SCREAMING for a discussion on wicca or something of that nature. I couldn't really resist. I think your stories could be arranged better. Make a bit more use of paragraphs to split up moments of time or speech. There are a few spelling and grammar errors. Your tenses change several time in the story on several occasions. You have a good writing style for a beginner, always room for improvement. I would ask you make use of similies and metaphors a bit more. Also, try to use some creative adjectives to bring a bit more of your writing to life! Please, keep up the writing, like any skill; better with practice
Firstly, humans are not, as Artemis put it, sentient beings. Sentience means surviving without the need for any social interaction or reliance of some sort. I'll elaborate if contested, but let my point stand. Secondly, I've found the same as you Erik. I didn't enjoy last summer particularily because I missed the almost constant company of people every day. School literally forces us to socialize somehow, and I relish in it. It's good to see friends every day now (almost every day ^_^) that the whole season's started up. I've felt the desire to be free of my parents for a few years now. I love my family to death, but I enjoy the freedom of being on your own! I love being accountable to my actions only, instead of the preverbial head-over-your-shoulder late-adolescent period. It's ok to feel helpless now, take chances and test your boundaries. Reach out a bit more and talk with girls ;). Heh, that last one is a bit superficial, I realize, but *shrugs*... I know alot of people that would be more than lucky to have you around as a friend more often! I think you should proactively choose how you want to fill the desire, but be careful of "desire". To desire the object sometimes leads to desiring the idea of the object. This leads to either a lack of accomplishment, or a resentment once you achieve the object, but the desire remains. In sort, keep your expectations low, but your aspirations high. Motivate yourself, but keep the goals within reach. I know you have the potential to be as social as you choose. You're a senior, live it up!
I would most definately reccomend them if you prefer using your imagination to define the constraints upon which you create your setting. Much like the Adventure arena , RPG's are more or less limited by imagination. However, Pen and Paper RPG's usually have a definitive set of rules that help take out the random guesswork of an RPG. This puts the game in far more realistic constraint, as you now have some guideline to determine what can or cannot happen. Usually deciding if an action fails or suceeds is within the dice roll. I would reccomend using some system, DnD, Rifts, S&S, or my favorite: Vampire: the Masquerade. This allows you and a group of equaly enthusastic and imaginative friends to explore the boundless realities of Pen and Paper Roleplaying. It's a rewarding experience when used in moderation, and proper maturity. -Drix